Holy Tnt

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  1. Confused
    Holy Tnt got a reaction from Bongo in Navas admins abuse/false warning   
    Your in game name: Reserve Medic Tnt

    The accused staff member's in game name, Steam profile link or Steam ID (http://steamidfinder.com/😞 CT 0110 Navas & STEAM_0:0:516450086

    What they had done (Please give a detailed description as to what happened): during a debreif, a 442nd member who had just resigned from the regiment, entered and tried killing the battalion using his shield and failed, after being put in brig he started using comms and i said something along the lines of "Shouldnt his comms have been removed?" he in response said some very disrespectful things but thats not what this is about, Navas who was openly saying that the 442nd should be released then decided to warn me for "disrespect towards [name of 442nd member]"

    Evidence (This is not required, however, if you don't have any evidence you ARE required to come on TeamSpeak and explain what happened on there with the accused staff member present. Evidence can be videos, recordings or screenshots):
    Clip 1: showing the incident caused by the 442nd
    Clip 2: show the aftermath without any cuts to show the chat
    Clip 3: just shows me scrolling thru chat to make sure everything has been seen
  2. Thanks
    Holy Tnt got a reaction from Hunter in hunter's first EP app   
    i will first give my positives and negatives about the application itself and then after that will be for the event plan
    Has been COL for longer than i know and if not for medic would probably be in 501st hierarchy
    Good playtime
    Previous staff experience
    Real nice guy
    Should have answered the "What was your event and was it successfully executed?" as you stated that you  have previously done events before
    You don't use your mic and you have stated that you would use it if necessary but for EP i would say it is necessary to use your mic and from that answer it seems you still might not feel comfortable using it
    Positives and Negatives for the event plan
    Planned out well
    Nothing too complicated where the even relies on everything goes exactly like planned
    Interesting story
    Gives Jedi something to do
    Not too many or too few ECs
    Too little HP for the ECs, default HP usually works
    would be hard to use both b1 and b2 NPCs as you would have to switch the models each time
    The CIS Fleet should not be considered as an Passive EC or normal EC, that is what Event Hosts use and unless they become a tactical droid or something there is no real reason for them to be written in as they wont lost their HP and need to fight
    You say the republic HQ will be heavily barricaded but there is no real HQ on naboo city, the spawn is in a hangar or whatever its called
    you consider the Deathwatch commando a passive EC but he becomes hostile after the negotiations fail
    You expect one Jedi EC to be able to run away while the other distracts but what will most likely happen is that some jedi will fight the one staying and the rest will follow
    Still +1
  3. Thanks
    Holy Tnt got a reaction from Tayhardy69 in Tays Staff application #2   
    Known him for a long time as 442nd supervisor and now my Battalion Mentor and he is a great guy, i have seen that he is getting negative for having been immature in the past but during the time i have known Tay he has been nothing but a great and funny guy while not damaging the image of battalion
  4. Like
    Holy Tnt got a reaction from Danny in Danny's EP Application   
    The good
    Nice planned event
    Gave mission for RC
    fun passive RP
    not personally talked to you i think but you seem like a nice guy from what i've seen
    The Neutral
    Didn't add screenshot like asked for the warns and playtime question
    Could maybe have expanded a little more on the responsibilities of EP
    The Bad
    Should have proofread the doc as it says 11x tactical droids
    Too few clone ECs in my opinion
    Still a +1
  5. Like
    Holy Tnt got a reaction from Jack Wasza in 442nd --> DU   

    also remove jedi shield it's just a better version of the 442nd shield making us even more useless as CG can also just place barriades removing both parts or our regiment