
Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by Clopter

  1. +1 When i played jedi he was always working hard at his job when he was on, good guy good luck.
  2. +1/Neutral Doing a good job at battalion and showed dedication to it, just do what ethan said
  3. +1 Although he may be from Birmingham he may be nice enough to not rob your house Good Commander and a good guy would make a good staff member
  4. +1 Active, Good person Just because she is a female doesn't mean she wouldn't be able to do the job she is required to do any worse or less than any other member on the staff team and i believe that she is a good candidate for staff.
  5. +1 Active, nice guy, would be a good candidate
  6. -1 Just need your playtime higher a week is too little.
  7. +1/Neutral Great guy has lead his regiment very well and has gotten it stable but adding staff onto his EP job may be a bit demanding.
  8. In-game name(s): GC ARC Colonel Clopter Steam Name: Clopter Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:172589550 Age when applying: 17 What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: Ireland, GMT Can you speak and type English fluently: Yes Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time): 8W 2D 5HR IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on SW-RP: Platinum VIP GC ARC Colonel Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: Yes. I communicate by using my microphone When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: I joined the server the 6th of August 2020 and the only break I have had is an LOA for a week. How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, SW-RP Discord and our forums: I use the teamspeak server every day, when I am not playing on the server I am still most likely in a teamspeak channel. The SW-RP discord I use every day as well for regimental use and to talk to other people that play the server. The forums I check every couple days to see if anyone has proposed a good suggestion to make the server better or just help people out when I can. State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. State the role of staff on the server: To make sure that the rules that are implemented in the server are followed correctly and to give appropriate punishment to the people who do not follow the rules of the server. Staff are also to make sure the server runs smoothly which can be done by assisting new players getting used to the server by showing them what they have to do to have a better time such as giving them the content packs they need and if they don’t know the rules show them how to access the rules, also by dealing with claims that are submitted by players such as getting building tools, regimental equipment they do not have access to in the F4 menu and dealing reports of players who are not following the server rules. Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them? Yes I have read the server rules and I am familiar with them. Have you read the punishment list and are familiar with it?: Yes I have read the punishment list and I am familiar with it. List of all previous server staff experience: I have not had experience being staff on any other server but I am determined to show that I would be a good candidate for staff. Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes I understand I may be demoted at any time by hierarchy with a valid reason. Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member: 1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other clones: I would ask the player who has reported it who has been shooting the other clones, if they do not know the name it just means that it will take longer to find the person who did it. After this I would check logs for evidence of them shooting other clones or look for the person who has been shooting clones, if it is an RP situation such as an event or a PME the player may not have known about it and I would inform the player about what is happening to give him some clarity on the situation. If it is a clone attempting to murder other clones I would go to a secluded area where no passer-by could interrupt the sit then TP the person who has been shooting other clones. I would then inform the player of what rules he has broken and the punishment he is going to receive. The punishment would change depending how many clones he shot and/or how many clones he killed. If he is offensive towards any staff or leaves further punishment would be given. 2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function: I would ask a battalion member to get a NCO+ to the cadet area to train the cadet, if no battalion responds or it is taking too long I would bring an NCO+ to me and ask them to train the cadet, if the NCO+ is AFK I would return them to their previous position and bring another NCO+. 3 ) During a debrief, a CT accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon: The CT had no intention to kill another player and was a misfire, in this scenario I would leave the CT off any punishment and just tell them to be more careful or just take out their keys. 4 ) A CT #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT: As a staff member OOC I wouldn’t warn them or serve any punishment but as my rank in game I would remind them that you have to salute a 2nd LT+ while IC. 5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitly stated within the server rules: I would tell the player to scroll down to the bottom of the rule page and read the yellow text which states “Any attempts to find a loophole in any of these rules will result in harsher punishments. Please also be aware that just because a rule isn't written in this thread but would be considered detrimental to the role play experience of players, doesn't mean you can do it, USE INITIATIVE!” I would then warn him for FailRP. If he complains after about it I would send him a link to the un-warn request section on the forums. 6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing: I would explain to them to the best of my abilities what they did wrong and why they got punished and if they keep arguing I would tell them how to access the server rules and punishment rules, if they have any disagreement with the severity of the punishment I gave to them I would send a link to the un-warn request section in the forums and if they feel I handled the sit wrong I would send them a link to the staff report section and how to get in contact with a hierarchy member. If they made any offensive comments towards me or were disrespectful towards me in the sit I would verbally warn them not to make any offensive or disrespectful remarks towards any staff member or anyone on the server and if they continue I would punish them accordingly. Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words): I believe you should pick me for staff because I am a responsible and mature candidate and I would think about my actions before I do them, I will never dive head first into a situation and do something based off what one person told me whether they are a high rank in the server or a new player, I would look for proof whether that be a video or checking the logs or a screenshot of the suspect breaking the server rules. I am also on the server everyday so I will be active as a staff member to help the staff team and the server to make it a better, fun and safe place for people to gather and play, also including me being active will make people have a better time since I will be able to take claims when no other staff is on since I know how annoying it is to be waiting for a staff to be on or when there’s not enough staff on and there is an overflow of claims happening that the current staff members on can’t handle all of them since they could be dealing with someone in a sit or assisting people in the server have a better time. I also have zero warns on the server and in chat I have been helping people with problems they have had with their game giving them an answer to improve their gameplay whether this be missing textures or explaining server rules to them, especially to new players to the server telling them what not to do to avoid them getting in trouble and explaining when events happen, how to join a regiment and helping them find a way to their training in a map that they have never been on since I know how frustrating this can be for a new player and it’s always good to have someone there to give them a helping hand to adjust to the server which I wish I had when I was starting off in the server My rank may not be as high as other people that are applying for staff in the server or other people in the server but I do take pride in my rank getting to Colonel in GC which means I have to be some bit competent and mature and also being given a Trial EXO week which means I have to be some bit trusted as well, also I have been accepted into ARC which a lot of people tried but never got so I think of that as an accomplishment I have gotten in the server and it is also another thing that I am proud of. I also believe that rank and regiment doesn’t dictate who you are, you could be a 2nd LT in CT, a trooper in 501st, a hierarchy member or a battalion member but I will treat you all the same OOC but IC I will respect the rank that you have achieved and follow the RP rules of the server.
  9. +1 maln is a hella nice guy and i would think he would be a good staff member on any server
  10. watching cuties for the plot twist @Tyro
  11. +1 Good guy, High Rank, Good App, Good Playtime. Good luck lad
  12. The LTAP or LTARP would've got you banned anyway, the arrests and behavior that got you in this situation in the first place adds up to Constant NH2RP and you were not listening to staff to make the situation easier for all the parties involved which ended up just wasting their time. To be completely honest you got let off easy with this I'm surprised how it isn't a longer ban, take it to the chin and if you do really want to play on the server come back in a week ask someone for the server rules, read them and if there is something that is not mentioned in the rules ask staff.
  13. +1 Implement the same rules on KOS on scavs that it was before
  14. +1 Does make sense, but please never use the words make it sticky..
  15. -1 RRM got the speeder that's good enough, if you are wondering why GC have an AT-RT and Speeder it's because they are a scouting regiment and CO+ can only use the AT-RT since they are not trusted with the speeder since it is too easy to kill someone with it.
  16. +1 Good app good guy, u stay up to 5 am each morning watch clone wars and ull pass the interview
  17. +1 Is a good guy nice to talk to and has a good event application, best of luck.
  18. Neutral Clone side is a decent event Jedi event is hella basic im sorry but there is 0 story just jedi killing and negotiating for something where theres no story behind it. good guy good playtime