
Staff Application

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RP Character name(s): N/A due to server not being open as of yet


Steam Name: Anschib


Steam ID: ( STEAM_0:1:67630575


Age when applying: I’d rather not state personal information in public. If it’s really needed I answer, I’ll provide in private. Sorry if that causes any inconvenience. 


What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: Republic of Ireland, BST.


Can you speak and type English fluently: I’ve been speaking it since I was born so it’d surprise me if I couldn’t.


Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): Unavailable due to the server not being opened yet.


IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on HL-RP: None as of current.


Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: Due to lockdown and most stores being shut due to the entire corona situation, I don’t at the moment of writing this application, no. Once lockdown gets lifted though I plan to head out and buy one, however, due to it being long overdue. Either way, typing is my primary way as of current.


When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: Server hasn’t opened yet, however, I’ve been in the discord since it first got announced.


How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums: In all honesty, I only use Teamspeak to communicate with my regiment on SWRP. Otherwise I prefer using discord over it the majority of the time. For the forums, I check them atleast once or twice daily for anything of relevance.


State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen): None due to the server not being opened as of yet.


State the role of staff on the server: The purpose of staff on the server, in general, is essentially the “police” the player base per se, ensure that all the servers rules are being followed, and to essentially promote a safe and fun place for people to gather and enjoy the gamemode without being ruined by others attempting to circumvent the ruleset or such.

The role of members of the administrative team is also to guide new players when they first join the server and teach them the basics of the servers function and educate them on the rules if required, allowing them to properly integrate themself into the community without much hassle.

Essentially staff are there to guide players, enforce the ruleset, assist where needed and just establish a fun area for people to relax at the end of the day, enjoy a game and just have fun out of it all.


Give some context about setting of C24 within the Half Life universe (150 words+): City 24, or more commonly known before the Union occupation as Geneva is a Union city situated in Geneva, Switzerland, just on the border with France. Distinct and unique in appearance to other Union metropolitan areas, City Twenty Four is flared with propaganda and Unionization efforts similar to those performed by both the Third Reich and Soviet Russia, banners adorning the streets, Union symbols plastering every wall- the entire lot, essentially a conformist paradise. Fairly luxurious in origin, City Twenty Four also houses a second district across the bridge, and an underground network of ancient pre-war bunkers still in usage by local cells. Managed by the Civil Administration Board as a puppet government, Geneva is essentially a model Union city in public eye.

Outside of City Twenty Four, for a brief description of the Half Life universe as a whole, to summarise; After the Black Mesa incident caused by Gordon Freeman in the Black Mesa facility caused the Portal Storms and subsequent Xenian infestation of Earth, bringing various species such as Vortigaunt, headcrabs, houndeyes, alien grunts, etcetera to the world- this garnered Earth as a target for a secondary alien race known as the Combine. The Combine, a technologically advanced and authoritarian Empire, brought an invasion force to Earth and managed to submit it under their rule in an event known as the Seven Hour War. Subsequently, humanity was enslaved under Combine rule, puppet governments established under Wallace Breen, and the Combine left both a liasion and administrative force on Earth as a garrison in form of synthetic soldiers, and the Advisors. I can expand on more detail if requested.


Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?: Due to the ruleset not being published yet, no, however I’m just going to assume most of it will be common sense.


Have you read the punishment list and are familiar with it?: Again, it’s not published as of yet, so I’m just going to assume it’ll be common sense and similar to other W-G servers.


List of all previous server staff experience: Staff on W-G SCPRP four separate times, staff on W-G Deathrun upon it’s first iteration/launch a few years ago, staff on W-G MetroRP when that was trial runned a while back under Lamar, and staff on a few other W-G servers over the past few years dating back to 2015 which I admittedly can’t remember. I can go into more detail on each of the aforementioned if needed.


List of all previous RP experience: Again, I’m just going to summarise for this question instead of going into too much detail to avoid clutter unless specifically requested, but;

Leader of multiple RP groups on SCPRP, experience in militaryRP servers and a good few years experience on SWRP, faction leader of the Civil Protection faction on another serious text-only HL2RP server (will not name community in public to avoid potential advertising, can state in private if requested), one of the highest ranking Civil Protection units, member of multiple resistance cells and essentially a faction member of near every faction on another serious HL2RP server over a three year period (refer to aforementioned if more detail is needed). Also extensive experience in Terminator SeriousRP which taught me greatly the aspects of S2RP over S2K, and other passive roleplay. That’s the relevant parts.



Have you added the Manager on Steam? If not, add him (

A request was sent.


Have you added the Vice-Manager on Steam? If not, add him (

A request was sent.


Have you added the Staff Manager on Steam? If not, add him (

A request was sent.


Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes, sir, and that’s what I’d expect assuming I majorly fuck up/am deemed unfit.



Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:


1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people: Upon noticing the report of RDM, my initial set of actions would be rather simple. I’d begin by taking the claim and bringing the player in question to an isolated part of the map to avoid interrupting any potential RP, and from there on, I’d calmly ask him about the situation.

After he explained it and both me and him went over the details, I’d go through logs to confirm his side of the story, and then go through with asking him if he had any actual evidence on his own side to back-up his claims. Throughout this, I’d have brought the other player into the sit and inquired them on their side of the story, aswell.

Assuming the initial report had evidence, then the punishment would be rather simple and the case straight-forward. Considering the server is seriousRP, and taking that in my mind, there’s zero tolerance for rule-breaks such as RDM which could’ve ruined an entire RP scenario. So I’d issue a week ban after explaining the situation, and informing the player to appeal it on the forums if seen as unjust.

