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My In-Game name: GM CPL Kips


Steam Name: ragnar 

What is the reason for your ban:ltap

How long were you banned for: 2 days

Name of the staff member who banned you:tasker

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: because being banned over simply leaving mid rp because its late and I have work tomorrow is stupid I even said good bye I have too leave now good night boys good RP being banned over this is a false punishment as I stated I was leaving but also being ounished so severely for just leaving mid RP is a stupid punishment and should be reduced too only a 2 hour ban perhaps 


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Hi Kips,

You were banned because you left to avoid roleplay punishment (LTARP). I understand everything you have said in your appeal however, you have admitted that you left "mid rp because its late and I have work tomorrow". Whilst that's a good reason to stop playing the server, It's not a get out of jail for free card in terms of escaping punishment. 

This is not a false punishment because you were being punished in RP and you then left to avoid the punishment. Unfortunately, no one is exempt from the rules whilst playing the server. Certain situations can be avoided for example, if you said to the person arresting you that you had to go off then they may have said "okay sure you can log off". If that didn't work you are more than welcome to contact a member of staff and explain your situation. The staff team on the server is a very understanding group of individuals!

Although whether or not you will be unbanned is not my decision, I'm 99% sure that you will have to wait out the ban. I hope I've made it  a little more clear as to why you were banned now and I would recommend using the ban as a lesson learnt for the future.

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I didn't leave too avoid punishment at all like I said I left because I had too hope off and goo too bed for work, I stated that , "I leaving now anyway good night good rp boys" which states that I had too leave anyway if I wanted too leave too avoid punishment I would've left as soon qs I was cuffed 🥴

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1.8.2 LTARP (Leave to avoid roleplay punishment) is exiting the server when receiving an IC punishment, e.g. Brig time.

Since you left without getting permission from a staff member it falls under this rule. I understand the reason why you had to leave(Next time keep in mind if you are going off soon so you can avoid getting arrested.) If you would have called a staff member and asked if you could leave because of work in the morning there is a 99% chance that you would be allowed to leave and not fall under LTARP.  So in my opinion you need to wait out the ban. And it is only 2 days big chance the staff manager wont see this until after the ban is over.

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I had to leave there and then qs I didn't realise how late it was I'm not going too wait around too be told I'm ALLOWED to leave just because I was arrested? Just abit silly too me since it's my PC and I can turn it off whenever I want lol didn't know I was going too be arrested but what ever you guys do you 

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6 minutes ago, KIPS said:

I had to leave there and then qs I didn't realise how late it was I'm not going too wait around too be told I'm ALLOWED to leave just because I was arrested? Just abit silly too me since it's my PC and I can turn it off whenever I want lol didn't know I was going too be arrested but what ever you guys do you 

Sure you can leave but that is not going to exclude you from our rules. Indeed you still decide if you leave or not but then do not complain that you are banned because of it.

Current Rank's:
CE Marshal Commander
CWRP Executive Administrator
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2 hours ago, Reg said:

Can't believe tasker banned someone who had work in the morning 

Only life you must live is that of WG 

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF 

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Like I said I didn't know what time it was qnd that I had too leave did you even read the posts wasn't fucking around I was wringly arrested called him a retard for arresting the wrong person so he arrested me as well  I didn't go "I've got too get off in 2 mins best get arrested and fuck around" so yeah, no, don't jump into shit without knowing how it went down spagh

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47 minutes ago, KIPS said:

"This was fun good rp boys" stating I was out of rp and leaving 

Not really how that works. If you had other stuff to do you should have brought it up with staff. It's also clearly stated in the rules as pasted by Henk.

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2 hours ago, KIPS said:

"This was fun good rp boys" stating I was out of rp and leaving 

Rules are there for a reason, You Cant just avoid them because you have Work in the next morning. If this is the case, then you shouldn't off got yourself arrested in the first place knowing you would be getting offline in the near future.

Or, before leaving the game, you could've just cleared things up with Staff beforehand.

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honestly mate its a 2 day ban. Just wait it out go play a different game or smth. Plus you have been a minge since you joined and also been very toxic to me atleast. be happy you didnt get banned for something way worse. I was there when you got arrested and calling the person who arrested you a retard and what not is just immature.





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I understand your frustration but just straight up leaving isn't the way to go, as mention from other staff above you can just make a claim and an staff will be with you asap, ask if you can leave and we will let you go if the reason is good enough. 

Also a 2 day ban isn't very long so waiting it out is the best option. 

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