
Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine-tailed Fox"

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MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") 


Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 handles internal security for the SCP Foundation, under oversight by MTF Alpha-1. They are a special ops force deployed to Foundation Sites when standard protocols fail and multiple breaches are imminent. As such, most of their operations are classified. Nine-Tailed Fox is an intensively trained Task Force specializing in the protection and recontainment of SCP items kept at Site-██. They are the primary MTF unit encountered in SCP - Containment Breach and are comprised of nine members, each member representing and identified as one tail in the groups namesake. 



Forum Name: 

Current Gametime: 


How many warns/bans have you had?(Screenshot of warns) 

Have you read all of the SCP server rules if not Link is here:

IN GAME SECTION(Word Count required has to be 100 words or more for each question) 


Can you explain what MTF-E11 is? 

In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP? 

Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server? 

Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job?

Edited by Plague
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Name: David Hayes, Master Sergeant Kvisten and Agent Kvisten

Forum Name: Kvisten

Current Game Time: 3w, 4d, 17h, 55min

SteamID: SteamID - STEAM_0:1:209890907

How many warnings/bans have you had: 1 warning for FailRP and had 2 bans in V.4 one of them might have been in V.3 not sure. First ban was ARDM and LTARP. The second was LTARP.
Have you read all of the SCP server rules?: Yes, I have read them.

Can you explain what MTF-E11 is? 
Mobile Task Force Epsilon 11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" is a highly trained task force that handles the internal security for the Foundations sites. Their purpose is to deal with the security of the foundation when standard protocols fails and several Euclid and Keter class SCPs breaches occurs. Their job is to recontain any type of breaching SCP in the site that has been experiencing a mass breach. Thus, meaning all of theír missions are classified. This special task forces work are under oversight by Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand". MTF E-11 consists of 9 units each represents one of the tail hence the codename "Nine-Tailed Fox" and those 9 units split up in three groups consisting 3 individuals. 

In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP? 
MTF E-11 is tasked with the recontainment of SCPs that have breached their containment chambers. Not only do they recontain they even neutralize any type of instance of an SCP for example someone has been exposed to the prion of SCP-008 and transforms to SCP-008-2. MTF E-11 will handle it by terminating that instance. When MTF E-11 gets the information through comms of an SCP has been breached they will hurry up to that specific area that the SCP is located and deal with it by either recontaining it or terminating depending on which SCP it is and orders by high command.They make sure that the internal security is safe when it comes to SCP breaches.

Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server? 

SCP-106 object class Keter. If SCP-106 would breach units of MTF E-11 will hurry their way to d-block and get one d-class. When they have recieved the d-class they will hurry to SCP-106 containment chamber. One will be at the controll room while the rest places the d-class inside the containment chamber on the femur breaker. When the d-class is placed the unit in the controll room will activated the sound transmision and then press on the femur breaker buttom. After that a scream will be heard and SCP-106 will come back and when it goes inside its containment chamber the door will be closed and the unit in the controll room will rise the chamber and turn off the sound transmision.

SCP-682 object class Keter. If SCP-682 would breach all units of E-11 will locate SCP-682 and proceed to eliminate it. 

SCP-049 object class Euclid. When SCP-049 breached all containment units of E-11 will arrive and pull out their harpoons because 049 cant then touch and "heal" the units. The E-11 units will coordinate each other in a way to bring 049 back to the containment chamber. SCP-049-2 instances are to be terminated on site.

SCP-1048 object class Safe Keter. If 1048 would be seen roaming around the site E-11 will arrive and use their "containment cuffs" and use it on 1048. This will result in 1048 being in a ball and then dragged back to its containment chamber. If 1048 is found to take peoples ears same thing goes to containing it. However, if 1048-A is witnessed it is to be alerted through comms about its location and be terminated on site. The units can not be within 5 meters of SCP-1048-A when it is emitting a sound. If someone would be within 5 meters they will die because a rapid amount of ears would grow outside and inside of the body and the victim would die.

SCP-035 object class Keter. If 035 would breach units will respond asap. If 035 is armed and hostile the host must be terminated but if 035 is not armed and hostile. Units will negotiate with it and try to make it return to it's containment chamber.

Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job?
The reason why I should be apart of MTF E-11 command is first of all I am active every day on this server. Which will result in good activity and bring a commander for the other units that are currently on site. Second off all is that I have played quite a lot of E-11 and Containment Specialist (before it got removed) which has resultet in a good knowledge on how to recontain SCPs and handle situations during breaches. Lastly, I have been playing a lot of B-1 and that has given me a lot of knowledge on how to perform trainings and being able to order units due my rank within B-1. What I can bring to E-11 is my knowledge of containing SCPs, my loyalty to serve the site and this task force. I can bring good activity and performance as a commander. That is why I believe that I sould be apart of MTF E-11

Edited by Kvisten
forgot to add steamID



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MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") 


Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 handles internal security for the SCP Foundation, under oversight by MTF Alpha-1. They are a special ops force deployed to Foundation Sites when standard protocols fail and multiple breaches are imminent. As such, most of their operations are classified. Nine-Tailed Fox is an intensively trained Task Force specializing in the protection and recontainment of SCP items kept at Site-██. They are the primary MTF unit encountered in SCP - Containment Breach and are comprised of nine members, each member representing and identified as one tail in the groups namesake. 