Assuming there was no evidence but logs linked up to provide proof and an acceptable understanding of the story, then refer to above.

Assuming there was no evidence and logs didn’t show any proof to prove the reporters claim, then I’d simply return them both and apologise due to action not being able to be taken.


2 ) You are asked by a player about how to join a faction: As the claim went through, again, I’d bring the player to an isolated area of the map so I can explain it to him in-detail instead of possibly disturbing others, and my description is rather simple. For out-of-character factions such as Civil Protection and the Transhuman Arm, I’d explain to the player that for those he’d have to submit either a discord/forum application, and await a response stating either pending interview, accepted, or denied, and go from there. While providing him a link to either the discord or forum page all the while, and explaining all the possible requirements beforehand.


Assuming he’s asking about an in-character group such as a rebel gang (not lambda) that other players have formed, I’d inform the player that they’d have to figure out the groups existence in-characterly and it’s up to the discretion of that group's members whether or not he was integrated and it’s up to him and his character to ICly find out about how to join.


3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around: Full disclosure beforehand, my response to this scenario may be harsh in comparison to other applicants, but you have to remember that this is a seriousRP server and players should acknowledge that when they join. It’s not semi-seriousRP where leniency is often given and players can get away with rule breaks if they just apologise and repeat the same offense ten minutes later.

With that in mind before my answer, my act would go as follows. First off I’d spectate the player for a few moments and determine what he’s actually doing. Assuming it’s something minor such as punching random objects, bhopping, or anything else, then I’d immediately warn him for failRP, bring him to the staff room, explain the situation, and administer a 24 hour ban for him to re-learn the ruleset and actually join the server with the seriousRP mindset in his head.

Assuming it was something more severe such as minge punching other players, interrupting possible roleplay with his mingery, or anything that could be deemed “serious”, repeat the same answer, except replace the 24 hour ban with a one week ban.

I understand my response there may be viewed as an “over-reaction”, but I repeat- the server is seriousRP and that’s acknowledged in the servers name. If people are allowed to mess around and get away with rulebreaks- it ruins the image of the server and allows that serious mindset to deteriorate over time.


4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly: If someone is refusing to roleplay, no matter their rank- then they’d be falling under the failRP/unwillingness to roleplay rule no matter their position on the server, so as such, I’d immediately bring them into a sit and warn them for failRP, inform them to stop their actions and actually take their position seriously, and inform their appropriate faction leader.

Again, I know this may seem harsh, but I explained my reasonings in the previous answer.


5 ) A player is prop spamming: If a player is prop spamming and attempting to crash the server, then immediately save the evidence, and issue a permanent ban. Simple and blunt answer there.


6 ) Somebody does not agree with the outcome of an RP situation therefore he decides to break RP and act OOC: If a player doesn’t agree with the outcome of an RP situation, then simply put I’d inform him to get in-character and deal with it after the fact. I’d calmly explain to him that for now, please just go along and if he feels it’s unjust, we can go over and talk about it after the situation is well and done, or possibly void the entire thing after it’s finished.

At the moment though I’d simply inform him to keep in-character until the situation has ended, then it can be resolved after the fact.


7 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish him however he does not agree with your decision and keeps arguing: If the player disagreed with my judgment and believed me to be in the wrong, then I’d rather simply inform him that I stand by my judgment, gather my own evidence to defend my actions, and then provide him a link to the server forums and inform him that if he feels it was unjust, he can appeal it either in the un-ban section, or report me for admin abuse, whichever he seems fit.


8 ) Someone commits FailRP but claims the specific instance of FailRP you warned him for is not explained in detail within the rules: I’d stand by my punishment and simply inform him to make a suggestion thread on the forums for the rules to be adjusted, while informing the server hierarchy myself.


9 ) A player evidently breaks a rule however he makes a good point in his defence by abusing loopholes within the rules: Same answer as above. Loopholes aren't an excuse to break rules, nor are they a work around. Punishment remains and I’d inform server management of the loopholes he utilised and explain the situation to them.



Answer the following questions in detail:


1 ) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments: The differences between tier 1 rule-breaking and tier 2 rule-breaking are rather simple. Tier 1 rule breaking is low-level rule breaks committed by new players without any knowledge of the server rules/no malice from them, and arguably should be handled with a lighter offence. Tier 2 rule breaking is premeditated rule breaking with server rules fully in mind and more serious offences. 


2 ) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming in relation with the two: The differences between IC (In-Character), and OOC (Out of Character) are rather simple to explain. IC references in-character, which is essentially everything your character knows in-characterly. For example, IC information would resolve around your characters relationships, knowledge they’ve learned through IC interactions, experiences your character has went through and gained from, etcetera, essentially everything your character has went through, experienced, learned, and has knowledge of.

OOC refers to out-of-character, also known as, what you the player knows outside of the game. OOC refers to information you’ve learned either through discord, steam chat, through staff sits, reading the forums, basically anything that your character didn’t learn through their experiences and playing the game and through interactions.

Metagaming in relation to the two is rather simply using OOC information IC without any IC knowledge of the situation. I can explain that more if needed but that’s the blunt description.


3 ) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP: The differences between serious roleplay and semi-serious are rather vast. Serious roleplay focuses on providing an immersive and serious environment where players are expected to take the gamemode seriously and stay in-character 24/7. SeriousRP focuses on the development of characters, forming of IC relationships, in-character progressing, forming stories, and assisting eachother in writing and creating a fun and cooperative experience, with voice chat often de-activated to enhance immersion and allow players to buy into the setting more.

