Walter Webb

Ethics Committee Department

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In-Game Name: Carson Smith

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:43258039

Current In-Game time: 01w 6d 11h (Shown in screenshot BELOW)

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of
your warns in game):



1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

The Ethics Committee seeks to ensure in context, that all resources used are used properly and handled without waste. Examples of this may include the random and wasteful brutalisation of Class D for their inability to perform a task - this is when a member of the Ethics Committee should step in. Essentially, the Committee believes in cruelty only when it is necessary, for the foundation is not evil and not cruel. That, and they work to preserve necessary resources from being depleted unnecessarily. Any actions that may be seen as evil, but are for the necessity for the safety of the foundation, it's members and the rest of human society.

General specifications on a member's ordinary day in any SCP containment facility is to meet with department heads and/or individuals. Reports may be made if needed to include them into the Ethics Committee.

As for the first three roles the Committee performs, it is as follows:

The Committee seeks to establish a tangent in which they are able to easily oversee the activities of all on-site personnel regardless of what role they perform, may it be a service worker whom collects trash to a researcher utilising Class D on an experiment. Clearance and position do not matter for the committee, for all individuals are expected to be overseen by such individuals so that they are performing their duties to the best of their abilities.

This brings me to the second role. Each Committee member is tasked with assisting those whom need it perform their duties to the best that they possibly can. This does not mean that they should be happy with what they do, but so that they are able to fulfil their role at their highest with hopefully, an all time low on negative outcomes. 

Lastly, the Committee is tasked with assisting Site Administration with any problems that they may be facing as well as being a tool to re-educate them, if need be, in performing their duties. If individuals are incapable of performing their duties to specific degrees, then sanctions such as re-education/training and/or demotion are tools which are available to the Committee. It should be noted that using said tools should be communicated with, with any relevant personnel.


2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

Three lessons that the Committee endorses in are as follows:

1. The foundation is not evil.

Though many may see it as such and many more may agree upon the very thought that it is, the SCP foundation does not indulge in unnecessary cruelty and the wastefulness of human life in the name of science. The foundation is but a servant towards maintaining the security and privacy of any anomalous objects within it's grasp to protect not only itself, but the public world from accessing said objects for potentially malicious reasons such as hostile GOI's; this is the very reason the SCP foundation exists in the first place; to Secure anomalous objects, thereafter to contain them, then finally to protect them and ourselves from the rest of the world.

People may see the foundation as evil due to the admittedly grotesque practices they carry out during research. It should be understood that the foundation is an organisation that also seeks to understand any and all anomalies that come into their possession for classification and whilst some tests may be conducted without the loss of life, some must be sacrificed for the greater good. This is why the D class personnel exists, drawn from the ranks of deathrow and/or with no other alternatives to lean on. This greater good is for the safety of the human race as a whole.

2. The Foundation doesn't rule the world.

Treat the foundation more as an unannounced service to the world rather than the elusive 'government' cooperation with numerous potentially world ending anomalies in it's arsenal. The safety and normalcy that we all see in our world today is due to the foundations efforts in maintaining world order in securing all of these anomalies. No one asked for the foundation, but it is there regardless, liked or disliked. It is a thankless, gruesome job done so that others may live in ignorant, peaceful bliss.

3. The "P" stands for protect.

The SCP foundation seeks to protect; it's context isn't simply for one thing. They protect it's employees, researchers and members. They protect the anomalies that they recover from the public eye and as such, overall, protect humanity from the insanity that are SCP's. The organisation, "SCP", is split into three parts:

1. Secure. They secure anomalies from the public eye (ideally) before anyone else can get their hands on it. This is for their own good as no one is able to properly understand the potentially dangerous qualities of the object, no matter how mundane it may look at first glance.

2. Contain. The foundation's operatives will contain the object. At this stage, researchers assigned are able to begin the process of understanding what exactly it is the object can do, why it came into fruition, etc.

3. Finally, protect. No one needs to understand why the foundation chooses to protect the human race or the object itself from imminent dangers, but they do so regardless.


3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I enjoy speaking to people and roleplaying within the foundation. I have recently returned from university to begin my prominent activity once again, mostly as Site Adviser (since I don't have VIP), allowing me to assist the current director whenever needed and wherever I am requested. More often then none, I feel solace in the ability to perform my job to the best of my abilities. Joining the Ethics Committee will allow me to undertake even more roles within the foundation and expand my curiosity for storytelling and roleplay. As to why I believe I should be on the Committee;

I am a quick decision maker and a firm speaker. If there is something that needs to be done, I will do my very best to take it into my own hands as long as my current role permits it. The Site Adviser role is limiting, and permits only as much as the current Site Director allows.

I enjoy creating new stories for myself and benefitting others from the roleplay scenarios which I would be able to create from such a role such as the Ethics Committee.

Finally, I enjoy communication. Communication is an important trait in any organisation. Hopefully I will be able to assist in any way, form or method by using said expertise!


4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP Facility/foundation exists as a means of containing any and all objects/humanoids/sentient beings and otherwise which exhibit anomalous properties which defy the laws of our world and/or universe. By doing this, the foundation intentionally is able to 'kill two birds with one stone'; protect humanity and prevent the public from acknowledging the existence of anomalous entities and the foundation itself. Upon containment at one of the numerous facilities the foundation has at it's disposal, the anomalous entity/object goes through a series of tests for classification depending on factors including how easy it is to contain and what anomalous attributes it exhibits.


5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

Any incriminating evidence should be gathered. Once done, have the O5 moved to isolation / custody. Committee members, if applicable, should be informed.


6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Reseracher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do?

Perform a quick investigation into their actions. Find anything of relevance which pertains to such abuse, thereafter, inform committee members and/or current O5's for approval to carry out a punishment/demotion.


7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

Detain the researchers. Describe to them the unethical practices of their activities as a waste of resources and summarily demote them for doing so.


8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?

Do my best to save the 5 junior researchers. The O1 unit is capable of combat and as such is able to defend themselves and the ECM from harm more easily than the researchers, that, and research is one of the primary reasons for the foundations containment efforts.

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17 hours ago, Sir Rose said:

In-Game Name: Carson Smith

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:43258039

Current In-Game time: 01w 6d 11h (Shown in screenshot BELOW)

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of
your warns in game):



1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

The Ethics Committee seeks to ensure in context, that all resources used are used properly and handled without waste. Examples of this may include the random and wasteful brutalisation of Class D for their inability to perform a task - this is when a member of the Ethics Committee should step in. Essentially, the Committee believes in cruelty only when it is necessary, for the foundation is not evil and not cruel. That, and they work to preserve necessary resources from being depleted unnecessarily. Any actions that may be seen as evil, but are for the necessity for the safety of the foundation, it's members and the rest of human society.

General specifications on a member's ordinary day in any SCP containment facility is to meet with department heads and/or individuals. Reports may be made if needed to include them into the Ethics Committee.

