
Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]

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Global Occult Coalition Database





The GOC was created in the aftermath of WWII, from the remnants of defecting occultists, psychics, priests, and scientists from Nazi, Soviet, and Allied states, brought together and formed by the Allies. As the world stage broadened, so too did the number of countries that had their hands in the GOC, until it became what it is today.

The GOC are a largely political force, seeing themselves as the police of the paranormal world. They pride themselves on destroying supernatural entities, and make use of the most high-tech experimental technology possible, obtained from their benefactors. Many potential SCPs have been destroyed by them before the Foundation could obtain and contain them.

They have been both on the side of the Foundation and against it at times, depending on the situation. They largely hold the Foundation in contempt for their use and containment of SCP items rather than their out-and-out destruction. The GOC has respected the Foundation's formidable might enough to leave it mostly alone, although there have been some questionable incidents with which the GOC have strictly denied involvement.






The GOC has to protect the human race against all paranormal threats, and this mission take priority over all other four.



The GOC has to keep the knowledge of paranormal threats secret, as exposure of said threats could lead to mass panic and, eventually, massive casualties in the wider civilian population.



The GOC always tries to protect individual humans, both operatives and civilians, whenever possible, as long as it does not go against the first two previous statements.



 The GOC should not take any risk with the survival of paranormal threats, as the very existence of the anomalous could be a risk to the human race's survival.



The GOC should always expand their knowledge of paranormal threats, and study said threats, as long as it does not go against the four previous statements.


Transcript of telephone conversation, August 9, 1991




SUBJECT: Telephone Conference to Discuss Transportation of Novaya Zemlya Object


  • The President
  • James Baker (Secretary of State)
  • Dick Cheney (Secretary of Defense)
  • John Sununu (White House Chief of Staff)
  • Gen. Colin Powell (Chair, JCS)
  • Col. Gregory Sachs (GOC)
  • Eduard Shevardnadze (Minister of Foreign Affairs, USSR) (via telephone)
  • Boris Pugo (Minister of Interior Affairs, USSR) (via telephone)
  • Translator: G. Valentino (State)
  • Notetaker: S. Morrison (NSC)

DATE, TIME: August 9, 1991, 08:36-08:44 a.m. EST
PLACE: White House Situation Room - The Kremlin

The President initiated the telephone call.

THE PRESIDENT: Eduard? Are you on the line?

SHEVARDNADZE: Yes. I am here. Boris Karlovich stepped out for tea, ah … no, he is here. We are both here, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I’m glad, we’re glad that we could set this up, my friends. Let me tell you that Colonel Sachs is here in the room with me.

PUGO: [indistinct, in Russian]

SACHS: [replies in Russian]

VALENTINO: [aside to the President] Ah, pleasantries, Mr. President. Minister Pugo inquires about the health of Colonel Sachs’s wife, and so on …

THE PRESIDENT: Ah, at any rate, Colonel Sachs has informed me that the GOC’s evaluation of the situation up in Novaya Zemlya is that Team Zero is no longer capable of…

SUNUNU: [aside to Baker] Team Zero? What is this? I didn’t get briefed …

BAKER: [aside to Sununu] Jesus Christ, John, you were just there last week.

THE PRESIDENT: … continuing, hold it. [conference call muted; aside to Sununu] John, when you and I were in Russia last week for the START I summit? We took the flight up north?

SUNUNU: Um… I’m confused, sir. After Moscow we went straight to Kiev.

THE PRESIDENT: [conference call unmuted] Eduard, now, come on. You didn’t have to go and give my chief of staff the yellow pill.

SHEVARDNADZE: We did not …

SUNUNU: What the … [unintelligible]

SACHS: Mr. President, that was us. In fairness, sir, Mr. Sununu requested the amnestic after the [unintelligible].

SUNUNU: [unintelligible] … what you’re talking about, if … [unintelligible]

THE PRESIDENT: We’ll sort that out on our end. At any rate, Eduard, Colonel Sachs tells me that they can’t hold her down anymore, so we need to coordinate the handoff, so to speak.

