Apollo - Karl Sommerfield

ICRP Senior Moderator
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Posts posted by Apollo - Karl Sommerfield

  1. Hello,

    I have had limited experience with you in-game, but I don't see that as needed for me to say your decent. I remember you from old times in SA and you were pretty good then. The application is nice, with some small spelling mistakes but doesn't matter as long as I can understand what your getting across. Your small amount of warnings shows you have been abiding by the rules for a long period of time.  Again I have never personally spoken to you but I don't see you as a bad pick. For all the reasons above and also your other replies I will be giving you a +1.

    Good Luck!

  2. I did say twice. But I am sorry for the miscommunication. Hopefully, this clears things up. You also have many warnings for FailRP so it wouldn't have been a new thing to explain to you. You have a B9 ban and I gave you a B10.

  3. Was told to ban you by the server manager. You were talking about Palestine and Israel which didn't exist and also I was the only staff member at the time so I couldn't do much. Don't really see how this is staff abuse but okay. This meant that Varem also brought all of the propushers to the roof who I later also banned right after you.

  4. Hello,

    I have never had a personal dealing with you IC or OOC so I can't comment on how you conduct yourself so I will leave that aside for now. So, based on your application I would say you have somewhat of a good understanding of what staff does and how they are meant to handle certain situations. One thing that does alarm me a small amount is your amount of playtime and the amount of warns that you have during that amount of time. 3 weeks and 5 Days is a smaller amount of playtime compared to a lot of other people on the server (not saying this is a bad thing). During this time you have been warned 11 times which is not the worst but your playtime is not very good. The application itself is missing a lot of detail and also has several mistakes throughout.

    Based on all of this and never being able to speak to you before I will be leaving a -1.

    Good Luck!

  5. Hello, 

    So the way I see this is that you left the server before a staff member gave you permission to be able to leave the RP. In this situation, you should have called staff and told them about why you had to leave, and then they could have given you permission. You left without contacting staff or saying anything to the kidnappers so I assume the staff member who banned you wasn't aware why you left and banned you as a result of this. I do understand this and I get that you want to prioritize your real life over the server, but you also tried to reconnect to the server 20 minutes after you left the server. So whatever you were doing in real life can't have been as urgent as you made it out to be. Either way, the ban should stand. 

    As a result, I will be giving your appeal a -1.

  6. Hello,

    I was present with the staff member who warned you at the time and you literally started to try and break out of cuffs in the sit when he brought you. If this isn't enough one of your friends went on to threaten the staff member who banned you with a appeal against him if he wasn't unbanned.

    Also it is only a 1 day ban just wait it out you have less than 24 hours left as this appeal had been made. I will be giving this a -1.

  7. Hello,

    You were warned by me as I had seen you do this and the person who reported you also had a video. After the situation you went AFK. From what I saw in the video and what I saw myself you were killed. Proceeding this you then went to the area and saw your car was being stolen. You switched job to civilian and then in the same minute switched back to your RAD job and began to play so that the person couldn't steal your car. 

    Anyways I hope this clears thing's up.

  8. RP Character name/s: Karl Sommerfield

    Steam Name: God

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:459897252

    Age when applying: 16

    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: GMT +0

    Can you speak and type English fluently?: Yes

    Current total game-time on the server: 10w 1d 14h

    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP: Oberwachtmeister, PAC 3, Platinum VIP

    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?: Yes. I mainly speak.

    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?: I joined in 2018 and I have been on and off due to school but now I have finished and some of the changes have have happened that allow me to play again.

    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?: Everyday

    List of all previous RP server staff experience: I was Senior Moderator and also Event Planner

    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify):

    Emmanuel Mauser (HL-RP Vice Manager/Security Staff)
    Aiden Mertz (Senior Admin)
    Jonas Hoffman (Admin)
    Agilber Doberschmicht (Admin)
    Otto von Bierschenk (Senior Moderator)
    Hanz Hartholz (Senior Moderator)
    Eddie Hallgren (Senior Moderator)
    Tony Vendetta (Moderator)
    Ludwig Mainz (Moderator)
    Markus Scheppert (Moderator)

    State your previous OOC punishments: I have 2 warns. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2706934020

    State the role of staff on the server: The role of staff on the server is to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that nothing is out of hand or becomes a problem. Another role of staff is to help players on the server should they have any problems such as not knowing how to do a certain activity they may want to do IC. Also they are there to stop rule breakers or as they are called minges from ruining the server and more importantly ruining other people’s experience on the server. Staff should also mainly just to make sure that all things on the server run smoothly and ensure that no players have any problems.