As for the first three roles the Committee performs, it is as follows:

The Committee seeks to establish a tangent in which they are able to easily oversee the activities of all on-site personnel regardless of what role they perform, may it be a service worker whom collects trash to a researcher utilising Class D on an experiment. Clearance and position do not matter for the committee, for all individuals are expected to be overseen by such individuals so that they are performing their duties to the best of their abilities.

This brings me to the second role. Each Committee member is tasked with assisting those whom need it perform their duties to the best that they possibly can. This does not mean that they should be happy with what they do, but so that they are able to fulfil their role at their highest with hopefully, an all time low on negative outcomes. 

Lastly, the Committee is tasked with assisting Site Administration with any problems that they may be facing as well as being a tool to re-educate them, if need be, in performing their duties. If individuals are incapable of performing their duties to specific degrees, then sanctions such as re-education/training and/or demotion are tools which are available to the Committee. It should be noted that using said tools should be communicated with, with any relevant personnel.


2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

Three lessons that the Committee endorses in are as follows:

1. The foundation is not evil.

Though many may see it as such and many more may agree upon the very thought that it is, the SCP foundation does not indulge in unnecessary cruelty and the wastefulness of human life in the name of science. The foundation is but a servant towards maintaining the security and privacy of any anomalous objects within it's grasp to protect not only itself, but the public world from accessing said objects for potentially malicious reasons such as hostile GOI's; this is the very reason the SCP foundation exists in the first place; to Secure anomalous objects, thereafter to contain them, then finally to protect them and ourselves from the rest of the world.

People may see the foundation as evil due to the admittedly grotesque practices they carry out during research. It should be understood that the foundation is an organisation that also seeks to understand any and all anomalies that come into their possession for classification and whilst some tests may be conducted without the loss of life, some must be sacrificed for the greater good. This is why the D class personnel exists, drawn from the ranks of deathrow and/or with no other alternatives to lean on. This greater good is for the safety of the human race as a whole.

2. The Foundation doesn't rule the world.

Treat the foundation more as an unannounced service to the world rather than the elusive 'government' cooperation with numerous potentially world ending anomalies in it's arsenal. The safety and normalcy that we all see in our world today is due to the foundations efforts in maintaining world order in securing all of these anomalies. No one asked for the foundation, but it is there regardless, liked or disliked. It is a thankless, gruesome job done so that others may live in ignorant, peaceful bliss.

3. The "P" stands for protect.

The SCP foundation seeks to protect; it's context isn't simply for one thing. They protect it's employees, researchers and members. They protect the anomalies that they recover from the public eye and as such, overall, protect humanity from the insanity that are SCP's. The organisation, "SCP", is split into three parts:

1. Secure. They secure anomalies from the public eye (ideally) before anyone else can get their hands on it. This is for their own good as no one is able to properly understand the potentially dangerous qualities of the object, no matter how mundane it may look at first glance.

2. Contain. The foundation's operatives will contain the object. At this stage, researchers assigned are able to begin the process of understanding what exactly it is the object can do, why it came into fruition, etc.

3. Finally, protect. No one needs to understand why the foundation chooses to protect the human race or the object itself from imminent dangers, but they do so regardless.


3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I enjoy speaking to people and roleplaying within the foundation. I have recently returned from university to begin my prominent activity once again, mostly as Site Adviser (since I don't have VIP), allowing me to assist the current director whenever needed and wherever I am requested. More often then none, I feel solace in the ability to perform my job to the best of my abilities. Joining the Ethics Committee will allow me to undertake even more roles within the foundation and expand my curiosity for storytelling and roleplay. As to why I believe I should be on the Committee;

I am a quick decision maker and a firm speaker. If there is something that needs to be done, I will do my very best to take it into my own hands as long as my current role permits it. The Site Adviser role is limiting, and permits only as much as the current Site Director allows.

I enjoy creating new stories for myself and benefitting others from the roleplay scenarios which I would be able to create from such a role such as the Ethics Committee.

Finally, I enjoy communication. Communication is an important trait in any organisation. Hopefully I will be able to assist in any way, form or method by using said expertise!


4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP Facility/foundation exists as a means of containing any and all objects/humanoids/sentient beings and otherwise which exhibit anomalous properties which defy the laws of our world and/or universe. By doing this, the foundation intentionally is able to 'kill two birds with one stone'; protect humanity and prevent the public from acknowledging the existence of anomalous entities and the foundation itself. Upon containment at one of the numerous facilities the foundation has at it's disposal, the anomalous entity/object goes through a series of tests for classification depending on factors including how easy it is to contain and what anomalous attributes it exhibits.


5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

Any incriminating evidence should be gathered. Once done, have the O5 moved to isolation / custody. Committee members, if applicable, should be informed.


6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Reseracher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do?

Perform a quick investigation into their actions. Find anything of relevance which pertains to such abuse, thereafter, inform committee members and/or current O5's for approval to carry out a punishment/demotion.


7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

Detain the researchers. Describe to them the unethical practices of their activities as a waste of resources and summarily demote them for doing so.


8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?

Do my best to save the 5 junior researchers. The O1 unit is capable of combat and as such is able to defend themselves and the ECM from harm more easily than the researchers, that, and research is one of the primary reasons for the foundations containment efforts.

FAT +1

Plays alot of FA, nice guy and generally fun to be with 

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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STEAM ID: 76561198449097381 (In-Game name Marc Glaston)

Current In-Game time: 5 weeks 11 hours

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of
your warns in game): image.thumb.png.5e33508e49ff04a3b27e2543dbac0e3a.pngOnly two and the one from John was over one or two years ago. 

1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?* 

The ECM is responsible for overseeing the necessary and unnecessary action of the facility, and advising the O5 on what is acceptable and what is not, for example the use of d class can be questioned from time to time and as ECM they would advise on what to do to further treat them and use them. If the d class are being treated poorly and are being used for unnecessary reasons, the ECM can step in and re- educate them on how to properly treat and respect the subjects and even the SCPs at some times.

The ECM is the one who decides whether or not a course of action is necessary or is not needed at that point of time, balancing the costs and gains of the situation at hand and re- evaluating the actions being made, this could include the use of the nuclear warhead. When there is a mass breach or somewhat of a massive problem in the facility or the surface, the ECM will be allowed to change what they do, whether it is necessary or will be outbalanced by the costs of the action.

Finally, we overlook the on-goings inside the facility, such as the use of D class, tests and interrogations, and whether or not the site is running in the way it should be, ethically. if anything unethical is occurring, the ECM are the ones to deal with it, whether it be something as small as stun-sticking random people, all the way up to a huge mishap with certain people such as the court cases and the pacts. If unnecessary violence is occurring in an interrogation, it will be dealt with, and this will ensue a punishment scaling from a verbal warning and/or possible the death sentence if truly needed in extreme circumstances.  

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

1. The Foundation are not terrorists: We are not here to torture, murder or be under the terrorist act, it is a secret area locking away beings and objects that are anomalous to the regular human, we are a place that wants to be hidden, so culling the planet of people against us is not an option, and so peace treaties and secrecy vows are the best option, we want peace, not war.

