
Kicker's Battalion Application

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Out of Character Section (OOC) -


Steam Name: Crazy

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:83668680



Current OOC rank on the server and / or in other communities (e.g. Plat VIP, Mod, Event Planner): Event Planner



Age (Must be 14+): 17



What is your playtime (2+ Weeks Minimum): 1mo, 1w, 5d, 19h



Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: Yes.



Have you read through the Battalion Handbook, and extending documents from it: Of course.



Do you meet the requirements: I do meet the requirements.



State all previous OOC punishment (Kicks, Bans and Warnings | Including Discord / Team Speak) and provide a screenshot of your list of warnings (Go in-game and do !warns) then provide a screenshot: 1 warn that I received for 'RDM x2' that appeared one day that I do not even remember doing. image.png



In Character Section (IC) -


In-Game name (Regiment, Rank then your name): CE PFT Colonel Kicker

Highest rank obtained (Including previous): CE T EXO

Have you ever been demoted or striked in any regiment (If so explain the reason): Never.


What is the Battalion Motto: "Lead your men to death. Honour is better than surrender."


Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion (100 words minimum): Battalion's roles and responsibilities include a wide range of things. One major responsibility of Battalion is to take charge and lead or co-lead in base attacks and planetaries alike, or any other situations that require their leadership, so that the regiments are organised and to ensure that the fight runs smoothly in both offensive and defensive situations. Another responsibility of Battalion is to grant or deny requests by Republic personnel to do specific things, such as allow special equipment to be used in combat, or simply to allow a regiment to claim a training room for training purposes. Battalion has the huge responsibility of supervising a regiment through their endeavours, assisting their hierarchy with the running of the regiment and helping them ensure everything is as it should be within said regiment, while also hosting trainings for the regiment they are assigned to every now and then as well to keep them ready for action.


Why should we pick you for Battalion (200 words minimum): I believe that I should be picked for Battalion firstly because I believe I have what it takes to be a Battalion member. Confidence is, in my opinion, one of many keys to success, especially when it comes to leadership, and I more often than not have confidence in my own strategies. Having been a T EXO, despite it being a short amount of time, as well as a Colonel for over a month, I have been exposed to scenarios where I have been forced to take leadership, which proves I have plenty of experience when it comes to leading others. Furthermore, as I mentioned I have confidence in my strategies, I would also mention that I am strategical and thoughtful in situations that require these important aspects. Having the ability to think about one's actions, as well as improvise in dire situations, can be vital to victory, and in my (and many others') opinions, I can do exactly that. Another reason I believe I should be a Battalion member is due to my high activity, not only ingame but on the Teamspeak and Discord too, which means I will be very eager to lead often. Yet another reason I believe I should become a Battalion member is that I am highly respectful of others, as well as mature. I know when to be serious and when is a good time to have a light joke, and know how to take a joke as well, which in my opinion is a very important manner to take when it comes to being in a role of leadership where others look up to you. Furthermore, being an Event Planner I talk to many people every day, including Battalion as I must communicate with them to ensure events run smoothly. This shows that I am known, not only outside of my own regiment of CE, but in other regiments too. In addition to this, being an Event Planner proves that I can be trusted with responsibilities, and being a former medic on top of this proves that I am able to understand and perform well in situations that require RP, showing that I can be good at the passive RP area of being a Battalion member. For the final reason I will write, a minor, yet in my opinion valid, reason as to why I should be accepted into Battalion is that I do not have a Jedi rank at the moment and do not plan on doing so, meaning I can focus my attention on being Battalion if accepted.


Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank? Of course.


What do Battalion do during combat, when they are not leading (In detail): Battalion's job during combat is primarily to ensure that the regiment they supervise (as well as others) are performing their role in the Grand Army adequately, and to offer suggestions, advice and feedback to them if they are not doing particularly well or if they see something that they can do to better their efficiency in combat. Furthermore, Battalion's job during combat is also to assist the leading member of Battalion by having all regiments follow a proper structure, as well as relay their orders on the mid-to-front lines if said regiments are unsure or need assistance in doing so. While doing all of the above, Battalion should not attempt to interrupt the leading members of each regiment, allowing them to lead their own regiment, and should only provide suggestions, as previously mentioned, so as to assist the Grand Army in gaining a Republic victory. Finally, they should also be on the lookout for anyone requesting permission to employ the use of their special equipment, and grant or deny them respectively.


What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted?

1. Lead a planetary along with a debrief.
2. Lead a base attack.
3. Host an open SIM/training.


What rank can Battalion Brigadier Promote and Demote up too: Battalion Brigadier can promote and demote up to the rank of Captain or below.


Anything else?: No, only that I thank you for taking your time to read as well as your consideration!

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This is the man for the job.

High Rank for a Long time.

Highly trusted and a great man.

Good luck!

