
Recon's Battalion Application

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Out of Character Section (OOC) -


Steam Name: lanky

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:541332891



Current OOC rank on the server and / or in other communities : Platinum VIP 



Age (Must be 14+): 15 years old.



What is your playtime (2+ Weeks Minimum): 2w 3d 18h 8m.



Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: Yes and yes, everyone can understand me well!



Have you read through the Battalion Handbook, and extending documents from it: Yes, all of them.



Do you meet the requirements: Yes



State all previous OOC punishment (Kicks, Bans and Warnings | Including Discord / Team Speak) and provide a screenshot of your list of warnings (Go in-game and do !warns) then provide a screenshot: I have 1 warning. FailRP, I battering rammed a massive door and I will of course not do it again, I was unaware it was FailRP at the time and it has been all sorted out now. 



In Character Section (IC) -


In-Game name (Regiment, Rank then your name): CG Medic Colonel Recon

Highest rank obtained (Including previous): CG Temp Vice Commander (not sure if that counts) other than temps it is my current rank.

Have you ever been demoted or striked in any regiment (If so explain the reason): No.


What is the Battalion Motto: The Battalion Motto is

“Lead your men to death. Honour is better than surrender”


Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion (100 words minimum): The roles and responsibilities of Battalion are to keep the base running well, for example granting and denying requests and protect it with your life. What can also fall under those categories:

Making sure the defcon is known to all republic personnel on base.

Always acting professionally, no matter if it the situation is personal or not.

Make sure no clones are breaking the rules, and if so make sure they are dealt with.

Stay disciplined and follow orders from anyone higher up.

In the scenario that we are at battle, making sure every regiment knows what to do. (including medics, RC etc.)

Always having a good image for other clones to look up to.

Making sure clones on base can always do something and not be standing around bored.



Why should we pick you for Battalion (200 words minimum): I personally, strongly believe I would be a great choice for the ranks of Battalion as I would consider myself to be very active on the server, as I play the server pretty much any day I can. I have been told by several people I am mature, especially for my age.

I believe I can be a good leader, and get many wins for the Republic! I have lead as an EC before, and of course I have lead many events in CG. I do my best in CG and I don't go on LOA/ROA often, I have only gone on ROA once in CG and never been on LOA. 

With my behaviour I would consider myself to be respectful to everyone on the server, and do my best to be welcoming and overall a nice person.

When a task is given to me, I always do my best to complete it as efficiently or as quickly as I can, I always try to keep my regiment and hierarchy happy with me. (This includes MCC of course.)

I try to use as much teamwork and cooperation where I can, as of course it is very important if you want to win a battle!

I know I don't have much experience, but I believe I am fit for Battalion.


Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank? Yes, absolutely.


What do Battalion do during combat, when they are not leading (In detail): They stay in-between the front and the middle of the battle, not being a frontliner like 501st or CT etc. and not defending too much either like CG, CE etc.


What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted?

1. Hosting an open training.

2. Leading a base attack.

3. Leading a planetary event and performing a debrief.


What rank can Battalion Brigadier Promote and Demote up to: Battalion Brigadier's can promote and demote up to the rank of Captain and below.


Anything else?: I don't believe so, Thank you very much for reading. I hope I have met your expectations to join the ranks of Battalion. 


Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander  104th PFC | Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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I meant to say in the application, All feedback is much appreciated. Thanks!

Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander  104th PFC | Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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Application does not meet the word requirements in some area's 

Bit Immature and lacks experience

Don't think your ready to be a leader yet

There's others with way better apps than you, sorry


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Can be a bit mingy on some other jobs

Not much detail in the "What do battalion do during combat when not leading"

Not much playtime (but that hasn't stopped strong battalion members in the past)

Could have put a bit more detail in the Describe the roles and responsibility.

Further more good luck recon.