SHEVARDNADZE: Yes, that is consistent with the report that we have been given. Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, don’t thank me. All we’re doing is giving her a ride. Let the folks down there in their igloo, or whatever it is, let them figure out what to do with her, that’s the prudent thing to do at this juncture. Colin, my understanding is that the boat is ready. Would you confirm that?

POWELL: Yes, sir, the USS New Haven will arrive at the Matochkin Strait facility by Sukhoy Nos on August 19, local time, at which point…

THE PRESIDENT: The New Haven, huh? Dick, I know that Yale kicked you out, but you didn’t have to waste a perfectly good attack submarine to get even.

CHENEY: I, well, sir, it was …

POWELL: Mr. President, Secretary Cheney wasn’t involved in that decision, and it was the closest boat on station.

THE PRESIDENT: I’m just pulling your leg, Dick. It’s a Bonesman thing, ha ha.

CHENEY: Yes, sir.

SHEVARDNADZE: George, we are ready on our end. Vladimir Vladimirovich and his team will handle loading the subject onto your vessel.

BAKER: Excuse me, Minister. This is the Lieutenant Colonel from the KGB whom you introduced me to?

SACHS: It’s him, Mr. Secretary. He’s also one of ours. Very effective, very reliable.

THE PRESIDENT: And Eduard, the cover operation on your end?

SHEVARDNADZE: I’m not involved … hold on [unintelligible, in Russian] … Boris says it’s under control.

THE PRESIDENT: It’s under control? I can’t greenlight this operation on my end based on that. Not gonna do it, Eduard. Now, you’ve seen that our people are getting better and better at managing a cover, ah, Desert Storm should be enough to demonstrate that. But it’s critical, critical that we keep the world from paying attention to her, from knowing about the handoff or the transport.

SHEVARDNADZE: Absolutely. [unintelligible, in Russian] Please stand by. [unintelligible, in Russian] … Da. [unintelligible, in Russian] … Boris says there is a plan that is involving KGB Chairman Kryuchkov, Premier Pavlov, Minister Yazov and … a few others.

PUGO: [unintelligible, in Russian]

SHEVARDNADZE: [unintelligible, in Russian]

VALENTINO: [aside to the President] Sir, Minister Shevardnadze said “you what,” you know, with a tone of disbelief. And they’re both talking at once, sir, I can’t sort it out while they’re arguing. Minister Pugo is saying that they’re going to move now that Gorbachev is at his dacha. Sir, they’re talking about an overthrow …

SHEVARDNADZE: It is … not a real coup, Mr. President. It is … distraction.

THE PRESIDENT: Greg, has your team, ah, vetted this plan?

SACHS: Lieutenant Colonel Putin and I have been through it with Minister Pugo and the others. Given the time constraints at play here, we’re satisfied with … [unintelligible]

CHENEY: [unintelligible] … the chain of command here. These cowboys shouldn’t … [unintelligible]

BAKER: [unintelligible] … like the other time, Dick. They need to be able to … [unintelligible]

POWELL: [unintelligible] … when are we going to get our submarine back? If we …[unintelligible]

SACHS: [unintelligible] … General, we’re not taking your submarine away from you, um, that being said, you understand that I can't speak as to the receiving team. At any rate, based on the file, it’s not clear whether the boat is going to be in condition to be returned to service …

THE PRESIDENT: You’re OK with this, Greg?

SACHS: Yes, sir.

CHENEY: … is vitally important for us to understand the situation there, and how it is expected to unfold. It may be good cover, but in the medium term, there are known unknowns and there are unknown unknowns, ah, … it could be bad for business, and that …

THE PRESIDENT: Dick, Greg and I go way back, to when I was at Langley, and I’m telling you that I am prepared to proceed based on the GOC’s assurances …

SHEVARDNADZE: Mr. President, let me assure you that Mikhail Sergeyevich and I will have things, ah, things will be back to normal in a week or two.

THE PRESIDENT: In that case, then, I think we’re all settled. Do you agree, Eduard?

SHEVARDNADZE: Da. Yes, Mr. President. Colonel Sachs, is clear at your side?

