
Cheese’s Staff Application

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In-game name(s): 




Steam Name: 




Steam ID: (




Age when applying: 




What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: 


 England, BST


Can you speak and type English fluently: 




Current total game-time on the server (type !time):


 1mo 1w 5d 16h 49m


IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on CWRP:


 Battalion Lieutenant Colonel, VIP


Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak:


 Yes, I usually speak, although I am quick at typing if I have to. 


When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since:


 I joined in early 2019, I have had several breaks since then, however I have been playing the server actively since around April 2021


How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, CWRP Discord and our forums:


 I use teamspeak almost everyday, Discord daily, and I frequently check the forums


State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type !time then open warns menu, and drag the menu so chat is visible with the time):


 I have received no OOC punishments before.

I have no warns; I cannot provide the screenshot because I am away on holiday currently. 


State the role of staff on the server:


 Staff are an integral part of maintaining the servers functionality, by allowing smooth role play to occur by moderating all players to ensure there is no toxicity, malpractice, or issues with fail RP. Staff take claims from anyone who makes one, such as helping someone set up a training or another rp scenario, or dealing with rule breakers in the form of finding out the truth and handing out just punishments. Without staff, the server would not be able to operate to an enjoyable degree. 


Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them?


 I have read the rules and I am very familiar with them. 


List of all previous server staff experience:




Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?:

 Yes I do. 


Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:

1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other clones:


Firstly I would bring the person accused of RDM into an Out of Character area, then proceed to check the logs to confirm if the accused has recently killed other people. If they have then I would explain to them the rule they have broken, then give them a warn for RDM or mass RDM. If this is a common occurrence with this particular user a more harsh punishment may be needed (such as a ban). 


2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function:


 Firstly I would tell them that I will find them a trainer, and to be patient for a few moments. Then I would teleport to a battalion member and ask them to send someone to train the cadet (if I am on my battalion job I could send someone myself). If this does not work, I will teleport an NCO+ to me in the cadet room and ask them nicely to train the cadet in question. 


3 ) During a debrief, a CT accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon:


 If it is an accident, there is no reason to punish them. At most I would inform them that if it’s not an accident and they do it again they could be warned for attempted rdm. However, I understand that accidents happen so an incident such as this is perfectly acceptable and no action is required. 


4 ) A CT #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT:


This is an In Character role play issue, and does not violate any OOC rules. So as a staff member I would not do anything about this. 


5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitly stated within the server rules:


 In the server rules, there is a section at the end which states that “unwritten rules still exist”. Even though a situation occurs that is not in the rules, using common sense can determine if that rule has still been broken. If this is the case, then I would inform the player that their actions are still breaking server rules, and give them a warning for FailRP. 


6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing:


 I would explain to the person again that I am acting within the server rules, and remind them of what they did to break the rules. I would also tell them to go to the forums if they disagree with the decision I made, and make an appeal for it. If the person begins to be disrespectful, I would first verbally warn them about disrespect to staff, as they are understandably frustrated. If it continues I would give them an actual DTS warn. 




Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words):


I have been a part of this server for over 3 years, and it has been fantastic. I have been welcomed into a wonderful community and I am happy to be a part of it. So now I believe that I deserve a chance to give back to the community that has given so much to me over these past 3 years, and I know that being staff is a perfect way to positively impact the server in a considerable way. 


I have been part of Battalion for just under 6 months and before that I was EXO in 501st for another 6, so I have had plenty of experience dealing with minges, rule breakers, and disrespectful players, as well as being responsible and accountable for important actions and decisions. Battalion itself shows my ability to be trusted with power, while still remaining calm, collected, and logical - all traits a good staff member should possess. Accountability is a large part of being a good battalion member, and also a good staff member. Any mistake I make, I learn from and take full responsibility for. I am and always will be accountable for my actions, which is a trait I will take forward into staff. 


Furthermore, I believe I am a trusted member of the community, and very amicable to anyone who wants to talk to me. I am understanding, however I am also just; anyone who has broken a rule will be punished accordingly. I believe that being staff would greatly benefit the server. I am highly active and often go above and beyond to do my duty, which can be seen from my incredible performance within Battalion. I take my role seriously and strive to ensure others are having an enjoyable time. 


