Walter Webb

Ethics Committee Department

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In-Game Name: 
Alex Magus

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:171534768

Current In-Game time: 6 days, 12 hours 😤

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of
your warns in game): 
1 warning, FailRP - From 2019


1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

a) Advisors

To be an Ethics Committee Member is to be an advisor to the Foundation Administration. Ethics Committee Members have the morality out of the foundation, and will use this skill to help them in their duties. As an advisor, an ECM will watch over what a member of the FA does and ensure what they're doing is ethical and moral. If it isn't, they will advise on how to change it if it hasn't been done already.

b) Inspectors

As member of the Ethics Committee, inspections should be done on the regular. They must inspect fairly, ensuring all ethical procedures are in effect. The EC observes, they do not order. If they find something wrong, it must be corrected else the Facility may face accidents, breaches and other. 

c) Judges

The Ethics Committee judge members of the foundation during trials or their detainment periods. Whether they be a O5 Council Member or a CL1 janitor, an ECM will judge them just the same based on what their charges are, without any bias. 

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

a) The SCP Foundation is not evil.

SCP:F is not evil. We are neutral. The Ethics Committee exists to combat the evil tumors within the foundation, as 'evil' is defined by extremely immoral and heinous acts. The Foundation may interrogate, amnesticate and incriminate but that is to ensure the safety and security of reality.

b) 'P' is for protect, along with 'S' and 'C'

Along with Secure and Contain, we must Protect. Protection is important, as without it then there would be no reason for us to exist. The Foundation exists to protect. Security and containment are only 2/3 of the Foundation. Through all 3, they become the Foundation that secures, contains and protects. Securing reality, Containing anomalies, Protecting innocents.

c) We do not rule the world.

We could, but we don't. It is not our goal. The Foundation sticks by the motto of 'Secure. Contain. Protect.', and not sticking by it is a breach of foundation protocol. The Foundation aren't the secret super-billionaires that rule the world. We are not 'Providence' from the Hitman saga. We are those who hold reality from anarchy, those who puppeteer every government to our will.

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I believe I should be accepted because of the fact that I have a lot of lore knowledge about the SCP Universe, as well as a lot of knowledge of the law and rules that the Foundation has in place on the server. I believe I am fully unbias and moral enough to be able to fill the position as ECM, as well as be active in it. I currently hold the SD and HoEA whitelist, and most of my playtime has been on foundation administration jobs. 

I value morality, and will swear to upkeep it in my duties as an ECM without fail.

4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP Facility is a facility in the SCP Foundation. The SCP Foundation and it's facilities are important because they house the most dangerous things known to reality. Anomalies. Anomalies have the capacity to destroy and create masses of reality at a time, depending on their power, and without the SCP Foundation a lot of these anomalies that can cause mass extinction events would be let loose. 

If there was no SCP Foundation, there would be mass panic.. SCPs would fill the streets causing havoc, or maybe just happiness. Even without the Foundation, there would be a pseudo-foundation made by the Governments to secure the anomalies, contain them and protect their citizens. It would be just like the foundation.

5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

I'd have the O5 council member detained, telling the O5 Council Chairman about the behaviour while then informing the Ethics Committee Executive Chairman. I'd host a trial for the O5 Council Member, and whatever the verdict may be, we shall give that punishment, unless stopped by the Executive Chairman of the Ethics Committee or Chairman of the O5 Council.

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Reseracher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do? Who was drunk when they writ this question

I'd have the SD and HR brung to an office space if it was minor, or the cells if severe. I'd tell them that what they're doing is unethical and wrong, as abusing the SCPs can lead to catastrophic outcomes, even if the act is small. If they were majorly abusing the SCPs, I'd have them detained for about 10 minutes in MTF Custody. If minorly, a verbal warning.

7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

Detain them, if they're Junior Researchers I'd inform them not to do it again or they'd be demoted to service personnel. If Senior, I'd demote them to Junior. If Head Researcher, I'd report them to the Director of Research and demote them to Junior Researcher. I'd also inform them that it is immoral to waste Human life, as SCP-106 does not need 'feeding', whether it says so or not.

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?

5 Junior Researchers would most likely waste more lives in the future, while an ECM and O1 Unit saving more. An ECM and O1 unit is harder to replace than 5 Junior Researchers. Morality would tell us to save more lives, as all are equal and the more lives the better. But is that true? In a split second decision, I would pick the ECM and O1 unit due to their future in assisting in saving lives and protecting them. Junior Researchers are usually only testing on minor SCPs on minor things, and I don't see much of a future for them, but choosing 1 can change everything. Hierarchy and importance is not a problem here, as everyone must be judged based on their morals, future and equipment not their rank.

Edited by AlexMagus

SCP-RP Positions

Sarkic Owner
24/02/2021 - 25/07/2021

20/02/2021 -> 22/03/2021

Senior Moderator
22/03/2021 -> 17/04/2021

17/04/2021 -> 01/05/2021

Lead Group Manager
1/05/2021 -> 26/10/2021

Senior Administrator
1/05/2021 -> 12/06/2021

Executive Administator
12/06/2021 -> 26/10/2021

MC&D Salesman

Site Director


Head of Manufacturing Department

Head of External Affairs

Unusual Incidents Unit Agent

Internal Security Department

Sarkic Thrall V5

Sarkic Karcist/Owner V6

MTF ZETA-0 Agent

Head of External Affairs V5

O5-3 like 3 years ago for 30 mins but i was demoted for erp with the HoEA 😞

other jobs i forgot 😞 i hope you enjoyed my signature


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In-Game Name: I have many in-game aliases but I preferably use the name Oswell M. Wesker right now

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:31671762

Current In-Game time: Will be included and displayed in the image below (spoiler)

Current Warnings (Show a screenshot of
your warns in game):


NOTICE! I know that the screenshot shows a total of 4 warnings, but I would like to openly admit that there's supposed to be 2 more warnings on my record. One additional warning due to RDM (killed an anomaly in cellblock since no one wanted to test on it nor was there a HoEA online, was meant to be issued by Blizzard but I think he forgot to actually warn me or idk) and another warning due to LTARP (re-joined the server after being cuffed and called gay & stinky nu7 by alex doe but he either let that one slide or also forgot to report me? idk that either) 





1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*


In a complete summarized explanation; the Ethics Committee is responsible for upholding the standard and humane morale code present within the SCP Foundation along with its set of site facilities. Just like in the name Site Administration, members of the Ethics Committee are purposed with managing and administrating the proper etiquette required to keep the operations of the Foundation at maximal efficiency. The three so-called roles or objectives which the committee is primarily based upon are as follows;


The surveillance of all daily activities conducted within the facilities by fellow foundation personnel, including how containment procedures and SCP experiments are handled and utilized with the usage of D-class subjects. It is also noted, that no clearance-level or position can restrict the committee's will to inspect the ongoing activities.

