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Everything posted by Archer

  1. -1, Regimental Medics are just better. it allows for Medics without creating issues within other regiments.
  2. Neutral, The Old ARCs were equipped with these, But they were removed due to performance issues, Until these are rectified, I doubt it would change. But if these issues were fixed, It would be fun.
  3. Wrong Forum Section: Please use the Rust Section
  4. At least you have a Pilot Model, Henk
  5. -1 CG Hierarchy was given the Dropship to chase down Criminals, The Dropship is rarely used for that purpose. And given people more ships would be havoc.
  6. Name: ArcherTS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: xTay3TpfX3hp2nFp3g1F/B6HhYM= [Main Account] SAPDgr+pXtWmXBEu1rMNtE5NO4o= [Laptop Account]Requested Medal: 2 Year Community Medal Evidence: Extra Information: I have played for 2 Years, and I have been seen for these 2 Years.
  7. +1, Active, Trusty Member and the Fucking Event Plan is Amazing
  8. In-game name(s): CE PFT Sr Medic Colonel Archer, Jedi Initiate Archer Steam Name: Ellis4149 Steam ID: ( Age when applying: 15 What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: England, GMT Can you speak and type English fluently: Yes, But my voice can become Slurred sometimes Current total game-time on the server (type !time): 7mo 4w 18h 34m {At 05/02/22, 18:30} IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on CWRP: Combat Engineers Colonel Senior Medic Jedi Initiate Platinum VIP Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: Yes, I own a Working Microphone, Though it may become Glitchy if my Internet is slow or I am playing other games. When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: I joined CWRP on 15/02/20 and have only taken an Estimated Month and a half of Small LOAs to play other games. How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, CWRP Discord and our forums: I am Constantly on the TS3 Channel and Frequently check the Discord and Forums State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type !time then open warns menu, and drag the menu so chat is visible with the time): [Warns] [Time] State the role of staff on the server: The Role of a Staff Member is to keep Order from Troublemakers of the Community and Assist the Players with Spawning and Equipping Members with their Needed Equipment. Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them? I have read through the Server Rules and I have become Familiar with Many of them. List of all previous server staff experience: Gamemaster [ I ain't saying the name} Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: I completely understand that behaving inappropriately inside Staff can receive a Demotion. ______________________________________________________________________ Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member: 1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other clones: I would first take the Claim, and ask the Claim-Maker if they have any Evidence, I would then open BLOGs to Confirm the Case, I would then TP the Member to the Staff Room and Warn then for RDM {Or MRDM if it was above 3}, I would than Release them [If it was not MRDM}. 2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function: I would first PM a Battalion Member [Or Highest Ranking] to Call an NCO+ to the Cadet Area, if the Battalion Member or the NCO ignores the Call, I would then Teleport an NCO+ to the Cadet Area and Ask him to train a Cadet. 3 ) During a debrief, a CT accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon: If the CT Accidently shot someone while trying to safety their Weapon isn't them trying to RDM, I would leave this to be more an IC situation and I would Slide a PM to the CT telling him not to do it again. 4 ) A CT #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT: If on my SOD Role, I would not care. and on my IC Job, I would just tell them to salute 2nd LT+ 5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitally stated within the server rules: I would tell them to read the Rules specifically the Part at the Bottom where it says "JUST BECAUSE SOMETHING ISN’T WRITTEN IN THE RULES DOESN'T MEAN IT'S NOT DETRIMENTAL TO THE RP" - Spades 6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing: I would tell the Player to leave an Unwarn/Unban Request on the Forums, I would send them a link to the Page, and after this and they still continue to argue, I would Gag/Mute them. _____________________________________________________________ Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words): I believe That I should become a Member of the Werewolf Community Staff Team due to my Time on the Server {2 Years}, I have helped Multiple EPs and many Members of the Community on what is allowed and what is not, I have also helped in many Main Storyline Events. Hello, I'm Ellis better known as Archer, I have played CWRP from 15/02/20 and Have continued to play it for 2 Years, I am Fairly known by the Majority of the Community from my Many former Roles [Battalion and CT DCPL], I have also Aspired to be a Member of the Staff team when I joined, With this, I am also a Year 11 Student that is Preparing for GCSEs and Other Tests. I have outstanding Activity and Performance, Spending up to 6 Hours a Day on CWRP{During a Normal School Week}, I actively Play each Event and Perform my Regimental Duties, I have been Given Responsibilities to perform extreme Tasks {Such as Surgery Trainings, Voice AMP and ETC:}, And on multiple occasions I have been given Temporary ranks of a Higher Rank to help out the Regiment. I also have Experience with the SAM menu with being a Member of a Staff Team on another Server, as well as having to assist EPs in Judgements. In Conclusion, I am an adequate and Experienced Member of the CWRP Community and am Ready to take on a Staff Position, I am more than ready for the Large Task ahead, Lets hope it's a Sweet one. Thanks for Reading my Staff Application, Have a Good Day!