2. The Foundation is not a organisation that rules the world: We serve under the leaders, and protect it against the many frightening occurrences that arrive that are seen as alien to the normal human, the Foundation do not want to rule the world since it will show popularity and will ensue rebellions against us, so keeping our secrecy is what is needed.

3. The 'P' in SCP stands for protect: As said in one of the above, the foundation protect the world, not take over or destroy it, this means that we silence the ones who know of us for our secrecy, but we do no more than that, no unnecessary killings or torture should be done, we destroy and contain and study the anomalies, keeping the outside world from knowing of the dark truth we hold, which is that monsters do exist, so we stay in the shadows and keep our distance. 

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I believe that I should be accepted because I love having a nicer world to live in for all, I try my best to keep things fair and I know my way around sticky situation and how to cull them, I would also love to have a court room and do court cases, and help people be fairly trialed for the second chance they may get from me, I don't agree and hate torture, and I hate having people hating their lives in the facility, so I would like to help change the way it is run and bring in more joy and equality.

4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP Facility stands for 'Secure Contain Protect', this means we take whatever it is that is anomalous from the surface, and secure it into the facility, we then have our science tame devise a plan to contain it and this all leads to the world not having to deal with the terrible beings that appear, the SCP Facility is a secret, but very large and intricate, base used for protecting human lives and also exploring new ways to cure and kill off the strange beings that occur, so that human life can carry on in a standard way and let them live in peace and prosperity. 

5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

In my opinion, I would gain all evidence possible and have the O5 detained for his damage, then I would report it immediately and wait for further action, such as demotion and hopefully, a court trial.

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Researcher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do?

First would be to evaluate the situation, first would be to interrogate about the misuse of the SCPs, and then about other incidents they have caused, after finding this out, I will take my recordings (screenshots) of the situation and keep them for a later date if necessary. After this, if the reasons were ridiculous and unneeded, as well as the severity of the actions, either immediate force will be taken or a verbal warning will be given, immediate action includes a possible immediate demotion or small jail time, but to keep it fair I will most likely (once again), do a court hearing.

7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

I would have them immediately detained and interrogated, then I would conduct a demotion or a jail sentence depending on whether they were involved or just watching, and the amount and d class and ranking of the researcher.

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?

I would save the junior researchers, since the gate with the O1 and the ECM only have two people, therefore saving more people and potentially having more senior researchers in the future, and that would help the cause of the Facility, rather than saving someone who already knows the risks of the facility and even has an armed personnel with him, which also could protect the ECM and allow himself to be taken in place. To be honest, I would try to save both in that situation since there may be enough time to open both and get them both out. 

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4 hours ago, [W-G]souldestroyer005 said:

STEAM ID: 76561198449097381 (In-Game name Marc Glaston)

Current In-Game time: 5 weeks 11 hours

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of
your warns in game): image.thumb.png.5e33508e49ff04a3b27e2543dbac0e3a.pngOnly two and the one from John was over one or two years ago. 

1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?* 

The ECM is responsible for overseeing the necessary and unnecessary action of the facility, and advising the O5 on what is acceptable and what is not, for example the use of d class can be questioned from time to time and as ECM they would advise on what to do to further treat them and use them. If the d class are being treated poorly and are being used for unnecessary reasons, the ECM can step in and re- educate them on how to properly treat and respect the subjects and even the SCPs at some times.

The ECM is the one who decides whether or not a course of action is necessary or is not needed at that point of time, balancing the costs and gains of the situation at hand and re- evaluating the actions being made, this could include the use of the nuclear warhead. When there is a mass breach or somewhat of a massive problem in the facility or the surface, the ECM will be allowed to change what they do, whether it is necessary or will be outbalanced by the costs of the action.

Finally, we overlook the on-goings inside the facility, such as the use of D class, tests and interrogations, and whether or not the site is running in the way it should be, ethically. if anything unethical is occurring, the ECM are the ones to deal with it, whether it be something as small as stun-sticking random people, all the way up to a huge mishap with certain people such as the court cases and the pacts. If unnecessary violence is occurring in an interrogation, it will be dealt with, and this will ensue a punishment scaling from a verbal warning and/or possible the death sentence if truly needed in extreme circumstances.  

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

1. The Foundation are not terrorists: We are not here to torture, murder or be under the terrorist act, it is a secret area locking away beings and objects that are anomalous to the regular human, we are a place that wants to be hidden, so culling the planet of people against us is not an option, and so peace treaties and secrecy vows are the best option, we want peace, not war.

2. The Foundation is not a organisation that rules the world: We serve under the leaders, and protect it against the many frightening occurrences that arrive that are seen as alien to the normal human, the Foundation do not want to rule the world since it will show popularity and will ensue rebellions against us, so keeping our secrecy is what is needed.

3. The 'P' in SCP stands for protect: As said in one of the above, the foundation protect the world, not take over or destroy it, this means that we silence the ones who know of us for our secrecy, but we do no more than that, no unnecessary killings or torture should be done, we destroy and contain and study the anomalies, keeping the outside world from knowing of the dark truth we hold, which is that monsters do exist, so we stay in the shadows and keep our distance. 

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I believe that I should be accepted because I love having a nicer world to live in for all, I try my best to keep things fair and I know my way around sticky situation and how to cull them, I would also love to have a court room and do court cases, and help people be fairly trialed for the second chance they may get from me, I don't agree and hate torture, and I hate having people hating their lives in the facility, so I would like to help change the way it is run and bring in more joy and equality.

4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP Facility stands for 'Secure Contain Protect', this means we take whatever it is that is anomalous from the surface, and secure it into the facility, we then have our science tame devise a plan to contain it and this all leads to the world not having to deal with the terrible beings that appear, the SCP Facility is a secret, but very large and intricate, base used for protecting human lives and also exploring new ways to cure and kill off the strange beings that occur, so that human life can carry on in a standard way and let them live in peace and prosperity. 

5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

In my opinion, I would gain all evidence possible and have the O5 detained for his damage, then I would report it immediately and wait for further action, such as demotion and hopefully, a court trial.

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Researcher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do?

First would be to evaluate the situation, first would be to interrogate about the misuse of the SCPs, and then about other incidents they have caused, after finding this out, I will take my recordings (screenshots) of the situation and keep them for a later date if necessary. After this, if the reasons were ridiculous and unneeded, as well as the severity of the actions, either immediate force will be taken or a verbal warning will be given, immediate action includes a possible immediate demotion or small jail time, but to keep it fair I will most likely (once again), do a court hearing.

7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

I would have them immediately detained and interrogated, then I would conduct a demotion or a jail sentence depending on whether they were involved or just watching, and the amount and d class and ranking of the researcher.

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?

I would save the junior researchers, since the gate with the O1 and the ECM only have two people, therefore saving more people and potentially having more senior researchers in the future, and that would help the cause of the Facility, rather than saving someone who already knows the risks of the facility and even has an armed personnel with him, which also could protect the ECM and allow himself to be taken in place. To be honest, I would try to save both in that situation since there may be enough time to open both and get them both out. 


