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Everything posted by Norra

  1. Denied. I’ve explained SCP-457 recontainment so many times to E-11 Commanders. If they are not properly teaching their units, report them to the E-11 Commander WL managers.
  2. Accepted-ish. A new supply crate closer to the armory will be added. Maybe in Lab A or SCP-173
  3. Norra


    All current apps have been denied for either: Not trusted player or Storyline not good enough
  4. Denied. If you play D-Class and you aren't having fun, maybe the way you're trying to have fun is not a good option? Everything doesn't need to be combat.
  5. Accepted. The user in question will be warned for taking ears while under FearRP. By the way, 1 armed personnel needs to point a weapon at him, then another recontainment can cuff him.
  6. Denied. To when you’re so powerhungry, you want power over the O5 Council. No thanks. Plus, Rex as the Manager of the O5 WL has his character as The Administrator. The purpose of the job isn’t explained. Application has spelling mistakes.
  7. just this post makes me laugh. Last time i was demoted for abusing my powers for minging in front of everyone (as in new players too) which i take full responsibility for. i was the one who suggested dakota to return as staff manager the reason why those players were banned was because that was way more heavy prop spam. yknow shit that could actually crash the server
  8. Denied. The reason why I didn't care about this "mingery" was because it was late at night where they were just messing around. Of course if you were to minge around where you will be getting in the way of others RP, yes, I would care about that. But no one was RPing on Surface. The only "RP" was by like, 2-3 guards in LCZ. And even then, there's little to no people actually doing "RP." Why would I be strict when literally they aren't harming other new players or the server?
  9. Denied. We believe you are not fit for staff because you copied from another persons staff application proving your laziness and incompetence.
  10. Denied. You are pretty mingey and powerhungry. This has been determined with the rest of SMT. You were blacklisted from SA because you had grenades twice, and for the first thing I stated. I authorized the HoS blacklist due to the same reasons I first stated.
  11. Denied. Use the template. Also your VIP Status does nothing.
  12. Denied. I believe the original vote made by the Delta managers will explain this well enough. What does this mean? Chaos Insurgency managers want less combatRP, and the majority of Deltas agree with this. I believe the current management is perfect right now. It hasn't even been a week with this change, if you're having issues "playing" Infiltrator, then I recommend changing your play style to something more passive.
  13. I can confirm, Fixer's character can do 0 damage.
  14. Yeah I still have it on my PC
  15. So uh... I made it
  16. Denied. You are not trusted with such power on the forums.