SACHS: We’re ready … and let me add on a personal note, Mr. President, Minister Shevardnadze and Minister Pugo, that … that I am truly sorry, on a personal level, that my organization can’t continue to hold the line. It’s just … I’m sorry. We’ve tried everything, really everything since Khruschev turned it over to us, and … I just … Mr. Minister, let me assure you that those Soviet men and women up there over the years did not make those sacrifices in vain.

PUGO: Grigoriy, [in Russian]

VALENTINO: [aside, to the President] He says, “Gregory, you did your best.”

THE PRESIDENT: Greg, we all recognize that it was either this, or call it on Cold Harper, and … uh, none of us wants to go there. And Eduard, please tell Mikhail on behalf of all of us that we will never forget what your people have been doing, up there, on behalf of the world. I’m sure it must be a great relief to all of you, you know, to let the white coats have to deal with it for a change.

SHEVARDNADZE: Yes … thank you, Mr. President. Please … please give my best to your family.

THE PRESIDENT: And Barbara sends her best to Nanuli, Eduard. I’m glad we could have this conversation to set this in motion. Gentlemen, anything else before we let them go? Very well, thank you.

– End of conversation –



22 AUG 1991 18:36 UTC




Chicago Sun Times, August 22, 1991

Plotter in coup commits suicide

MOSCOW Soviet Interior Minister Boris Pugo, a leader of the coup against President Mikhail S. Gorbachev, killed himself with a shot in the mouth today to avoid arrest, a Soviet KGB spokesman said.

Pugo's wife also shot herself and was in serious condition.

The spokesman for the Soviet intelligence agency said Pugo, who won a reputation as a ruthless hard-liner during his years as KGB chief in Latvia, had been aware a team was on its way to arrest him at his apartment after the collapse of the coup …


August 23, 1991

Site 236, Queen Maud Land (71°40′S 02°50′W)

“Captain Richards? Welcome to Antarctica. I’m Dr. Garcia. We’re delighted to have you, we don’t get as many visitors down here in Antarctica as some of us would like, yes, especially this time of year. Goes with the territory when you take the king’s shilling – or the Foundation’s shilling, one might say. Thank you for the delivery, we’ll take it from here. Why am I wearing the gas mask, you ask? Two reasons. The first is that it’s part of our quarantine protocol for acquisitions of this type, and as for the second, if you’d care to turn this way, and step under the gas hood … no need to struggle, sir, it’s just an inhalant amnestic … see, the rest of your crew are just unconscious, they’re fine … and he’s down. Good. Emilio, remember the order that Control sent down? Yeah, get these men suited up in the New Haven’s evac kit, then bring them and the boat’s SEIE equipment back up to Iceland within the next twenty-four hours. No, we’re not recruiting them, we’re going to drop them off and let the Navy pick them up. Uh, yeah, it's a perfectly good sub, of course we'll keep it. As for the thing in the boat’s hold … let’s see … You’re quite the ugly thing, aren’t you, SCP-84787?”




  • Five Precepts

  • 1) You are expendable.
    There are over six billion human beings living in the world today. You are one of them. Cold-hearted as it may be, given the choice between the two, humanity wins every time. Before anything else, you must come to terms with this fact: not only for yourself, but for your friends, family, and loved ones. If the time should come that you are asked to make the ultimate sacrifice, you must do so swiftly, resolutely, and without hesitation. A moment's delay could be disastrous.

    2) You are not disposable.
    The Coalition doesn't have limitless reserves. Our numbers are small enough, and the threats we face terrible enough, that we cannot afford to lose a single operative to accident or stupidity. Your life is a vital resource to be nurtured and husbanded, and if it must be spent, it must be used to maximum effectiveness before it is lost.

    3) Knowledge is power.
    The threats we face are numerous, and each one is unique. In order to combat them effectively, we must know what we are facing. Information, more than any bullet or blade, is our weapon, and we need as much of it as possible. Keep no secrets from your comrades or superiors. If you learn something, pass it on as soon as possible. If you are killed, your last act before dying should be to try to make sure someone knows how you died.

