
Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by Benny

  1. +1 - Super sound lad - Super competent and trusted (shown in his past ranks) - Can imagine some really good events from Index
  2. +1 - Has shown great dedication since he joined - Performed excellently so far in his time both in ST and Fleet - Highly competent and mature guy - Would do really well I can imagine
  3. +1 - The application is done well, can tell effort was put into it - Don't know Blizzard personally, but I've only really heard positive things about him- - Been hierarchy for a while, can tell he's trusted and competent enough for Battalion
  4. Neutral/-1 - You have been MJR+ before and from what I know you seem like a alright guy - The application seems alright, but the word count is a bit short on the why should you be picked section - CG isn't in a optimal position rn to lose their EXO, if you wanted battalion anyway you shouldn't have gone for EXO. CG only had 1 other SO - You also seem to be spamming applications, with the hope of being picked. Instead you should gather feedback on why you haven*t been picked for Battalion before and improve on that. Good luck tho
  5. +1 - Main points already mentioned - If youre half decent you dont need more than 100 regen - Allows more reasonable weapons for ECs
  6. +1 - Competent and cool guy - Questions were answered really well - Cant understand a fucking thing when hes speaking
  7. +1 - Has shown dedication, skill and competence - The application is well made and the answers are really good - Seems like a sound guy with lots of potential - Has been doing really well in 501st since he joined
  8. Hi Breato, I completely understand your concerns. I do admit to a 3rd party it did all seem odd, regarding the transfer to CT, since its difficult to see reasoning behind it . I don't wish to make a long ass paragraph here on the forums about any of it, but this goes to anyone who wishes to know more about this. I'd be happy to explain everything to anyone interested. My reason for switching from 501st to CT, as well as my reason for joining 41st and my offer to Temp for 501st are all things I don't hide. I'll happily explain n Discord DMs or on TS. As I already mentioned, making a long ass paragraph on the forums seems pointless to me.
  9. Basic Information:Steam Name + Profile link: justdami | Roleplay Name: Benny Teamspeak Name: Benny Playtime on the Server: IRP: N/A SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:206213628 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: No Current Age: I'm 18 years of age Warns/Bans: N/A Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes, It's good Event Plan: See Link: Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A Do you understand the responseabilties a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: I do understand them. The EPs job is to provide fun, enjoyable, creative and unique events for the all the players. It's important to be consistent and active and EP, both in activity and quality of events. EPs must learn form the mistakes they make and improve on it. EPs also get certain power with their rank, this is not to be abused in any way shape or form. Claims are only to be take if there really isn't anyone else on to take them. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes, I understand Anything else?: Thank you for reading my application! W-G E-Planner
  10. +1 - Been round for ages - Knows what hes doin - Is in ST
  11. - In Character Section - Steam Name: justdami Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:206213628 Current OOC Rank on the server(eg Plat VIP, Mod): VIP Age (14 - Minimum): I'm 18 years of age What is your playtime (2 Weeks - Minimum): 2 months, 2 weeks and 3 days Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: Yes I do and its good Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: Yes I have Do you meet the requirements: Yes I do State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link Been warned for prop killing in 2019. It was my first time playing GMOD, was clueless about everything. - In Character Section - In-Game name: (Regiment, Rank and then your name) 41st Lieutenant Benny All Previous Ranks Obtained: (Highest Per Regiment) 501st EXO & 501st Colonel, Battalion 2nd LT, 327th LT Colonel, CT Medic Captain, Jedi Shaman(Sub-path) What should we pick you for Battalion: (200 Words - Minimum) I see multiple reasons for why I should be picked for battalion. First of all would be my experience. During my time in all the regiments I've been in, I managed to gather lots of experience leading and organizing the troops under my command to victory. I have a excellent understanding of what each regiment is good at doing and how to utilize them to their full potential. I exceed at thinking of unique and effective tactics, which gives the republic the upper hand, no matter what enemy we might face. Second of all, because I'm very disciplined and organized. Even situations which require negotiations and diplomatic skills are well managed by me. No matter what the situation may be, I can keep my composure and keep my head cool. Allowing me to always make the most rational and thought through decisions. Third of all would be the fact that I'm always happy to help anyone who might need it. Guiding the new generation of clones into being their best self and going up and beyond for the Republic was and will always be something I'll love to do. It's because of these and many more reasons why I would be a exemplary Battalion Member. Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: (100 Words - Minimum) There are a couple of them. It is crucial for Battalion to always be up on their best behavior and performance. Setting an example to everyone. Next up, Battalion are to oversee the current MB and everything that might be going on, they must make sure that everything is proceeding by protocol. If Battalion currently are on Defcon 5 and not in any combat situation, they must wear their suits to look presentable and sharp. As well as making sure to be Granting or Denying any requests in comms and always be ready to deal with any RP or Combat situation thrown at them. Next up battalion are expected to be monitoring and communicating with their supervising Regiment both in Combat or outside of combat, as well as do trainings with them. It is important for Battalion to be spending their time efficiently and productively. Have you ever been demoted or striked in any regiment: (If so, explain why) As far as I remember I haven't been either. Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: Indeed I do What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading: (IN DETAIL) If Battalion are not actives leading they are respect to stick with the Regiment they're supervising. Unless the leading Battalion wished them to do something else. When with their regiment, the Battalions role is not to take charge and lead their regiment, that is the commanding officers task. Aid with their equipment and fighting skills as well as oversee the regiment is what the Battalion should be doing, as well as helping the regiment if they don't know the map. What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session: The tasks the BOC is expected to accomplish are to lead a planetary event using the voice amp. Host a debrief in which he goes over what happened as well as going over each regiments performance. Lastly the BOC is to host a Open Simulation. All of this shall be overseen by him mentor battalion. What rank can the Battalion Brigadier Promote and Demote up to: The Battalion Brigadier is able to Promote and Demote up to Captain. What rank and above can use two pieces of Regimental Equipment: Battalion Colonel and above. Anything else: Thanks for reading my application. Feedback is very welcome!
