
[ Job Suggestion] D-class gun dealer

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let's be honest a lot of people play as D-class but playing as D-class is so boring because it's very hard to get guns as D-class and escaping from foundation is impossible. someone in the comment section is probably going to say "well as a D-class you get tested" well here 2 things about getting tested
1)Getting tested is not fun

2)there are barely any scp on for any D-class to get tested

So here is my plan how about you guys add paid (no level requirement only paid)D-class gun dealer role anyone who is using this role can buy guns,ammo,keycard,cuff and etc from f4 menu so any D-class can get guns and ammo for rioting and escaping easily.I am pretty sure someone in the comment section is going to say "well that will make D-class more minge and D-block a warzone" here are few thing

1)Foundation members are more minge i literally saw 5 or 6 foundation members breaking nlr i also a security guard scamming 500k from a D-class

2)I personally thing if D-class start rioting it will be fun

3)as long D-class aren't breaking any rules they are good to go if they do break a rule then just call an admin (i saw foundation members breaking more rule then d-class)

4)Don't you guys want have some fun there are barely any scp if D-class start rioting it will be very fun

5)it will create so many good rp situation

so please add D-class gun dealer role make it a paid role but no rank requirement.Just go for a test drive just add it in the game and see how other players approach to the role if people start abusing this job or if this job create a lot of issue then just remove the job

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2 hours ago, MR.volcano said:

1)Foundation members are more minge i literally saw 5 or 6 foundation members breaking nlr i also a security guard scamming 500k from a D-class

We aren't going to pretend D-Class also aren't?


2 hours ago, MR.volcano said:

1)Getting tested is not fun

So giving D-Class weapons would be?


2 hours ago, MR.volcano said:

2)there are barely any scp on for any D-class to get tested

And you thought giving D-Class weapons would fix this?


2 hours ago, MR.volcano said:

2)I personally thing if D-class start rioting it will be fun

No, just no.


2 hours ago, MR.volcano said:

3)as long D-class aren't breaking any rules they are good to go if they do break a rule then just call an admin (i saw foundation members breaking more rule then d-class)

There's more to "just call an admin", you have to understand that this would overall enlarge the amount of rulebreakers to clog up the admin sit queue, it's just simply that the chargeback for this addition isn't worth it + other factors.


2 hours ago, MR.volcano said:

4)Don't you guys want have some fun there are barely any scp if D-class start rioting it will be very fun

SCP-RP not Jailbreak


2 hours ago, MR.volcano said:

5)it will create so many good rp situation

Ah yes giving low level D-Class will give "good rp situation".


-1 I hope you were being ironic with this suggestion.

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This suggestion is art. It adds roleplay to d class.

Im sick of playing d class with no rp
What do i need?

I need the same loadout as an nu7 pvt
I also suggest
D class Anomaly

D class anomaly is a 1 slot job thats immortal (like tau-5) and has all guns in f4 menu

To balance this job, it has a whitelist that is easy to get 

Once again, massive +1


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shut up

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21 hours ago, MR.volcano said:

come on guys it's not like they will kidnap you and take of ur cloths

Yes it will be like that they will kidnap a Researcher and a Cafeteria Worker and film a p o r n. And even if the Class D dies what stops him from buying a gun again and start all over. Man the level 16 security guards will either leave the server and never come back because they get constantly killed. Or they start assisting the class ds and take over the entire site.

Overall +1 please add this.


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Gotta give the muscle D class some way to pass the time in d block

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
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