Name: (my rp name is Oliver bays)

Forum Name: Oliver bays

Current Gametime: 2 days , 13 hours

SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:440125203

How many warns/bans have you had?(Screenshot of warns)  only one waring which was for breaking NLR.image.thumb.png.d1fb25125e291c6a9232838ec67843d9.png

Have you read all of the SCP server rules if not Link is here: yes i have


Can you explain what MTF-E11 is?  Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 (" Nine-Tailed Fox ") is an intensively trained Task Force that is dispatched to handle situations where control is lost, and several breaches are confirmed. They are the only MTF unit in SCP - Containment Breach, and are composed of nine members, each member represented and identified by a queue in the group's namesake. Their uniform consists of brown-orange fatigues, body armor, a ballistic helmet with a gas mask, and a bulletproof vest. They carry an FN P90 submachine gun

In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP? E-11 are tasked with dealing with Scp breaches . First they would try to find out where the said SCP location in comms . E11 will either recontain the SCP or termate it depending on what orders are given

Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server? So to contain SCP-049 you would first try to find him then once you find him get some containment units to use there harpoons to lore him back to his CC . To contain SCP-173 you will first have to get a containment unit to cuff him and put him in a steal cage and carry it back to his CC .SCP-682 is a very dangerous and to contain him E-11 would first have to locate 682 and termate it

Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job? i feel i would be very good as MTF- E11 Commander because i have good leadership in commanding people and able to give orders if anything goes bad and im on mostly everyday. I will be able to bring teamwork and hard work as a MTF- E11 commander . Ive been b7 commander before and new what to do if any breaches accerd and gave them orders on how to deal with situation at hand .

Edited by Oliver Bays
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Name: Harold Stickman


Forum Name: b0ckToHell


Current Gametime: 1 week 3 days 5 hours

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:116032537

Warns/bans: 1 warn for breaking nlr + metagameunknown.png


Have you read all of the SCP server rules?:  Yes


Can you explain what MTF-E11 is?: Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ‘Nine-Tailed Fox’ are an MTF used by the foundation to handle internal security in sites. They are a special operations force sent into sites when normal procedures fail and multiple SCP breaches are happening. They are then tasked with recontaining the SCPs and returning the site to normal. Most of what they do is classified. They specialise is protecting and containing SCPs. The MTF is made up of nine members which is why it is called “Nine-Tailed Fox” and each member is represented by a tail on the logo. It is supervised by MTF Alpha-1 ‘Red Right Hand’. 


What is E-11 specifically tasked with in SCP?: E-11 are mainly tasked with the recontainment of SCPs that have breached from their containment chambers. The method is different depending on the SCP. Some SCPs do not need to be recontained but instead terminated for example 008. As an E-11 your job is to respond to breaches when they happen and you get notified on comms. Depending on orders from Site Administration you may have to do things differently. However, that is not all that they do. As E11 you can also help defend the site from GOI raids, perform surface operations such as finding anomalies and just doing general things on site. 


Explain some examples of how to contain any of the SCPs currently on the server:


SCP-096: Once 096 is located after 096-1 is terminated either by 096 itself or other personnel, containment units go to the area. Once you are near 096, you turn around and walk backwards until you bump into something. Once you reach 096, you take out containment cuffs, put them on 096 making sure to not view its face. This also covers its face. You then drag 096 back to its cc, take off the cuffs, walk out with your back turned to 096 and close the door.

SCP-049: Termination of 049 is only necessary if ordered by the most important member of Site Administration on site. Unless that happens, you should negotiate with 049 with a harpoon out for safety. If 049 refuses to return to the cell you should make it go back using harpoons. 049-2 instances should be terminated on sight as all they do is kill. 

SCP-008: 008 and all -2 instances should be terminated. Keeping them away from other personnel is highly important so more instances are not created. If a 008 instance is proved to be an important member of foundation personnel it should be cuffed at taken to SCP-500 so it can be cured.


Why do you believe that you should be a part of MTF E-11 and what can you bring to the job?: I am active on the server usually going on at least once every two days. I have been playing E-11 quite a lot recently and my knowledge of SCPs and their recontainment procedures makes me think I am fit for the job. I play scp a lot so I know the containment procedures. I also used to play b7 quite a bit before I got platVIP. I think I am capable of making good decisions on what should be done in the different scenarios that could happen. I think I have good rp skills. I know the E11 rules and I follow them. I know that even though I am the commander, I still have to listen to orders from site administration.  I think I am a capable leader that would make a good E-11 commander.

Edited by b0ckToHell
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Name: Zack Micheal Smith

Forum Name: Zack Micheal Smith

Current Game time: 5 days and 13 hours

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:532892422

Warns/Bans: 0


Have you read all of the SCP Server rules?: Yes.

Can you explain what MTF E-11 is?: MTF Epsilon-11 (Nine Tailed Fox) Is a specials units squad, it is split into 3 different groups. Each squad contains 9 elite units that's the name, Nine Tailed Fox. They are a Squad used for when there is a breach in the facility or when something extreme has gotten out of hands, MTF Epsilon-11 is sent in. They Re-contain SCP's D-class and anything else that has breached its containment cell. This elite squad is managed and overseen by the Red Right Hand or MTF-Alpha 1. 

What is E-11 specifically tasked with in the SCP facility?: There main reason to be in the facility is to Re-contain or Terminate breached D-class or SCP's. Depending or what the situation is they will handle it differently. So if it is 076-ll they will Terminate instead of attempting to re-contain, on the flip side of that if 1048 breaches they will attempt to re-contain him. Their specific task is to re-contain, but if told by the Site Director or 05-Council they can help with other things around the facility, e.g if the facility is being raided they can help if ordered too. 

Explain some examples of how to contain SCP's currently on the server:

SCP 173: If 173 has breached then E-11 should get as many people at the exits as possible. They should inform each other if they are going to blink. Once 173 has teleported say down a hallway the E-11 should attempt to go behind SCP-173 and use the re-containment cuffs and cuff him. If they feel its not safe they should circle around him changing directions to make sure they don't get their neck snapped. Then they have all of them go to the CC so that he has eyes on him at all times.