Secondly, the Committee assists the same previously mentioned personnel in verifying what is considered unethical, cruel, or an unnecessary waste of life. In other words, they "help" determine what is deemed a violation towards the integrity of the Foundation's ethical code.

Members of the Ethics Committee are charged with the duty of personally re-educating foundation personnel in the wrong, in terms of immoral actions proven to have been performed. Should the accused be found guilty of being unethical, the Committee Board member may also exercise justified punishments in any way as they see fit in order to ensure the stability and morale discipline meant to be preserved at all times.


2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*


The three crucial lessons and viewpoints belonging to the eyes of Ethics Committee are that one; the Foundation is not inherently evil whatsoever. The organization works in secrecy for the better good and only in the best interests of humanity and the general population. Even though the Foundation seemingly resorts to sacrificing D-class subjects to fulfill this bitter goal, it is not done so with joy in mind or just "because" it can, but due to it being a harsh necessity.

Two; the Foundation as a whole does not control the world nor rule it. Instead, its principle is to serve Mother Earth and return the eternal favor of birthing us by stopping the supernatural through a dignified ambition -  to keep everything in order.

And last but not least; the third lesson takes into account the "P" from the mighty name and describes its meaning in more clarity. Protect - it means that the Foundation was created to protect the rest of mankind, and itself, from the harmful influence of all anomalous entities that dwell inside our dimension. If the world was filled with un-contained SCPs, we would all be doomed and destroyed. It is therefore, the obligation of the Foundation to secure and subdue all anomalous entities in existence.


3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*


Is it not that I believe but I, without a doubt, know the true definition of ethics and what it stands for. Not only do I offer a professional mentality, devotion, and a baseless promise that I will exceed the expectations imposed on me but boldly assure my superiors that I will keep the Foundation in-check and make sure all departments and personnel work beyond a satisfactory level in order for the Foundation to function at its ultimate capacity. Sure, I could possibly make a minor mistake on the job but thankfully in this case, I believe I can adapt and learn fast enough to prevent any and all disappointments that have a small percentage of happening.


4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*


There are many site facilities around the world. Some are specifically constructed to operate in a specialized way, such as acting as a large inventory bunker that stores different variants of products. Normally and for the majority of the these site facilities however, their purpose is to contain and study anomalous objects which reference to the common phrase; Special Containment Procedures. It is the main goal of these SCP site facilities to document and describe the means needed to contain supernatural SCP objects and analyze what the objects are alongside what the effects and doings initiated by the same said objects are.


5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?


An Overseer Council Member may hold the highest rank among the foundation hierarchy, but that does not give them the right to do as they please. After all, is it the Ethics Committee who advises the O5s on what is and what isn't acceptable. In this scenario, it would only be fitting and expected of me to employ the obligation of keeping the Foundation durable and morality significantly high by putting a stop to the source and cause of the unethical elements. More to point, I would inform the committee of my discovery and report the treasonous actions of the O5 member while simultaneously attempting to restrain the responsible O5 member IF he truly is guilty and has done the things that has shed.


6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Researcher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do?


Because I heard a rumor of it happening does not mean that it is legitimate unless I can witness it in person or hear the accused confess. I would therefore humbly demand an audience with the Site Director and Head Researcher, which after that I would proceed by questioning both of them the motives behind the supposed "abuse of power". If the reasoning is clearly unethical, selfish and does not improve the world or aid the Foundation in achieving its goals - I would judge them guilty and enforce a suitable verdict upon them immediately. This is all if the rumor was indeed true and if I did not need to hide myself among the witnesses to see it personally.


7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?


Immediately have them detained and express my disgust towards their cruel commitments and failure to obey the ethical code. Then ordinarily enough, I would explain what they exactly did wrong and what the consequences of violating the humane way of treating D-classes leads to. Both researchers are thereafter demoted due to their incompetence.


8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?


From the perspective of fundamental ethics, the well being of the entire human population is desired. You could argue that quality matters more than quantity, as in that the fellow ECM and O1 unit in this scenario have a greater sense of value combined, more than the five junior researcher. But is it right to self-deem somebody else more important than others? It is not like we are comparing evil individuals to good people. The people in this scenario are all on the same side. You can never know if those five unfortunate junior researchers will ever end up in a higher position and contribute even more to the Foundation and the world. Nonetheless, this doesn't mean I would always take the risk and debt to save the ones considered lower in the ranking structure should they outnumber the hard-working personnel. It's all a matter of who it is and what I feel is necessary at that point. Both options are honorable and balanced but for the sake of this appeal, I haft to stick with my initial choice to save the fellow ECM and O1 unit due to their talents being viewed more rare and valuable, but I pray for the survival of the junior researchers.


