
CWRP Super Admin
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Everything posted by Shepherd

  1. +1 Still allows those who've paid for the package to have something different, whilst giving those with VIP/Plat VIP something to use as well.
  2. Yeah this has been suggested hundreds of times, it's been denied because the only regiments that actually need it are CE and DU for spawning barricades. CG are 3rd for placing barricades therefore they don't really need it as it is a rare occasion that there would be no CE/DU on during an event.
  3. -1 This is turning into a shitpost, you don't want to actually RP.
  4. +1 Solid App Relatively Trusted Left the server recently but I assume Left is staying now.
  5. I assume you didn't let the staff member know this. ???
  6. You left to avoid punishment, resulting in a ban. 20 days means there was another reason.
  7. You can use "!warns" in-game to see how many warns you have. You've already been banned for minging 2 months ago, 4 warns later and you've been banned permanently. I believe the max warns you can have is 30 before being permanently banned via console.
  8. -1 The Fusion cutter is not a weapon, it's equipment used to repair vehicles. You can just use the fists instead or use a blaster. Also the amount of accidental FF that could happen when repairing vehicles is going to be insane.
  9. +1 Cool Guy High Rank and Trusted Very good event for both sides Experienced in a similar staff mod.
  10. +1 Similar to a recent event involving an LAAT/i at debrief. It's also a pretty silly weapon have to equipped when you spawn in.
  11. Shepherd


    -1 Not Needed No Workshop Link No Regiments to use it (as Hazard has stated)
  12. -1 Sorry man, you still left in an RP Situation. Next time, let staff know (and they might let you go) or just sit there for a few more minutes.
  13. Maybe for long ones like Republic and Underworld but stuff like Jedi and regimental commands (/ce, /medic, /cg, etc.) can stay the same
  14. +1 Pretty cool guy Trusted Hard Working Only just come back but seems to be pretty involved in the server so I assume he's going to stay for the long run (again).
  15. Make the doc open, I am unable to access it.
  16. +1 Nice Event Idea High Ranks in Both Clone and Jedi Cool dude and very trusted!
  17. I, myself am partial to an Iced Coffee. Therefore I shall stick to the game and say Iced Tea. Also, surely the "Tea with Ice" would melt the Ice, No? As you would have to boil the kettle beforehand.