SCP 096: If someone has looked at 096 and become 096-01 we should either terminate them or wait for 096 to kill them. Once he has terminated them, he should return to his docile state and sit down. Once the E-11 have located 096 in his docile state they should slowly approach him with their back turned towards them so they can't see him. When they have reached 096 they should attempt to calmly place a bag over 096's head. Then place it in the Red elastic cuffs. When they start dragging 096 back to his CC he must have E-11 around him at all times because an escaped D-class or a CI could try to take the bag of his head. Once in his CC all but 1 E-11 should back out and get the CC door ready and when the E-11 inside has taken the bag off and un-cuffed him then they should turn their back towards him and exit the cell.

SCP 076: This SCP Is a large black stone that has a humanoid inside. SCP 076-l Is the Black cube that contains and secures SCP 076-ll which is the humanoid creature inside. 076-ll Is considered dead when inside the large black cube, but not when he leaves it. SCP 076-ll Is an extremely dangerous SCP that can run at high speeds and has a sharp sword. This SCP is to be terminated as it will attempt to kill you instantly. When this SCP is terminated it is effectively re-contained, The reason this is, is because they have done many tests where they have killed 076-ll and it just re-spawns in its large black cube "the coffin".

SCP 049: If this SCP Breaches E-11 should have harpoons so you should be able to back him into a corner with the harpoons. Try to negotiate with him to get him back to his CC willingly, if not you can use the harpoons to force him back to his CC. All 049-02 Must be terminated as there previous body's are gone. They have no brain functions or memory's of the past. All they want to do is kill people for 049 to re-animate. 049 must only be executed for extreme measures, E.G Site director or an 05-council member orders it or side advisor ect, or if he has infected and re-animated a lot of foundation personnel.

Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF E-11 and what can you bring to the job?: 

1:I am extremely active on the server (I am on everyday)

2:I have played MTF E-11 Specialist, Containment and Flamer everyday for at least an hour since I have started playing the server so I am active and know what I am doing.

3: I know all the containment procedures for the SCP's as I am on everyday and I play both SCP and MTF a lot

4:I know the rules of all the MTF jobs and the server rules and abide by them as I have no warnings.

5:I think I have good leadership skills.

6:I have good RP, Which I believe is a vital trait for an MTF Commander of and squad.

7:I patrol with a few of the MTF E-11 commanders and see and know what is expected of me and what my job is.


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Name: Damian Heid


Forum Name: [3COMP] Damian


Current Game Time: 3d, 19h, 34m (after map switch)


SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104311812


How many warnings/bans have you had: Accidental RDM and RDM.


Screenshot of Warns: I23o2NTRLTy5P-DvRjA1ey4j0-B3jUgu51yGv7y5g-__lJ5bDOJoGQRpIw285VzXX8O8WSmXM5xd_fP0Oge7HYq2-7rc0gTmij0CkCGgWnZUujD0odpxS8s7-wIohyuEHwDIjY0O


Have you read all of the SCP server rules? Yes I have.


Can you explain what MTF E-11 is? Yes, Epsilon 11 aka “Nine-Tailed Fox” is a Mobile Task Force deployed to Foundations Sites for various reasons. Many operations include but are not limited to: Assistance in Recovery of SCP Objects, Securing Foundation Sites during Breaches or Raids, Assisting Alpha 1 in Securing and Protecting High Profile Individuals, and operating under the oversight of Alpha 1 taking orders only from the 0-5. E-11 are also known to take part in highly dangerous and secretive missions and are trusted with some of the most classified information. E-11 are some of the best trained Mobile Task Forces working for the Foundation.


In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP? Stated previously, they are tasked with many types of missions but I will elaborate more for this section. Instances of deployment include but are not limited to: Re-Containment of SCP 049 and 049-2 instances, Re-Containment of SCP 173, Re-Containment of SCP 457, and last example will be from SCP Lore. SCP 4730 “Earth Crucified” whereupon Nu-7’s failure to re-take parts of Site-70 after being overrun, E-11 were HALO dropped in and managed to push 4730-3 troops back through their entrance. 


Explain some examples of how to re-contain any of the SCPs currently on the server? Sure, first we will start off with SCP-173. SCP-173 can be re-contained by use of a containment kit along with the help of other operatives to keep direct eye contact on the scp. Monitor its movements and make sure to lock down sectors to assist in keeping it cornered. Second, I will cover SCP-008. SCP-008 entities can be re-contained by use of firearms and lockdown procedures. This works best if Nu-7 and other combative teams work to assist Containment Specialists and E-11 in pushing the affected individuals back with high rates of fire while doing an offensive push forward. Once near the containment room Nu-7 can set up a “Killing Corridor” aka Armed Checkpoint to stop any further breaches while E-11 can push forward to Sweep and Clear the hallway leading to the Containment Chamber. *Note: SCP-500 “The Panacea” can be given to affected individuals to cure them at any stage of the virus so long as they are not increasingly hostile. Lastly, I will use SCP-049**. This can either be handled as a joint operation between Nu-7 and E-11 or any other Security Team or MTF Team. E-11 MUST be present to use harpoons and poles to push SCP 049 back to its containment room. The Armed Security Team or MTF personnel during that time will eliminate SCP-049-2 instances to reduce the risk of further damage/breaches.

**Includes with and without 049-2 instances present.

Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job? I have a real life wealth of military knowledge and some real life experience. I happen to have played on Werwolf Gaming SCP-RP for quite a long time before reset and have been heavily informed on SCP Lore. I am very knowledgeable in the different SCP Subjects and Mobile Task Force Teams and am willing to learn a lot more. I know that many people here will not know me however I have been a longtime member of Werwolf Gaming. I currently can use my knowledge and real life experience to good use with military strategics and in depth reading into the Lore.