    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+): In 1940 the was is going very well for Germany. They have just finished the invasion of Poland which was joint with the USSR in a swift and destructive blitzkrieg. Later this year the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS push through the low countries and sweep them in a matter of days with small resistance. This enables them to be able to bypass the formidable Maginot line. From here they quickly push the British Expeditionary force and the French army to the channel. As you are probably aware they were forced back to a costal town named Dunkirk. Dunkirk was a naval evacuation of nearly 300,000 British and French troops. This came as a small upset to Reichsmarschall Herman Goring as he promised Adolf Hitler the Luftwaffe could take out the remaining expeditionary force from the air. After this the next main event to come was the Battle of Britain where the the British and German navy and air force would face each other. The beginning of the campaign brought great success and also promising hopes of a naval invasion of the British Isles. As the battle dragged on and the the RAF was on the brink of collapse the German's switched tactics. This shift in focus from military targets and airfields allowed the RAF to regroup. Due to this pivotal mistake it allowed the RAF enough time to reform what little they had and hold firm. 

    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them?: Yes

    Have you read the punishment list ( Punishment List v3.0 ) and are familiar with it?: Yes

    Former Staff Questions:

    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?: I was staff for around 3-4 months.

    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?: Senior Moderator.

    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?: I resigned as I headed into my final year of school and I had to really prioritise what I needed to do.

    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?: Not leave and stay committed as many people do know me for this and I do agree I have left a few times. This time I am here to prove that I can be a competent and good staff member and also that I have the time to be able to play.

    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?: I have matured a lot since I was staff. Not only just by my age but in my actual way that I speak to people and how I handle certain situations. I also have a lot more free time which may not be an improvement to myself but it will show my dedication.

    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:

    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: I would first teleport to the player who had requested the sit in the first place and ask him for the name of the player who has been RDMing. I would then check the logs to see if that specific player's name was there and if he had killed someone or not. If he had then I would bring them both to a rooftop (that is not accessible to players) and ask the person who killed players randomly whether he had any reasoning for what he did. Say he did have good reasoning then I would go on to explain to the player who requested the sit why he was able to kill players in that certain situation. But, say he had no reason I would first check the player's warnings to see if he had committed an offence like this before. If he already had a Tier I warning for RDM then I would proceed with a Tier II as the player has obviously not learned their lesson or cared to read or acknowledge the rules in any way. If he had no warnings for this type of rule breaking before then I would give him a Tier I warning and leave it there and return both players to RP.  Say he was new to the server then I would inform him of the rules and give him the link in which he can find them and tell him to read them thoroughly.

    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official: I would inform the player of the many ways that he can become a Reich Official. I would begin with the two main options on the server which would be the Heer or the SS. After this I would explain to the player the different roles of both factions and what they do. If the player gave me some information on what he was interested in then I would at this point make a suggestion for him on which of the two to join. Then I would tell him about the RSHA within the SS and what they do and how you can join them. I would also tell them about all of the newer regiments such as the Luftwaffe and what requirements you need to join e.g. is it Platinum VIP or not. Finally I would go over the NSDAP and all of the departments and tell them how they are more about the state and legislation rather than combat and protection

    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around: I would briefly take them away from RP to a rooftop and proceed to tell them that what he is doing is against the rules and he needs to stop it immediately as this is a Serious RP server and minges are not tolerated at all. Say he was new to the server and had not yet fully come to grasp the rules. I would give him the rules and tell him to read through them. But if he was an experienced player and after returning him he continued to mess around and not RP properly I would again take him away and issue him with a NITRP Tier II as he clearly knows what he is doing and is refusing to comply with the rules.

    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly: I would teleport to the player and ask what the problem was and what specifically he was doing wrong in his role. The reason for this is I would be able to determine whether or not he is not RPing in his role correctly and make an assessment before coming to any conclusions. I would secondly take him out of RP as he would clearly be causing disruptions to other players and ruining the experience. I would then ask him why he is not RPing and if there was another situation I would deal with that. But if he had no reason and was a veteran on the server then I would Issue a NITRP Tier I depending on whether he had previous warnings for this type of rule breaking.