Have had good and bad experiences, 

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In-Game Name: Lando Norris (warrant officer norris chad name)

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:526501347

Current In-Game time: 2 weeks 3 days 

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of
your warns in game):unknown.png

1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*  

The Ethics Committee oversee the Ethicality and general running's of the foundation, for example acting as an Ethical Site Advisors to the likes of the SD or O5 Council members, More questions the better as we don't want any O5 Members deemed unethical...That would be quite bad, The ECM prevents that. The ECM can oversee inner working of the Council and infact ALL foundation administration, Making sure FA aren't mistreating "Prisoners" Dclass or general SCP Mistreatment. The SCP's (well most of them) are still alive and deserve to be treated with ethicality, the ECM enforces that along with "Prisoner" Dclass Living style and Mental Health. 

ECM Also act as secondary enforcement higherups (In Police talk), Commanding Omega-1 and enforcing the law themselves, Deciding punishments and making sure their own units are following proper protocol, Acting as Secondary enforcement should.  All the ECM want to do is make the Foundation an Ethical and worth working living place for all, making sure EVERYONE is happy and making sure EVERYONE is working at their best happy where they are, Although the ECM can be Ruthless themselves in their punishments and INCREDIBLY strict law and Enforcement protocols that their Agents follow and Rule over.

The ECM overlook the running's of the foundation and its inner groups like MTF's Research teams, STF's and foundation administration. The Committee makes sure research and testing is kept ethical for both D-Class and SCP's Living or infact dead. Making sure MTF's like Nu-7 or E-11 are doing their job without causing derogatory problems that can result in detainment of units on all MTF teams and divisions 

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

1, Enforce that The foundation are not a group of people who carry out terrorist like acts among "innocent" people, if anything the foundation wants to restrict this and the ECM plays a huge role in that. we are not monsters who want everyone to die and suffer the ECM merely are the in-between line in the role they play. With the help of everyone they can achieve that goal. We don't Torture we accept and punish only if needed.

We don't "Own" the earth, we ae merely part of it. The GOI's and people who want to take us down do not realise the danger they will put themselves in "They Don't Listen to our shouts" is the reason we are not public, the reason we don't shout too loud, we are all afraid we are all in danger. We don't want the fucking world to end due to a GOI's stupidity that is why we are seen as monsters as we kill those who know and tell. The ECM want that to change and are a big part in why more and more GOI's want peace or to have Friendly written on a relations spreadsheet.


Protection of the Earth and every living thing on it is number 1 priority. Like said above "We do not own the earth", The foundation does not and never will. We do not want to "Take over the world" we would be taking over ourselves "The Earth is not mine yet" -Dr Evil Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged me. Is what people think of us, they think we want the world when all we do is protect it from things that genuinely Want the fucking earth to be there's "Workin 9-5" to enforce that the ECM does.

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I believe i should be accepted because

Although i do not play a lot of Foundation administration, with a fuck ton of Omega-1 Experience and now O-1 Commander work available to me along with Alpha-1 and FA interaction i have a great knowledge of how it works. I like to think im somewhat "well known" within O-1 and the ECM and its member due to my activity on the jobs and server in general. I dont like to punish people harshly, i enjoy giving people second chances and with old Beta-1 experience i know the foundations law, inner working and general Activity of FA, Id love to be part of the ECM, its a very prestigious job and the members i respect very fucking highly 

4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

SCP [Secure Contain Protect] contain and house Anomalous Creatures ,items and people. Housing them in Top Secret foundation locations. The foundation only being known to very few OOFC (out of foundation circle) and being held and run by the infamous O5 Council, Filled with 13 Members and the 2nd highest classified information it holds are only known to a few people across all sites. The ECM play a huge part in the foundation. While the foundation doesn't only Contain these Anomaly's, it also has a huge researching team following it, for every SCP deemed "UI" [Under Investigation] have teams of hundreds on them, whether being old SCP's to Newley found ones.

5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do? Immediately Inform Omega-1, fill out a warrant,if said warrant if approved order Omega-1 to detain ASAP, bring to cells and organize a court date and case subjects, appoint witnesses and a judge and carry out a court case. The Council member being "Deemed Unethical"Omega-1 will deal with the prosecution of law and punishment of the O5

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Researcher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do? Again fill out a warrant for the HR only, meanwhile detain the SD on side of Omega-1 units, if said Warrant is approved follow same steps as above and if found guilty of "gross misuse of SCP items, Get Omega-1 to follow protocol and prosecute 

7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do? (question kinda void cos funny feeding allowed "RP they said") 1 get O-1 to detain for wasting foundation resources and prosecute accordingly.

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why? Save the Researchers, although the death of an Omega-1 unit and fellow ECM is a sad and gruelling with to do, But There's good reasoning The O-1 is heavily armed and at least stands a chance against an SCP unlike 5 helpless Jr Researchers who only have key cards to poke SCP's with. Also saving 5 lives instead of 2 is bit more ethical also at least there's a chance the ECM and O-1 survive 

Hello, Hope you enjoyed the App, to avoid cluttering the Thread contact me here Tacocatzzz#6969 if you have any thoughts on my application, I love feedback from apps and your always welcome to tell me : )

Have a great day!


i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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In-Game Name:

Isaac Miles



Current In-Game time:

4w 5d & 22h

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of
your warns in game):



1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

As an Ethics Committee member, we guide the Council on what is tolerable and make recommendations on how to handle a certain situation at its best. They are able to oversee any Foundation Personnel no matter their status and position, thus allowing them to be able to keep track of what's happening. They're able to re-instruct anyone if need to be for example, if someone from the R&D Department is using torture for self-gain.

They are able to evaluate certain circumstances and execute actions if necessary for the greater good of everyone or to let things run its course. For example when to authorize and improve the idea of torture and only enforce it when need be or to interfere with any non-needed actions when the risks are too high at stake.

Last but not least, they preferably meet with any Head Departments if any are on site, oversee projects if need be and make sure that the Facility is operating as it should, meaning that everyone is doing their jobs efficiently and that Ethics are maintained and not disregarded.


2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

1. We are not villains nor do we encourage being evil, we rather try to minimize such and thus we are only acting for what is a greater purpose. It is important to differentiate from when immoral actions are being committed because we have the ability to do so or acting immoral due to there simply being no better alternatives and it being a last resort.

2. We as an organization aren't world dominant rather we're quite the opposite of that. We are anonymous to any outside powers and rather make sure that our interests are only meant for serving and aiding humanity. No matter of how certain groups of interests may see and view us, we simply do what we believe is best and with positive intent.

3. We safeguard and preserve the human race from dangerous entities unknown to most of mankind, it is important to understand that we have containment procedures for a reason and react quickly to any anomalous threats should they be encountered on the surface.

