
ICRP Developer
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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Mate, You are talking about a VWING, The Smallest Fucking starcraft ever (Apart from the Delta7), It even has ONE Window.
  2. -1 General Common sense to not enter a 1 Seater Aircraft, Vroom Vroom
  3. Out of Character Section (OOC) - Steam Name: Ellis4149 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:431238619 Current OOC rank on the server and / or in other communities (e.g. Plat VIP, Mod, Event Planner): Platinum VIP Age (Must be 14+): 16 What is your playtime (2+ Weeks Minimum): 9 Months Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: I have a Lovely Microphone Have you read through the Battalion Handbook, and extending documents from it: I have read through the Current Battalion Handbook, The Older Battalion Document (Such as the Mentoring, Battalion Faces and all of those things) Do you meet the requirements: I completely meet the Requirements. State all previous OOC punishment (Kicks, Bans and Warnings | Including Discord / Team Speak) and provide a screenshot of your list of warnings (Go in-game and do !warns) then provide a screenshot: I also have a Ban In Character Section (IC) - In-Game name (Regiment, Rank then your name): Combat Engineer Senior Medic Colonel Archer Highest rank obtained (Including previous): Battalion 2nd LT Have you ever been demoted or striked in any regiment (If so explain the reason): Battalion Demotion - Explosive in the Brig went HORRIBLY Wrong CE Strikes - Just a Combination of retarded things (On my Part) but I haven’t got any in 14 Months What is the Battalion Motto: “Lead your men to death. Honour is better than surrender” Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion (100 words minimum): The Role of a Battalion Officer is to upkeep, Uphold and enforce the rules of the Base; They are to complete this by helping CG capture criminals, warn members of the republic to stop their mischief, and order members to behave. with this, Battalion Members are there to help New Players to the server but to help other members to progress their skills in; Combat, Leading (and Stuff like that). Inside of Events, Battalion Officers are required to make sure that Members of the Grand Army of the Republic are following the Leading Battalions Orders, Officers are also encouraged to assist the leading battalion with suggestions on how to progress the combat and push out the enemy forces While leading, however, they are to make sure that the GAR holds the enemies from overwhelming the Main base and to keep Clone causalities as low as possible, they is through making sure that pushes are correctly devolved and to use all the EQ they are given at their disposal. Why should we pick you for Battalion (200 words minimum): I am confident that I will be a Successful Battalion Officer when given the Chance, I have Months worth of Extreme Leading experience, From being in both; Battalion, IE Vice Commander, and Temp Deputy Medical Officer (All High Ranking and Trusted Positions). I have served the GAR (and the Imperial Fleet) under multiple Successful leaders, I have had Multiple leading experiences from Previous HOB Stack and LT Colonel Rock and Rising the Battalion Ranks with (EX) Vice Admiral Loaf, With this, I have served years under (Current) Fleet Admiral Toon. In All, I have had a Long While to understand and Develop top-level Tactics with Top-level members of the Community. Following this, I have great Ideas on Successful and retarded tactics in Tricky Combat Scenarios, I have spent a lot of time with other regiments and understanding what they like to do when it comes to Events, and I have come up with multiple attacks wining ideas and suggestions as apart of my battalion Carer. Thirdly I have retrained a lot of Combat Knowledge from my years of CWRP Larp'ing, and such I know what is right and wrong when it comes to almost every scenario, While I was in Battalion, I had every regiment in control, and they all knew what they had to do when it came to combat. Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank? I completely understand that Battalion is highly respected and Disciplined. What do Battalion do during combat, when they are not leading (In detail): When a Battalion Member is not in Leading, They are to work with their Regiment, talking and using their EQ (But not to take over the Regimental Commanding Officer). With this they are meant to help the Leading battalion by giving Leading Suggestions, Locations of Enemies and anything to assist the leading battalion. What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted? A Complex Open Training (Simulation, Complicated Breaching and ETC) Lead a Planetary Lead a planetary and Host a Debrief What rank can Battalion Brigadier Promote and Demote up too: Captain Anything else?: Thanks for Reading Will Twin of the Week Return?