  12. In-game name(s): Benny Steam Name: justdami Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:206213628 Age when applying: 18 What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: Austria | CET Can you speak and type English fluently: Yes I can do both Current total game-time on the server (type !time): CRWP - 2mo 1w 6d | IRP - 0 IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on IRP: N/A | N/A Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: Yes I do have one, works well. I prefer speaking, but if its needed I can type. When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: IRP - N/A CWRP - July 2019 is when I joined. Had three breaks, two of about a month and a half. And a big one from September 2020 - April 2021. How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, IRP Discord and our forums: I use TS and Discord very frequently, since I play CWRP. That will be the same for IRP once it releases. Cant say the same for the forums, only use them when Im looking up information (Server rules, etc.) but I like to look through them every now and then. State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type !time then open warns menu, and drag the menu so chat is visible with the time): N/A State the role of staff on the server: Staff members are a key role on the server. They are there to enforce the rules and keep an eye out for anyone who might be breaking them. Helping new and old players is also a responsibility of a staff member. Mediating and resolving conflicts that may occur is another responsibility. Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them? IRP - N/A | CWRP - I am well informed on the CWRP Server rules List of all previous server staff experience: N/A Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes, I take full responsibility for what I do. Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member: 1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other Imperials: First of all, I would teleport to the Player who has reported this, make sure we aren't disturbing anyone then ask him who the Person is. Based on what he told me, I would check the logs to confirm what he is saying is true. If he is saying the truth, I would proceed to teleport to the playing who was shooting other Imperials, isolate him and make sure he understands what he did wrong, then I would hand out the appropriate punishment. 2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function: I will teleport to the Cadet and tell him that a trainer will be with him soon. Then I would proceed to contact a Fleet member asking him to send someone to train the cadet. If after a couple of minutes there still was no trainer I would train the cadet myself (assuming Im a NCO+). 3 ) During a debrief, a ST accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon: I would leave the situation to the Shock Troopers, since he only did it accidentally, as staff it is not my place to interfere here. 4 ) A ST #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT: This is a IC situation. I would simply tell him that he is to salute 2nd LT+ and answer any other questions he might have. I would not hand out any punishment. 5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitally stated within the server rules: I would isolate the Player and make sure he listens to me. Then I'd proceed to explain to him that even if that exact scenario isnt stated as FailRP, the action itself would be something that is considered FailRP in the Star Wars universe. Finding loopholes and trying to exploit the server rules is not something that will be tolerated. The punishment would be different from staff member to staff member. If the played was warned earlier I would proceed to warn him for FailRP. If not I would let him off with a warning and keep a close eye on him. 6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing: First of all I would calm the situation down. Then I would proceed to explain the player exactly what hes done wrong and why it is wrong. Once he understands that I would explain the punishment which was handed out and why it was handed out. If he stops arguing I would leave it at that. As a last resort if he still sees my actions as wrong I would forward him to the forums. Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words): I have many qualities which would make me a great staff member. First of, I was always good at problem solving, resolving conflicts and arguments. I always try to take everything into consideration and take action once I'm sure that that's the right choice. I am confident in my knowledge and my actions and I always take full responsibility for what I do. I always try to be on my best behavior and be friendly with everyone. Even in difficult situations I stay calm and collected, taking everything step by step. No matter the situation I stay unbiased. I'm very passionate about the things that I like to do, I put everything into it, always giving 110%. A lot of this is proven by my time on CWRP seeing as I have gotten Hierarchy, Battalion, SO a couple times and sup path leader. I'm trustworthy and dedicated to this community, seeing as I've played it pretty actively for two years now, which is also shown in my game time on CWRP. I might not have previous staffing experience like some other candidates might have, but that wont compromise my performance in staff, but it will only make me work harder and perform even better. I've talked with many staff members about all kinds of situations and researched on the forums and asked other staff member whenever I didn't know something, because I always strive for more. I know I have what it takes to be staff. This and many more is what I can offer the IRP Staff team. Thank you for reading my application, feel free to leave any feedback!