Current Ranks:

Battalion Major | Senior Event Planner

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG T Vice Commander Exotic Weapon Specialist | Peacekeeper Battalion 2nd Lieutenant Event Planner


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Friendly person


Good rank

Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander  104th PFC | Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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-Extremly active

- Very kind and nice person. Shows himself alot on the server so hes already known. Joined CE when Kicker was temp EXO, And he made a very good job.

- His events are always top notch and he make sure to include every regiment so i have no doubt he will do very good as a battalion. This is the man for the job!

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- Top pick for battalion

Current Rank
501st Commander 

Past Ranks
501st EXO & Colonel | 327th LT Colonel | Battalion 2nd & 1st LT | CT Medic Captain | 41st Captain 
Jedi Shaman | GM & 501st SpecOps Colonel  |  CWRP Event Planner
ST VC & Storm Commando SL | Sith Spectre | IRP Senior Event Planner

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Massive +1


has shown massive amounts improvement in activity and professionalism

- Performance during training and events is always top notch 

- Never a dull moment always a positive mind set

Current Ranks: ICRP Admin, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, 201st  Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader 

Previous Ranks: Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7


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Great guy, hard worker

Judy Hopps and Isabelle (Animal Crossing) Enjoyer

CWRP Current Ranks: Jedi Elder, Reserve Medic

ICRP Current Ranks: Game Master, 118th Demolition Trooper SGT, Sith Apprentice

CWRP Previous Ranks: 212th Snr Medic COL, 212th RB 2nd LT, Jedi Shade, 501st LT, CT LCPL, GM PVT, Detainment Droid

IRP Previous Ranks: 501st (VF) PVT, IE EXO, IE Medic CPT, Vanguard 2nd LT

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The Application: 
Pros: Well Written application, Good Detail in the "why should we pick you for battalion", High rank, Meets requirements.
Cons: warned for RDM X2 but it doesn't say how long it is since you got that warn.
The Applicant:
Pros: Trusted enough to be EP, High activity, knows how events run, a respectable and approachable guy. 
Cons: Could possibly interact with more regiments by going to their TS and talking with them.
Good luck Kicker.

Current Ranks
IE Jr Medic SGTM GM Jr Medic CPL IRP Event Planner

     Past Ranks
                CE Medic Major 212th 2nd LT l CWRP Event Planner Battalion LTCOL   

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  • Pros:
  • Event Planner, which helps understand events, which helps as being Battalion
  • Good Activity
  • Nice guy
  • Good answers given to questions
  • Decent playtime
  • Can be professional and mature


  • Points of Consideration:
  • Warned for RDM x2, which seems to be some time ago, however still something to consider
  • Not that much experience outside of CE


  • Cons:
  • N/A

Good luck!

Current Ranks:

Battalion Brigadier

Previous Ranks:

CT Senior Medic Colonel | Battalion Colonel | GM ARC 2nd LT | CG Colonel | Jedi Blade Warrior | Jedi Temple Guard | Jedi Shadow

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Good evening, I was attracted to the forums although I haven’t been active due to information I received regarding battalion applications opening. Despite having a minor rank within the Clone-Wars community, I hope that my previous senior positions and/or current positions elsewhere in the community as a whole can lay weight on the opinions and considerations I express down below.

Opening my analytics of this application, I must first mention the candidate, Kicker. Although I have not been in this part of the community for a long time, I met Kicker a couple of weeks ago as a Colonel of the Combat Engineers, which I joined through a tryout he hosted.

From what I have observed in the duration I have been a part of the CE, Kicker appears to be a competent man socializing with those in the regiment without fail, which was what interested me the most in even commenting on this post. One of the first things I noticed was the activity of his which is immaculate. As an avid avoider of sleep, I frequently join both the Teamspeak server and Garry’s Mod server at strange times, where most of the time I have encountered Kicker either enjoying time with those still active through entertaining events or as an acting leader when all else are asleep.

However, this is not only during the night. As I feel most individuals who have had an interaction with him can attest to, this also corresponds to the afternoon and evening, where you can encounter him at essentially any time, playing as he will: the CE Colonel.


Moving on, regarding the application itself.. From what I have read from both the application template and other applicants, Kicker manages to answer the questions asked adequately. The questions that require more in-depth answers and information, are filled out properly.

My only «wordy» complaint in terms of the application itself as written is the formatting. Despite spacing in different sections, there was no attempt to separate the questions from the answers either by making the text thicker or adding room between; leading me to believe it was an addition to former paragraphs at first.

In terms of his current in-character and out-of-character position(s) within the Clone-Wars community, he holds an in-character rank which in my belief is adequate to enter the Battalion as a Cadet. As an Event-Planner, Kicker is able to get a better grip on taking command of events with his understanding of how events are sown together, alongside his cooperation with the rest of the EP-team. 

My only concern in regard to being a member of the Battalion as an Event-Planner is the amount of fraternizing that can occur, which he must be careful to avoid as a leader of combat and the base. Fraternization is more «dangerous» than frequently mentioned, as it starts with talking, then you socialize frequently with them, and a bond is established. This cannot happen between higher and lower ranks as it may result in bias! So long he remembers this, it should be of no concern.