    5) A player is prop spamming: I would grab their Steam ID and permanently ban them as quickly as possible. If I am not quick enough this could lead to server performance issues and also drive away new players.

    Answer the following questions in detail:

    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments: A Tier I warning is given when a new player joins the server and isn’t aware of any of the rules that the server has. This can also be given when someone accidentally does something or does not intend for it to happen. These warnings may come with a one day ban or a kick. A Tier II is more severe as it shows that the player has repeatedly broken the same rule more than once and hasn't read the rules or tried to change their ways to abide by the rules. There are a broad range of bans for Tier II warnings which can go up to a permanent ban.

    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming: IC means In-Character and OOC means Out Of Character. Starting with IC it means that everyone is in their roles and properly and RPing seriously and no one is messing around or minging. OOC is much different in comparison, if someone says something OOC it cannot relate in any way to what is happening IC. This means that anything can be said in OOC and gives players the opportunity to chat with each other with rules.

    Meta Gaming is when a Gestapo Agent is undercover and he is just walking around the streets. Then someone randomly comes up to him and says you are an Agent. This is done without any prior knowledge or meeting the player in-game before this. So it is basically bringing OOC knowledge IC and using it to your advantage. 

    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP: Serious RP is when you are always IC and do not talk in OOC at all when you are IC. You are always active and participating in trainings. Semi-Serious RP is when it is a bit more relaxed and people need to be as serious as say in the middle of a training or an event where you have to follow orders. This is more of a time where players can socialise and talk with each other without being told to be more serious or get IC.

    4) Define PassiveRP and explain it's role and importance in a serious RP gamemode: PassiveRP is to say when a Sanitater is applying stitches to a wound he may do this by using a /me. This is important to the server as it not only immerses the player in the actual RP but builds an atmosphere and makes the server a lot more realistic. This is vital to SeriousRP as it makes it more realistic in a sense which makes the RP more serious as they actually have to perform things that are not always related to combat.  Serious RP also builds the atmosphere as these two go hand in hand in the terms that one cannot work without the other.

    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting: Combat Baiting is say when a player pulls out a weapon and then runs away in the view of other players so that they will then pursue them. This will give them a reason to perhaps counter the player who is chasing them and creating a reason for them to engage in combat and kill another player. For example this could be an OrPo guarding at the PD and someone pulls out a gun quite far away but doesn't shoot. As soon as they see the OrPo make a run for them they move out of sight and maybe to a group who can then use this situation to overpower the individual and kidnap them.

    Have you added the Manager [Varem] on Steam? Have you added the Manager on Discord? - Danielwb03#5804. If not, add him: Added

    Have you added the Vice Manager [Scheppert] on Steam? Have you added the Vice Manager on Discord? - KyleK#2874. If not, add him: Pending

    Have you added the Staff Manager [Vogel] on Steam? Have you added the Staff Manager on Discord? - Cepehi#4896. If not, add him: Added

    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words): I think that I stand out among other candidates because I have been on the server for about 2 years. I feel like the server needs more staff at the moment to handle sits at night and during the day at some points and I feel like I can assist with that greatly. Another reason that I think I could become staff is that I am dedicated to the server and I am making a return full time and committing. I feel like I am liked on the server and hopefully people would like to see me as staff on the server. I want to help the server grow also and help people out on the server so that they can have a good experience on the server. I also want to help the server out and stop minges from breaking rules on the server and also make sure that the server runs smoothly. I have a good understanding of basic Ulx commands which may make it easier for me to become a staff. A big factor I think is because I am in the time zone the server is in which enables me to be on during peak hours. I feel like I can also be on a lot and not be inactive which would make me a good staff member during the day to take sits. I am also aware that I have only just came back to the server recently like a week and a half ago but I have a lot more time and also plan to play the server a lot more due to the updates that are due to come in the new year. 

    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes.

  9. +1

    To be honest I don't even think that he should have been warned for this at all never mind banned but that is besides the point. The situation is very cloudy so to speak because I do understand what Paul is talking about people normally get kidnapped all around the PD and not in the PD itself. This would naturally cause confusion and given his position is the SS his primary focus at that time would be to call for backup.

    Also the point where he was being gun pointed from would have been very hard for him to identify that it was him being gun pointed as the parson was outside the building. Another reason  this should be lowered is due to the fact that it is a complete misunderstanding in the sense that Paul didn't intentionally run away from them he just didn't see them. I feel what Paul said should have happened they just get returned to the RP situation and carry on the with gun point.