  13. Name: Benny TS Unique ID: UIBr7DYg4KsTpcdHr9jTu772xas=Requested Medal: Distinguished Service MedalEvidence: Extra Information: I was Battalion, Hierachy in 501st and Im a Colonel at the moment
  14. +1 - Hes a really nice guy - Super chill and competent - Hes a EP, meaning he knows how to deal with stressful situations - Lots of effort put into the application, shows dedication to becoming battalion Good luck!
  15. +1 - fucking lad - competent and very cool guy lets hope he stays a bit longer now
  16. +1 - Great guy, lovely to talk to - Trushworthy and mature - Compotent - manages to think of very cool training, I can see him making great events - the event plan is very thought through, very detailed. Sounds great Good Luck!
  17. +1 Should already be staff tbh
  18. +1 - Great guy - Past experiance in EP - Been on the server for quite a while - Very competent he should really join 501st tho
  19. - Yoda model needs a more up to date one +1 - As Pie said, Ki Adi Muni rn is CGI. Thats bad. The one Pie suggested looks well made and fits the server +1 - Senate guards need to be updates as well. Pie said it already, the capes rn dont work on em. As well under the capes they are dressed ceremonialy which dosent make sense as we are at war, not a a wedding or something. So +1 - Chewbacca makes no sense. +1 to wookie warrior - Commando droids yes, current ones wacky af +1 - Why not a hutt model, RP I guess +1
  20. I believe this map should be implemented into the server. If it should replace the original Rishimoon im not sure tho. Navas document summarises the new features very well. - I reallly like the bigger CC Room and the extended Bunks. Would help out a lot. - The flat SIM Area floor is much better than the current rishi one. - Overall just more features that can enhance both Passive RP as well as actual events. - The only part I dislike is that the sky or skybox whatever you wanna call is dark/ its night like on the current Rishimoon. I believe it would look a lot better if it was actually bright/ day but thats just personal preference: Overall +1
  21. TS Unique ID: UIBr7DYg4KsTpcdHr9jTu772xas=Requested Medal: Community Service MedalEvidence: Information: I was Battalion 2nd LT a couple of months back
  22. Which Rank/tag do you need: VIP on SWRP What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Battalion Officer Cadet Benny Evidence:
  23. +1 -Has grown a lot since he joined 501st. Managed to overcome his mingy past and prooven that he can indeed be mature, serious and trustworthy. I've had the chance of being his EXO in 501st, thats where my opinion is coming from. I believe that this hard work should be rewarded with him getting staff. -I had no unpleasant or bad experiance with Portal. I'm positive that he would be a good staff member. Pretty much everything has been said already, Good Luck Portal!
  24. +1 -Very social and firendly, liked by many members of the community I believe. -Only had plesant interactions with him. I believe everything else has already been said, Good Luck!
  25. +1 -He is highly competent and dedicated, he has proven this both in his time in ARC, at his time as Event Planer as well as in Battalion. One of the most competent people I had the chance to meet! -He is very trustworthy, shown in Battalion and in EP. -One of the friendliest and most helpful people I've ever met on the server.