Edited by Nick Rochefort


😂 imagine bothering to make a list of your very cool ranks 😂

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scp foundation logo gifs ile ilgili görsel sonucu


scp foundation logo gifs ile ilgili görsel sonucu


scp foundation ethics committee ile ilgili görsel sonucu


OOC Section

In-Game Name:Simon Zakaev

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:5787338

Current In-Game time:3w 1d 15h 43m 50s

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of
your warns in game):


add 3 more warnings for RDM with me being a Colourblind I cannot see any blood and yeah total of 10 warns I have I believe


1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

We Advise The O5 Council that what Decision is Ethical or What Decision is unethical, Example if an SCP-096 breach happens we advise the best and the least amounted casultied solution the the Council and how to deal with the threat that the breached anomaly has If the event happened to the anomaly breached has a Amida Class notice lvl we will tell the O5 Council that the event that the SCP caused has a high possibility to make the foundation exposed and tell that we should immediatly use amnestics where the event has happened and propagate an made up story so there wont be international attention to the event

We are Supervising the Experiments that are conducted in the Foundation and see if they have been wasting foundation resources and See if they are Unethical or not we make the choices to be ethical and save lives as many as we can and to achieve an common good a neccesary evil is required to achive the good. Example if there is an new pathogenic virus that hasnt been found a cure yet and has an risk to cause an XK-Class humanity destruction event but on one person we can take the risk to get him and do researches on the pathogen how we can found an cure for it but if we dont we must terminate the subject yes this is an evil act but is is needed for a common good the preservation of the humanity

We observe what is going on inside the facilities such as tests and interrogations etc and if something unethical is done we report it and eventually the person being unethical will be punished.To use some example interrogating someone was unnecessary violence we would depending on the rank of course stop them and report him after some needed bureaucracy and paperwork he would be eventually punished by his superiors and the punishment’s severity all depends of course on how unethical the person was
The punishment could be a demotion it could be a warning it could be even Even worse are we all know what’s worse than a straight up to demotion to a Lower rank

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

1. The Foundation is nor tortures nor terrorists we are agains non-needed cruelty even the current actions can be evil or unethical it is for the greater good we are not like the other GOIs lie Chaos Insurgency which is an terrorist group nor we worship some anomalies we just research on the anomalies and contain them from destroying the Humanity our Mission is to keep humanity alive and keep the foundation as a secret even when there is multiple people standing infront of our doors we want the humanity sleep with no doubts beneath him we want to humanity to not to worry about our nature and we do not want them to be scared from the events happening in the world

2. We do not rule the World we serve it instead by protecting them from the anomalies we secure contain and protect anomalies and study on them how they gained their abilities.We have a much moral and a good purpose then the Other GOIs we just serve the humanity regardless what they think about us if there is an problem one of our major connections like the internet having a virus that can transfer from anything we will shut the internet down if we want to protect the preservation of the humanity

3. In our Known Motto Secure Contain and Protect the P sends for portecting the humanity form the dangerous anomalies we secured and contained we dont want to destroy them we just want to learn how they have gained these abilities we are humans like you and every human has curiosity and the ability to expand our minds even further beyond and we are using our abilities on these anomalies both contrubuting to the science and our minds   

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

First of all I have seen that through real life experiences that the a person can be easily depressed as can be easliy happy and some certain events happened to me I can understand moraly how to treat someone and care for them but when there is no choice to do the evil act I must do it for the greater good  My Knoledge of the human psychology and the SCPs can certainly help the Ethics Committee and I can use the information for both takin actions against Foundation personnel and the SCPs which is crucial for the foundation and I can see that if the choice lockdown must taken or not just preserve the secrecy of the foundation

4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP Foundation is an Orginazation to Secure Contain anomalies and protect from them destroying the humantiy and we make sure that the secrecy of the foundation is kept an secret because we dont want to cause general panic that we keep and indestructible lizard that wants to destroy the humanity adn we dont want the other groups to use the anomalies we captured and destroy the foundation and use them for their gains to cause chaos or dictatorship we just want to research on the anomalies how they have gained their abilities

5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

If I ever see a O5 Council member being drunk on his power I will report this to the Managment team for the O5 and tell the other O5's What is happening and try to get possible records of it to gain evidence that the O5 in question is indeed abusing his power and if I ever counter a A-1 I will state the fact that we are here for the right to live with the A-1 Possibly confronted I will try to contact the other O5s to get on the site where the events are currently unfolding and once he has arrived then I will present the evidence where the O5 in question showing his power abuse then I will possibly try to be with the other O5's to what will his punishment be and state what has he done.

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Reseracher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do?

I will tell that the actions that they are taking is against the foundation law and also it is abusing their powers so once I warned them for the first time and they continue I will give them a fianl warning and lastly if they still continue I will arrest them and state they have been demoted for abusing anomalous objects for their own pleasures and gains which is breaking the foun dation law then I will put them in the cells waiting them to serve their sentence and punishing them with a demotion 

7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

I will immediatly stop them and arrest the mfor wasting foundation resources and state that they have been abusing their positions where "feeding" a Keter Class SCP has no meaning for research for new breakthroughs in containment etc then I will remind the Researchers that why we are here and what is our purpose as the foundation then I will demote them by one rank in the researcher ranks and if they are Junior then they will be demoted to Staff Assistant where they will be allowed to help the researchers that actually testing and trying to figure out why and how these SCPs got their powers 

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?

The ECM and O1 are high clearenced personnel to the foundation I wish had the power to save all of them but I will save the 5 researchres even if they are junior my target must be saving as many lives as possible during a breach an saving 5 lives instead of 2 is ethical and more foundation personnel can be saved from this event but I still wish I could save both the ECM and researchers

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New Application:


6+ days of in-game time minimum.

Less than 15 warns(exceptions can be made).

Questions marked with a * need 100 words.

Minimum wordcount to be accepted is 400+ words(not counting the questions).

Level 50 in-game.


In-Game Name:


Current In-Game time:

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of

your warns in game):


1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

3. Why do you think you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?

4. The SD,HoEA and SA start to contradict each others orders thus creating casualties in the field, what do you do?

5. You witness a HR order a shooting of an infected personnel while he begs for his life, what do you do?

6. A Nu-7 unit complains to you about being picked on by his colleagues for under performing, how do you deal with the situation?

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In-Game Name: Edward Hoxton

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:419409076

Current In-Game time: 1w 2d

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of

your warns in game):


1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

 The Ethics Committee is in charge of upholding humane and ethical morale codes present within the SCP Foundation along. Alike the name Site Administration, members of the Ethics Committee are tasked with managing and enforcing the proper etiquette required to keep the operations of the Foundation running smoothly and effectively . The three main roles or objectives which ECM always follows are:

 The surveillance of daily activities conducted within the facilities by any  foundation personnel, including how containment procedures are done, SCP experiments are handled, and how we utilise D-class subjects. It is a fact that no clearance-level or position can restrict the committee's observance of the ongoing activities.