  4. man, this suggestion has been made for years, and it will be denied for years, Most COs do not need Tool Guns outside of their Job (Such as CE, CG and 442nd) the Rest are not needed and would be used to minge about
  5. +1 I am Rich, I should be able to avoid Taxes.
  6. @Xander Oudt Honestly sounds like you need to cope with this situation
  7. Name: Archer TS Unique ID: F9vjez/mTU18ayHlN6nwfiIcyTc= Requested Medals: IORP Fundraiser IRP Fundraiser Discord Supporter SCP Map Fundraiser Elite Fundraiser (Cause of the 3 Fundraisers) Bronze Staff Chevron (Given by Spades) 2 Years Community Medal What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): CE PFT Sr Medic Colonel Archer Evidence: No Evidence of the Bronze Staff but just ask Spades _ For the IORP Fundraiser - For Discord Supporter
  8. You probably didn't get Perma banned for Talking in a Event, Are you sure you got the right reason?
  9. -1 Alot of the This App is Lackluster, My Eyes hurt and make this unreadable (Please pick a Suitable reading colour), and Finally, your Activity in CG is very Poor as I barely see you. Anyway good luck
  10. -1 All of these are not needed, They add extra Megabytes to the Server without adding large amounts of interesting and unique content and is more just taking it straight from IRP, With this, a lot of these jobs are already being completed and does not need a New Job to Do them such as "Doctor, Engineer, and Jedi Training Droid" The More jobs that is related to other jobs the more likely that job would not be used, Cause why grind for a Rank if you can just purchase it. And the Third and Final objection is that most of the Models are shite
  12. -1, There is Multiple Issues I have with the Event Plan and this Application Form, I put it into a List for Easier reading; 1. Missed W-G E-Planner. 2. Has Below the Needed Minimum Time. 3. The Actual Event Plan is Quite Lackluster, Missing a lot of Key Components to make it an Original or Different Event Plan; With the Jedi Event Plan only being 1 Sentence long. Overall though, Good luck.
  13. +1, This has been talked about alot in #Senior-Medics, We've wanted it for a While, and its handy for Indoor Patient transport.
  14. -1 The Amount of mining that would occur would be mental, and how would a CT in RP know how to even turn a LAAT on in the First place or Activate a tank?
  15. -1 didn't end up well, did it? You have been minging as Scav for months, Making multiple rules (Like what wanted said above), You also cause a lot of unnecessary drama. "Had Lewis in his Pocket"
  16. Basic Information: Steam Name + Profile link: Ellis4149 Roleplay Name: CE PFT Sr Medic Colonel Archer Teamspeak Name: Archer Playtime on the Server: 8m 2w SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:431238619 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Yes, I have been an Event Planner on another RP Server Current Age: 16 Warns/Bans: 5 Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes, I have a Working Mic Event Plan: Have you ever Done an Event Before?: I have done multiple Events as a EP on another Server before.What was your event and was it successfully executed?: Yes, It collected Positive ReviewsDo you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: I understand the Complete Responsibilities that a EP Has, They are to support the Community with Fun and Engaging Events, Make sure the Their ECs are behaving Correctly and not breaking the Rules and that I myself do not break the rules.Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: I understand that a Training phase is needed to make sure that I know how to perform a Event Correctly.Anything else?: W-G E-Planner
  17. Have a Lovely time at Grannies, Make sure to keep us posted.
  18. A Bigger question is... Are you still going to grannies?
  19. -1 Just not needed, The ATTE is good enough for Ground Transport and CG does not need more EQ. Secondly, The Vehicle does not fit in with the CWRP Style and would be Rarely used due to Other Transports being being vastly better with only 1 Map (Kinda) Inhibiting Transports.
  20. Wrong Forums mate. Goto