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

 I have played Site Administration roles really only far back in the past, while I've not been seen playing on any recently I do hold the experience and know how to act and play on them, I also don't play them as some others is simply because I have tried to balance my activity on many other important whitelists such as ISD and others which aren't affiliated. Due to some getting removed or me having resigned from some I'd like to try and focus on more non-combat jobs with quite a bit of roleplay as that is one of my strengths. I've played on both Omega-1 and ISD and am still until today active on ISD more so on other jobs as I believe lawful roles do interest me quite a lot. I'm very experienced with Foundation Laws and know when I have the right to act and utilize them for good results, I have a very calm and rather neutral demeanor and do not allow emotions to affect my judgment. I do have empathy and it is a tool that I use when I do believe it is applicable and needed, but I can be just as harsh if the situation calls for it.

4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP organization is secret to most but the name itself explains the purpose and actions of how sites work, Secure Contain Protect is there to serve mankind and shield them from any anomalous threats encountered anywhere on the planet. The facility is important as without it evolution itself couldn't continue.

The organization possesses several sites all differentiating from one another, but their efforts are clear. On each sites there are several different roles all playing their part such as Mobile Task Forces with each one having individual sets and goals like Epsilon-11 'Nine Tailed Fox' which focuses primarily on containment and recontainment of any threats which may cause a dangerous containment breach.

The Site Administration is an important part as they make sure the site is well managed and that projects are funded to learn more about hazards. It's power can be attributed for the greater good but there are some who'd like to exploit it and that is why we are a very important occupation.

5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

Assess the entire situation and collect as much data as possible on the occurrence, organize a court-trial for the Council member that has been accused and seen committing said actions and review the situation at hand.

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Researcher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do?

Examine the actions executed by both the Director's and the Researcher's which ensued. Briefly make a summary of which crimes have been committed. Considering they are of CL4 they'd preferably need a court-trial. Informing the Council would be an alternative if need be.

7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

Detain both researchers and pursue and document their doings, make sure they are punished according to the lawbook and figure out to see as to why they'd do what they did. Possibly have lenience on them or not, depending on how the case might work out.

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?

Depending on the SCP which caused a containment breach I believe it would be worth to at least think about the situation if time allows for it, being within an Administration role you however do need to demonstrate some sense of leadership and this means that sacrificing two for five in a split second decision is very valuable indeed. I'd most likely go with the Scientists.




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In-Game Name:Nathan Beck

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:226317849

Current In-Game time:9w 3d

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of

your warns in game):B0631A945427748347728C2E7B623CC7A339C756


1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

We advise the O5s on what is and what isn’t acceptable, for example a local public outbreak of 008:If there were to be an anomalous outbreak on the surface depending on the scale and severity we would advise the O5 council on how to deal with the threat we would take into account the risk of it getting to the public or If the public has a high risk of her finding out about the incident he would take the local population into consideration and the local train every single detail would be important in such an event and how we can deal with it eventually after a quick but important command of time depending on the situation we would come to a decision and inform the O5 Council about our decision.

We are the people who balance the moral costs again an example is basically, if to achieve the common good a necessary evil is required then with no other options we will agree with it. To give an example if there was maybe one person that was an infected of an unknown anomalous virus with the potential of wiping out humanity but there was a small chance that if we research the virus  We would be able to cure him depending of course on how fast we have to make a decision First we would see how big of a risk the person is and if the risk is too high then he would have to be killed For the good of humanity and the world as a whole, Or maybe someone is interrogating a spy or an infiltrator or someone who is having second Thoughts about what he’s been doing in the foundation if he used unnecessary violence he would stop it because it’s not NECESSARY

We observe what is going on inside the facilities such as tests and interrogations etc and if something unethical is done we report it and eventually the person being unethical will be punished.To use the previous example if someone is interrogating someone was unnecessary violence we would depending on the rank of course stop them and report him after some shitty bureaucracy and paperwork he would be eventually punished by his superiors and the punishment’s severity all depends of course on how unethical the person was
The punishment could be a demotion it could be a warning it could be even Even worse are we all know what’s worse than a straight up to demotion to a Lower rank

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

1. The Foundation is not evil: We are not monsters,terrorists or torturers we are against non needed cruelty.Cruelty that isn’t necessary will be punished like I said we are not monsters we are not the chaos insurgency we want peace and we want the human race to be safe do for a kids to sleep on the two ears and not have to worry about the monsters underneath the bed or in their Class it will protect those who can’t protect themselves we are good.We are peaceful but we will do everything it takes to protect the larger part of the population or we die trying


2. The Foundation doesn’t rule the world: we serve it, we protect it and make sure the stories parents tell their kids before going to bed stay just that, stories. We serve the overall best interests of the world regardless of what the population thinks it wants. For example if there were to be an anomalous virus in the Internet which is possible anything is possible these days Then probably to the annoyance of the population we would shut down the Internet if necessary we would also protect as many as we can even if it means sacrifising some to protect our race from extinction no matter what

3. The 'P' stands for Protect: We do not destroy anomalies that we can contain We are not a global occult coalition or The chaos insurgency we are the SCP foundation we secure we contain and we protect As I have said before we are not monsters we are not evil we do everything we can for humanity for our race If we didn’t protect nobody would know but he has the amount of power we do and luckily we’ve use that power for humanity not for us we are very Charitable if you think about it Luckily for all of us or we would be doomed

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*
I value morality but I understand when there is no other choice. My knowledge of the SCPs certainly will help me with my decision making and is an asset I can use for important decisions that need to be made ASAP for example during a breach for a termination order with my understanding of SCPs I can see if it is truly needed and if there is a risk of the SCP leaving the site, I also know how to remain calm during angering situations and that is certainly important to not let emotions cloud my judgmen during a moment of needt.

4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP foundation is a secret organisation devoted to protect humanity from the anomalous and make sure that the general public does not find out about some monsters that exist in our world and beyond it is important because without the SCP foundation countless of anomalous entities with roam free or all be terminated or used as a weapon by other evil groups that seek to destroy the SCP foundation and take advantage of the monsters to further their own gain and power the  SCP parts of their name stand for secure contain protect unlike other groups we don’t use them the only anomalies we use are either for the better good of humanity what’s your research or destroy what we can to destroy now with our current knowledge


5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

Firstly but quickly gather evidence of his actions and then take the O5 into custody and put him into an isolated room.

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Reseracher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do?

I would at first confront the site director about it try to understand his motivations and after that I would talk to the researcher to see why he deems it necessary to abuse the powers of an SCP After I have gone with her motivations and reasons I would file a report and send it to the committee if I deem it Completely unethical like it probably is it will have to be a very very very good reason to abuse the powers so I would probably demote both of them and replace them with more competent men of the rank

7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

Detain them they weren’t supposed to be there in the first place without good reason or approval and then questioned them as protocol and then the moat him know to researchers are supposed to be at SCP 106   Especially not For feeding

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?