Secondly, the Committee assists foundation personnel on verifying what is considered unethical, cruel, or an unnecessary waste of resources. In other words, they help run the facility in ways of resource management and everyone's morale. 

Lastly, the Ethics Committee are tasked with re-educating people who have done wrong, when they have been proven to be immoral. When found guilty, ECM may exercise justified punishments according to the foundation's legal codex in order to ensure stability and morale throughout the foundation.

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

The first lesson of the Ethics Committee is that the foundation is not at all inherently evil, and that we do what we do because it is necessary. Some may think this because of our use of D class, but we make sure that they are treated with respect and that they are treated fairly.

The second lesson is that we do not rule the world, or even contend to be in that position. But that we serve the world. We have this much power because many people believe in our cause, and we need this power only to contain and research the anomalous; who can be extremely powerful.

The last lesson is our duty to the world, the P in SCP stands for protect and we do that to the best of our ability. We make sure civilians stay safe and out of harms way, while maintaining secrecy so people can have the peace and comfort of normality. Our goals are not to: conquer, destroy or profit. We do what we do out of love for the world. 

3. Why do you think you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?
I think I should be accepted into the Ethics Committee because of my dedication to the foundation's cause, my good decision making and my sympathy of other people. I can read a situation and what the people want and make judgment calls all according to standard ethics.

4. The SD, HoEA and SA start to contradict each others orders thus creating casualties in the field, what do you do?

I would first see who's orders are the most reasonable, my criteria being: is it safe, is it humane, is it beneficial. If I don't see a clear winner, then I would then judge who has the most authority over the situation. Say HoEA controls outside negotiations and relations, while SD controls all onsite activities. If neither of them have reasonable orders then I would check the site advisors orders. And then,     if the side I choose has orders that have unnecessary wastes of resources or is unethical, then I would try to sort the situation out the best I can with my own orders. Although this would be a absolute last resort. 

5. You witness a HR order a shooting of an infected personnel while he begs for his life, what do you do?

I would ask the HR what the person was infected with, and then ask why did he terminate it if he was seemingly sentient and aware. If his reasoning was unethical or unreasonable I would give disciplinary action depending on how serious it is (from euthanization all the way to murder).

6. A Nu-7 unit complains to you about being picked on by his colleagues for under performing, how do you deal with the situation?

I would discipline the offenders verbally if the offence isn't too bad, but I could resort to advising a CO on the situation and even look into the offenders being demoted to a lower rank if the offence is really bad. 

Edited by ThatGuy
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In-Game Name: Kabasch Cashew

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:147357128

Current In-Game time: 1w 2d 37m

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of

your warns in game):


1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

Ethics committee serves one cause to the foundation, enforcing the code of ethics set within the foundation and prosecuting anyone who is not doing so. Besides other Foundation Administration, the ethics committee has the most impact on O5's decision regarding what is secure and what is not, though there is ethics committee that influences on what is acceptable and what isn't. In order to enforce the ethical standards within the foundation, there are three roles that ethics committee need to maintain and are elementar for their work.

The first role consist of monitoring daily activities in the entirety of an site. Whether that being ongoing researches, enforcement of security protocols by security guards, maintaining containment measures in the entire site by MTF personnel or overseeing foundation administrations orders whatsoever.

Besides monitoring daily activities Ethics committee's second role contains assisting not only research personnel with their tests but foundation administration in their decision making, to maintain the ethical standards in all departments. This also includes improving the work of foundation personnel's effectivity to a high standard, if not perfection.

Last but not least there is also a third and main role that concludes previous said roles, prosecution and re-education of foundation personnel that  has been monitored and is acting unethical in anyway, whether that being harrasment within foundation personnel collegium or abusing their own powers for selfish and irresponsible reasons. Ethics committee, depending on the severity of an offense of a foundation personnel, may also issue a justified verdict.

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

Lesson one describes that the foundation itself is not acting because it can, but because it has to. The foundation is against avoidable cruelty, therefore ethics committee needs to decide at what point cruelty is avoidable. This serves the cause of ethic, to always question a method in order to find out why, for example a researcher sends a D-Class personnel into SCP-173 containment chamber that will potentially lead to his death, though he does it without any intentions on why he does it or with a negative intention (for example doesn't like that specific D-Class and wants to kill him), thats considered unethical. This is where ethics committee steps in and pursues regulatory measures to prevent that said unethical method/behaviour or action.

Lesson two explains that the actions of the foundations serve the well-being for everyone, not the well-being of itself. This is very important because it forms the principle of the foundation. The principle of the foundation serves the cause of the general well-being, that in turn serves the human dignity that the ethics committee wants to preserve.

Lesson three represents the cause of the ethics committee itself. The ethics committee protects the foundation, that protects the humanity, from itself. Though what is the threat, you ask, it's the evil inside the foundation. The evil is to described as unethical behaviour that needs to be minimized at all costs. This also inherits out of the "P" in SCP that stands for "protect", that protect does not only mean to protect mankind from SCP's but from the evil that is lurking inside the foundation.

3. Why do you think you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?

I think I should be accepted into the ethics committee due to previous experiences as administrative personnel within the foundation as a Head of External Affairs. Additionally I think I would be a great fit because I interpret ethics not as a code of conduct but as a guideline for decision making, therefore questioning the "why" behind every single course of action of other foundation personnel around me also including my own actions. Overall I am able to differ from unethical and ethical behaviour, no matter what, which in my opinion is really important for a man of ethics.