  9. Not everything is about Scout. +1 to Both Maps as they Seems to Be Cool
  10. +1 to Alderaan, It's a Great and Mega-Sized map, a Great map for Open World combat +1 to Golan, I have yet to test the map yet but looks promising. +1 to Titan Rishi, This has an Amazing JT and the Outside world is just amazing. Neutral to the Command Posts. Neutral to Avonpost.
  11. People Still don't listen. In cadet Training, The Trainer should explain the Battalion Rankings. If the Trainer does not do this, It's not a Proper CC Training. How can you promise this? I will have to quote the Battalion Handbook, "When the base is not under attack, you should have your full attention on granting and denying adverts" - Battalion Handbook
  12. Is it though? Seems your still doing the same thing. Oh this is just battalion without the OD. "When the base is not under attack, you should have your full attention on granting and denying adverts" - Battalion Handbook That quote comes directly from the Battalion Handbook, So if a Battalion is not granting/denying they are not doing there job As said above by the Marshall Commander, You would listen to the Highest Ranking of the battalion that asks. and a Secondary point, What happens if the OD goes AFK or Tabs out? Currently, as I said the Process could be faster. But this OD system is not the System to fix it as this suggestion is just retarded. This server is different to other servers, I have experienced this first hand, and that a OD system is gonna work here due to our already firm hold on the Current Granting and denying system. This apprehension is correct though, This suggestion is not needed. If we can actually get evidence of this, That would help
  13. As I Say in a Statement below, You are still performing the same action as you would currently, This does not update the Speed of finding the OD, And as stated by Key, all the Batt would have to have OD in their name as they all run the base. How does it work better than our Current System? Our current system works as it is. Just because you don't get granted in a Microsecond does not mean that a Whole system needs to be introduced This makes no sense, as your still completing the same action but are having to look at names. You are still opening your TAB and going down to battalion to see who has OD in their name rather than they are on. It could, But this suggestion is not the one to fix it. I hope that I do not need to respond to this conversation again as it is starting to become tiresome.
  14. Horses and battalion are like nowhere alike. Horses to car upgrade are useful to the entirety of Society. Battalion is doing what they need to do, and On-Duty system is rubbish and battalion should be On-duty constantly already. so if battalion is AFK on the job get them swapped off. But my opinion stands, This is useless as our current system works.
  15. Currently, the Way that it works, is fine. All Battalion grant and that is someone you need to deal with and if a Battalion is not responding ask the next highest rank. Currently, This is a Useless Suggestion, and stop trying to defend it.
  16. -1, What are you thinking? Battalion's purpose is for Granting and Denying Requests, and if there is no Battalion it goes down the line. This sounds more like someone wants Power
  17. +1, I like Wiremod it allows for cool dupes, But sadly it can be easily abused causing Evac and lag to the Server, So if they are going to add the Wiremod it would need to have a Different Buying system, Such as needing to be Trusted by SMT to gain access instead to help to rule out the Baddies. But anyway I hope it gets added as once you learn the basics you can make some good stuff.
  18. +1, Medical Droids were Cool on CWRP, They were always popular.
  19. Might want to use the Format first.
  20. -1, Isn't in the Correct Format, LTAP is sadly LTAP at the End of the day, Even if it was for fixing your Mouse and Keyboard it is still valid, anyway this ban will be up before this is accepted
  21. -1 MRDM is not verbal, Clear common sense is to not kill each other repeatedly. And because a Trainer didn't arrive doesn't mean you can kill each other.
  22. +1, I have the Grav Gun due to being CE and it is SO HANDY for bacta fuckups or moving pills