    Either way I feel it should be at least moved to a Tier I warn or removed completely.

    Good Luck!

  10. RP Character name/s: Karl Sommerfield

    Steam Name: God

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:459897252

    Age when applying: 16

    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: UK, GMT +0

    Can you speak and type English fluently?: Yes

    Current total game-time on the server: 9w 5d 22h

    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP: OrPo Wachtmeister, Platinum VIP

    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?: Yes I do. I speak nearly all of the time but I can type if it is needed.

    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?: I joined the server in September of 2018 and took one long break until November 2019 when I returned to the server.

    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?: I use TS3 everyday and I check the forums everyday as well.

    List of all previous RP server staff experience: I was Senior Moderator and Event Planner

    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify): Maximilian Vogel (Executive Administrator), Bierschenk (Senior Moderator), Emmanuel Mauser (Security Staff / HL-RP Vice-Manager)

    State your previous OOC punishments: I currently have 2 warnings and I have been banned a few times for false reasons which were later lifted. 

    State the role of staff on the server: The role of staff on the server is to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that nothing is out of hand or becomes a problem. Another role of staff is to help players on the server should they have any problems such as not knowing how to do a certain activity they may want to do IC. Also they are there to stop rule breakers or as they are called minges from ruining the server and more importantly ruining other people’s experience on the server. Staff should also mainly just to make sure that all things on the server run smoothly and ensure that no players have any problems. 

    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+): The year is 1943 and in Berlin all seems fine. This is much different in comparison to the Eastern Front where the Germans and being crushed by Soviet Forces who are slowly but surely driving them back into the Reich. There were many pivotal points in 1943 some of them being the German loss at the Battle of Stalingrad. Also another crushing blow to the Wehrmacht at the Battle of Kursk where the Panzer Divisions were overwhelmed by the waves of Russian T-34 tanks. The Americans opened up a third front for the Reich as well when they began to invade the lower reaches of Italy and proved that the Italian Army could not hold their land.

    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them?: Yes I have and I am familiar with them.

    Have you read the punishment list ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gc29oZFMSsGgcWFoOkNZejj7eqUBQPGXYCGbB8vNePM/edit?usp=sharing ) and are familiar with it?: Yes I have and I am familiar with it. I have the 3.0 as well.

     Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):

    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?

    3 months

    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?

    Senior Moderator

    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?

    I resigned. At the time I was kind of forced to due to a lot of things happening in my personal life at the time and also I was in school 5 days a week with little time to come on the server when I got home. 

    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?

    I would have probably tried to apply at a later date due to the fact that I didn’t have much time. I would also try to meet my quota all of the time during the week and not leave it until the last second to fill it.

    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?

    A major improvement is that I have a lot more spare time to be able to come on the server due to me finishing school and starting college. Now that I am in college I only have to attend 3 days a week and the rest is my own time. I have also mature a lot over the time that I was on staff.


     Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:

    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: I would first teleport to the player who had requested the sit in the first place and ask him for the name of the player who has been RDMing. I would then check the logs to see if that specific player's name was there and if he had killed someone or not. If he had then I would bring them both to a rooftop (that is not accessible to players) and ask the person who killed players randomly whether he had any reasoning for what he did. Say he did have good reasoning then I would go on to explain to the player who requested the sit why he was able to kill players in that certain situation. But, say he had no reason I would first check the player's warnings to see if he had committed an offence like this before. If he already had a Tier I warning for RDM then I would proceed with a Tier II as the player has obviously not learned their lesson or cared to read or acknowledge the rules in any way. If he had no warnings for this type of rule breaking before then I would give him a Tier I warning and leave it there and return both players to RP.  Say he was new to the server then I would inform him of the rules and give him the link in which he can find them and tell him to read them thoroughly.

    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official: I would inform the player of the many ways that he can become a Reich Official. I would begin with the two main options on the server which would be the Heer or the SS. After this I would explain to the player the different roles of both factions and what they do. If the player gave me some information on what he was interested in then I would at this point make a suggestion for him on which of the two to join. Then I would tell him about the RSHA within the SS and what they do and how you can join them.

