Windows XP

ISD - Internal Security Department

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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: AlexMagus

RPname: Alex Magus

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171534768

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 4w 0d 10h~

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 1 warn. FailRP. I joined a Nazi Reich in security in like 2018. It is only cropped from my HUD, but from the menu you can see it's me.image.png.ca0c66f74b2416a9668ef78567507330.png







Director, opening E-Mails....


KEY: BIORES-25-787*-7****


1 Unread Message 

Subject: Internal Security Department Request


Dear ISD Director,

I am writing to you today to request a formal transfer/induction to the Internal Security Department, assuming it exists. If it doesn't... Discard this email. Attached is my CV, I hope you find it pleasing and give me a shot at this job.





Full Name: Alexander Percival Magus

DoB: 21/09/1984

Sex: Male

Occupation: SCP:F, Research Supervisor

Education and Training: University of Edinburgh, Master's Degree in Biomedical Sciences,
Self Defense Training, Advanced Self Defense Training,
Firearms Training (Pistols, SMGs),
Emergency First-Aid Training,
Legal Codex Training,
Moral Ethics Training

Skills: Hand-To-Hand combat, Field Research, Bilinguilism, Critical thinking.

Contacts: Gillian Andrews, Director of Research - Site 13
Rylie Gustwalker - Personnel Director - Site 13

Intern - Synexus Clinical Research
Junior Research Specialist - Synexus Clinical Research
Team Leader - Synexus Clinical Research
Junior Researcher, Specialising biology - SCP Foundation
Senior Researcher, Specialising Medical Sciences - SCP Foundation
Research Supervisor - SCP Foundation


I hope the image works. - It did not, I am a failure.


Edited by AlexMagus
replaced broken picture with a better picture

SCP-RP Positions

Sarkic Owner
24/02/2021 - 25/07/2021

20/02/2021 -> 22/03/2021

Senior Moderator
22/03/2021 -> 17/04/2021

17/04/2021 -> 01/05/2021

Lead Group Manager
1/05/2021 -> 26/10/2021

Senior Administrator
1/05/2021 -> 12/06/2021

Executive Administator
12/06/2021 -> 26/10/2021

MC&D Salesman

Site Director


Head of Manufacturing Department

Head of External Affairs

Unusual Incidents Unit Agent

Internal Security Department

Sarkic Thrall V5

Sarkic Karcist/Owner V6

MTF ZETA-0 Agent

Head of External Affairs V5

O5-3 like 3 years ago for 30 mins but i was demoted for erp with the HoEA 😞

other jobs i forgot 😞 i hope you enjoyed my signature


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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: Mutfira

RPname: John Stance

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:430569619

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 3weeks 5 days 19 hours

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 1 (Fear RP). it was an accident resulting in an RDM situation where i accidentaly broke out of tactical cuffs.)5 months old

(Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) 




- IC Section -

subject: Request CV.

Personal Informantion:

Born in: U.S.A

DoB: 3/26/1984

Date of join: 2004

Dad: Sebastian Stance (Security Personal), [REDACTED], site-[REDACTED]

Mother: Ela Stance (Medical Personal), Site-[REDACTED]


Recruited to foundation security team directly from U.S army.
Was Corporal at army.

Recruited to Site-19 as an security officer, directly from army. [3 years]
Branch changed to Nu-7.
served in Nu-7 for 6 years, Sergeant. [ Scout, Support.]
Drill Instructor for Nu-7, Specilalization instructor for Support Branch.
Branch Changed to E-11 with the request from [REDACTED]
served E-11 for 8 years,
Promoted to Commander Rank, Request was from E-11 Directory/ Site directory.
Currently Serving as E-11 Commander at Site-19.
- Graduated from local primary school at U.S.A, [REDACTED]
- Graduated from local secondary school at U.S.A, [REDACTED]
- Entered Military High school, Graduated as PVT to U.S army
- No collage/university experience.
- Trained for Basic foundation Legal codex, branches, protocols,Chain of command, SCPs.
- Trained for advanced Branches, Protocols and SCPs due to branch change.
- Trained for advanced Combat and security.
- Trained for Support Program.
- Trained for Scout Program.
- Experienced high stress and combat due to multiple CI raid, Resulting on Multiple deaths on both Nu-7 and E-11.
- Passed S.A.L.T, Nu-7.
- Recruited for E-11, Trained for Containment protocols, SCP documents, On-site Units.
- Trained for Containment Unit.
- Trained for Specialist Unit.
- Commanding
- Quick thinking at Combat situations.
- High experience in firearms.
- Critical thinking.
- Observing, spying.
- adaptive to any enviroment
- High experience with GOIs
- good knowledge on critical postions.
- good knowledge on SCP chambers.
- good knowledge on personals due to long serving time.
- good knowledge on legal codex.
- good knowledge on protocols / documents.