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10 minutes ago, Steven Cambell said:

Name: Sean Steadman, Steven Cambell

Forum Name: Steven Cambell

Current Game Time: 12 hours

SteamID: Steam-ID:STEAM_0:0:512871651

How many warnings/bans have you had: never had a warning or ban
Have you read all of the SCP server rules?: Yes, I have read them.

Can you explain what MTF-E11 is? 
Mobile Task Force Epsilon 11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" is a highly trained task force that handles the internal security for the Foundations sites. Their purpose is to deal with the security of the foundation when standard protocols fails and several Euclid and Keter class SCPs breaches occurs. Their job is to recontain any type of breaching SCP in the site that has been experiencing a mass breach. Thus, meaning all of theír missions are classified. This special task forces work are under oversight by Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand". MTF E-11 consists of 9 units each represents one of the tail hence the codename "Nine-Tailed Fox" and those 9 units split up in three groups consisting 3 individuals. 

In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP? 
MTF E-11 is tasked with the recontainment of SCPs that have breached their containment chambers. Not only do they recontain they even neutralize any type of instance of an SCP for example someone has been exposed to the prion of SCP-008 and transforms to SCP-008-2. MTF E-11 will handle it by terminating that instance. When MTF E-11 gets the information through comms of an SCP has been breached they will hurry up to that specific area that the SCP is located and deal with it by either recontaining it or terminating depending on which SCP it is and orders by high command.They make sure that the internal security is safe when it comes to SCP breaches.

Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server? 

SCP-106 object class Keter. If SCP-106 would breach units of MTF E-11 will hurry their way to d-block and get one d-class. When they have recieved the d-class they will hurry to SCP-106 containment chamber. One will be at the controll room while the rest places the d-class inside the containment chamber on the femur breaker. When the d-class is placed the unit in the controll room will activated the sound transmision and then press on the femur breaker buttom. After that a scream will be heard and SCP-106 will come back and when it goes inside its containment chamber the door will be closed and the unit in the controll room will rise the chamber and turn off the sound transmision.

SCP-682 object class Keter. If SCP-682 would breach all units of E-11 will locate SCP-682 and proceed to eliminate it. 

SCP-049 object class Euclid. When SCP-049 breached all containment units of E-11 will arrive and pull out their harpoons because 049 cant then touch and "heal" the units. The E-11 units will coordinate each other in a way to bring 049 back to the containment chamber. SCP-049-2 instances are to be terminated on site.

SCP-1048 object class Safe Keter. If 1048 would be seen roaming around the site E-11 will arrive and use their "containment cuffs" and use it on 1048. This will result in 1048 being in a ball and then dragged back to its containment chamber. If 1048 is found to take peoples ears same thing goes to containing it. However, if 1048-A is witnessed it is to be alerted through comms about its location and be terminated on site. The units can not be within 5 meters of SCP-1048-A when it is emitting a sound. If someone would be within 5 meters they will die because a rapid amount of ears would grow outside and inside of the body and the victim would die.

SCP-035 object class Keter. If 035 would breach units will respond asap. If 035 is armed and hostile the host must be terminated but if 035 is not armed and hostile. Units will negotiate with it and try to make it return to it's containment chamber.

Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job?
The reason why I should be apart of MTF E-11 command is first of all I am active every day on this server. Which will result in good activity and bring a commander for the other units that are currently on site. Lastly, I have been playing a lot of B-1 and that has given me a lot of knowledge on how to perform trainings and being able to order units due my rank within B-1. What I can bring to E-11 is my knowledge of containing SCPs, my loyalty to serve the site and this task force. I can bring good activity and performance as a commander. That is why I believe that I sould be apart of MTF E-11

I play quite a lot of E-11 and not sure if I've ever seen you. You also only have 12 hours on the server which I think is simply too low. 



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Name: Marc Pierson


Forum Name: Marc Pierson


Current Gametime:1w 3d


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94807779


How many warns/bans have you had?(Screenshot of warns) : 0 Bans/ 3 Warns



Have you read all of the SCP server rules if not Link is here: Yes, I did


IN GAME SECTION(Word Count required has to be 100 words or more for each question)


Can you explain what MTF-E11 is?:

Firstly a Mobile Task Force are elite unit composed of Foundation personnel drawn from across the foundation’s multiple sites, The Mobile Task Forces are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situation that sometimes exceed the operation expertise of regular Field Personnel. The Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 Codename “The Nine Tailed Fox” is an Elite/Highly trained. They handle the internal security for all of The Foundation sites. Their purpose is to make sure the SCP are protected. During a breach of one or more Euclid / Keter level breaches. The Logo of the E-11s represents a Nine tailed fox. This squad is composed of nine highly trained individuals and each member represents a tail of the nine tailed fox. It is supervised by The Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 Codename “Red Right Hand” which is in direct contact with the O5 council. Every or most of the operations of the E-11s contains sensitive information thus is classified and unavaiblee to most of the people working at the Foundation.

In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP?:

MTF E-11 is tasked to deal with the protection and mainly the recontainment of the SCPs, Not only must they recontain breached SCPs, they also terminate instances that have been “cured” by 049 and transformed into a 049-II instance and those who have been exposed to the 008 prion and transforms into a 008-II instance. They must terminate 008-IIs instances on sight and 049-IIs instances if hostile. When a Breach has been detected or signaled over comms for other SCPs (096 and 1048) E-11s units will hurry to the place and deal with the current breached SCP by either terminating or recontaining it and on order’s of the Site Directo or E-11 Commander.

Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server ?

SCP 096: Object Class Euclid. If a individual looks at the face of 096 wheter it directly, via video recording or even via a photograph It will enter a considerable emotional distress stage. The individual becomes a 096-1. And after one to two minutes 096 will breach containement and run towards the 096-1. Once he has breached ALL personnel must be evacuated of the area. Once the area secured, 096 must be put a bag over its head and put into containment cuffs and brought back to its containment chamber.