4. The SD,HoEA and SA start to contradict each others orders thus creating casualties in the field, what do you do?

I would assemble a meeting with all site administration, that including the Site Director, the Head of External Affairs and the Site Advisor since my job as a ethic committee member would not only be to differ unethical and ethical behaviour but to also assist any foundation personnel to improve their effectivity in order to things going perfectly. First I'd sort out the Site Advisor that does not really has an authority about any personnel since they only act as eyes and ears of the leading site administration. Next up its going to be hard to do something here due to the lack of information about what orders is actually contradicting with each other. The only thing I can say here is that the Site Director can only order internal personnel while the Head of External Affairs deals with - guess what - External Affairs. The Site Director is not really allowed to contradict with External Affairs when the HoEA is on-site, while the Head of External Affairs cannot contradict with internal foundation problems. I'd try to discuss the situation with the SD and HoEA to find a consensus.

5. You witness a HR order a shooting of an infected personnel while he begs for his life, what do you do?

It depends what the personnel is infected with. Ethical seen, we need to always consider what happens if... In that case, what happens if we let him alive?:

- He could possibly be used for research, though suffering from possible pain [+/-]

- He would still live. [+]

What happens if we kill him?:

- We would cease his suffering in immediate without any pain. [+]

- No further personnel can be infected anymore. [+]

This would be the way of my decision making. In my opinion the most ethical solution would be to kill him for the reasons stated above.

6. A Nu-7 unit complains to you about being picked on by his colleagues for under performing, how do you deal with the situation?

I will have a discussion about what he personally under performing in, depending on what it is I'd try to give him advice what he should do to improve this performance, since this would also be beneficial for the foundation itself. Nevertheless I'd have a talk with every single of his colleagues about the harrassment and will inform their superiors not only that, depending on the severity, I'd issue a justified verdict ranging from disciplinary punishments to demotion.

Edited by Kabasch
Some gramma improvements.
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@Nathan Beck I have accomplished the impossible, I have gotten the ECM thread unlocked.
Where my payment 🙂 

Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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New Application:

6+ days of in-game time minimum.

Less than 15 warns(exceptions can be made).

Questions marked with a * need 100 words.

Minimum word count to be accepted is 400+ words(not counting the questions).

Level 40 in-game.

[OOC Information]

In-Game Name:


Current In-Game time:

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot ofyour warns in game):



1. Please list the first 3 roles of the Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

3. Why do you think you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*



1. The SD,HoEA and SA start to contradict each other's orders thus creating casualties in the field, what do you do?

2. You witness a HR order a shooting of an infected personnel while he begs for his life, what do you do?

3. A Nu-7 unit complains to you about being picked on by his colleagues for under performing, how do you deal with the situation?

4. An unknown disease broke out in Ovis City and is turning people into mindless creatures that attack and infect anyone they can get their hands on. The infection is spreading rapidly and is at risk of spreading beyond the city, the MTF can't control it any more and an Overseer is considering using the nuclear weapon to destroy the infection but the HR told you they are very close to a cure that could save the infected, what do you advise the Overseer to do?

5. 100 people are at risk of dying, if you kill 49 then 50 people will certainly survive but if you only kill 1 then there is a 33% 99 people survive. What do you do?

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[OOC Information]

In-Game Name:
Joe Conner


Current In-Game time:

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot ofyour warns in game):



1. Please list the first 3 roles of the Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

The Ethics Committee is lower than the Site Administration, but the Site Administration are unable to dictate the actions of the ethics committee. However, the ethics committee are able to demote Site Administration if their actions are deemed unethical. The ethics committee guides the O5 Council on what actions to and not to take to achieve the most beneficial and ethical outcome for the Foundation to succeed. The ethics committee monitors the actions of every single person employed by the Foundation to make sure they are all doing their best to follow the right protocols and work ethics and assist them in whatever way needed whether it be a Site Administration's decision or a researcher's test. They prosecute and re-educate those that are acting unethical such as breaking human violation laws of the codex, etc.

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

The first lesson of the ethics committee is that while those employed by the Foundation may have done acts deemed evil, the Foundation still isn't considered the bad guy. This is due to the ethics committee, making sure that all unnecessary acts of aggression or hostility are non-existent. Sure, the Foundation may torture people from time to time, but that is only if it is deemed necessary by the ethics committee for the benefit and success of the Foundation. The Foundation is against unnecessary cruelty.  We do what must be done to protect humanity at all cost.

The second lesson of the ethics committee is that the Foundation does not rule the world, but rather serve humanity in its greater interest instead of listening to what it wants, think of it like a spoilt brat, if you keep giving in to what the brat WANTS, it's just gonna keep getting worse and worse, but if you give him/her what they NEED, they may not like it, but it's in their best interest, whether they want to admit it or not. The Foundation exists to protect humanity from dangerous threats, not to rule over the world with them. The ethics committee is in-charge of dealing with EVERY moral dilemma that may and will arise within the Foundation, they judge what is the best course of action to deal with the situation from an ethical standpoint.

The third lesson of the ethics committee is that the 'P' in SCP stands for "Protect". This is to remind all employed by the Foundation that they exist to protect humanity and the world from SCPs and as well as the Foundation from itself. Protect means to keep safe or to preserve, which means that we will preserve whatever SCPs we can. We Secure, Contain, Protect rather than destroy each and every single one. The ethics committee makes sure of it even if the only option is to do something evil, they will opt for the one that leads to a lesser evil.


3. Why do you think you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

Well I've had experience dealing with moral dilemmas as HoEA, UIU, and Nu-7 from determining whether to aid a certain group neutral/friendly to us which would result in a lot of casualties for us or not or to plain old hostage situations, I have also gained a lot of leadership experience from my other roles like SD, HoEA, UIU, Nu-7. I also want to try out new jobs and ECM is basically the only thing on the list I haven't tried (I ain't gettin in ??? or O5 so those aint on the list). I feel like I can do well as an ECM via deconstructing the issue and solving 1 problem at a time till the entire issue is gone. 



1. The SD,HoEA and SA start to contradict each other's orders thus creating casualties in the field, what do you do?

I'd gather the SD, HoEA, and SA in one location and listen to each individual person and then ask the others why they don't like the other persons option and what outcome they'd think it would lead to. Starting with the SA, he is only there to advise the SD and HoEA on what actions to take and has no official say over them. So I'm left with the SD and HoEA. The HoEA is in-charge of external issues however, the SD is in-charge of the HoEA since that's who the HoEA directly answers to. Due to it being a "in the field" issue, therefore being an external issue, but the HoEA not having a direct say over tactics used by MTF, I'd get the HoEA and SD to come up with a solution that both will agree upon.