I would save the researchers considering   I would save more people even though the ethics committee is a higher rank he knows the risks of the foundation if I had the chance I would say both but due to the amount of research is and information they could’ve acquired even though they are only junior researchers I would most likely save them but it depends from situation to situation for me even though I Value the ethics committee and the Omega one more

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In-Game Name: Jacky Samson

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:417803743

Current In-Game time: 4w and 15h almost

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of your warns in game): 4 warns


1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*:

The Ethics Committee Member is a very responsible Site Administration Member which oversees the actions of people that are needed and not needed. The ECM also advises the O5 on what is a good acceptable action and what is a bad unneeded action.
He steps in at situations where any resource is not used properly and wasted, for example a Class D getting hit with a Stun stick or killed for no reason at all. Then the ECM steps in and reeducates them. The Ethics Committee Member only
allows cruelty and brutality. He also works directly under command of the O5-7 and serves to manage and enforce the Code of Ethics.

The first three roles of the ECM are these:

The Ethics Committee Member oversees everyone to ensure that they are doing their Job and purpose. With Everyone, really everyone is mean't he doesn't care about the Clearance or if the suspect is higher in Chain of Command than him.
He oversees everybody, even the HoEA, SD or O-5. He punishes almost everyone who break the Code of Ethics.

The ECM works with whoever he needs to, to reach his goals. He mostly works with the ISD and B-1. It doesn't matter if he likes to work with the person he needs to, because the safety of the Facility is one of his highest priorities.

The Ethics Committee Member works with the Site Administration and handles every ethical problem that may be facing him with them. For example the Site Director orders an Execution on an Innocent Security Guard, there is where hes steps
in and reeducates the SD. If needed he can also demote the Site Director.

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

The First Lesson:

The Foundation is not evil nor Villains or Monsters. You might be seeing the Foundation as the bad guys because of SCP's and getting Class D's and using them as Experiment subjects, but this is not true. The SCP Foundation
does not do unnecessary brutality and terminating to Human lives. The Class D's are death row sentenced Humans, they have done bad things and we are making sure that they don't die for nothing.
We do this for a greater purpose like experimenting for science, new medical substances and more. We keep secret Information hidden that needs to be secret and we keep dangerous malicious anomalous Objects hidden that could hurt people.

The Second Lesson:

The Foundation does not rule the world. We serve the world. It doesn't matter what anyone might think or says, we know what we do and for what it is.
And if anything in actions go wrong that might effect the general population or innocent lives we are here for it. Think of us as an unknown Organization that helps the world than some Villains who let Humans be killed by Monsters.

The Third Lesson:

The "P" stands for protect. The SCP Foundation is here to protect people.
There is a Reason we are called SCP Foundation, which means Secure. Contain. Protect. Securing and hiding dangerous Objects that could hurt anybody and hiding Information that could be used for bad things.
Containing all bad Objects and researching on them. This is why we have Special Forces like Epsilon-11. And lastly, protect. We protect everybody in the public from bad Organizations that could have anything bad in mind.

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I have very good experience on this Server, especially as Site Administration. I was in the Ethics Committee before and was the third highest Rank i believe.
I will be most likely very active as i don't want any whitelisted job than this one. I have good Communication and i make fair decisions. I also read and heard the Ethics Committee Orientation and always have the Code of Ethics on my second Screen. I do understand the rules of the ECM and i am against killing D Class for no specific reason. Also i do know that if i break rules or abuse my powers, i will most likely get
terminated or demoted by O5 or will be kicked from the Group. I will be fair in this Job and concentrate on it and not do things i don't need to do. I also will cooperate with everyone who i have to and not argue with the Administration Jobs. I also understand to not Minge or be Power hungry. And the last thing is that i understand what the ECM is and that i shouldn´t be toxic.

4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP Foundation stands for "Secure. Contain. Protect". They secure anomalous Objects and dangerous Weapons from the surface and secure it into the facility. They have a Team for everything. They have Security teams and they have a Science Team that researches the anomalous and dangerous Objects and Weapons. They do experiments with Death Row Inmates and helps the World with researching and experimenting. They are a secret large Organization that is in Many countries around the World and the means of that is to protect Humanity all around the world. They find new ways to cure Illnesses and more.

5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

I would collect various Information and gather many Foundation Personnels and consult them over this Situation. After being done and having enough Information i would inform the O5-7
and my Ethics Committee Supervisor (Gerald Evans) and tell them about this problem.

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Reseracher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do?

I would again serach for people who knew about this problem and then first ask of the O5's approval to punish them or demote them. If no O5 would be on-site i would simply tell my O1's to arrest both of them and have them demoted.

7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

Of course detain the Researchers. Then reeducate them and demote them to Junior Researchers if one or both are already Junior Researchers i would demote them to an even lower Personnel.

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?#

I would save the 5 Junior Researchers as the O1 has a gun and can protect the Ethics Committee and also because the Researchers are the primary Reason of the Foundation.


I think this app is 999 words.

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In-Game Name: Kian Raanvik


Current In-Game time: 4w

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of
your warns in game): 



1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*


2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

1.  O5 Council Advisors

The Ethics Committee is very important due to them being O5 Council advisors and usually help O5's come to a decision and or conclusion to things. And generally help them with whatever they need & of course others like the SDs. They in a way are the enforcers of the rules that the O5 Council have made (Foundation Law)

2. Prosecutors

The Ethics Committee are the prosecutors/judges & executioner of the foundation, they make sure everything is up to code and followed strictly. When I say followed strictly I mean the Foundation Law & all its contents. The Ethics Committee always stays neutral during a situation and tries to not be biased during a situation.

3. Inspectors

The ECM makes sure that all Foundation Law is upto standards and that all people follow it regularly and dont break them and if they break them he gives them some sort of punishment or verbal warning.

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I believe I should be accepted into Ethics Committee because I feel like I am very ethical with things I do, I'm a very fair person and I'm never biased. Always took both sides perspective during my time as O5. (Such good times :sadface:) 

However I tried to get Site Director and failed, so I am trying for a different approach and am fully willing to try out Ethics Committee. This will be something new for me since I will actually be enforcing laws & punishing those whom are unethical or unfit for their current Job. However I do think I am experienced and would fit right into this job so thats a +.

4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP Facility is important due to them protecting humanity as a whole from dangerous Secured Anomalies, known as SCPs. These SCPs can cause havoc on mankind as we know it if the SCP Facilities weren't a thing to contain them. These SCP Facilities ensure and guarantee the survival of mankind as a whole. That is why the SCP Facility is so important, they house all the dangerous SCPS, nothing more to it.

The SCP Facilities can vary from time to time but most of them are safehouses for SCPs and are safe places they can be in without being attacked/found by CI so they can use them for their own greed.

5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

Demote the O5 based on his actions, the ECM has and can use the power given at his disposal in order to rid the O5 causing unethical executions.

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Researcher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do?

I dont think that would be demotable, just a verbal warning for unnecessary use of SCPs.

7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

Discipline them for unethical testing. Possible demotion if needed.

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?

The gate that has the Junior Researchers due to them being more people than the 2 people, gotta be ethical yk.

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In-Game Name: 

Jack Miller



Current In-Game time: 08w 0d 15h 14m

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of

your warns in game): image.thumb.png.b044afbcf820f681dd3ae1ac43d743af.png


1. Please list the first 3 roles of the Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?:

1. Make sure no administration enter a stage of being morally corrupt - Examples of these are when an O5 Council Member decides to go on a power-trip and order mass terminations on personnel without a valid enough reason, this is where the ECM comes into play.