Current Ranks
IE Jr Medic SGTM GM Jr Medic CPL IRP Event Planner

     Past Ranks
                CE Medic Major 212th 2nd LT l CWRP Event Planner Battalion LTCOL   

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reasons stated above

Current Ranks: ICRP Admin, 41st 2nd LT, Senior Assassin, 201st  Sergeant, Heavy Weapons Leader 

Previous Ranks: Sith Sub-Path Leader, Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, 501st Vice-Commander/Lieutenant Commander, DarkRP Admin, Deathrun Admin, CG Colonel, SCP RP Super Admin. SCP-096, The Serpants Hand, CI Delta, IJAMEA, O5-3. Site Director, GOC, Echo-14, MC&D Salesman, Anderdon Robotics Robot, Sarkic Karcist/Vice-Manager, SCP-1048 (When WL), Head Researcher, MTF E-11 Commander, Ethics Committee, Church of the broken God Maxwellism/Orthodox, Harrow-23 Manager And NU-7


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  • Pros:
  • Great Activity
  • Has been at the rank of Colonel for over a month
  • Nice guy



  • Points of Consideration:
  • Playtime is barely enough to apply, however still hits the mark
  • Unprofessional more times than not
  • Warn for FailRP, however this looks like an honest mistake


  • Cons:
  • Application lacks detail
  • Lacks experience

Good luck!


Current Ranks:

Battalion Brigadier

Previous Ranks:

CT Senior Medic Colonel | Battalion Colonel | GM ARC 2nd LT | CG Colonel | Jedi Blade Warrior | Jedi Temple Guard | Jedi Shadow

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5 hours ago, Force said:


Application does not meet the word requirements in some area's 

Bit Immature 

Thank for the feedback but, may I ask where it does not meet word requirements? I used a wordcounter for the sections that say "(minimum 100/200 words)"

Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander  104th PFC | Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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Also, how can I get more experience, Just join different regiments and get to Colonel? I know it might sound stupid, but I want to improve my applications as much as possible.

Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander  104th PFC | Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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Greetings and good afternoon. 

I was looking through the W-G Clone-Wars Roleplay section to see what applications had come in for the Battalion slots that have opened. This application caught my eyes due to reasons that will be stated below when I explain my analytics of this application. I also hope to give as much feedback as possible, despite my scarce and rare appearance on the Clone-Wars side of the W-G Community, I have been in the past and still am an active of the W-G community elsewhere! 

Opening the analytics of this applicant and the application itself, firstly, what I notice is the: "lack of effort" when making the application. When I refer to lack of effort, what I really mean is the appearance. I understand that you as an applicant attempted at your then considered best effort to establish a quality application. When individuals reply to this appliaction and state that there is a lack of effort, what is really meant is that your efforts at making the application as proper as possible is not really visible. This can include not just barely making the required minimum word counts, but instead overlooking this, and surpassing the requirement tenfold so long the information within said text is important enough to take up such word count. 

Putting your effort, time and dedication into text creation is key for any application. Keeping it neat with proper spacing, paragraphing and knowing how to convey content is what's the main point. There is a balance between being too direct, and too little. I cannot, and will not be your teacher nor mentor in text creation, as this is a skill which is expected for any application; such as job applications, school work and much, much more. 

I think that this will come with age, however. You state you are 15 at the time of writing your application, and you may not be as familiar with establishing a good written text, with key information, answering the questions asked, and keeping it neat. This is a practice, and I encourage you to keep practicing outside of this application and community as a whole!


Moving more into the answers given from the questions asked, your playtime just about meets the requirements to be able to apply. Something you should consider is that of public opinion. People who barely meet requirements and apply can sure, be equally as good as someone who has played, and done things longer. However, in the eye of the public, a.k.a here: The W-G Clone-Wars community may see you not humble enough, shooting high and for the stars as soon as possible. 