2. You witness a HR order a shooting of an infected personnel while he begs for his life, what do you do?

I'd first weigh all the options such as him being used for further research to develop a cure for his infection against killing him to make sure the disease isn't spread to everyone else. 

3. A Nu-7 unit complains to you about being picked on by his colleagues for under performing, how do you deal with the situation?

I'd have a chat with him and his highest ranking about what specifically he's under performing in, then offer solutions and then talk to his colleagues about the harassment and the repercussions that may ensue if they kept on doing it such as having their pay cut or them being demoted/serving jail time.

4. An unknown disease broke out in Ovis City and is turning people into mindless creatures that attack and infect anyone they can get their hands on. The infection is spreading rapidly and is at risk of spreading beyond the city, the MTF can't control it any more and an Overseer is considering using the nuclear weapon to destroy the infection but the HR told you they are very close to a cure that could save the infected, what do you advise the Overseer to do?

A disease is turning people into mindless creatures that attack and infect anyone, so I'd advise the Overseers to wait on the nuke due to the HR claiming to be close to a cure, I'd try to get MTF to provide support from long/medium range in whatever way they can to minimize risk of infection of the MTF units. I'd get the HR to inform on how long the cure would take, if it would take a day or so I'd proceed with the nuke seeing as it the disease could take over neighboring cities within a day. If it was a under an hour or so, then I'd divert all resources available to aid the HR develop the cure faster whilst getting the MTF to set up blockades and traps to slow down the infected till the cure is ready (I presume the cure would work 100%) and treats the infected

5. 100 people are at risk of dying,  if you kill 49 then 50 people will certainly survive but if you only kill 1 then there is a 33% 99 people survive. What do you do?

Sort of a tough question, I could risk the 1 life for a chance to save 99 others or kill 49 to guarantee the other 50? (Math??)( I'll assume you mean 50/50) 
While it may seem at first that kill 1 save 99 is a no brainer, the odds of them being saved are by my personal opinion too low, mainly because I wouldn't wager my life on a 33% bet so therefore I wouldn't do the same to others. I'd instead opt for kill 50 so that 50 are saved which is a safer and more guaranteed option (if it is actually 49 kill save 50, then sacrifice 1 to try save 99, if it fail then kill 49 more to save 50)

Edited by Joe Conner
Coloring text and bolding answers

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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[OOC Information]

In-Game Name: Kaneki Frost

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:229303029

Current In-Game time: 185262847_Schermopname(531).png.2cffd1495cd89cc4f125977b1916b531.png

Current Warnings (Show a screenshot of your warns in game): 
Picture will be placed.






1. Please list the first 3 roles of the Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

The Ethics Committee gives guidance the O5 Council on what should and should not be done taking into consideration every detail, the local population itself, and the damage that an action can cause to both the Foundation and to the locals, the costs and the risks. Take any catastrophic event. The Ethics Committee takes some time to think of a decision, that will turn out to be the best, and ethical. The ECM is responsible for overseeing the necessary and unnecessary action of the facility, and advising the O5 on what is acceptable an
what is not. The Ethics Committee are the ones that balance the moral value, to allow a great future for humanity, the Ethics Committee must pick  a lesser option to prevent the anomalous beings, effects, or objects, from spreading around the globe. SCP's breaching, unnecessary waste of foundation recources, the Ethics Committee is able to help keep an eye on the Foundation Staff. The Committee seeks to establish a diversion in which they are able to easily oversee the activities of all on-site personnel regardless of what role they perform,The Ethics Committee is to keep eyes all over Foundation and keep continuously observe the interrogations, SCP tests, and more. They are to keep an eye on unnecessary waste of foundation recources. The Ethics Committee seeks to ensure in context, that all resources used are used properly and handled without waste.

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

The foundation is not evil, or wicked.
The Foundation are not here to act like terrorists, or a bad group of people, they are here to show mercy. The Foundation is there to lock away the anomalous entities, and protect the earth from those anomalies, we use violence when necessary as a mean to protect humanity not destroy it, for the children to the elders currently alive to live a peaceful life without having to always stay alert of some random unknown entity kidnapping you, resulting in you dying. Violence isn't needed when not actually needed.

The foundation does NOT rule the world.
The foundation doesn't rule the world, it's actually the other way around, the foundation is here to assist the Earth, and not let out all these entities, we are the lifesavers of millions and maybe even billions of people, The Foundation is here to serve the world by Securing, Containing, and Protecting the many anomalies. We do what is ethical and right, so that others don't have to experience the effects of the SCP's. The Foundation isn't the war hero in a prestige story. Its the whole entire US Military.

The "P" stands for "Protect"
The SCP foundation is seeking to protect; it's context isn't simply for one, simple thing. They protect it's employees, researchers and guards, members, and Administration members. They protect the anomalies that they recover from the public eye and as such, overall, protect humanity from the insanity that are SCP's. The organisation, "SCP", is split into three of it's parts. From Euclid to Apollyon, they will try everything to save humanity, and stop the anomalous entities from taking over the entire globe with their effects.

"S" Secure. To secure the anomalies, of such instances from the public eye, and to keep anomalies away from the wrong hands, we are to recover it and Secure it.

3. Why do you think you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*
I've been playing Site Administration for a while, and I quite surley like them, I've aquired whitelists as, Head of External Affairs, and Site Director, I think I should be accepted into the Ethics Committee, because have good leadership, and know what I'm doing when it comes to Site Administration, I'm serving both jobs, Site Director and Head of External Affairs, I should be accepted into the Ethics Committee because I wish to complete our goals with absolute morality. I personally enjoy speaking to one another, when I am to be called on the comms, I will be there swiftly asking if there is anything wrong, I will be able to show maturity to the Site Director and overseers, as well as the entire foundation itself, as they can always rely on a Committee Member, I've lead missions and situations before, so this shouldn't be any problem to me. I've seen a few Ethics Committee members on the field working, and I observed them, and It seemed to have taught me they like things ethical, so do I.



