Melo Samue

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Everything posted by Melo Samue

  1. neutral/+1 When I'm on I see you often, as far as I know it's a cool guy
  2. It's one more day in the Site-19 D-Class Cell Block, you are walking towars the airlock where normally the insane things happen, you open the door and 2 people in white clothing with weapons in hand are there, pointing them at you, the one that's back there shoots you in the shoulder, you proceed to scream in pain and then you hear the man right infront of you saying in a tone of laughter: -"Johnatan Johnatan Johnatan" Initially you are surprised, how can those men sound like 9 year olds? But while you were trying to figure out the answer one of them pulls the trigger, killing you with several shots to the chest. It's one more day in the Site-19 D-Class Cell Block, you are just standing still in a white corridor when suddenly something comes to your mind: +1
  3. Tbh the "chad" descriptions fits perfectly with your monke logic, wouldn't be surprised if everyone on GOC were "chads"
  4. Yes GOC bad! Enlist with Foundation today!
  5. "Oi Lieutenant, I can't catch this white guy running around, he just keeps jumping away" "Hmmm, hold on let me take care of this" *pulls out a Casaba-Howitzer Nuclear Directed Energy Weapon* "Yeah this should do the trick..." *shoots it and obliterates the existance of OvisCity*
  6. Why bother to do the unban appeal then? You should atleast give 208 shits since that's the amount of words you put into this mess you call an "unban request". Grow up atleast a little will you? -1
  8. are you saying that someone gave you a gun? Even tho it's not possible
  9. Neutral I agree with the Church part, at this point Church could be described as an "Undead", I don't know why it still exists tbh. Now with the CI part, as much as I would love it back to what it was when it was WLed it jut won't happen anytime soon
  10. 1- No, simply no, especially for GOC it's not like they need it anyways not to mention it would be useless to whoever got it, I've used this addon before, basically for it to activate you have to equip it, throw it and wait a few seconds for it to activate, not only that once the shield is up you can't be harmed from outside but you cant harm them either if I remember correctly so it would basically once someone threw that they would either have to peak out to shoot anyone else or the people outside would just have to wait for it to go disappear (it has a time limit in which it can stay up) 2- I'm not gonna be like some people who just say "PAC3 exists" like everyone paid 15$ to have it or even know how to use it but either way I don't see a problem with it but it would be rather useless 3- Totally useless, Surface is not that big
  11. My opinion is that there should be rules for the /setjob command, for example: -No joke jobs (Ex.: Furry, Horny Teenager, etc.) -Not being allowed to do /setjob for in-game GoIs without them "recruiting" you (Ex.: doing "/setjob GOC Recruit" or "/setjob Sarkic Cultist" without any of those groups contacting you and telling you about those factions) In my opinion I don't see the problem with non-existant groups like the "Yugoslavian "Paranormal" Division" for example, to me it just gives something for civs to have fun with, actually I believe it even increases RP for both GoIs and Foundation, the other day we had a guy as a UIU Agent that was there to talk about the Foundation-GOC War on the UIU part which was actually interesting.
  12. I love this, it's like everyone who plays 096 spent 15$ or smth to be able to get a sound effect for the SCP
  13. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm were have I seen before? Oh wait Yeah -1
  14. So you are telling me, that you a human being during SCHOOL TIMES plays 10 hours EVERYDAY? You must be some type of human being, also 20 hours in summer? You are telling me you would pratically spend the entire day in the server? You either really have nothing to do or you are lying. The rest Maurice already said. -1
  15. +1 Old events, deserves a chance
  16. +1 However only if you create the "Bread Department"
  17. -1 Quite litterally made a Class-D holocaust (there are probably kills that wont show up in the screenshot because they were so many) and you left the game, seems pretty fair to me.