2. Oversee Research -  Examples of these are when there are no Head Researchers or if there are, you decide to watch tests closely in order to spot anything going on such as mass feeding, that is when you will detain these researchers and decide their fate, obviously if they're new and they generally had no idea then a lighter sentence would be implemented. 

3. Report to the O-5 Council if there are any situations that you need assistance with if too strong and needs a change - Examples of these is when there is a vampire event going on in the server, and personnel are being terminated in the masses for sacrifice of the grand vampire or their God and the ECM on-site is powerless, personnel begin to panic and it is beyond their control.

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*:

The first lesson is: "Foundation is not evil" . For the greater good of the SCP Foundation, they only do what is right, if it means sacrificing whole cities or having countless casualties, it is not because the Foundation is evil, the things that we keep in containment are truly the monsters, we are serving the globe. Say if we had to nuke the surface where a local town is because a monster broke free, this is for protecting everyone else, we do not prioritize civilians over the world.

The second lesson is: "The Foundation does not rule the world". The SCP Foundation is here to serve the world not rule it, it keeps thousands of anomalies locked up daily from humanity to protect the race from total extinction.

The third lesson is: "P stands for Protect". Ethics Committee members must always remember this lesson because it is crucial that it is not broken in the line of duty, in our name hints what we really do and how it reflects on the O-5 Council.

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*: 

I feel like I know a lot about morality, I have expressed this many times as a Head Researcher, I have plenty of experience teaching new junior researchers about feeding and resources and know how many resources are needed. As a small side note I'm also really active on the server and only want to join for RP and not to minge around or be power-hungry.


4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*:

The SCP Facility are testing or containment sites worldwide which are there to keep in dangerous, curious or world-ending monsters. These are very important because if a leak were to happen, the world would go into panic and chaos. We keep SCPs in containment for the purpose of protecting the world. The SCP Facilities are vital for also better understanding of those in containment for the greater good.


5. If you are playing as an Ethics Committee Member and a situation has occurred with the O5 being unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?:

At this point the ECM would gain lots of power than before, and for once be OVER the Council Member. This means I will be informing all on-site personnel of this so they side with me, so that I could deal with the threat.

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Researcher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such as 500 and 2295), what do you do?: 
I wouldn't forcefully detain and talk to them because that may raise attention, what I would do is to have a talk with them about how its wrong to do that since weaponizing SCPs is the complete opposite of Secure. Contain. PROTECT.

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?:

Sometimes this is what personnel fear most. The option to play God, the option to both have gain and loss at the same time. Ethics can be questioned sometimes, but I would personally go for the 5 JRs because of Morality. It is common sense whether you should sacrifice 5 people for 2, or 2 people for 5, but power does not matter. Just because someone is big man administration does not mean we should enact the feudalism system, its about morality and common sense. I'd rather have more people alive. As much as I would've wanted to save a fellow ECM and an O1 unit, I still need to choose the other.





Edited by AEuclidClassSCP
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Kyle Webb's Ethics Committee Application

In-Game Name: Kyle Webb

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:146530822

Current In-Game time:  1 week and 2 days

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of your warns in game):KBFM287UqZ_uWmQ_29VdKhvT4cMZoLVP2TCOLrvFnWDQ_caJ-azkFJEx6TZQqJy3Rv5WANDbZfFVQtMUJL0owycyg3GvAEJmg751ZbcCbL2p3NmvUWHjJsEP0YnXeblQXg34t5Ra


1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

The Ethics Committee is responsible for ensuring that the operations conducted by the SCP foundation are ethical and not excessively unethical. The Ethics Committee inside the foundation regulates the experiments conducted by the researchers to ensure that everything is performing on an ethical basis, as well as ensuring that the Class Ds are being treated “ethically” during experiments and not wasted. They work closely with the Site Administration to ensure the ethical protocols and procedures of the foundation, however they can not be ordered by the Site Administration as they are not under their jurisdiction. On a day to day basis, the Ethics Committee ensures that all personnel inside the foundation do their jobs correctly, as well as aiding the Site Administration when they are able to. 


2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

We are the ones who advise the O5 on what is and what is not acceptable and we ensure that the SCP Foundation are not the “bad guys”. 

This is extremely important, because as the SCP Foundation our goal is to aid humanity by securing, containing and protecting the SCPs. If we are working on such a noble cause, the way we work should be much alike, and most importantly ethical. Although this does not mean send Class D flowers and a box of chocolate every month, we must ensure that they are not being killed for no reason. That is not the right thing to do. We must ensure that especially humanoid SCPs who do not actively pose a threat are not being treated like they are monsters. Yes, we do contain them but no, we won’t torture them. We will make sure that every single personnel within our foundation learns and understands ethics. Our foundation is not a place for murderers or psychopaths. It is for individuals who work towards the betterment of humanity. 

The Foundation does not rule the world. The Foundation serves the world.

Similar to my last point, the Foundation works FOR the world. We are not a band of evil men. We are strived by our goal of serving the world. There mustn’t be individuals within the Foundation who think otherwise. This is why the Ethics Committee work so closely with the Site Administration and the O5. We make sure that every little detail work in unison to achieve our noble goal. We make sure that our personnel within the foundation understand our goal and work towards that goal. 

The 'P' stands for 'Protect'. The Foundation protects humanity from SCPs, and we protect the Foundation from itself. We judge what is and is not acceptable for the Foundation to do. We balance evils so that on the whole, and in the long run, evil is minimized.

The Foundation can be interpreted as an evil organisation out of context in many occasions. It is true that we do things that are unspeakable of. The third lesson and in my opinion the most important lesson, is that the Ethics Committee protects the Foundation from itself. We are in charge of a difficult task of deciding right and wrong inside the Foundation. The SCP Foundation is unique in a way that the work we do sometimes crosses the red line of ethics. We are here to minimize that.


3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I honestly believe I should be accepted into the Ethics Committee. Although I am fairly unknown within the server because I always play as a Class D, I’ve been a part of this server since v1 and had the honor of experiencing how the roleplay in SCP-RP gradually evolved into what it is today, the server which we all love and enjoy. I never quite enjoyed any of the jobs but the Class D and the Researcher. I understand why some people love to play as MTF or Security but that is not for me. Personally, I love playing jobs that rely more on the RP side of SCP-RP. I would love to be a part of the Ethics Committee and display my abilities of roleplaying in a larger scene. I have countless hours of experience in roleplay servers overall with my 1996 hours on Garry’s Mod, most of which I gained while playing in RP servers. I hope that I am given a chance to join and enhance the roleplay for many in the server who get bored from the regular day-to-day stuff happening in the server like breaches and experiments. Imagine a RP where an Ethics Committee official has to deal with a researcher who is conducting an unethical experiment on a Class D. I would love to see things like this happening in our server. Other roles like Site Admin and Advisors are usually seen walking around as the higher authority, but I have a special thing for Ethics Committee because we are not the high authority, we work closely with everybody which allows much more opportunities for amazing roleplay. This is something that I would love to be a part of and I would play on my Ethics Committee whitelist many hours in a day to make sure amazing RP like this can happen in the server and everybody enjoys it. I’ve also previously tried to get a rule implemented which is in line with what the Ethics Committee works for. To summarize, it was a rule suggestion that would try to achieve less Class D deaths. 