1. The SD, HoEA and SA start to contradict each other's orders thus creating casualties in the field, what do you do?:
Call all three of these Site Administration to a meeting room/private place, and to talk to them about them showing unprofessional behaviour, and I would advise them to be nicer to each-other, and think straight for a moment, now, the HoEA is armed with a pistol, so perhaps I would detain the HoEA, to ensure he won't do anything with that pistol. I would ask all three individually what is wrong, and why they are upset at one another, and attempt to fix the situation.

2. You witness a HR order a shooting of an infected personnel while he begs for his life, what do you do?:
Quickly advise to hold fire, and wait a few seconds to see if the infected personnel were to do something, or stand still, if it were to come into custody, we would be able to examine it, ethically. If the infected were to show hostility, attempt to still contain it, if the disease does not spread.

3. A Nu-7 unit complains to you about being picked on by his colleagues for under performing, how do you deal with the situation?:
I would gather both the under-performing Nu-7 unit, the ones who picked on him, and their higher-ups on-site, and speak with the higher ups about the unprofessional behaviour of the Nu-7 units (The ones who picked on the other unit.) I would simply tell the "Bully" that the Nu-7 Unit is simply still learning, and that you, perhaps, can teach him a few things about combat. Depending on the situation, on how exactly the Nu-7 Unit is under-performing, he could possibly be taken into custody, and or the "Bully" for unprofessional behaviour.

4. An unknown disease broke out in Ovis City and is turning people into mindless creatures that attack and infect anyone they can get their hands on. The infection is spreading rapidly and is at risk of spreading beyond the city, the MTF can't control it any more and an Overseer is considering using the nuclear weapon to destroy the infection but the HR told you they are very close to a cure that could save the infected, what do you advise the Overseer to do?:

I would attempt to advise the overseers for more defensive grounds, and to block off all entrances of the foundation with MTF's, E-11, B7 and Nu-7, and call the medical personnel to do check-ups on everyone to see if they are not sick or anything. The HR said they were CLOSE to a cure, so I would give them a few minutes, to do so, and keep communication with the Overseers, the MTF's and the Research Department, mostly HR. For example, If time ran out, and the spreading of the infected is about to enter the Foundation, there's sadly not much we can do at that point, but if the cure was made before, immidiately use it.

5. 100 people are at risk of dying, if you kill 49 then 50 people will certainly survive but if you only kill 1 then there is a 33% 99 people survive. What do you do?:
33% Is a pretty low number in my opinion, but perhaps choose to kill one, and take the benefit of the doubt, even with doing some math, both could be decent options, but I would choose to only kill one, and believe in those 33%. If it were to fail, I would then probably/maybe have to kill 50 others. As we then atleast have another 50 people.

Edited by Kaneki Frost


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[OOC Information]

In-Game Name: Bob lee

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:456652249

Current In-Game time:seed.PNG.562646aebce1a9929d7ba9849f6e08c1.PNG

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of your warns in game):



1. Please list the first 3 roles of the Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*

The ethics committee has one goal and that is to ensure that the code of ethics and there is 3 "side jobs"


A) Inspectors 

When you are a member of the ethics committee inspections shold be done regularly to ensure that the code of ethics is used when testing on anomalys. 

B) Judges

The Ethics Committee judge members talk during trials or their detainment periods.Whether they be a CL1 janitor or, an 05 council member the ethics committee will judge them just the same based on what their charges are without any bias.


C) Advisors

As a advisor you shold advise what the fa do and that the things they do is in a ethical way. And if they dont do it in the ethical way they shold give advise how they can do it in a ethical way.

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

A) The foundation is not evil

The Foundation are not to here to act like a bad group of people they are neutral and the ethics committee exists to eliminate the bad tumor in. The foundation.

B) The foundation does not rule the world

The foundation does not want to rule the world  the foundation want to assist the world and thats why we say we die in the dark so you can live in the light. They want to save millions.

C) The p stands for protect

The p stands for protect means that they want to protect the world from the anomalys and to protect its employees and they do protect the anomalys form getting out and causeing chaos in the world and kill millions and. 

3. Why do you think you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I think i shold be accepted to the ethics committee becuase i have good leadership and i can work under stress and pressure and i think we need more ethics committee members so we can ensure that the code of ethics is not broken at any time of the day. And i have been playing foundation adminstrator for a long time now and i have the white list to Nu-7 and i think i should take the step and apply for ethics committee so we can ensure that the code of ethics is not broken at anytime


1. The SD,HoEA and SA start to contradict each other's orders thus creating casualties in the field, what do you do?

I would take the sd,HoEA and Sa to a private room where not many people are  and ask why there bad behaviour in the workplace and advice them to be nicer to each-other next time  and ask why they where causing the causality. in the field and say if they do that again and continue it in the field am going to take more in to the case. 

2. You witness a HR order a shooting of an infected personnel while he begs for his life, what do you do?  

I would halt fire and see if the infected is going to do harm to the staff around it if not am going to take it in to custody and let the  researchers  study it in a ethical way. On the infected if the infected is hostile attempt to recontain if not the E-11 or Beta-7 the worst way it can go is if the anomaly kills anybody well if they do recontain the infected they shold put is somewhere it can not harm anybody.

3. A Nu-7 unit complains to you about being picked on by his colleagues for under performing, how do you deal with the situation?

I would talk to the person that is getting picked on. And ask if he knows why he is getting picked on then am going to get advice. On how he/she can improve and talk the the people who did pick on the person that is under performing and say that he/she might be new to the job and  need a little training and i would ask them if they can help. The under performing to get better in the Nu-7 squad. And  after the "inspection" if it does continue am going to say to a co that they can punish them now.

4. An unknown disease broke out in Ovis City and is turning people into mindless creatures that attack and infect anyone they can get their hands on. The infection is spreading rapidly and is at risk of spreading beyond the city, the MTF can't control it any more and an Overseer is considering using the nuclear weapon to destroy the infection but the HR told you they are very close to a cure that could save the infected, what do you advise the Overseer to do?