Semi-serious roleplay is more-so what you’d get in a darkRP gamemode, with a focus on TDM aspects, shootouts, F4 menu jobs, voice chat, and more so focusing on fun and something you can jump in and out of whenever to fuck about with friends, rather than something you invest time into to develop something long-term.


4 ) Explain the difference between PassiveRP and CombatRP, explain your view on their importance in our gamemode: The differences between PassiveRP and CombatRP are rather obvious by their names alone. PassiveRP is passive action that takes place during the majority of the time, such as idle conversation, talking in a bar, hosting an auction, holding a speech, patrolling about, etcetera. Meanwhile CombatRP is the title given to actions such as shootouts, melee fights, etcetera.

Both are important to the gamemode. PassiveRP in sense of giving players a constant thing to do and calmness in down time, and combatRP in the sense of promoting risk and enjoyment and giving players something to strive for or fear.


5 ) Define the term of Combat Baiting: Combat baiting is essentially what the name says. It’s baiting combat without justifiable in-character reason and just attempting to provoke someone for the laugh of it. Combat baiting is essentially attempting to bait someone into engaging combat with you, such as walking around the city with a gun out attempting to get cops to start shooting you, a lone unit running into the rebel zone attempting to rambo them for a firefight, etcetera.


6 ) Define Power Gaming / Power RP: The act of powergaming, simply put, is attempting to force your actions on other players through roleplay without giving them ample chance to react and attempt to interfere/stop you, and dictating how they reply to it. For example, doing something such as /me knocks the cop over the back of the head, rendering them unconscious immediately is powergaming.


7 ) Define the term FailRP: FailRP can range from a wide variety of descriptions, albeit- the most broad term to use for it is doing something that’s not considered appropriate roleplay, and not acting in an acceptable manner. For example, doing things such as bhopping or punching people at random is failRP.


8 ) Define the term FearRP:  FearRP is essentially enforcing the fear element of roleplay, and your character actually fearing for their life. For example, assuming you’re being held at gunpoint and you’re either unarmed or don’t have your weapon out, you’d be obligated to abide by fearRP, considering well, it’s human reaction to self preservate and not get yourself shot.



Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words): Right, I’ll start this initial question off simple enough. The first reason I believe I should be accepted is because of my activity in the werwolf gaming community, and how often available I am in the day. Alongside my general willingness to respond to most admin requests near instantly no matter what I’m doing. The reasoning on why I feel this is important because admittedly I plan to be playing the server either early morning or late in the night, and from experience on other werwolf gaming servers- these two are the prime times when staff members are either offline or asleep. I help to wish remedy this problem before it even comes up, by ensuring that there’s atleast one staff member online constantly no matter the timezone.


Secondly, I believe I should be accepted for staff over my general knowledge of HL2RP, the general rules the gamemode normally has, and my knowledge on how the gamemode has evolved and progressed over the years. Considering the fact I’ve been playing HL2RP ever since 2015, I’ve had a fairly good chance to watch as the gamemode evolved and changed over the years and get a pretty good idea of it all as of current. Personally, I feel this is something that can be used to contribute to the players experience and provide more lore-building and knowledge on how to correctly respond to in-character situations on the server.


Thirdly here, I generally also have alot of free time and am willing to get on the server whenever either requested on discord or steam. I’m generally willing to hop off whatever other game or stop whatever else I’m doing as long as it’s not serious to pop on the server and assist whoever needs help, and overall I’d say I have a pretty quick response time.


For the final reason on why I believe I should be picked as a staff member on the HL2RP server; It’s because I feel I’m mature enough at this point and a mostly friendly and active guy. I try to involve others as much as possible in whatever I’m doing, and overall I’m fairly patient. I also feel that I have enough experience and knowledge of the HL2RP lore and universe to be able to staff fairly on there, already having been the ranks of moderator twice in the past before I quit the server for a few years.


Overall, I just feel you should pick me as a moderator because of my prior experience as staff on werwolf gaming, willingness to help, general activity and honestly I just want to help out the players and have an enjoyable experience on the server alongside them.

Edited by anschib
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Ok so, I just read your application and now I will give you my opinion on it.

The Application
Let me start with the first part of the application, the general information part.
You had to explain the story of City-24 and the HL Universe with 150+ words, but unfortunately you only wrote 123 words (according to a word counter), and that means that you didn´t reached the requirement which is kinda sad, because the rest is very detailed and correct.

Let me move on to the situations

On 6/2/2020 at 4:48 PM, anschib said:

1 ) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:

On 6/2/2020 at 4:48 PM, anschib said:

Assuming the initial report had evidence, then the punishment would be rather simple and the case straight-forward. Considering the server is seriousRP, and taking that in my mind, there’s zero tolerance for rule-breaks such as RDM which could’ve ruined an entire RP scenario. So I’d issue a week ban after explaining the situation, and informing the player to appeal it on the forums if seen as unjust.

So, here you said that you would ban someone for 1 week for breacking RDM, an RDM sit can me multiple situations, so in this case it depends on the situation if you would give him a one week ban for RDM, a Tier I or a Tier II Warn / Ban / Kick (Depends on the punishments list which isn´t out yet), but in my opinion a one week ban for one guy RDMing another guy is a bit too much, but of course it depends on the situation and on the warns he already got, I will give you an example.
1. If the guy only RDMed someone without knowing the rules, I would check if he already has a warn for RDM, if he doesn´t has a warn, I would give him a Tier I Warn and a Rule kick, so he can read the rules and come back when he knows them.
2. If the guys RDMed someone I would do the same, check his warns, and if he already has a warn for RDM Tier I, then I would give him a Tier II  warning and a ban for 1/2 days.
In situation 2 I gave him a Tier II because, when he already got a Tier I warning for RDM, that means that he already knows the rules and the fact that he addmited RDM.
But the situations can also have a different outcome, depending on what the guy did.
The rest of question 1 was answered very good and detailed, which his good.


