Der Larp Goblin

Platinum VIP
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  1. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in Lazer's EP Application   
    Applicant is competent, from his role in CG, and active overall, however in comparison to other applicants, the event Idea is not as "detailed" or "thorough" as others, with this event taking places on the Anaxes map, and yeah. 
    The Idea is good, the player is active and dedicated to SWRP, but the event plan doesn't stand out like the plans of other applicants. 
  2. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in Tanner's Event Planner Application   
    Have to agree with JH on this 1. The applicant is well-known, dedicated from his playtime, and has all the past experience one would need, but the event idea provided doesn't seems flawed in regards to the event characters used, but overall is thought out and detailed allowing for it to be easily followed along. With that in mind, I wish the applicant good luck and all the best.
  3. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in Unluckys EP app   
    As mentioned by the above 2 comments, the event plan isn't as detailed, nor exciting as other plans in current event applications, the player has shown dedication to the server as noted through rank and playtime, and if more creative exploration was undertook, I'm sure some great events could be made.
  4. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in Unban   
    The screenshot provided to us, the SMT, by Stellman resulted in a 2 week temp tier for Weene, and a week ban extension for you and Rosenberg issued by Syn as you are all experienced players. As the extension was issued by Syn, I cannot particularly change this, and as such the temp tier, and two 1 week bans will remain for the remaining time until the 6th.
  5. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in Tip jar changes   
    Changes in regards to tip jars will be made, that change being it being removed altogether as the player has the ability to drop money, and make cheques. 
  6. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in New key groups and the access to "battering ram" government doors.   
    The Senior Staff Committee has deemed this suggestion as not needed, although the premise behind it is logical in my eyes, the senior staff decided it as not a necessary change at this current time.
  7. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in PlatVIP - Visker   
    Tag Given.
  8. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in Unban request   
    After reading your view, and Stellmans, I can agree that you broke FearRP, so meaning both ban and warn is valid, and so both shall remain.
  9. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in plat vip etc.   
    Tag Given.
  10. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in Unban for RunManDown   
  11. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in PlatVIP Request   
    Tag Given.
  12. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in Dr Lewic Fischermans / JTA Staff Application   
    Playtime screenshot as applicant was not in-game at time of posting, and I was unable to screenshot warnings, but as previously stated, he is on 0 warns what I can confirm.
  13. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in Server suggestions   
    No Template, No Unban. You can see the reason for the ban, and if you don't know, we can easily check via looking up your SteamID. Either way, being 10 is probably an influential factor in regards to your ban. 
  14. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in Are you dumb?   
    No, just no & a 12 hour forum ban. 
  15. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in Caltos' PlatVIP request   
    Didn't even needed to check the evidence, seen it in person. Tag Given. 
  16. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Auster Schumacher in !!!Unban Request, for me!!!   
    You achieved 30 warns in 3 months, I absolutely do NOT want you on our server. The ban is permanent, and will remain for at least the next 3-6 months. Your statement of 
    Has no influence over my decision, you have abused our rules at every corner, got 21 FailRP warns, VDMed, RDMed, Metagamed. No, just absolutely no, be gone, and never return to WW2 discords, forums, or game for the foreseeable future. 
  17. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Krowly in Eric's Event Planner App   
  18. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Xunt in Cafeteria Worker   
    We will look at adding pizza to the Cafeteria worker.
  19. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Frisby in F4 Entities & WL Perms for CG   
    The LAAT for Commander ranks has been accepted in another suggestion. The CT demotion is a tricky one, however considering CG besides from CT deals with mingey CT's the most. I think the request is pretty reasonable and will help with late nights. (The whitelist perms will be strictly limited to the Clone Trooper job and can only be performed by a CG CO+ IF they have broken rules to warrant it )
    It's a no for the CG speeder spawning i'm afraid, rather keep entity spawning permissions consistent with other regiments and your need to use the executive speeder is small outside of trainings
  20. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to washed in Tom / washed's: Staff Application   
    REPLY to - Zilean Ulted Me: I appreciate you don't like her, but to instantly -1 a staff application because I know her is just childish. She was just trolling and has now been banned, accepts that and has moved on, and also was not serious about getting an auto strafe to beat records lol. I really don't know what you mean by me having a mask but ok.
  21. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Krowly in Bobby Bands' Staff App   
    - CT Supervisor
    - Active
    - CT Supervisor
    - Friendly
    - CT Supervisor
    - ULX Knowledge
    - CT Supervisor
    - Mature
    - CT Supervisor

    CT Supervisor.
  22. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Krowly in Krowlys Staff application for SWRP [Repost]   
    To clarify, I was not aware that my words, that I came up with during the influence of narcotic substances, would be published and be available to the world. It was a joke that was meant to be available only for a close circle of people. I was never notified on if, when or where these phrases, that were recorded in a jokingly manner, would be released to the public. The person responsible for the release of the footage has not told me that this would be viewable on a public platform. In that case, I would like to apologize to Fusion for the things I have said. This was not meant to insult you, it was more of a joke for a circle of friends. The things I have stated are not fully true / are only accusations without valid proof. As already stated, and I can not stress this point enough, this was NOT meant to insult anyone and was just a joke. Jokes are funny in the eyes of each individual observer, and if someone does not think it is funny, I cannot disagree with someones opinion.
    Either way, I hope we can collectively look forward to viewing this as a mistake on my end. I should not have recorded these phrases and neither should I have given out the recording to anyone. Again, apologies to Fusion or any other W-G Member who felt attacked or who viewed this as unprofessional behavior.
  23. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Paul in Krowlys Staff application for SWRP [Repost]   
    In english and non-simp language, please?
  24. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to Spades in Ima gun di/ kengas second staff app   
    - Based on my own experience with you, I've found you to be quite immature.
    - Found you to be very argumentative, literally gave up speaking to you because you'd take everything super personally and start arguing about it.
    - Bad temper, seen quickly go off the rails when people don't do exactly as you want.
    Overall I think that you aren't fit for staff as it requires more patience than I've seen you display and could lead to quite a few arguments with players during staff Sits.
  25. Like
    Der Larp Goblin reacted to yvnglean in Babouche Staff Apply   
    [ ACCEPTED ]
    As of community feedback and in-game activity, we have decided to accept you into the staff team.
    Contact me on discord for your rank yvnglean#2871