SCP 173: Object Class Euclid. During a containment breach and SCP173 gets out it must be located, every person that is not habilitated to deal with breaches must be evacuated, while maintaining eyes the whole time, you need to use your containment cuff on him to mount his cage and take him back to his CC. Once back to its CC 173 must be let out of the cage and put back in its CC and During the whole time eye contact must be maintained.

SCP 049: Object Class Euclid. When 049 breaches all containment units arrive, they must pull out their harpoons and push back 049 back to its CC and must terminate every 049-IIs instances


Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job ?

I am really active active on the server I have been playing everyday for a long time. I have been almost just playing E-11 these days and I got good knowledge of SCPs and how to recontain every one of them. During breaches like with 106 I would be one of the first people to take the D class to 106’s CC and I may not be very experienced in training people but I am a nice person and I could get them trained. And I have always played a good amount of time as containment units because I love doing this, so to sum it up what I can bring to E-11 is Good social skills, SCP knowledge and Activity.

Thank you for reading this !

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6 hours ago, Marc Pierson said:

Name: Marc Pierson


Forum Name: Marc Pierson


Current Gametime:1w 3d


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:94807779


How many warns/bans have you had?(Screenshot of warns) : 0 Bans/ 3 Warns



Have you read all of the SCP server rules if not Link is here: Yes, I did


IN GAME SECTION(Word Count required has to be 100 words or more for each question)


Can you explain what MTF-E11 is?:

Firstly a Mobile Task Force are elite unit composed of Foundation personnel drawn from across the foundation’s multiple sites, The Mobile Task Forces are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situation that sometimes exceed the operation expertise of regular Field Personnel. The Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 Codename “The Nine Tailed Fox” is an Elite/Highly trained. They handle the internal security for all of The Foundation sites. Their purpose is to make sure the SCP are protected. During a breach of one or more Euclid / Keter level breaches. The Logo of the E-11s represents a Nine tailed fox. This squad is composed of nine highly trained individuals and each member represents a tail of the nine tailed fox. It is supervised by The Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 Codename “Red Right Hand” which is in direct contact with the O5 council. Every or most of the operations of the E-11s contains sensitive information thus is classified and unavaiblee to most of the people working at the Foundation.

In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP?:

MTF E-11 is tasked to deal with the protection and mainly the recontainment of the SCPs, Not only must they recontain breached SCPs, they also terminate instances that have been “cured” by 049 and transformed into a 049-II instance and those who have been exposed to the 008 prion and transforms into a 008-II instance. They must terminate 008-IIs instances on sight and 049-IIs instances if hostile. When a Breach has been detected or signaled over comms for other SCPs (096 and 1048) E-11s units will hurry to the place and deal with the current breached SCP by either terminating or recontaining it and on order’s of the Site Directo or E-11 Commander.

Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server ?

SCP 096: Object Class Euclid. If a individual looks at the face of 096 wheter it directly, via video recording or even via a photograph It will enter a considerable emotional distress stage. The individual becomes a 096-1. And after one to two minutes 096 will breach containement and run towards the 096-1. Once he has breached ALL personnel must be evacuated of the area. Once the area secured, 096 must be put a bag over its head and put into containment cuffs and brought back to its containment chamber.

SCP 173: Object Class Euclid. During a containment breach and SCP173 gets out it must be located, every person that is not habilitated to deal with breaches must be evacuated, while maintaining eyes the whole time, you need to use your containment cuff on him to mount his cage and take him back to his CC. Once back to its CC 173 must be let out of the cage and put back in its CC and During the whole time eye contact must be maintained.

SCP 049: Object Class Euclid. When 049 breaches all containment units arrive, they must pull out their harpoons and push back 049 back to its CC and must terminate every 049-IIs instances


Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job ?

I am really active active on the server I have been playing everyday for a long time. I have been almost just playing E-11 these days and I got good knowledge of SCPs and how to recontain every one of them. During breaches like with 106 I would be one of the first people to take the D class to 106’s CC and I may not be very experienced in training people but I am a nice person and I could get them trained. And I have always played a good amount of time as containment units because I love doing this, so to sum it up what I can bring to E-11 is Good social skills, SCP knowledge and Activity.

Thank you for reading this !

I remember playing with you yesterday i was Harry Shmirnoff your're a great at rp and you did a great job as E-11 i hope you get this job good luck

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Name: Simon Zakaev

Forum Name: Kanser

Current Gametime: 1w 4d 06h 27m 40s

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:5787338

How many warns/bans have you had?(Screenshot of warns) image.thumb.png.bf5226ee2c8bb47e6a42ebaa75bd80ca.png

Have you read all of the SCP server rules:Yes I have readen the Rules Of SCP RP server of Werewolf Gaming branch


Can you explain what MTF-E11 is? 

Mobile Task Force Epsilon Eleven or Nine Tailed Fox is an MTF special ops group that has been overseen by the Alpha-1 and ther task is to keep the internal security of The SCP foundation they are deployed when Standard containment protocls if fails and multiple breaches and as a result of that most of their operations are Classified and E-11 units are trained to an elite level to deal with high threats such as multiple breaches and raids from other GOIs these operations are delicate and must be executed to perfectrion

In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP? 

If there is an Cured Subject from SCP-049 ıt must be terminated but the termination process is have to be granted by and Commander or report that you are going to terminate SCP-049-2 instance and first of all you have to push SCP-049 to an corner with your harpoon in your inventory then once you have pushen SCP-049-2 you can continue to termination procedure of SCP-049-2.If there is an SCP-008-2 instance you will have to deal with it with caution again you will report that you are going to terminate the SCP-008-2 instance but you cannot push original instance of SCP-008-2 so you need to have an friend that he will took care of SCP-008-2 original instance then you cna continue to terminate the SCP

Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server? 