On 6/2/2020 at 4:48 PM, anschib said:

2 ) You are asked by a player about how to join a faction:

You answered that question very good, but it isn´t 100% decided yet how someone can join e.g the CP, perhaps they have to go as a citizen to the Nexus and ask for an interview.
I hope more information on that will be given soon.
But the answer you gave was good aswell.

On 6/2/2020 at 4:48 PM, anschib said:

3 ) You catch somebody not performing RP and messing around:


On 6/2/2020 at 4:48 PM, anschib said:

4 ) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:

The answers given in question 3 and 4  are good, but if someone is clearly not willing to RP he is not doing FailRP, he doing NITRP = no intention to roleplay and that is not a 1d ban, a NITRP Tier I warn + ban is more likely a 1 week ban and a NITRP Tier II can be a few weeks to a permanent ban.


On 6/2/2020 at 4:48 PM, anschib said:

5 ) A player is prop spamming:

The answer is correct, if someone if prop spamming he should always get a permanent ban or a NITRP ban, but it also depends on the number of props he spawned / spammed.

You answered question 6-9 correct, there is nothing for me to say.

Moving on to the definition.

In my opinion you defined everything correct, so there is not anything for me to say aswell.

To sum everything up, I will give you a +1 / Small Neutral
The +1 becasue of the detail and the answeres.
The Small Neutral because you didn´t wrote 150+ here.

On 6/2/2020 at 4:48 PM, anschib said:

Give some context about setting of C24 within the Half Life universe (150 words+):

I think you would be a very good addition for the staff team.

Good luck!


Current Ranks
Civil Protection 04 - JURY
Former Ranks
Hauptmann und Polizeichef der Berliner Ordnungspolizei
Hauptscharführer des Inland-Sicherheitsdienst

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Figured Willrick's "squad" would jump in eventually and swarm messages as they always tend to do to people Willrick dislikes, but none the less, I'll try my best to state some actual response to some possible valid points they might've made.

44 minutes ago, Darkusto said:

-1 , Reasons shown above, wasnt good staff 


41 minutes ago, Kvisten said:

Video shows why you aint fit for staff


First off, my reply to these two, can you two actually explain how the video shows any proof why I shouldn't be staff, and actually outline the "reasons stated above", please? Because in my eyes, that video doesn't show anything creditable, for reasons I'm going to explain in just a minute here.

47 minutes ago, Inspector Willrick said:

Jokes aside, fading in and out of the community isn't as bad but



For the video now, which I have to re-iterate, is from months ago, I'd like to argue my case on why it was invalid. First off, what is it meant to prove exactly? That I use to be staff on SCPRP, Willrick reported me to hierachy for ignoring sits for an entire 17 hours (one day where I wasn't playing a server), uses a video showcasing evidence of me responding to his own sit as proof I ignore sits, and for that I'm apparently shit staff? I'm sorry if my response here sounds a bit aggressive/blunt, but that's the easiest way for me to state my point.

I'm sorry if I wasn't on the server every second of every single day and I took one day off responding from sits after doing it consistently for up to two months before first off, I took that day out to actually socialize with my friends instead of sitting on a computer all day, and for the few hours I did get on the server, I wished to actually prioritize playing with my friends and creating an enjoyable atmosphere instead of draining myself out doing staff sits for one night when I wanted to play the server normally. I'm sorry if I'm such shit staff for taking one day off doing sits, despite, Willrick's own video proving that I did still respond to the occasional one.

Secondly, the failRP accusations. I'd like to once again re-iterate this was months ago, and I don't see how it'd be an accurate representation of how I'd act now, but despite that, I'd like to actually explain the situation. The "supposed" failRP was when the SCP-RP hierarchy decided to remove the rule banning PME, so myself and a group of friends decided to make our own "event" (not even an event) on the server. For some context, on the SCP-RP server there was a group called MCND which sold anomalies and weapons, so myself and a group of friends go over to their club and buy ourselves an item which turns us into zombies and gives us a SWEP which turns other people into zombies.

Now, instead of just being mindless zombies, we decided to make an RP scenario out of it, forming ourselves as Sarkic cults, and starting a gathering on the surface and promoting roleplay, while actually roleplaying turning people into zombies through them joining the cult willingly until we had an acceptable number to the point we managed to fully take over the surface through complete roleplay and usage of a feature which any player had access to. None the less, this was considered an "event" considering the fact we were going by the name Sarkic Cults, but considering previously the PME rule was removed from the server, it was technically allowed, until Foundation members started complaining to Harland that we killed them whenever they came up to the surface, until he had to step in and stop us.

Now, after that, Willrick and his buddies essentially complained to server staff saying it was all failRP, I should be demoted, or whatever else, and that was eventually done, despite the fact everything I did at the time being in the servers rule set, which if people want to investigate into, was allowed. But despite that, Willrick and his buddies are trying to use that as some justification for me never being staff again, because Willrick still has some weird personal vendetta against me.