You have been active in your comment section of your application, and this is good. You are seeking out feedback to improve, and I hope you may learn a thing or two from my reply as well. Something I noticed further up in your comment section was you showed signs of curiousity revolving getting more experience. Experience, like so much more, is tied to the real world. Some things simply cannot be explained to you, not everything in the world will be handed to you in the form of a manual. Gaining experience in a community, and in a game with positions, means widening your scope of avaliability. Looking for oppertunities such as being in the community staff team, either as an Event-Planner or in the moderation team works. Other possibilities can be for example widening your knowledge and experience with Passive Roleplay through become a medic in your regiment. (If this option is avaliable...)

What I suggest for you the applicant to do, is to focus on improving. I think there is potential, seeing your rank in the regiment you are a part of, alongside your temporary assignment up to Hierarchy, means you may have a shot or two in the future, so long you work on what others have given you tips on, as feedback. 

As final words, and to rate this application, I must sadly say looking at the criteria for the application and comparing your efforts to other applicants, I would not as of now agree with your entrance to the Battalion. Instead, I would downvote this application and suggest you improve on your scope around the community you are in, and return in a future attempt, later. And as such, I give this application a:


I encourage you to try later, this is not supposed to be a "personal" attack against you, and I hope that you take the small tips I have given you into consideration. I hope to read an improved application you have sent, in the future. 

Thank you, and still, as always: Good luck!


Courtesy of CE Lance Corporal, Jonas Hoffman.

Current ranks within the Community:

[SCP] Vice-Manager

[SCP]  Lead-Mentor

Previous ranks within the Community:



[SCP] Super-Administrator

[WW2] Super-Administrator 
"Junior-SMT" <- Comm. M. Hendrik Scheppert

[WW2] Lead Group-Manager

[WW2] Lead-Mentor

[WW2] Senior-Event-Planner


[WW2] General der Infanterie
> Chef der Heeresrüstung und Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres
> Höherer Fliegerkommandeur im Luftkreis-II
> Reichskriegsgericht Ministerialdirektor im OKW

[WW2] Oberst und Stabschef des Wehrkreis-Verwaltungs-Amt III

[WW2] Major und Bataillonsführer des "GD" Bat. 'Berlin'

[WW2] Hauptmann d. Panzergrenadier "GD" Kompanie. 'Bruno'
And all ranks below ...

[WW2] Die Rote Kapelle - (Honourary) Officer

[WW2] Eiserne Front
SoPaDe Mitglied (Honourary) |
Constituency "Oslo"
Eiserne Front Soldat

[SCP] O5 Council Member
> O5-4 "Frost" / "Dawn"

 > O5-5 "The Ordinary Man"

 > O5-6 "The American" 

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Greatly Active

Like Everyone Else Said:
Mingey on job, most of the time.

The warn for FailRP recently (verbally warned about it beforehand by another staff member, lying on APP)

Threatening to leave cause he won't get a promotion (recent incident in medic). 

Lacks Details

Barely over playtime requirement




Former: 501st Snr Medic COL (4 Months) , Deputy Medical Officer (1 Year), Final CWRP Executive Event Planner (5 Months), (1 of 5 Horsemen of CWRP Executive EPs), CWRP Senior Event Planner

Current: Head Medical OfficerCWRP Security Event Staff

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2 hours ago, Meledits1 said:


Threatening to leave cause he won't get a promotion (recent incident in medic). 


I wasn't "threatening" to leave I was JOKING to the person in that chat and they knew I was joking.... Thanks for the rest of the feedback!

Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander  104th PFC | Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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2 hours ago, Meledits1 said:

Mingey on job, most of the time.

The warn for FailRP recently (verbally warned about it beforehand by another staff member, lying on APP)


DM me if you dont want to answer here. Can I ask when am I "mingy" on job? Also I was not verbally warned before. (It sounds a bit aggressive but I dont mean it like that xD)

Current Ranks:

 Reserve Medic

Past Ranks:

CG Executive Officer | CG Advanced Medic Colonel | CG T Vice Commander  104th PFC | Jedi Knight | Scout SGT

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                                                 Denied                                                        Battalion command has decided you are not ready for the ranks of  battalion and you may reapply 2 weeks and when applications are next open

Edited by Tay
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