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Everything posted by Jendo

  1. +1 I believe that had it not been for other applicants in the past, Aleks would already have been accepted into staff he is hardworking and diligent, shown by his constant efforts in GM and Jedi on the side, he is fair and approachable and can be stern when required, however he is ginger and I am sure he has received much hardship over the years due to this unfortunate fact. i want to mentor you
  2. +1 brilliant application, absolute gem of a DMO and I would absolutely LOVE to have someone like nesta in the staff team! in all seriousness, nesta has shown that time spent on the server isn't everything and has quickly adapted to the needs of 74th at the current moment, not carrying the regiment per say but showing that anything that needs to be done, will and can be done. (HI NESTA)
  3. +1 Ron is a hardworking diligent member of both ARC and 501st, although in times he can get a bit in over his head I think he has what it takes to staff on the server.
  4. +1 Through clopter progressing in ARC etc after trying many times showing he is a dedicated member of the community I also would like to point out he has in the past purposely sat out on trial hierarchy periods showing his drive and desire for his chosen path, he would be a great addition to the staff team. I want to mentor you
  5. Already been denied due to file size, but fairs asking again
  6. -1, would be neutral however: recently you have been reaching out to random members of the community asking for forgiveness, not saying this is an attempt to pre-emptively advertise your unban request however you can understand why it may look this way. The aftermath of the "event" was so shambolic on your part that it has actually became a living meme on SWRP, mostly because of your constant denial.. perhaps if you just told the truth as you are doing now instead of making shitty excuses such as "Locking your Y-axis" etc. people would hold you in a greater light. Not to mention you attempted to bypass your perma ban when we swapped to the new IP and all perma-bans were accidentally lifted, on purpose or not is another question altogether. I'd fucking hope not for your own sake, this would add substance to your appeal if it was something other than hacking on garry's mod. Edit: if you want to respond to me do it on discord, not here as I dont care for people who reply to shit on their own forum appeals to beef up the replies.
  7. -1, to put it simply this wasnt the first altercation involving you and your PACs, yes your moustache was approved however for many reasons using Han Solo was not. On the topic of spades' staffing abilities he has more experience in this field than most and is more than capable. You have been told, or atleast should have been told several times before by those in Jedi who you are more inclined to listen to and according to others, when spoken to about the PAC you chose the same method of logging off rather than removing it. People have been punished for using that model specifically for even trainings and so it should go without saying having Han Solo in the clone wars era has no justification whatsoever.
  8. +1 reasons already stated, would fit well in battalion.
  9. +1 plenty of experience, dont need to say more tbh, shown consistent recent interest in the server as shown by IC ranks.
  10. +1 You're a nice enough lad, but the event plan seems solid but basic. Evidently competent enough however with little time spent as clone I would worry for the quality of the clone side of events, however I am sure the Jedi side would be perfectly sound, as experience from things such as hologram trainings will give an edge over other applicants. However there are many EP clone mains who have never focused on Jedi so perhaps this will be a breath of fresh air to the EP team. Best of luck lad.
  11. +1 sound guy, decent event plan would love to have you aboard.
  12. -1 First point kinda wack as GC ETs deal with sniper using the same equipment at even longer ranges sometimes.. +1 rest of the shits cool
  13. +1 worked well with me and others in GC, as I imagine he would in the staff team, has achieved hierarchy time after time even after being knocked back which I believe shows a certain resilience only possessed by a few on the server.
  14. +1 hope he can balance staff and carrying GM at the same time
  15. +1 was great member of GC, and has excelled in battalion