
Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by BeastTheNinja

  1. please say what your rp name is in game insteadf of putting your name steam id there your steam id is supposed to be on steam name
  2. Woah woah woah, CG can not enter VDC we spawn our speeders outside of MB or at the hangar beside the VDC never inside for CG is not permitted there and have never been
  3. just wait the 3 days, and i dont hope for you what you just said is true, but if it is i feel really bad for you
  4. +1 i also believe this is the same duckz that joined CG so he kinda need to discord, other wise he can't log AR's and cadet loggings when he get nco
  5. +1 you deserve another chance but you did make CG a hell back then damn, but you did improve that year and i saw that, so you deserve a chance, just dont make CG a hell again XD
  6. Sry but -1 Low Playtime who are you? get more known in the community
  7. Neautral Give me more juice at the quick summary idk who you are but you do have a high rank EDIT : +1 he changed his quick summary and it looks a bit better
  8. well i did state it was in moderating a RP server, i dont know what you a reffereing too but none the less i will remember that
  9. Template In Game Name: CG Beast Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:228751016 Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: No i am not In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): Plat vip + CG Sergeant Beast Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: i have very little experince in staffing RP server Age: 18 Playtime: 6 weeks 1 day 12 hours Predicted time on server per week: 25-50 hours since i do have school and work Warns/bans: N/A Do you use a microphone: Yes i do have a Microphone What do you aim to achieve in our staff team: I archieve to be the role model the server needs and help out where there needs help at, I aim to make sure that the server is enjoy able to be on, and make sure that no one ruins the fun of others. Why do you stand out among other candidates: Well if i have to be honest, I dont stand out among others because i have only a lil experince with using certain commands but i do see, when i need admins to ban someone because they ltarp then i know they are using the !xban command, i know how to kick and mute people, But there are people with more knowledge than me, so i dont stand out, im only here and want to be able to make the server a happy place to be on, i want people to enjoy the server, not for people that old on the server but make sure the new players that comes, to enjoy the server so they dont have to leave because, some people, was a douch, towards them, i want that new players that joins the server to feel welcomed appreciated in our community, and help them archieve there goals aswell. Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words):The reason for why you should pick me is because I know I will be able to fulfill the duty and responsibilities that a staff member has, but I also want to make sure that the server is more enjoyable for new people that comes and make sure to help them and, make sure no one is breaking the rules, I want the server to become a friendly happy community that all new people can come join without being threatened by people, but instead be welcomed into the new world of people, and of course still be mature and competent, but from time to time you can have some fun, fun in the good way of course, but still take responsibilities, for what is going on, and always help your other staff team to fulfill there duty aswell because if they are struggling I will help to a point they don’t struggle because we still want out place in the staff team, we don’t want to show handle this big job, but anyway I have been a admin on a CSGO server before and I have archieved a big rank, in a Gmod server from the same community I have been moderating there aswell, so I know how to handle the different circumstances, and I just want to help out the new people and the old people and the rest of the community to a better place, and I can’t do it without having the rest of the team with me, So its your choice who become the new moderator. Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed: Yes I do understand that, because it will be my own fault for its removal. If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: Well i dont do anything because if im SOD im on my OOC job not my IC job, but if i was on my IC job i would just remind them to salute to those certain people because of there rank. You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: Well if i haven't fulfilled my duty and gotten my minimums i have to explain to Staff hierachy why i haven't been able to, and then tell them you will get more next week so i dont have to show that im incompetent for the rank. You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: Well if i dont like the staff member i should propaply talk with him/her, to figure out why, and if that dont help and there will just be aggression between me and him/her, then we have to talk with staff hierachy about it, and in worse case scenario, if that dosen't work and nothing helps, then i would be happily to resign so there wont be more drama of that sort anymore, even if im a competent staff member that does and take the job seriously Anything else: WGSWRP
  10. i have only seeing you as a initiate job 1 time, so i dont know who you are im sry
  11. i have seeing this guy for a long time now i have seeing him grow and change, obtaining peacekeeper is a succesfully goal for its hard to get in there, plus all the other +1's sums up everything so a FAT +1
  12. +1 my guy i really dont need to say anything since most of the stuff is stated, but i just wanna say thank you for applying staff i was wondering when you would do it
  13. What your suggestion is: when there is a base attack why not turn on the button to give some effectScriptfodder/workshop link: N/A its already on the serverAny additional information: I think it would create a more effect when the base is under attack and maybe, when the button is pressed it will sound the alarm and i will also say as a base AI the base is under attack, then the Batt will say to everyone get on defcon 3 or something, in my opinion it just give that extra effect to the server, and idk why we dont use it anymore, but guess was its obnoxious?
  14. +1 Give him another chance i believe he have thought through it
  15. -1 use the template please and you would not been banned if you crashed for if you chrased it will say user timed out, but since you are banned for ltarp i believe you disconnected by user
  16. seems fun tools and looks like it will give the EP's for more destruction when its defcon 1 you can set the ship on destruction and you have that small time to get out of the venator before its gone aka you are dead, it can open so many oppoutunitites (idk how to spell that) +1 for now
  17. I was going to put a neutral but since kids provided that hard evidence its a -1 i feel no symphaty for you and you can wait those 2 weeks out so have fun minging on other servers for 2 weeks
  18. +1 I dont really need to state why since people already stated
  19. -1 Reasons above plus you are only a nco get a little higher rank