Official Awards/Medals:
- Veteran Service Medal, Nu-7
- Containment medal, X2, Nu-7
- Fortification Certificate.
- Containment Medal(s) [], E-11
Please Contact to author of this File for any Details.

Edited by John Stance

THE john stance


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Before you read this application I know it is short but its all the I could think of at the time of writing, I also would like to apologize for any grammar or spelling errors as English is not my best subject I do try my very best whilst doing some forms of writing but non the less I hope to get honest feedback from anyone who is reading the application



-OOC Section -

Steam Name: Sammy


RPname: John Killvel


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60231685

In game level: 50


Playtime(At least one week): at the time of writing this i am at 7w


Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:  0 warns



- IC Section -



Name: John Killvel

Age: 43

Currant address: ██ ████ Oves City

---Start of email to foundation administration---

Subject: Inquiry for new possession


Dear whom it may concern

I am writing to inquire about a new possible position in the foundation as the current possession does not make me feel like I'm reaching my full potential. 

I know this is not the way we are meant to do things in the foundation but I have no other way of communicating to the administration team without anything being compromised and this seems like the safest way for communication, Right now I’m a private first class in monial task for Nu-7 “Hammer down” and I believe I have been with the foundation for approximately 4 years, over this time i have seen things most people can't dream of and I have learnt stuff that people in the general public won't begin to comprehend like how something so small like 1048 can decimate an entire site.


At this point I believe you don't want to hear the ramblings of a silly guy so I have composed a list of experiences I have and alongside the skills I picked up along the way.

NYPD - 3 years

During this time I learnt to have discipline whilst using a firearms during any situation I encounter, I also learnt standard hand to hand combat

Prison riot response - 2 years

This time of my life was the realization that I was fully cut out for rapid response as I was training in more hand to hand combat skills such as mma (mixed martial arts) alongside boosting my skill with firearms, I learnt during my time a Prison riot response officer that maximum security facilities are dangerously close to an insane asylum


I was just about to hit my 3rd year as a Prison riot response when the foundation picked me up.

During my time in the foundation I have had the ability to train myself in MMA, firearms usage and discipline along with the added bonus of working with the best and brightest that have ever touched our society today


I hope you consider me for transfer to a new department

Yours sincerely John Killvel

---End of email to foundation administration---


Edited by Sammy
Got a better screenshot and fixed spelling
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: ManIsHot

RPname: jake Gonzalez 


In game level: level 50

Playtime(At least one week): 2 weeks and nearly 3 days

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 6 warn's
didn't got any warns for 7 months





- IC Section -

Personal info:

Name Richard Foster

Sex : Male

Age 34

mental / ilnisses : None


Recruited from Navy Seals SGT to Delta Force PVT

Recruited from Delta Force LCPL to security officer Site-[Redacted] [2009]

Transfert to Site-19 Reason : {readacted} [2010]

Promotion to Security Guard  [2011] - LT [2013] 

Served 2 years as LT and Served as Security 6 years

--Branch Changed--


Recruited to E-11 [2015]

Changed Specialization to

[loading .....]

Specialist [2015]

Serving as Specialist at site-19

Private Primary school [Los angeles]
Private Secondary School [Brooklyn]
Private High school [Detroit]
Basic Underwater Demolition
Naval Special Warface Preparatory School
Physical Conditioning/Combat Diving/Land Warfare
Parachute jump school
SEAL Qualification Trained
Seal Troop Trained
Stealth Trained
Weapon Handling Trained
Facility Training.
Basic/expert containment procedures .
Trained for mental control .
Trained for containing scps . 

Skills Set:

Good thinking 
Fast learner/learning
Expert with all kind of weapon's
High Knowledge of All containment chambers located in Site-
High Knowledge of all scps located in Site-[redacted]
High Knowledge of recontaining all scps in site-[redacted]
Expert in spying / observing all sort of things
Knowledge of GOI
Knowledge of most personel
Knowledge of documenents,Codes and Laws within the facility.