    4) Don't question it, just accept it.
    There are things you will never know. There are things that the human mind can't comprehend, and other things that you will simply never find out. If you obsess over the things you do not know, you will become distracted and lose focus. As much as you can, focus on the Here and the Now.

    5) You are only human.
    You will make mistakes. You will grow tired and weak. There will be moments when you act stupidly and other moments when you express unexpected brilliance. You cannot let failure allow you to fall into despair, or success to lead to arrogance. Down either path leads disaster.

    The Golden Rule
    Never work alone.

  • PHYSICS Division uses six broad "Response Levels" indicating the priority of concern and general level of force authorized by the individual operative.

    Response Level 0: No Threat

  • Keep under occasional observation. Do not engage without permission from Central Command, unless immediate First, Second, or Third Mission concerns arise.

    The majority of paranormal phenomena discovered by the GOC fall under this category, being mere curiosities rather than threats. As liquidation of said phenomena would not be worth expenditure of assets, these paranormal entities are left in place.
    Response Level 1: Minimal Threat
    Keep under continual observation. Do not engage unless immediate First, Second, or Third Mission concerns arise.

    In many cases, GOC operatives will be assigned to Response Level 1 phenomena on a permanent basis, either as observers or as liaisons in the case of sentient beings. These require constant supervision, but if properly isolated, have a minimal risk of Mission concerns.
    Response Level 2: Sub-Moderate Threat
    Keep under continual observation. Engage when convenient with minimal use of force.

    Response Level 2

  • is the first level of "parathreat," or paranormal phenomena determined to be a threat to the GOC's First through Third (Survival, Concealment, Protection) Missions, requiring a Fourth Mission (Destruction) response. In the case of Response Level 2, the primary threat is to the Second Mission (Concealment), requiring a subtle liquidation approach to avoid breaching secrecy. Response Level 2 missions are most often carried out by Assessment Teams or Special Observers, as employing Strike assets would be too high-profile.
    Response Level 3: Moderate Threat
    Keep under continual observation. Engage as soon as possible.

    Response Level 3

  • is reserved for those parathreats determined to fall under a Third Mission (Protection) threat, requiring immediate destruction to avoid danger to life and limb of civilians and bystanders. In this case, Second Mission (Concealment) concerns do exist, but should be considered secondary to Third Mission priorities. Response Level 3 missions are most often carried out by Assessment Teams with Strike backup in case of escalation.
    Response Level 4: Severe Threat
    Keep under continual observation. Engage as soon as possible. Excessive force authorized.

    At Response Level 4

  •  severe Third Mission (Protection) concerns are present, including possible First Mission (Survival) priorities. Second Mission (Concealment) concerns are partially waived when any breaches can be dealt with in a localized manner. Fifth Mission (Education) requirements are also waived in cases where other Mission concerns supercede. Assessment Teams are not authorized to carry out Response Level 4 missions except in case of extreme emergency, except as backup and Overwatch for Strike assets.

  • Response Level 5

  • : Immediate Threat
    All operatives to engage on sight, using any means necessary.

    Second Mission (Concealment) concerns are fully waived. Strike Teams are authorized full use of Tangential Technology when dealing with Response Level 5 threats. In special cases, Third Mission (Protection) concerns may be waived in the case of a severe First Mission (Survival) concern. Response Level 5 Missions generally require multiple Strike and Assessment teams, as well as outside assets, whether from Coalition member bodies or non-Coalition organizations.

  • Response Level 6: Pizzicato

  • Procedure Pizzicato is the final Emergency Response Procedure, to be executed in case of Threat Entity Emergence at a massive level. Procedure Pizzicato is to be executed in the following instances.

    Commencement of any Eschatological Event Sequence past the Point of No Return.
    Failure by rival agency to maintain containment of their own Threat Entities.
    Emergence on a worldwide scale of a large number of Threat Entities, causing a worldwide Second Mission failure.
    Note that execution of Procedure Pizzicato will, by necessity, result in an irreversible Second Mission (Concealment) failure in order to allow for a First Mission (Survival) success. Third Mission (Protection) goals are secondary: normal avoidance of civilian casualties is to be second priority to maintaining Minimum Repopulation Margin among the survivors.