Now, that aside, I'd just like to outline how suspicious it is after them having days to comment their own opinions individually, suddenly Willrick comes in with his group of friends, and they all at once, with only 2-3 minutes apart from their posts, suddenly start spamming -1's, and all start rating eachother, as evidence here shows;




None the less, I think the timestamps, how close their posts are to eachother, and the fact they're literally all spamming eachother ratings and they're known friends is evidence enough, but despite that, that's the only counter-argument I'll provide for the entire thing.

Also the fact Willrick and his friends managed to post a reaction immediately is comedic;

Edited by anschib
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2 minutes ago, anschib said:

Figured Willrick's "squad" would jump in eventually and swarm messages as they always tend to do to people Willrick dislikes, but none the less, I'll try my best to state some actual response to some possible valid points they might've made.


First off, my reply to these two, can you two actually explain how the video shows any proof why I shouldn't be staff, and actually outline the "reasons stated above", please? Because in my eyes, that video doesn't show anything creditable, for reasons I'm going to explain in just a minute here.

For the video now, which I have to re-iterate, is from months ago, I'd like to argue my case on why it was invalid. First off, what is it meant to prove exactly? That I use to be staff on SCPRP, Willrick reported me to hierachy for ignoring sits for an entire 17 hours (one day where I wasn't playing a server), uses a video showcasing evidence of me responding to his own sit as proof I ignore sits, and for that I'm apparently shit staff? I'm sorry if my response here sounds a bit aggressive/blunt, but that's the easiest way for me to state my point.

I'm sorry if I wasn't on the server every second of every single day and I took one day off responding from sits after doing it consistently for up to two months before first off, I took that day out to actually socialize with my friends instead of sitting on a computer all day, and for the few hours I did get on the server, I wished to actually prioritize playing with my friends and creating an enjoyable atmosphere instead of draining myself out doing staff sits for one night when I wanted to play the server normally. I'm sorry if I'm such shit staff for taking one day off doing sits, despite, Willrick's own video proving that I did still respond to the occasional one.

Secondly, the failRP accusations. I'd like to once again re-iterate this was months ago, and I don't see how it'd be an accurate representation of how I'd act now, but despite that, I'd like to actually explain the situation. The "supposed" failRP was when the SCP-RP hierarchy decided to remove the rule banning PME, so myself and a group of friends decided to make our own "event" (not even an event) on the server. For some context, on the SCP-RP server there was a group called MCND which sold anomalies and weapons, so myself and a group of friends go over to their club and buy ourselves an item which turns us into zombies and gives us a SWEP which turns other people into zombies.

Now, instead of just being mindless zombies, we decided to make an RP scenario out of it, forming ourselves as Sarkic cults, and starting a gathering on the surface and promoting roleplay, while actually roleplaying turning people into zombies through them joining the cult willingly until we had an acceptable number to the point we managed to fully take over the surface through complete roleplay and usage of a feature which any player had access to. None the less, this was considered an "event" considering the fact we were going by the name Sarkic Cults, but considering previously the PME rule was removed from the server, it was technically allowed, until Foundation members started complaining to Harland that we killed them whenever they came up to the surface, until he had to step in and stop us.

Now, after that, Willrick and his buddies essentially complained to server staff saying it was all failRP, I should be demoted, or whatever else, and that was eventually done, despite the fact everything I did at the time being in the servers rule set, which if people want to investigate into, was allowed. But despite that, Willrick and his buddies are trying to use that as some justification for me never being staff again, because Willrick still has some weird personal vendetta against me.


Now, that aside, I'd just like to outline how suspicious it is after them having days to comment their own opinions individually, suddenly Willrick comes in with his group of friends, and they all at once, with only 2-3 minutes apart from their posts, suddenly start spamming -1's, and all start rating eachother, as evidence here shows;




None the less, I think the timestamps, how close their posts are to eachother, and the fact they're literally all spamming eachother ratings and they're known friends is evidence enough, but despite that, that's the only counter-argument I'll provide for the entire thing.

Not just the fact Willrick may dislike you, but you were bad staff. Constantly inactive and often ignored sits.
You constantly minged, and when CI you always got super salty as fuck. And the fact the PME rule was "removed" doesnt allow you to go make Sarkic Cults, and minge about as it. 

Having you as staff on HL2RP would be a disservice to the gamemode, as it was on SCP. 

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8 minutes ago, Darkusto said:

Not just the fact Willrick may dislike you, but you were bad staff. Constantly inactive and often ignored sits.
You constantly minged, and when CI you always got super salty as fuck. And the fact the PME rule was "removed" doesnt allow you to go make Sarkic Cults, and minge about as it. 

Having you as staff on HL2RP would be a disservice to the gamemode, as it was on SCP. 

Please quote some actual evidence of "how" I was inactive and often ignored sits, and please show some actual evidence to this minging? You can say I did all well and good, but if you ask anyone from the CI discord or go through their channels that log activity, you can see that I was on the server every day (which, I actually messaged one of the CI whitelist leaders, just to confirm for you my activity during my tenure of staff., and if I often ignored sits, how did I mass my count to over 500 of them in the time I was staff? As Willrick's "evidence" shows the exact sit count I did.

Also I never once remember getting salty. But none the less, for your secondary point, the PME rule being removed allowed me to do what happened within the ruleset, which was rather simple. Once again, myself and my friends bought an entity from an in-character group that was available to the entire server to buy, and said entity turned you into a zombie with an infection SWEP. We simply spread the infection and made a temporary in-character group out of that. That isn't minging. It's creating roleplay considering we all stayed within our own area, just focused on spreading our influence, and not once messed around.