End history . 

[thanks for reading it took my very long!]

             [i have bad grammer because english is not my main language and i have Dyslexia]



Edited by Foxie gamer
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: WisherXD

RPname:  John Kyle

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:444288951

In game level:50

Playtime(At least one week): 2w 3d 11h

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:  2 warns, r easons will bepresented down below. (nlr and failbreach)

(Uncropped Screenshot must be included here)   image.png.093be89aec46db457b40723e3ddd205e.png



- IC Section -







Fallon Hansen, aged 45, American descent, grew up in the city of St. Marys, he is bilingual, able to speak English, Russian, and German and Greek, he attended the University of Princeton, before moving into bigger projects.




Fallon grew up in the city of St. Marys, with a liking in martial arts and armed combat, his father, Andrew was already a Field Agent within the foundation, and his mother Bella was a Researcher of Clearance Level 4. Although they both took breaks to attend to their son, his father at a young age sent him to attend self defense classes along as other martial arts such as Brazilian jiu jitsu.  

In school he showed to be a brilliant mind, often acing exams and receiving the most rewards within the school, upon finishing his school life he entered the US navy seals where he finished with the an ace in the physical examination, he was chosen to compete in the Seal Team Six tryouts where he passed and was entered as a Devgru operator.




After his second tour in the afghan war he was then chosen for an interview, to possibly enter the foundation. After a few months he was eventually accepted into the foundation as a security guard where he climbed up the ranks until he joined the MTF Nu-7 “Hammer Down” Where he served for 5 years and earned the rank of SPC. He later resigned and became a field agent for 7 years counting.




Expert knowledge of brazilian jiu jitsu: 8 years in brazilian jiu jitsu classes

Expert in hand to hand self defense : 8 years in self defense classes as well as Devgru and navy seal training in self defense and Nu-7 training

Expert in armed combat : 2 combat tour deployments, Devgru training and Navy seal armed combat training, Nu-7 armed combat training.

Expertise knowledge in interrogation: Field Agent training, and interrogations done within the facility of other persons of interest.

Basic first aid training: Devgru training

advanced knowledge of  The Foundation and how it operates

Extreme Loyalty towards The Foundation

highly educated .










AGE 33 ENTERED Nu-7 Mobile Task Force earning the rank of SPC.




Edited by Peter file
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Steam Name: Jay G 

RPname: Dr Wolfgang Fritz 

SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:547067356 

In game level: level 50

Playtime(At least one week): 1 week 3 days 7 hours as of writing

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 0 warnings [steam screenshots won't work]


To: Site[REDACTED]@management 


Subject: ISD CV 
Personal information:

Name: Dr Wolfgang Fritz 



Current occupation: 
I am currently employed as a field agent investigating anomalous entities and hostile GOI's for the foundations benefit at Site 19.

Family relations:

Siblings: Lisa Fritz a Head researcher employed at Site[REDACTED] for 13 years.

Father: MTF-Beta 7 unit employed at Site [REDACTED] 

Mother: N/A left me with my dad when i was 4 years old.

-good communication skills
-experienced in weapon systems 
-Puzzle solving 
-Makes friends easily 
-good at disguising and blending in when the time is right.
-Can adapt quickly in every situation
-follows orders

Work Experience:

Ikea employee [1 year] 

Waiter at the royal [3 years] 

Bouncer at the Indigo [6 years]

British Army paratrooper [6 years] (where he was initially discovered by the actions for his efforts in Afghanistan).

Foundation Security guard[3 years]

Trial Field Agent [11 weeks] 

Field Agent[6 years currently ongoing]


Secondary school: Hunt-cliff Academy 

College: Imperial College-London 

University-N/A enlisted in the British Army after college 


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16 minutes ago, Jay Gregg said:

Steam Name: Jay G 

RPname: Dr Wolfgang Fritz 

SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:547067356 

In game level: level 50

Playtime(At least one week): 1 week 3 days 7 hours as of writing

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 0 warnings [steam screenshots won't work]

  Hide contents

To: Site[REDACTED]@management 


Subject: ISD CV 
Personal information:

Name: Dr Wolfgang Fritz 



Current occupation: 
I am currently employed as a field agent investigating anomalous entities and hostile GOI's for the foundations benefit at Site 19.

Family relations:

Siblings: Lisa Fritz a Head researcher employed at Site[REDACTED] for 13 years.