I would say to nu-7 B7 and E-11 to guard the subway and order medical personal to do check ups on the personal to see. If they have the virus and i will let the HR get one minute to work. On the cure and i will hold in contact with the overseers as the cure is being made. And if the cure is not made i will order the mtfs that are on surface to get the glass-checkpoint and say to the overseers that the cure was not made. And the have permissionto launch the nuke and there is nothing to do becuase the cure was not made.

5. 100 people are at risk of dying, if you kill 49 then 50 people will certainly survive but if you only kill 1 then there is a 33% 99 people survive. What do you do?

Takeing the 33% May be a no brainer at the first time you look at it  but if you choose to kill 49 then 50 survive well if i take the 33% 99 people will survive the problem is that there is a 33% chance so it may be better to make a chance 33%

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STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:442646212

Current In-Game time: 2w 4d

Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of
your warns in game): Only 3

1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?* 

The ECM is responsible for overseeing the necessary and unnecessary action of the facility, and advising the O5 on what is acceptable and what is not, for example the use of d class can be questioned from time to time and as ECM they would advise on what to do to further treat them and use them. If the d class are being treated poorly and are being used for unnecessary reasons, the ECM can step in and re- educate them on how to properly treat and respect the subjects and even the SCPs at some times.

The ECM is the one who decides whether or not a course of action is necessary or is not needed at that point of time, balancing the costs and gains of the situation at hand and re- evaluating the actions being made, this could include the use of the nuclear warhead. When there is a mass breach or somewhat of a massive problem in the facility or the surface, the ECM will be allowed to change what they do, whether it is necessary or will be outbalanced by the costs of the action.

Finally, we overlook the on-goings inside the facility, such as the use of D class, tests and interrogations, and whether or not the site is running in the way it should be, ethically. if anything unethical is occurring, the ECM are the ones to deal with it, whether it be something as small as stun-sticking random people, all the way up to a huge mishap with certain people such as the court cases and the pacts. If unnecessary violence is occurring in an interrogation, it will be dealt with, and this will ensue a punishment scaling from a verbal warning and/or possible the death sentence if truly needed in extreme circumstances.  

2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?*

1. The Foundation are not terrorists: We are not here to torture, murder or be under the terrorist act, it is a secret area locking away beings and objects that are anomalous to the regular human, we are a place that wants to be hidden, so culling the planet of people against us is not an option, and so peace treaties and secrecy vows are the best option, we want peace, not war.

2. The Foundation is not a organisation that rules the world: We serve under the leaders, and protect it against the many frightening occurrences that arrive that are seen as alien to the normal human, the Foundation do not want to rule the world since it will show popularity and will ensue rebellions against us, so keeping our secrecy is what is needed.

3. The 'P' in SCP stands for protect: As said in one of the above, the foundation protect the world, not take over or destroy it, this means that we silence the ones who know of us for our secrecy, but we do no more than that, no unnecessary killings or torture should be done, we destroy and contain and study the anomalies, keeping the outside world from knowing of the dark truth we hold, which is that monsters do exist, so we stay in the shadows and keep our distance. 

3.  Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?*

I believe that I should be accepted because I love having a nicer world to live in for all, I try my best to keep things fair and I know my way around sticky situation and how to cull them, I would also love to have a court room and do court cases, and help people be fairly trialed for the second chance they may get from me, I don't agree and hate torture, and I hate having people hating their lives in the facility, so I would like to help change the way it is run and bring in more joy and equality.

4.  Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.*

The SCP Facility stands for 'Secure Contain Protect', this means we take whatever it is that is anomalous from the surface, and secure it into the facility, we then have our science tame devise a plan to contain it and this all leads to the world not having to deal with the terrible beings that appear, the SCP Facility is a secret, but very large and intricate, base used for protecting human lives and also exploring new ways to cure and kill off the strange beings that occur, so that human life can carry on in a standard way and let them live in peace and prosperity. 

5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being  unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do?

In my opinion, I would gain all evidence possible and have the O5 detained for his damage, then I would report it immediately and wait for further action, such as demotion and hopefully, a court trial.

6.  You hear that the Site Director and Head Researcher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do?

First would be to evaluate the situation, first would be to interrogate about the misuse of the SCPs, and then about other incidents they have caused, after finding this out, I will take my recordings (screenshots) of the situation and keep them for a later date if necessary. After this, if the reasons were ridiculous and unneeded, as well as the severity of the actions, either immediate force will be taken or a verbal warning will be given, immediate action includes a possible immediate demotion or small jail time, but to keep it fair I will most likely (once again), do a court hearing.

7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into  SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do?

I would have them immediately detained and interrogated, then I would conduct a demotion or a jail sentence depending on whether they were involved or just watching, and the amount and d class and ranking of the researcher.

8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?

I would save the junior researchers, since the gate with the O1 and the ECM only have two people, therefore saving more people and potentially having more senior researchers in the future, and that would help the cause of the Facility, rather than saving someone who already knows the risks of the facility and even has an armed personnel with him, which also could protect the ECM and allow himself to be taken in place. To be honest, I would try to save both in that situation since there may be enough time to open both and get them both out. 

Iv been told to put my app here so i'm not sure if i'm meant to or.

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Change the settings for the screenshot so that it's set to public @loui1066

Edited by Joe Conner

Scprp is bad, run while you can!!
Good Night GIFDog Morning GIF
seal GIF

  • SCP-RP Current Ranks: PlatVIPSCP-RP Administrator, Junior Developer, MTF Nu-7 NCO, Head Of Manufacturing Department (Owner), Head of External Affairs, Site Director, The Serpents Hand (Vice-Manager)
  • SCP-RP Past Ranks:   Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts, Sarkic Cultist, Marshall Carter N' Dark Salesman, Ethics Committee Member, Epsilon-11 Commander, Unusual Incidents Unit Special Agent in Charge (Vice-Manager), GRU-P, Head Researcher, Internal Security Department, SCP-096
  • HLRP Past Ranks:  Civil Industrial Union Journeyman, Civil Medical Union Nurse
  • CW-RP  Past Ranks: PlatVIP, Combat Engineer COL, Adv Medic
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