Edited by anschib
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18 minutes ago, anschib said:

Figured Willrick's "squad" would jump in eventually and swarm messages as they always tend to do to people Willrick dislikes, but none the less, I'll try my best to state some actual response to some possible valid points they might've made.


First off, my reply to these two, can you two actually explain how the video shows any proof why I shouldn't be staff, and actually outline the "reasons stated above", please? Because in my eyes, that video doesn't show anything creditable, for reasons I'm going to explain in just a minute here.

For the video now, which I have to re-iterate, is from months ago, I'd like to argue my case on why it was invalid. First off, what is it meant to prove exactly? That I use to be staff on SCPRP, Willrick reported me to hierachy for ignoring sits for an entire 17 hours (one day where I wasn't playing a server), uses a video showcasing evidence of me responding to his own sit as proof I ignore sits, and for that I'm apparently shit staff? I'm sorry if my response here sounds a bit aggressive/blunt, but that's the easiest way for me to state my point.

I'm sorry if I wasn't on the server every second of every single day and I took one day off responding from sits after doing it consistently for up to two months before first off, I took that day out to actually socialize with my friends instead of sitting on a computer all day, and for the few hours I did get on the server, I wished to actually prioritize playing with my friends and creating an enjoyable atmosphere instead of draining myself out doing staff sits for one night when I wanted to play the server normally. I'm sorry if I'm such shit staff for taking one day off doing sits, despite, Willrick's own video proving that I did still respond to the occasional one.

Secondly, the failRP accusations. I'd like to once again re-iterate this was months ago, and I don't see how it'd be an accurate representation of how I'd act now, but despite that, I'd like to actually explain the situation. The "supposed" failRP was when the SCP-RP hierarchy decided to remove the rule banning PME, so myself and a group of friends decided to make our own "event" (not even an event) on the server. For some context, on the SCP-RP server there was a group called MCND which sold anomalies and weapons, so myself and a group of friends go over to their club and buy ourselves an item which turns us into zombies and gives us a SWEP which turns other people into zombies.

Now, instead of just being mindless zombies, we decided to make an RP scenario out of it, forming ourselves as Sarkic cults, and starting a gathering on the surface and promoting roleplay, while actually roleplaying turning people into zombies through them joining the cult willingly until we had an acceptable number to the point we managed to fully take over the surface through complete roleplay and usage of a feature which any player had access to. None the less, this was considered an "event" considering the fact we were going by the name Sarkic Cults, but considering previously the PME rule was removed from the server, it was technically allowed, until Foundation members started complaining to Harland that we killed them whenever they came up to the surface, until he had to step in and stop us.

Now, after that, Willrick and his buddies essentially complained to server staff saying it was all failRP, I should be demoted, or whatever else, and that was eventually done, despite the fact everything I did at the time being in the servers rule set, which if people want to investigate into, was allowed. But despite that, Willrick and his buddies are trying to use that as some justification for me never being staff again, because Willrick still has some weird personal vendetta against me.


Now, that aside, I'd just like to outline how suspicious it is after them having days to comment their own opinions individually, suddenly Willrick comes in with his group of friends, and they all at once, with only 2-3 minutes apart from their posts, suddenly start spamming -1's, and all start rating eachother, as evidence here shows;




None the less, I think the timestamps, how close their posts are to eachother, and the fact they're literally all spamming eachother ratings and they're known friends is evidence enough, but despite that, that's the only counter-argument I'll provide for the entire thing.

Also the fact Willrick and his friends managed to post a reaction immediately is comedic;

The video shows clear evidence on why you should not be staff again. It shows that you ignored sits even though you are staff and it is your job to help the players who call for help when others are breaking the server rule. It even states you caused mass failrp and rule which results in why you are not the type of person who should be a staff again in the near future. Why would a staff even do this shit and then be like "heheh me break rules and ignore sits me gets removed as staff. Me apply again but on another server. Me smart". In conclusion you should not be staff due the evidence shown in that clip of why you were removed.



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4 minutes ago, anschib said:

Figured Willrick's "squad" would jump in eventually and swarm messages as they always tend to do to people Willrick dislikes, but none the less, I'll try my best to state some actual response to some possible valid points they might've made.


First off, my reply to these two, can you two actually explain how the video shows any proof why I shouldn't be staff, and actually outline the "reasons stated above", please? Because in my eyes, that video doesn't show anything creditable, for reasons I'm going to explain in just a minute here.

For the video now, which I have to re-iterate, is from months ago, I'd like to argue my case on why it was invalid. First off, what is it meant to prove exactly? That I use to be staff on SCPRP, Willrick reported me to hierachy for ignoring sits for an entire 17 hours (one day where I wasn't playing a server), uses a video showcasing evidence of me responding to his own sit as proof I ignore sits, and for that I'm apparently shit staff? I'm sorry if my response here sounds a bit aggressive/blunt, but that's the easiest way for me to state my point.

I'm sorry if I wasn't on the server every second of every single day and I took one day off responding from sits after doing it consistently for up to two months before first off, I took that day out to actually socialize with my friends instead of sitting on a computer all day, and for the few hours I did get on the server, I wished to actually prioritize playing with my friends and creating an enjoyable atmosphere instead of draining myself out doing staff sits for one night when I wanted to play the server normally. I'm sorry if I'm such shit staff for taking one day off doing sits, despite, Willrick's own video proving that I did still respond to the occasional one.