SCP-049 Euclid

Containment Procedures: SCP-049 must be take nback to his Containment Chamber using your harpoon because SCP-049 is scared from harpoons and you must terminate every instance of SCP-049-2

SCP-096 Euclid

If there is an foundation personne lmade eye contact with SCP-096 he becomes SCP-096-1 so when SCP-096 breaches all containment units must scatter around and look for SCP-096 or SCP-096-1 ıf they found one of them they must prepare themselves to recontain SCP-096 the containment procedure follow like this first you will get you containment equipment out then you will cuff SCP-096 with it and as a result you will put a bucket to his head once you have cuffed SCP-096 you will take him back to his CC and release him and make sure that you close the doors behind once you have released SCP-096

SCP-173 Euclid

If 173 breaches all containment units must search every single zone since SCP-173s SWEP gives him the ability to teleport around the facility once SCP-173 has been found you must Put him in a temporary containment cell then transport that Containment cell to his Containment Chamber Once he has been there you will release him then you will close the gates to hi CC while you are putting him in a cell you must contain eye contact with him and contain with him 2 other containment units

Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job?

I hope I can bring the job activity with some RP and I have a plan that I will be conducting combat Trainings and teach the E-11 tactics with some wargames to make the Whole E-11 busy because they all do is wait for 40 per breach and within the 40 mins they can get bored but with the war games I will present I hope I cna get rid of that boredom while we wait for an breach to happen also I will be logging every training that has been done at E-11 and report it 

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Name: Brad Jack

Forum Name: Berkoham WG

Current Gametime: 5Days 181441779_GarrysMod9_16_202011_24_00AM.png.605c8341ac87484d2a37e0bee28cd683.png

SteamID: 76561198364697106

How many warns/bans have you had?(Screenshot of warns) Garry's Mod 9_16_2020 11_27_35 AM.png

Have you read all of the SCP server rules if not Link is here: yes

IN GAME SECTION(Word Count required has to be 100 words or more for each question) 

Can you explain what MTF-E11 is? they are a special force in the foundation known as the "nine-tailed fox". They are intensely trained to contain SCP breaches or capture SCP's. They are overseen by the alpha-1(red right hand)their purpose is to deal with the security of the foundation when standard protocols fails and several Euclid and Keter class SCPs breaches occurs. Not only do they recontain but when for example SCP 008-1 is exposed to a human they could kill SCP 008-2. When a SCP breaches from comms a high command says if the SCP should contained or terminated. So basically in summary E-11 recontains, contains, and terminates SCP's. they are valuable to the foundation. (also nu-7 can help with the terminations).

In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP? MTF E-11 is tasked with the recontainment of SCPs that have breached their containment chambers. Not only do they recontain they even neutralize any type of instance of an SCP for example someone has been exposed to the prion of SCP-008 and transforms to SCP-008-2. MTF E-11 will handle it by terminating that instance. When MTF E-11 gets the information through comms of an SCP has been breached they will hurry up to that specific area that the SCP is located and deal with it by either recontaining it or terminating depending on which SCP it is and orders by high command.They make sure that the internal security is safe when it comes to SCP breaches.

Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server? ok

SCP-049 Euclid we use a harpoon near SCP-049 its scared of harpoons. he cant resist. use the harpoon on him then lead him to his CC

SCP-106 Keter We have to get a D-class to put in SCP-106 CC and tie him up in a chair while the electro magnetic is on. After that, we will open the sound transmission to the whole foundation and break his femur. that will lure SCP-106 back to his CC  then put the electromagnetic on when he is inside.

SCP-682 Keter E-11 (also nu-7) should locate 682 alert people in comms and eliminate him (That would "contain him")

Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job? Because usually (not always like 24/7)im on the server active. i can be a good commander of E-11 but i cant be commander because i have to be whitelisted. Ido a lot of commanding so i have a bit of experience (as SD). I contain a lot of SCP with E-11 help, But usually, that's hard because I'm not the leader. and I can't tell if somebody is Ci or coordinate E-11 cus I'm not the commander. Lastly have good combat skills and a bit of lore knowledge but no the best lore I'm still pretty good.

(P.S i play alot of E11 and SD. But now i try to play more E11)

(P.S.S I loos lie i've copy pasted but i just used thoose grammer websites)

Edited by berkoham WG
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Name:  Jack Euclid

Forum Name: AEuclidClassSCP

Current Gametime: 06w 0d 08h 

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:172652814


How many warns/bans have you had?(Screenshot of warns)

Have you read all of the SCP server rules if not Link is here: Yes

IN GAME SECTION(Word Count required has to be 100 words or more for each question) 

Can you explain what MTF-E11 is? MTF-E11 is a specialized mobile task force within the Foundation that has shown very high competence and organizing. They are sent to sites if things have gone wrong and hell breaks loose, which means mass breaches, provided they are needed to do their tasks. They are armed with a lot of equipment for handling the recontainment of SCP subjects. They are nine loyal veterans of the Foundation. In the server, their main tasks are to maintain security within the Foundation, they can supervise the security and are usually the very first units to respond to breaches. They know their shit in short words.

In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP? E-11 is specifically tasked with maintaining security in the Foundation, if that means helping MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' with GOI raids, or keeping SCPs locked up. They are kind of jack of all trades because they can deal with raids, deal with all SCP breaches if they are E-11 Containment, and also keep the site well maintained. If there is nothing to do then they can be tasked with helping security, terminating any D-Class escapees, patrol the site, or help researchers. If any security failures or breaches occur, then they absolutely have to do what it takes to protect the site. 

Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server? 