The warning he received for RDM x2 is curious, despite the: «date not being mentioned» as I quoted from an individual above, if they’d take more than 5 seconds to analyse the screenshot itself, the date is present in the warning. Although I understand that throughout an application process, the applicant should try to do as much to make the application as sleek, smooth and easy for the analysers to see. 

This does not only apply to this Forum or imaginary job, but also in real life for work applications, something Kicker will now learn and remember, I’m sure.


As a summary and the end notes, in comparison to other individuals who’ve applied, the questions are correctly answered, the application is mostly clean and has an effort to make it easy for the eyes, in perspective to my reply...

Kicker is a hard-working, active community member both on Teamspeak and on the game itself, but also in the Discord and in cooperation with other regiment members. Therefore, I personally do not see a big issue with accepting this applicant as a cadet into the Battalion, where he can learn further.

This finally leads me to my recommendation, and a rating of the applicant and his application as a whole:


 - Active in all aspects of the community around him.

 - Competent, down to earth and adequate positions within the community.

 - Clean, proper-ish application which answers well to the questions asked.

 - Cooperative, understanding and proper in manner.


Apologies for the monotone reply to all readers, however, I am writing this on mobile! In the future, it will be better.

Courtesy of Jonas Hoffman, CE Lance Corporal.

And as always to all applicants, I wish you good luck.

Edited by Jonas Hoffman

Current ranks within the Community:

[SCP] Vice-Manager

[SCP]  Lead-Mentor

Previous ranks within the Community:



[SCP] Super-Administrator

[WW2] Super-Administrator 
"Junior-SMT" <- Comm. M. Hendrik Scheppert

[WW2] Lead Group-Manager

[WW2] Lead-Mentor

[WW2] Senior-Event-Planner


[WW2] General der Infanterie
> Chef der Heeresrüstung und Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres
> Höherer Fliegerkommandeur im Luftkreis-II
> Reichskriegsgericht Ministerialdirektor im OKW

[WW2] Oberst und Stabschef des Wehrkreis-Verwaltungs-Amt III

[WW2] Major und Bataillonsführer des "GD" Bat. 'Berlin'

[WW2] Hauptmann d. Panzergrenadier "GD" Kompanie. 'Bruno'
And all ranks below ...

[WW2] Die Rote Kapelle - (Honourary) Officer

[WW2] Eiserne Front
SoPaDe Mitglied (Honourary) |
Constituency "Oslo"
Eiserne Front Soldat

[SCP] O5 Council Member
> O5-4 "Frost" / "Dawn"

 > O5-5 "The Ordinary Man"

 > O5-6 "The American" 

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Good guy and would be a good pick for Battalion

Good luck Kicker!

Current Ranks:

[Reserve Medic]

Previous Ranks:

[CT Colonel] [CT Vice Commander] [501st Adv Rancor] [501st Colonel] [501st EXO] [Jedi Warlock]


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Great lad
Has a big dedication from what I've seen in CE
Easy to approach and competent
Good activity

Previous warning

Good luck!

Current SWRP Ranks: 212th Captain | Jedi Initiate | 201st Corporal - Scout | Reserve Medic | Platinum VIP

Past SWRP Ranks: CE T Commander | CE Vice Commander/LT Commander | Jedi Legionnaire | Jedi Occultist/Illusionist | Jedi Shade | Jedi Beast Tamer | SCT MSGT - Medic | SCT 2nd LT - Medic | 68th SFC - Scout | 68th SGTM - Sr Medic | CWRP Event Planner

Other Past Ranks: Pz.Grenadier "GD" Unteroffizier - Panzerjäger - OberPionier - Funker

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On 7/15/2023 at 8:08 PM, Kicker said:



Goes out of his way to help anyone all across the server in and out of CE. Previous experience in the server he's helped me and other people out in the server as he continues to play. Nice person to both talk to and play with very approachable at all times , very professional and has a good idea of how he wants to progress with the server - this role couldn't suit him more - it's his time 🙂  - Being EP has enabled him to help me and others more enhancing everyone's gaming on the server and their experience here at WG 


All the best Buddy 

CG 2nd Lieutenant Aguero

Current Ranks

CWRP Platinum VIP - CWRP Senior Event Planner - Discord Staff - CG 2nd Lieutenant

Previous Ranks

CE Lieutenant Colonel - GM Enlisted Trooper - CG Rancor Battalion Major - Battalion Warrant Officer 


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     speak to a member of Battalion Command for your interview 

Edited by Tay
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[Past Ranks]
Trial Vice Admiral | Rear Admiral | Jedi Agent | STV Voistender des Gaugerichts | CT Trial Exo | 501st Major | RRD ResearcherGalactic  marines  Captain |  Lambda LARPER  Star wars modDark RP Senior Mod | Deathrun Senior Mod


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