Secondly, the failRP accusations. I'd like to once again re-iterate this was months ago, and I don't see how it'd be an accurate representation of how I'd act now, but despite that, I'd like to actually explain the situation. The "supposed" failRP was when the SCP-RP hierarchy decided to remove the rule banning PME, so myself and a group of friends decided to make our own "event" (not even an event) on the server. For some context, on the SCP-RP server there was a group called MCND which sold anomalies and weapons, so myself and a group of friends go over to their club and buy ourselves an item which turns us into zombies and gives us a SWEP which turns other people into zombies.

Now, instead of just being mindless zombies, we decided to make an RP scenario out of it, forming ourselves as Sarkic cults, and starting a gathering on the surface and promoting roleplay, while actually roleplaying turning people into zombies through them joining the cult willingly until we had an acceptable number to the point we managed to fully take over the surface through complete roleplay and usage of a feature which any player had access to. None the less, this was considered an "event" considering the fact we were going by the name Sarkic Cults, but considering previously the PME rule was removed from the server, it was technically allowed, until Foundation members started complaining to Harland that we killed them whenever they came up to the surface, until he had to step in and stop us.

Now, after that, Willrick and his buddies essentially complained to server staff saying it was all failRP, I should be demoted, or whatever else, and that was eventually done, despite the fact everything I did at the time being in the servers rule set, which if people want to investigate into, was allowed. But despite that, Willrick and his buddies are trying to use that as some justification for me never being staff again, because Willrick still has some weird personal vendetta against me.


Now, that aside, I'd just like to outline how suspicious it is after them having days to comment their own opinions individually, suddenly Willrick comes in with his group of friends, and they all at once, with only 2-3 minutes apart from their posts, suddenly start spamming -1's, and all start rating eachother, as evidence here shows;




None the less, I think the timestamps, how close their posts are to eachother, and the fact they're literally all spamming eachother ratings and they're known friends is evidence enough, but despite that, that's the only counter-argument I'll provide for the entire thing.

I replied to your application 7 hours ago, but removed my first comment as I didn't find it good enough and made a different one nearly an hour ago, so cracking down on your "oh my god willrick squad"


The video is from the 17th of April - not even that old, hardly two months from now, funny you say "from months ago," you weren't "shit staff" for "not responding for a day" but rather ignoring sits and everytime so far you died whilst playing as Chaos Insurgency - you'd come up with "how did you know?" or pull a random sit on anyone who killed you because they had valid in-character information to kill you. You're trying to validate being, what... 016-2? Or 008-ll and having some anomalous powers from the anomaly to speak a valid excuse? Kinda yikes, if you ask me.


As to address your "invited friends over to play as anomalies" part - you applied for a staff member on WG SCP RP, you haven't been on the server for "one day," but if I was to calculate - 17 hours is hardly from midnight to evening, which isn't even a single day. Again, you applied to become a staff member and uphold rules, yet you broke them yourself and ignored staff duties, reports that require a staff member present in order to complete and/or punish those, who break the server rules. There were 2 staff members on the server at that time - Chez, who was busy dealing with other sits, and yourself, playing the "I don't have to do anything because I'm playing with my friends, and I will prioritize them and ignore staffing because friends and minging with them is more important! I applied for a moderation role on SCP and agreed to prioritize it but fuck that, I don't have to!" You ignored mine, and most likely other sits that were called and only responded to mine after I specifically targeted you in it by calling your name "Joe Aldread, respond or 17 hours of not claiming sits have passed," which you somehow saw and didn't ignore. Strange, huh?


I'm the only person to have actually complained about your performance, which was unacceptable as a staff member and was responded to by the higher sphere and it was taken care of. You organized a literal server-wide event, which was just you and your friends minging, and you haven't even informed anyone about it or your intentions. As for "Willrick and his buddies responding to the thread in such a short amount of time" is just poor considering people show up to forums to check the news. Quite the coincidence to have them show up minutes after me, but this is werwolf gaming, you expect 18,000 people community to be offline and not check forums?


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28 minutes ago, Kvisten said:

The video shows clear evidence on why you should not be staff again. It shows that you ignored sits even though you are staff and it is your job to help the players who call for help when others are breaking the server rule. It even states you caused mass failrp and rule which results in why you are not the type of person who should be a staff again in the near future. Why would a staff even do this shit and then be like "heheh me break rules and ignore sits me gets removed as staff. Me apply again but on another server. Me smart". In conclusion you should not be staff due the evidence shown in that clip of why you were removed.

I already replied to the ignoring sits part, but again, for the mass failRP. Please read my reply to that again, and once more, I want to just provide actual evidence of server hierarchy even saying what I did wasn't against the rules, but I should have "common sense" by not doing something that completely follows all the servers rules.

John FridgeToday at 10:15 AM Like sure, PMEs weren't against the rules at that time but if he lacks the capacity to think "Hmmm maybe this absolute shitshow isn't a good idea, I should stop and take sits" then I don't want him in the staff team.

That was on the 18th of the 4th, and it's server hierarchy themself saying I didn't do anything against the servers rules.


27 minutes ago, Inspector Willrick said:

I replied to your application 7 hours ago, but removed my first comment as I didn't find it good enough and made a different one nearly an hour ago, so cracking down on your "oh my god willrick squad"


The video is from the 17th of April - not even that old, hardly two months from now, funny you say "from months ago," you weren't "shit staff" for "not responding for a day" but rather ignoring sits and everytime so far you died whilst playing as Chaos Insurgency - you'd come up with "how did you know?" or pull a random sit on anyone who killed you because they had valid in-character information to kill you. You're trying to validate being, what... 016-2? Or 008-ll and having some anomalous powers from the anomaly to speak a valid excuse? Kinda yikes, if you ask me.