SCP-106 - E-11 require no more than one D-Class subject to strap to the Femur Breaker, which is a system built to specifically recontain 106. The way they do this is by making the D-Class go inside and shutting the door behind them, and then lowering the magnets. They then turn on sound transmission and push the femur breaker button, the D-Class' femur will be broken and intense pain and physical trauma will grab the attention of 106 and 106 will then head to his chamber, once he's inside the E-11 are required to turn on the magnets again and turn off the sound transmission then return to their normal duties. 
SCP-076-II - Since there is a new rule on 076 where he has to be hostile now, E-11 have to recontain him just by shooting him to pieces, trying to communicate with him and telling him to go back to his cell is no good.
SCP-096 - The way to recontain 096 requires the specific job of E-11 Containment to use containment cuffs on it, all other E-11s are to stop people from coming into contact with it or going near it. If any pictures of 096 are found or of a skinny pale figure are to be reported immediately and disposed of. 
SCP-682 - The only way for 682 to be recontained is to just shoot it to pieces the same as 076-II, in lore the way to recontain 682 is to make his body 80% destroyed so that he is either immobilized or unable to carry on, when 80% or more is gone he will temporarily stop regenerating, that is the chance where Foundation personnel can bring it back to his cell.
SCP-035 - The way to recontain 035 is also by shooting it to pieces, unless 035 has shown to be cooperative and goes back to his cell if in that position.
SCP-173 - 173 can be recontained with containment cuffs used by E-11 Containment, this puts 173 in the containment 173 cage, its then to be dragged to its cell.
SCP-1048 - 1048 can be recontained also using containment cuffs, but it can just run off and cause havoc, unless you have another armed personnel pointing a gun at it, 1048 is then put under FearRP and that is your chance to cuff it and return it to the cell.
SCP-939 - Shooting, but also it can be baited back into its cell by making loads of noises, but its not likely.
SCP-966 - Can also be baited back to it's cell but its preferred to be shot to pieces as well, E-11 can find them by using thermal vision, or using the Anomaly Scanner to find it, this requires communication and more than 1 person as you will have thermal vision or the scanner in your hand, and 966 can just move away from it's original location before you pull out your weapon, you can vocalize that it is in a certain direction or inch of space and the other people can shoot them.
SCP-913 - 913 will most likely ask for demands if it is docile and not hungry (hostile), if these demands aren't too harsh or hard to do then its up to the highest ranking personnel on the site to decide, if KOS orders are in place then they are to be acted upon by E-11, if it is hostile then it is to be shot.
SCP-049 - If KOS orders are on it then it shoot be shot by E-11, but if not then E-11 Containments can use Harpoons to force it back to its cell, if it does not follow the orders given by the person with the harpoon and 049 has no where to slip away, then it must follow FearRP.


Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job?

I believe I should be E-11 Commander because I don't particularly like TDM that much on the server, sure its fun at times but I focus more on RP, yes you can do RP as E-11 Commander. I have multitasked before as regular E-11 by responding to raids, dealing with breaches and killing D-Class, as well as patrolling, I don't stay on E-11 just so I can vibe and chill out with others, if I have nothing to do I simply help other staff out with their duties, like researchers or security. I think I'll be up to the job because I have played as HR many times and have shown leadership, usually getting involved with most of Pleig's anomalous events and dealing with researchers, along with supervising tests. 

Edited by AEuclidClassSCP
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Name: Rodriguez White

Forum Name: Zelphx

Current Gametime: 2d, 16h

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:424484947

How many warns/bans have you had?(Screenshot of warns) Only one and that's on annoying Viktor.573526888_GarrysModScreenshot2020_09.24-18_17_52_11.thumb.png.db67dd12e58ae3a640db2de395388841.png

Have you read all of the SCP server rules:  Yes, I have.

IN GAME SECTION(Word Count required has to be 100 words or more for each question) 


Can you explain what MTF-E11 is? 

MTF-E11 Is a specialized task force dedicated to the foundation in which they show high combat and field knowledge. The Task Force is deployed in instances of multiple SCP breaches and it is too hot to handle. If a large breach happens they are tasked with stopping/reconatining any escaped SCPs. Everyone is carefully armed with containment gear and ready for action. In the server their primary goal is focusing on the Foundation security and keeping an eye on any mass breaches (if any were to happen). They are also known for their 9 members which is coded in their name "Nine-Tailed Fox". Each one of the members is a Professional.

In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP? In the server they are tasked mostly with security, foundation protection. They can do raids if there is one. They also help other units with keeping spies/chaos from hacking into the foundation by responding to a call that someone is hacking a gate. One of the main things is that they deal with all kinds of SCPs, check their containment cells and report any damage they see. If there is no task or order given they are free to help out Scientists, kill crazy D-class escapies. In case of a Lockdown it is important that the commander gives everyone a task and setup a perimiter around the foundation to protect it.


Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server? 

SCP-076-2: To containg this sword weilding beast you have to shoot the living hell out of him until he is good as dead.
SCP-106: To recontain 106 E-11 is to quickly and safely grab a D-class and strap him to the Femur Breaker. How it works is the Femur Breaker is a special "PAIN" containment cell which 106 can't resist but to go where there is pain. The D-Class will suffer a LOT of pain which can be heard when screaming is present in the whole foundation.
SCP-173: The only way to contain him is to be smart and not be stubborn enough to do it alone, you need a team and the Containment unit will use his special containment gear and 173 will then be put in a cage and escorted back to his cell.
SCP-035: This masked man can only be shot and killed unless he is co-operative and is willing to return to his cell.
SCP-049: If the SCP is deemed to be killed by SD he will be shot and killed. He may turn people into his zombie minions which are easy meat shields so it is very important to keep a safe distance from it. If he is to be recontained without usuage of deadly force he has to be harpooned back to his cell.
SCP-096: The Shy Guy is perhaps one of the most dangerous SCPs to recontain. The Containment is required to use special containment gear which when used puts a bucker on his head and cuffs on his hands. He is then escorted back to his cell. It is super important that NOBODY looks at his face, if something like that happens the person must be killed for the safety of everyone else. The best way to contain him is looking at the floor and using the gear from the back. 
SCP-457: To contain this flaming humanoid it is required to be in a safe distance and to use CO2 tanks to put out his flames so he can be shot and then killed.


Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job?
I believe that i would be a good commander because i have past 800 hours of experience on roleplay servers. I am good at giving out orders and tasks for everyone to do, also i am a fast learner and can get used to any situation quickly. I am a very good marskman and have been practining my marskmanship for an emense amount of time. I am also very active on the server and love the role of the job. I always had interest in SCP and especially in this task force "Nine-Tailed Fox". My goal in the server is not just to have fun but to also do serious RP and be as active to put people in the right way. I always respond to my duty as a normal E-11 soldier and i am a very patient person when it comes to annoying people. I have been a leader many times in my past experiences and tasked with leading a group of people a lot. I think i'm up for this job even tho my time on the server which is 2 day might stop me. But i confidently say that i am a capable person, capable of being strict and professional. As E-11 i have deffinetely helped my commander to keep everything safe and sound while guarding CPs, containg SCPs, killing infiltratos and responding to any and all orders.

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Name: Chad Boph

Forum Name: Chad Boph

Current Gametime: 2 weeks and 1 day.

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53115357

How many warns/bans have you had?: One warn, no bans.


Have you read all of the SCP server rules?: I have.

IN GAME SECTION(Word Count required has to be 100 words or more for each question) 

Can you explain what MTF-E11 is? 

Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" is an elite force made up of nine thoroughly trained Foundation personnel selected from various different sites. They are responsible for on-site security, and are primarily deployed to sites in which mass breaches, loss of communication, and similar disasters have occurred, and due to the nature of the task force, many of their operations are classified. The task force is equipped with heavy weaponry and containment gear, ready to respond to an incident at a moment's notice. They are under oversight by MTF Alpha-1, and the task force is often split into groups of three during operations. Only the best professional soldiers have been chosen to serve in MTF E-11, and they have proven to be very successful in their operations.

In full detail can you tell us what E-11 is specifically tasked with in SCP?

The primary goal of E-11 is to ensure the secure containment of the SCP objects on-site. They must do whatever is necessary to keep both safe and dangerous entities in containment to avoid risks of damage to foundation or public property, and to make sure that the existence of these entities does not become known to the public. They work alongside MTF Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" to achieve this goal with the upmost care and caution. When there are currently no anomalies that require recontainment or protection, E-11 also has a secondary goal of keeping the site in general secure, which may include defending from intruders, participating in raids, supervising research tests, and manning checkpoints often stationed around the HCZ.

Explain some examples of how to recontain any of the SCPs currently on the server.

SCP-106 (Keter): Ensure that the SCP subject is not obstructing the path from the D-block to its containment chamber. Move to the D-block and take out 1 Class-D personnel as quickly as possible . Cuff them and move them to SCP-106's containment chamber, where the Class-D will then be placed inside the chamber and strapped to the femur breaker (Magnetic field must be disabled). Close the chamber door, activate the sound transmission, then the femur breaker, after which you will await the all-clear message. If no message can be heard after roughly 1 minute, inflict additional trauma onto the Class-D personnel using the femur breaker until the message has been received. Upon receiving the message, re-enable the magnetic field holding the chamber.

SCP-682 (Keter): The only effective method of containing SCP-682 is via its termination. All members of E-11 and available security staff are to move in on its position and attempt termination, while staying as far away from it as possible to avoid death and the gradual regeneration of the SCP.

SCP-096 (Euclid): Check for a rough location of the subject through the radio. Move to the possible locations described, avoiding looking forward as much as possible, and using walls for cover. Do not use your sight to detect the SCP, use the anomaly detector to scan for it. Upon locating the subject, you are to slowly move towards it while facing backwards, until you reach it. Once you reach 096, you must use your containment equipment (a bucket) and place it over the head of SCP-096 without looking at its face. Once this is complete, you should drag the SCP back to the containment chamber, avoiding as much contact with non-containment units as you can.

SCP-049 (Euclid): Check for a rough location of the subject through the radio. Move to the possible locations described, with harpoons ready to repel the subject. Upon reaching SCP-049, you are to use your harpoon to attempt to lure the subject down back into its containment chamber. While the containment units from E-11 and B-7 are moving SCP-049 back to its cell, remaining personnel such as the Flamer and Specialists are to locate SCP-049-II instances and immediately terminate them. If attempting to peacefully lure SCP-049 back to its containment chamber has failed, and explicit permission has been given from the Site Director or higher if any are on site, termination of SCP-049 will be carried out.

Why do you believe that you should be apart of MTF-E11 and what you can bring to the job?

I have had much experience on DarkRP, MilitaryRP and other roleplay servers in general, and have spent many of my GMod hours playing on these servers. Currently on the SCP-RP server, I mainly play E-11 containment or specialist because I enjoy the RP of containing SCP subjects, and providing security to the site in general. I always do my best to RP seriously when on the job, and I prefer this style of gameplay, rather than constant TDM, although I can handle myself in a gunfight well. I believe I have a large understanding of how to play as a containment and security unit, and I am willing to share my experience and use it to take charge and lead the troops under my command to success. I am familiar with leadership roles, and can adapt quickly to various situations and deal with whatever I face efficiently. I understand if you may not see me that often, this is because I live in Australia and I am forced to play in the British morning and early afternoon. I am usually on the server on most days at around 7am to 3pm BST, and will attempt to be as active as possible should I receive this position as an MTF E-11 commander.

Edited by Chad Boph
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