Father: MTF-Beta 7 unit employed at Site [REDACTED] 

Mother: N/A left me with my dad when i was 4 years old.

-good communication skills
-experienced in weapon systems 
-Puzzle solving 
-Makes friends easily 
-good at disguising and blending in when the time is right.
-Can adapt quickly in every situation
-follows orders

Work Experience:

Ikea employee [1 year] 

Waiter at the royal [3 years] 

Bouncer at the Indigo [6 years]

British Army paratrooper [6 years] (where he was initially discovered by the actions for his efforts in Afghanistan).

Foundation Security guard[3 years]

Trial Field Agent [11 weeks] 

Field Agent[6 years currently ongoing]


Secondary school: Hunt-cliff Academy 

College: Imperial College-London 

University-N/A enlisted in the British Army after college 



*finishes prestigious college* anyways time to go to ikea, then become a waiter, then a bouncer now!

I do not understand the structure

SCP-RP Positions

Sarkic Owner
24/02/2021 - 25/07/2021

20/02/2021 -> 22/03/2021

Senior Moderator
22/03/2021 -> 17/04/2021

17/04/2021 -> 01/05/2021

Lead Group Manager
1/05/2021 -> 26/10/2021

Senior Administrator
1/05/2021 -> 12/06/2021

Executive Administator
12/06/2021 -> 26/10/2021

MC&D Salesman

Site Director


Head of Manufacturing Department

Head of External Affairs

Unusual Incidents Unit Agent

Internal Security Department

Sarkic Thrall V5

Sarkic Karcist/Owner V6

MTF ZETA-0 Agent

Head of External Affairs V5

O5-3 like 3 years ago for 30 mins but i was demoted for erp with the HoEA 😞

other jobs i forgot 😞 i hope you enjoyed my signature


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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: Tikomatura

RPname: Lyren Trou

SteamID:  7
6561198326381524 // STEAM_1:0:183057898

In game level, playtime and warnings: 



- IC Section -

(Alright, this is going to be hard as i have never written a CV before. Also, PLEASE dont mind the formatting and shit. ive never been good at making text/presentations look any good and im satsified with myself if  i can get this down properly. Thank you ❤️ wrote this on my phone too )

Originally hired as a police officer and worked his way up to the vice-chief of Ovis city 


Interrogation, usage of weapons and tasers, trained to stay calm and avoid conflicts if possible, communication skills, knows how to properly handle people(tackle them properly, get on their pressure points, restrain them)


The foundation threw an eye on him after a news report. Received a letter asking if hed be interested in a position as security guard-accepted


Worked as a security guard for a while and got promoted to LT pretty soon.

got to know the layout of the foundation, basic and partly advanced systems, clearance levels, authorities, the chain of command(s), further weapon training, handling class ds, basic training on interacting with anomalies/scps, security protocols



Recruited as NU7 enlisted unit eventually

introduction on more security protocols/how the foundation acts and operates on the surface, significant knowledge about certain, hostile GOIs.



After a couple of months within the NU7, became a Field Agent due to his remarkable knowledge about the city

deceiving people, being undercover and blending in, spying on people, interrogation, basic amnestic usage



Performed so well that he's been given more dangerous tasks. managed to get into the CI for a couple of months, worked as an undercover spy (for the foundation), gaining loads of experience and knowledge about how they work, and so on. Cover blew up a couple of months in but he managed to get away alive with multiple, not life-threatening injuries. 

Bound to his bed while recovering, he got interested in the scientific side of the foundation



Started assisting jr researchers and eventually worked as one himself. promoted to senior 18ish months later

experience with many scps on-site, knows about their behavior, containment procedures, handling them. basic containment skills


still working within the research department at this moment

Edited by Tikomatura - Lyren Trou
Forgot to hunt this through grammarly -- Screenshot was pixelated

76561198326381524.png                                        Hello

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- OOC Section -

Steam Name:

[WG] Severide


Richard Kruspe / Agent London (will change if accepted into ISD)



In game level:


Playtime(At least one week):


Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 

1) Accidental Propkill - Building an office and my prop had a collision problem with the floor causing it to be sent propelled forwards and killed someone.

2) Was cuffed for an OOC reason and dragged to jail, the guy was facing away from me and I broke out. He then went to call an admin for me "breaking FearRP" furthermore, I was then body blocked into a fading door so I couldn't move and was held there so he can cuff me.

