
Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by Harvey_

  1. +1 very good and detailed app u deserve a chance but i would also like to see others have a chance as u have already had a shot
  2. -1 what Barry said i dont believe u have a good detailed plan and have very low playtime wish you the best of luck anyway
  3. +1/neutral basically what nesta said but also the fact that you dont have that much exp on the server and have a low playtime to other applicants but you are a really nice guy goodluck
  4. +1 remember when u first joined 501st and still a really nice hardworking guy so i would also say you would be a great fit for EP
  5. +1 really good guy and an app reckon he would be a great addition to your team!
  6. +1/Neutral What Barry said however i feel u have a strong chance so good luck
  7. -1 You have been batt a couple of times and left and when i here about you its normally a bad reason i also see better candidates for the role
  8. not really needed as now staff are on it in a second but would be useful for them so +1 all NCOs in my opinion should get tool and phys
  9. +1 all models look amazing would make events more fun ngl
  10. -1 just no no point of u trying to get away with this u clearly had the intention of Suicide mate.
  11. +1 very detailed plan very good at story telling and making scenes etc, and would make a great ep also has a lot of playtime and experience good luck
  12. -1 dont meet the requirements very very low playtime then some other candidates that have applied, however i do like the jedi side of the event but for clone nah,