4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP Foundation conducts their operations in many sites known as SCP Facilities. The work that we do inside these facilities, are mainly containing SCPs. We contain SCPs for several reasons, but mainly to protect humanity, as well as gaining scientific knowledge by researching them and conducting experiments. Some of these SCPs are highly dangerous, and are able to cause a world-ending scenario and mass panic if they are exposed to the outside world. We also contain some SCPs to retain the “normality” of human life. The SCP Facilities are of utmost importance not only to the Foundation itself but also to the world in general. We prevent these things from escaping and ending our existence. We make sure that your family lives happily and safely, all thanks to our facilities equipped with state of the art technology to Secure, Contain and Protect.


5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

I would request an urgent meeting with the O5 to discuss what is going on. I would then roleplay with them and strongly advise them to reverse this decision and try to keep the roleplay going for as long as I can as it could lead to some interesting endings. 


6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Reseracher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such as 500 and 2295), what do you do? 

I would call them in to meet with them and discuss the incident. I would listen to their reasonings and make a judgement to see if what they did was in ethical standards. If I see that it was unethical, I would inform a superior Ethics Committee official or the O5 for further action. Alternatively if I am the only available person to decide on what will happen to them, I would refer to the Ethics Committee protocols, and decide if I should have them transferred to another project, have their pays cut, or have the incident noted on their permanent records. 


7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

I would call them in for questioning immediately. I would talk to them about their experiment and make the right call. I would try to get them demoted in roleplay, or have them transferred to another project, or have them shot and killed for their crimes against humanity. You'll notice I said "killed" instead of "terminated". That's a deliberate choice. On the Ethics Committee, we don't use euphemisms.


8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?

As the Ethics Committee, it would be wrong to make an unethical judgement. I would proceed to save the 5 researchers because I would be saving 5 lives, whereas if I chose the other option I would only be saving 2. 


Remember this: the Foundation is not evil. We do not torture people "just because". We are against unnecessary cruelty. Which means somebody has to decide when cruelty is necessary. And that somebody is us.




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Ethics Committee Application

In-Game Name: Lando Lovelace

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:526501347

Current In-Game time: 8 Weeks 4 Days or so

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of
your warns in game): (i will get later its like 5AM

1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*  

The Ethics Committee oversee the Ethicality and general running's of the foundation, for example acting as an Ethical Site Advisors to the likes of the SD or O5 Council members, More questions the better as we don't want any O5 Members deemed unethical...That would be quite bad, The ECM prevents that. The ECM can oversee inner working of the Council and infact ALL foundation administration, Making sure FA aren't mistreating "Prisoners" Dclass or general SCP Mistreatment. The SCP's (well most of them) are still alive and deserve to be treated with ethicality, the ECM enforces that along with "Prisoner" Dclass Living style and Mental Health. 

ECM Also act as secondary enforcement higherups (In Police talk), Commanding Omega-1 and enforcing the law themselves, Deciding punishments and making sure their own units are following proper protocol, Acting as Secondary enforcement should.  All the ECM want to do is make the Foundation an Ethical and worth working living place for all, making sure EVERYONE is happy and making sure EVERYONE is working at their best happy where they are, Although the ECM can be Ruthless themselves in their punishments and INCREDIBLY strict law and Enforcement protocols that their Agents follow and Rule over.

The ECM overlook the running's of the foundation and its inner groups like MTF's Research teams, STF's and foundation administration. The Committee makes sure research and testing is kept ethical for both D-Class and SCP's Living or infact dead. Making sure MTF's like Nu-7 or E-11 are doing their job without causing derogatory problems that can result in detainment of units on all MTF teams and divisions 

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

1, Enforce that The foundation are not a group of people who carry out terrorist like acts among "innocent" people, if anything the foundation wants to restrict this and the ECM plays a huge role in that. we are not monsters who want everyone to die and suffer the ECM merely are the in-between line in the role they play. With the help of everyone they can achieve that goal. We don't Torture we accept and punish only if needed.

We don't "Own" the earth, we ae merely part of it. The GOI's and people who want to take us down do not realise the danger they will put themselves in "They Don't Listen to our shouts" is the reason we are not public, the reason we don't shout too loud, we are all afraid we are all in danger. We don't want the fucking world to end due to a GOI's stupidity that is why we are seen as monsters as we kill those who know and tell. The ECM want that to change and are a big part in why more and more GOI's want peace or to have Friendly written on a relations spreadsheet.


Protection of the Earth and every living thing on it is number 1 priority. Like said above "We do not own the earth", The foundation does not and never will. We do not want to "Take over the world" we would be taking over ourselves "The Earth is not mine yet" -Dr Evil Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged me. Is what people think of us, they think we want the world when all we do is protect it from things that genuinely Want the fucking earth to be there's "Workin 9-5" to enforce that the ECM does.

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I believe i should be accepted because

Although i do not play a lot of Foundation administration, my current standing within Nu-7 and ISD i have had alot of experience with the committee i was also in ECM but was kicked due to inactivity (i did play i just never wrote sitreps lol) Also throwing way back i was an Omega-1 Commander and in B1 and a current Senior ISD agent. With all of this i believe i am ready for a second chance in the group.

4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

SCP [Secure Contain Protect] contain and house Anomalous Creatures ,items and people. Housing them in Top Secret foundation locations. The foundation only being known to very few OOFC (out of foundation circle) and being held and run by the infamous O5 Council, Filled with 13 Members and the 2nd highest classified information it holds are only known to a few people across all sites. The ECM play a huge part in the foundation. While the foundation doesn't only Contain these Anomaly's, it also has a huge researching team following it, for every SCP deemed "UI" [Under Investigation] have teams of hundreds on them, whether being old SCP's to Newley found ones.

5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?  fill out a warrant, if said warrant (do we still use warrants for this now?) inform the chairman and advise MTF alpha-1 of the situation, if everything goes to plan detain the O5 and plan a hearing towards a court trial.

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Researcher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do? Again fill out a warrant for the HR and SD (if we still do those) then either get a court trial or punish accordingly 

7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do? (question kinda void cos funny feeding allowed "RP they said") detain for wasting foundation resources and prosecute accordingly.

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why? Save the Researchers, although the death of an Omega-1 unit and fellow ECM is a sad and gruelling with to do, But There's good reasoning The O-1 is heavily armed and at least stands a chance against an SCP unlike 5 helpless Jr Researchers who only have key cards to poke SCP's with. Also saving 5 lives instead of 2 is bit more ethical also at least there's a chance the ECM and O-1 survive  

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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