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Everything posted by Hogus

  1. Looks really cool but not really sure how much this would actually be used. Who would get this?
  2. Hogus

    Cuffs for RM

    RM is a mercenary job and can assist jobs with cuffs so really its not needed
  3. Hogus

    Cuffs for RM

    so should civilians get cuffs then because i think it would make sense!!
  4. I feel like the server turned from StarWarsRP into DarkRP. Rather than doing trainings between events there is now constant chaos and people cant even stand in bunks without being kidnapped, maybe its just too early to comment on the update yet.
  5. +1 / neutral Awesome guy who really likes to debate about different subjects. Sometimes people don't take you seriously when youre trying to be serious but Im sure its different if you were to be staff in a sit.
  6. +1 honestly one of the best people on the server I think he would do pretty well since he was staff on NRP
  7. Man I'm sorry but I couldnt even bother to read you application too much. Few things like total playtime at one day is a bit too low for getting staff and not really heard much about you or what you are like as a person. I would recommend to stick around in CE and get SO or even perhaps ARC to get better known before applying again.
  8. Yeah could be a nice option for them to have, although it would be hard to track if it were to be made mandatory. Also another extra logging for CE!
  9. +1 Seen you play daily for around a year as long as I can remember. Also you dont have a terrible mic anymore which is good. Additionally has gone a long way from what he had been. Seems like a nice person with what small interactions I've had with him. Good luck!
  10. Neutral Had really no interactions with you so I really cant say much how you would do in battalion. Your playtime is a bit low and you are quite young compared to the rest of the playerbase. Lack of playtime could mean that you are a bit inexperienced compared to the rest of the applicants and with your young age you could prove to be immature, but again I cannot say much as I have had no real interactions with you. I believe there are better choices going around at the moment.
  11. +1 Epic guy that brings positive energy to those around him and has been batt already.
  12. I remember doing the SIM league against GM in which we got destroyed by GM, and after winning the first round I remember you saying EZ after winning the round which was pretty toxic already and then later seeing you being banned for cheating against RC makes it hilarious. This one match ruined the whole sim league experience for me personally and did not inspire me to take part. Thanks for the fun read though, always funny to read these
  13. would be nice to have some dets since cba to type in advert everytime when "destroying droppods"
  14. Why do you need the fists, you have the sword which is much better damage wise as far as I know
  15. Nah, Anaxes MHB is the best. Its large and is a great chokepoint to hold during events.
  16. What your suggestion is: A new sound swep for mechanical droid, particularly the mouse droid. Scriptfodder/workshop link:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=735691072 Any additional information: I think this would improve RP on the server for the mouse droid enthusiasts and would be a fun swep to have.