As to address your "invited friends over to play as anomalies" part - you applied for a staff member on WG SCP RP, you haven't been on the server for "one day," but if I was to calculate - 17 hours is hardly from midnight to evening, which isn't even a single day. Again, you applied to become a staff member and uphold rules, yet you broke them yourself and ignored staff duties, reports that require a staff member present in order to complete and/or punish those, who break the server rules. There were 2 staff members on the server at that time - Chez, who was busy dealing with other sits, and yourself, playing the "I don't have to do anything because I'm playing with my friends, and I will prioritize them and ignore staffing because friends and minging with them is more important! I applied for a moderation role on SCP and agreed to prioritize it but fuck that, I don't have to!" You ignored mine, and most likely other sits that were called and only responded to mine after I specifically targeted you in it by calling your name "Joe Aldread, respond or 17 hours of not claiming sits have passed," which you somehow saw and didn't ignore. Strange, huh?


I'm the only person to have actually complained about your performance, which was unacceptable as a staff member and was responded to by the higher sphere and it was taken care of. You organized a literal server-wide event, which was just you and your friends minging, and you haven't even informed anyone about it or your intentions. As for "Willrick and his buddies responding to the thread in such a short amount of time" is just poor considering people show up to forums to check the news. Quite the coincidence to have them show up minutes after me, but this is werwolf gaming, you expect 18,000 people community to be offline and not check forums?

Yes, I saw your reply seven hours ago, and it was literally a shitpost of "Joe Aldread failed at SCPRP, tries to fade in and out of the community like a retard and comes back to this lol", so basically a shit post like you're so accustomed to doing. I don't take that very seriously when you delete it just to post again with all your friends backing you.

Now, you're making accusations without evidence of I consistently pulled people into staff sits whenever I died. Could you please show some actual evidence of that instead of just making accusations? Because to my knowledge and quite fresh memory, I never did that unless I genuinely believed it to be RDM, and even in those situations, I got other staff to deal with the RDM sits to avoid bias. If anything, the only thing I did do was when you arrested me out of nowhere once I asked in LOOC, not a staff sit, just LOOC "hey, what's your arrest reason? Just curious", and nothing more, which to my knowledge, isn't something that relates to staff rank what so ever? But if you have actual evidence to showcase otherwise instead of just empty claims, then please, I'd be welcome to seeing it.

I applied for staff on W-G SCPRP to enforce the rules and assist the playerbase, which I did to an acceptable degree, yes. As your own video proves, I managed to do over 550+ sits in my tenure of staff, but despite that as evidence you claim i constantly ignored players pleas and never did my job. You also try to claim that I consistently broke rules, despite me seeing no actual evidence of that, and the one situation you can quote, has server hierarchy themself saying I didn't even break rules, as this evidence here shows;

John FridgeToday at 10:15 AM Like sure, PMEs weren't against the rules at that time but if he lacks the capacity to think "Hmmm maybe this absolute shitshow isn't a good idea, I should stop and take sits" then I don't want him in the staff team.

And further evidence the PME rule was non-existent; unknown.png

Now you're trying to claim it's such a crime that I didn't reply to sits for 17 hours, but take this into account. For 10 of those 17 hours I was asleep, which means it was physically impossible for me to get on the server, due to me not even being awake. For the next four of those seventeen hours I was out with friends and having a social life, nowhere near my computer or the server, and for the last three, I was actually enjoying the server and playing with friends and taking one day off prioritizing sits. Adjust that 17 hours down to the actual time of me being even on a computer not doing sits, which was three hours, after a consecutive few months of me doing them every day. Does that still sound so criminal?


And for me organizing a "server wide event", I'd like to repeat my point it wasn't even an event. It was us buying an item from MCND, which was neither 008 or 016-2, instead a completely different item that turned you into a different zombie all together with no actual lore on it but it was a thing, and just giving a name to the group we used it for. It wasn't an event, if anything, it was something literally any player on the server could've done if they desired by just buying an item. 

And you claim me saying you and your buddies responding in a short time is poor and you claim 18000 people won't be on at once. But when all those people are known to be your friends, and you all reply within literally less than four minutes of eachother, all with essentially the exact same thing, it adds up in suspicion.

Edited by anschib
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Theres no rule saying that people can't reply within a time together. I happened to respond as I saw Willricks reply on the forums, and gave my view.

Were not the ones under scrutiny, you are. 

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10 minutes ago, Darkusto said:

Theres no rule saying that people can't reply within a time together. I happened to respond as I saw Willricks reply on the forums, and gave my view.

Were not the ones under scrutiny, you are. 

Not once did anyone say there was a rule against you replying together. All that's been stated is it's extremely suspicious on how Willrick's friends suddenly start spamming a thread alongside Willrick after a week+ of silence on it, solely to give negative feedback on someone Willrick dislikes and to back up their friend, all within the span of 5 minutes of eachother.

And I'm aware Willrick is attempting to put me under scrutiny. That's why there's multiple paragraphs of counter-arguments and evidence from my side stated.

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I'm going to lock this thread until we make our decisions on apps to prevent this going any further.

I'm all for giving opinions on things but not really any need for any of yous to respond the amount of times that you have or in the manners that some have.

Former Ranks and Stuff

Community Co-Owner

WW2-ORP Owner

CWRP Manager

IRP Manager

Half-Life RP Vice-Manager

Medieval RP Head Mod

Zombie RP Reserve

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