Finally, I believe I should be chosen for this position because it is an opportunity for me to prove to the server that I am a capable and helpful member of the community. Staff is a position I have had my eyes on for a long time, and I hope that I get my chance to give back to the server.

ps. I did this on my phone as I am away, so apologies if the formatting is horrible

Current Rank(s):

Rear Admiral

Previous Ranks:

Head of Battalion, 501st Executive Officer, Senior Medic, 74th Advanced Medical Officer, Doom's Unit Captain, Jedi Senior Consular


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+1 Cheese is a lovely man and always friendly he would be great for staff hes also really dedicated as he has reached ranks such as 501st SNR Medic and 501st EXO and Now BATT LT COLONEL

Current Ranks
  DS Commando F-91 CWRP Senior Event planner - CWRP Discord Staff Manager - CWRP Deputy Event Manager
Past Ranks
CT 2459 - CE PFT MEDIC COLONEL CG Detainment Droid - Battalion Sand - Battalion Colonel - GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Paladin - Jedi Phantom - Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Lorekeeper CWRP Jedi Event planner - 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi Wan Kenobi Plo Koon - Mace Windu - Yoda





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Major +1

Cheese is probably one of the most mature and well-rounded members of the CWRP community and absolutely excels in Battalion. He would do very well as a staff member. 

Current Ranks:

CT ####

Previous Ranks:

CWRP DS Commando F-80 "Scorch"

CWRP 501st ARC Colonel

CWRP 501st Temp EXO

CWRP 41st Temp ARC Major 

CWRP Jedi Operator 

TRP Arturo Huevos "The Huevos Family"

WW2RP Kompanie Caesar Gefreiter and Pionier

CWRP Event Planner

CWRP  Senior Mod



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High ranking batt


Sound guy, can put foot down when needed.

Really good option

Current Ranks


41st ARC 2nd LT | Administrator | Jedi Padawan | Detainment Droid 

Past Ranks


501st Commander | 501st Sergeant | Jedi Operator | Jedi PadawanEvent Planner Clone Guard Private

Jedi Peacekeeper 501st Special Operations Colonel | Clone Force 99 Squad Leader H-07 

Detainment Droid | Reserve Medic | GM Fire Droid

Jedi Guardian Jedi Knight | CT 3166


Jump Trooper Private Scout Trooper Sargent | Sith Apprentice | ST 3166 | Shock Trooper Private


T-SEC Lance Corporal Fonollio


Jump Trooper Lance Corporal | Hutt Clan Henchman


Jump Trooper Lance Corporal | Pyke Henchman


Jump Trooper Jr Medic 2nd Lieutenant


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Mature dude

Great fit for staff

Current Rank:


Past Clone Wars / IRP Ranks In / Out Character:

CT ARC Colonel / Temp EXO | 41st ARC Colonel / Temp EXO | Battalion 1st Lieutenant/Major | CG ARC Colonel / Temp Vice Commander 442nd Major IE Commander DT SGT Event Planner 

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Cheese is one of the few people i would recommend as a staff member, always level headed and mature and proper regardless of the postion he is in. Any other applicant is fucking retard compared to cheese, so naturally he is by far the best choice for staff.

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-Good app
-Good activity 
-High ranking Battalion 
-Heard people talking good of him/Overall good image on the server


-Ex MingeSquad 
-Ex Permaban
-Ex Battalion
-Ex GM Vice Commander
-Ex GM Marshal Commander
-Ex 442nd CPL
-Ex 104th CPL
-Vice Admiral

Disco Inferno Dancing GIF

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Plenty of reasons already stated

Current Ranks [CWRP]
Admiral | Reserve Medic
CWRP Super Administrator | Lead Mentor
Past Ranks
CE Marshal Commander | 74th ST MD | CT TRP "4625" - CT PVT | CT DCPL
Jedi Sage | Jedi Warlock | Jedi Sentinel | Jedi Shadow Jedi Peacekeeper
 Event Planner Staff Mentor
[WW2 1943RP]
 Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Gefreiter - Unteroffizere (13/02/21 - 25/03/21)
ST TRP "4625" | JT Corporal | IE BFT PFC501st PFC
 Rebel Alpha Group Major

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Disclaimer: Since there are extremely limited spots in staff with many many people applying I will be completely honest and judging/responding not only based off if I believe you will be a capable staff member but are you better suited to be a staff member compared to the other 40 people that applied, so don't take any of this to heart. Thanks : )


Your experience is insane and should be noted and valued over the other applicants who are newer to the server

I remember back in 501st when you were my EXO you were really mature for your age and you were always easy to talk to and level-headed which from what I have heard has transitioned into Battalion, so shoutout to you sir

I must say you use to be lowkey inactive for a while but this seems to have changed past couple of months in a positive direction and I can't really comment on other people's activity looking at mine the past couple of weeks being honest

currently au tistic

Previous Ranks:

501st ARC Colonel/Temp Exo

 DS Squad Leader F73

CWRP Administrator

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You have been accepted into the Staff team! Contact a member of SMT for your introduction.

Current ranks

CWRP Vice Manager

Previous ranks

Jedi Aegis
501st Marshal Commander
DS Commando F69
501st Vice Commander
Temp 501st Commander

Jedi Senior Guardian



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