3) Was infected with 016-2 in a stupid situation where it was left right in front of me so I tabbed in and walked on it. Prop killed myself because I felt like it was stupid and accidently killed Kinqu alongside myself.



Just a quick disclaimer, i know it may not make sense going from one job straight into another however I can answer any questions on it should you wish to ask me them: @Severide#3174


To: T……….SCPFoundation@........,.com

From: J,,,,,,,,,,,,.kSCPFoundation@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.com

Subject: Application for Reassignment into the Internal Security Department

Basic Information

Name: James Brian Whitcock

Age: 39

Birthdate: 11/01/1990

Nationality - British


Father - Brian Percival Whitcock - Age: 58 - Mobile Task Force Nu-7 “Hammer Down” Tactician Officer.

Mother - Stéphane Louise Whitcock (née Augstin) - Age: 57 - Deceased, murdered by Chaos Insurgency - Ex-Senior Researcher at Site-...

Brother - Adrian Joshua Whitcock - Age 35 - KIA  in Afghanistan, Royal Marine Commandos, Operation ……..







Employment History

Prior to Foundation

Intern - Military Intelligence, Section 5 - 3 Years (18-21)

Junior Intelligence Analyst - Military Intelligence, Section 5 - 2 Years (21-23) (After Applying)

Intelligence Analyst - Military Intelligence, Section 5 - 4 Years (23-27)

Senior Intelligence Analyst - Military Intelligence, Section 5 - 2 Years (27-29)

Within the Foundation

Security Officer - SCP Foundation - 2 Years - (29-31)

Security Guard - SCP Foundation - 4 Years (31-35)

Security Lieutenant - SCP Foundation 4 Years (35-Present)



Observation - Developed through 7 Years of Intelligence Gathering.

Coding - Enjoyed throughout life, know a few tricks here and there.

Covert Intelligence - Blending in throughout career during service to Military Intelligence, Section 5.

Intelligence Gathering - Identifying clues and trials, through work at university and at MI5.

Loyalty and Integrity - Following orders and rules, enforcing them even when people are not around.

Mixology - From Bartending as a part time job back in his teens.

Patience - Dealing with targets that have to be watched for extensive periods of time can be challenging and require one to develop high levels of patience before making any sort of move.

Communication - Working as part of a team (MI5 Intelligence Squad Bravo).

Small Firearms Training - Hunting with father as a child.


Edited by Richard Kruspe
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: WisherXD

RPname:  John Kyle

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:444288951

In game level:50

Playtime(At least one week): 3w 1d 9h ( 3w 2d )

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:   warns, reasons will be presented down below. 

(Uncropped Screenshot must be included here)   

-IC Section-




Edited by Peter file
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: LightSoulist


Lucy Foldrestrtop



In game level:


Playtime(At least one week): 4 Weeks 4 Days

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: Quite a few of them are old and only about 4 of them are "recent"

(Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) 



- IC Section -






Edited by Brandon Viper
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-OOC Section -

Steam Name: Dr.Dark

RPname: Evan Dark

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:103326019

In game level: 50

Playtime(At least one week): 2w 1d 12h

Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:  3
Breaking fearRP

(Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) 


- IC Section -

[Insert your CV here] 

From: Evan Dark
To: Internal Security Department

Topic: CV
Age: 37
First Name: Evan
Last Name: Dark
Gender: Male 

Service time in Foundation: 17 years 3 months and 14days

State of Origin: Czech Republic
Town of Origin: [Redacted]
Date of Birth: [Redacted]

Degree: Medical expirience, Military expirience

Security Department:4 years / Rank: LT
Firearms training
Detaining technics
Hand to Hand combat 
Melee combat training

Medic/Combat Medic: 4 years
Use of Amnestics
Anatomy Expert
Body Preassure Points 

Field Agent: 5 years
Negotiation training 
Infiltration training
Gathering of Informations
Disguise traning
Assasination training 
Training of Use of Amnestics
Firearms training (Pistol's,Smg's,sniper rifles)
Espionage training
Self defence training

Nu-7 Hammer Down: 4 years / Rank PFC
Military training
Extra Hand to hand combat
Takedowns training
Extra Firearms training
Combat movement training
Rescue of hostage training 

Experience in combat and weaponry (Guns,melee weapons,Hand to hand combat)
Experience in using of amnestics
Infiltration and espionage experience 

Intel gathering 
Medical experience 
Expert on Termination/Assasination

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