    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around: I would briefly take them away from RP to a rooftop and proceed to tell them that what he is doing is against the rules and he needs to stop it immediately as this is a Serious RP server and minges are not tolerated at all. Say he was new to the server and had not yet fully come to grasp the rules. I would give him the rules and tell him to read through them. But if he was an experienced player and after returning him he continued to mess around and not RP properly I would again take him away and issue him with a NITRP Tier II as he clearly knows what he is doing and is refusing to comply with the rules.

    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly: I would firstly take him out of RP as he would clearly be causing disruptions to other players and ruining the experience. I would then ask him why he is not RPing and if there was another situation I would deal with that. But if he had no reason and was a veteran on the server then I would Issue a NITRP Tier I depending on whether he had previous warnings for this type of rule breaking.

    5) A player is prop spamming: I would grab the player’s SteamID and instantly permanently ban them. Prop Spam is not tolerated on the server at all as it may not only kill people but allow the player base to think that the staff are not performing their job or do not care about the reputation of the server.


    Answer the following questions in detail:

    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments: A Tier I warning is given when a new player joins the server and isn’t aware of any of the rules that the server has. This can also be given when someone accidentally does something or does not intend for it to happen. These warnings may come with a one day ban or a kick. A Tier II is more severe as it shows that the player has repeatedly broken the same rule more than once and hasn't read the rules or tried to change their ways to abide by the rules. There are a broad range of bans for Tier II warnings which can go up to a permanent ban.

    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming: IC means In-Character and OOC means Out Of Character. Starting with IC it means that everyone is in their roles and properly and RPing seriously and no one is messing around or minging. OOC is much different in comparison, if someone says something OOC it cannot relate in any way to what is happening IC. This means that anything can be said in OOC and gives players the opportunity to chat with each other with rules.

    Meta Gaming is when a Gestapo Agent is undercover and he is just walking around the streets. Then someone randomly comes up to him and says you are an Agent. This is done without any prior knowledge or meeting the player in-game before this. So it is basically bringing OOC knowledge IC and using it to your advantage. 

    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP: Serious RP is when you are always IC and do not talk in OOC at all when you are IC. You are always active and participating in trainings. Semi-Serious RP is when it is a bit more relaxed and people need to be as serious as say in the middle of a training or an event where you have to follow orders. This is more of a time where players can socialise and talk with each other without being told to be more serious or get IC.

    4) Define PassiveRP and explain its role and importance in a serious RP gamemode: PassiveRP is to say when a Sanitater is applying stitches to a wound he may do this by using a /me. This is important to the server as it not only immerses the player in the actual RP but builds an atmosphere and makes the server a lot more realistic. This is vital to SeriousRP as it makes it more realistic in a sense which makes the RP more serious as they actually have to perform things that are not always related to combat.

    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting: Combat Baiting is say when a player pulls out a weapon and then runs away in the view of other players so that they will then pursue them. This will give them a reason to perhaps counter the player who is chasing them and creating a reason for them to engage in combat and kill another player.


    Have you added the Manager [Varem] on Steam? Have you added the Manager on Discord? - Danielwb03#5804. If not, add him: Yes

    Have you added the 
    Vice Manager [Michael] on Steam? Have you added the Vice Manager on Discord? - I3xoyal#8285. If not, add him: Yes

    Have you added the 
    Staff Manager [Scheppert] on Steam? Have you added the Staff Manager on Discord? - KyleK#2874. If not, add him: Pending

     Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words): I think that I stand out among other candidates because I have been on the server for about 2 years. I feel like the server needs more staff at the moment to handle sits at night and during the day at some points and I feel like I can assist with that greatly. Another reason that I think I could become staff is that I am dedicated to the server and I am making a return full time and committing. I feel like I am liked on the server and hopefully people would like to see me as staff on the server. I want to help the server grow also and help people out on the server so that they can have a good experience on the server. I also want to help the server out and stop minges from breaking rules on the server and also make sure that the server runs smoothly. I have a good understanding of basic Ulx commands which may make it easier for me to become a staff. A big factor I think is because I am in the time zone the server is in which enables me to be on during peak hours. I feel like I can also be on a lot and not be inactive which would make me a good staff member during the day to take sits. I am also aware that I have only just came back to the server recently like a week and a half ago but I have a lot more time and also plan to play the server a lot more due to the updates that are due to come in the new year. 

     Do you understand that you can be demoted at any time with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: I do understand this.

  11. +1

    Know Jacko for quite a while back when he was in Battalion and he was a great guy them

    As Flash said matured massively over the time that he has played

    A very serious player and a solid choice overall