Henk - DutchDavin

CWRP Executive Administrator
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Posts posted by Henk - DutchDavin

  1. -1

    It is not up to the person who was the victim to decide if you get warned or not. This is up to the staff member who was called or who has seen it happening. You broke the rule and you get a warn for that. Other server might do it different but we do it like this. 

  2. 18 hours ago, Hazel said:

    41ts has scout armour because they're a scouting regiment, CE has a pilot and engineer helmets because they're Pilots and Engineers, Keller has it because he's a lore character, It wouldn't make sense for 212th to have it.

    The knock back thing +1 but with the helmets I agree with hazel there is just no reason to have them.

  3. I can only find a 2 day ban with that steamid for NH2RP and that was on 31/7/21

    Considering that the logger has issues sometimes I will give this a neutral because  you haven’t given me a lot to base my judgment on, but I believe that people can learn from their mistakes

  4. Neutral

    First why would you land there? Cause a ship clearly can’t fit there. Second you could have gone in to first person cause that is what you do in these situations when you can’t see a thing. 

    But it looked like an incident.

  5. 10 hours ago, Escalator said:

    You do understand that I'm not suggesting to add the self repair/restock feature right? I'm just suggesting to update the LFS addons to the latest version and that the repair/restock feature can be turned off.

    Well +1 then

  6. -1
    First of all this will not work because then you will have 5 ships in the air for transport because every reg thinks they need their own transport.
    Second with these regimental pilots you suggest, they will be under different regimental leaders while if you do transport it is very useful to be able to communicate with the other people who are doing transport (speaking from experience) plus battalion can just leave the flying to CE and not worry about it, with reg pilots this will be an completely different story.
    And at last suggesting this will most likely kill our regiment and I don't see the point because we do our job just fine.

  7. +1
    All of CE have wanted this for a long time. I believe we can improve the quality of the LAAT with these new improved LAAT there are multiple versions like a space version an Bomber and more!! The animations on this look sick aswel. I can’t think of a reason why we would not add this.


    5 hours ago, Hazel said:

    I can't do that as Garry's mod has a limit on how many vertices it can have on a model and adding the pilot stuff to each model would exceed that limit especially on hierarchy and medic models

    Would you be able to change the pilot and engineering helmet around? Pilot just looks a lot cooler.

  9. What your suggestion is: 
    Remove the pilot armor and add the helmet as a selecteble head. (and maby add a cool hierarchy texture in aswell. This is optional tho)

    Why this should be added: 
    This should be added because it just looks cooler and the pilot helmet will be used more. We usually spawn with the pilot armor and it is just annoying because we dont really like to wear the armor without kama or poldren. (Dont understand why it got changed in the first place but it is what it is)

    Scriptfodder/workshop link:

    Any additional information:


  10. -1 

    First: There is no point. CG Hierarchy has it and they already don’t use it like they are supposed to. They never use the dropship for prisoner transport and just use it for transport in events and flying around.

    Second: They have already given to many regiments a ship (to many in my opinion) CE are the pilots of the server. If they are just gonna give every reg a ship there is no point in having CE.