  • Procedure

    • Activate all sleeper units in rival agencies.
    • Alert all allied government agencies and allied government officials.
    • Mobilize all PHYSICS Teams.
    • Publically acknowledge existence of Global Occult Coalition, existence of rival agencies, and existence of Threat Entities.
    • Request for global martial law.
    • Request worldwide protective curfew on all civilians.
    • Establish and/or refresh KTE Termination Triage Sequences for all Threat Level 2 and 3 entities.
    • Execute Termination Triage Sequences.

    Force Authorization

    • Units are authorized to request and/or use any necessary force in execution of Termination Triage Sequences.
    • All restrictions re: NBC weaponry, Memetic Cognitohazard Cascade Sequences, and Nanotech Grey Goo items withdrawn.
    • All restrictions re: use of Tangential and Plus Generation Technologies withdrawn.
    • Acceptable Collateral Damage: 90% of worldwide human population.




Chicago Spirit

In 1873, Chappell immigrated to Chicago with his parents at the age of two. The first record of his anomalous capabilities was an incident in which a passerby witnessed Chappell — then 11 years old — anomalously exsanguinating a rival newspaper boy. The boy's body was recovered from the Chicago River the following day, but the local police did not pursue the case. Chappell would, in later years, claim that the boy's death had been an accident.

In its original incarnation, the Chicago Spirit was a legitimate business. Founded in 1893 and located on Chicago's South Side, the Spirit operated as a typical bar, providing patrons with alcoholic beverages and occasionally offering live musical entertainment. After two years of making little revenue, Chappell had the idea to start a second line of business on the Chicago Spirit's second floor: a secretive trade of "unnatural novelties". During the subsequent years, Chappell sold over 600 anomalous artifacts to buyers in Chicago and outlying areas. Many of these objects are believed to been created by Chappell himself.

This new venture quickly attracted a number of wealthy collectors and prestigious members of Chicago's elite, which in turn had the added benefit of greatly bolstering the popularity of the establishment downstairs. Still, Chappell remained largely secretive about his anomalies, adamantly refusing to acknowledge the anomalous side of his business in public and never utilizing his reality-bending capabilities in the company of others.

As the Spirit prospered and grew, Chappell expanded his practice to include criminal activities such as extortion, planned robberies, and attacks on rivaling business owners. By 1899, approximately 410 men were working under Chappell. It was around this time that locals began to refer to Chappell's organization as the Chicago Spirit, taken from the name of the bar that served as the group's headquarters. They've dwindled out after a raid conducted by UIU / Foundation


Structure: Ranking is much familiar to Mafia although with unique Rank's there and there

Resources: Their Primary source of resource's are conducted via Bank robberies and mugging's and other petty crimes also with the Smuggling of anomalous drug's and the selling of weapon's

Standing Orders: Engage as soon as possible. Members of the Spirit are to be considered KTEs, Response Level 3 by default, 4 if actively aggressive.





  Oneiroi Collective  

The first known mentions of the Oneiroi Collective can be found in Classical Greek mythology where it was a dream-related entity. Since then, it has been found throughout everything. It got into everything before we even knew about it. There are many contemporary organizations with members participating in Oneiroi, and a few of them are even aware of it. There are many negative consequences to these and your interactions with the Collective. If you suffer from its grasp, that sounds bad.

In 2014, the Oneiroi Collective was nominated for the 121st annual 'GCCX' Award given for absolute fucking pointlessness.


Structure: The collective has no higher up's only a big herd's called 'collectives'

Resources: No information is available regarding their sources of funding, membership, and resources at this time.

Standing Orders: Minimal engagement.  to be considered PTE's, Response Levels 2-3 by default. Active members in progress are to be opposed when discovered, with maximum preservation of enemy material for proper analysis and disposal.




The Chaos Insurgency

The Insurgency is known to have its roots in the Foundation, but the details of their relationship are sketchy - it is not clear whether the Insurgency is a rogue organization spun off from the Foundation, or it serves as a cover organization for Foundation "black ops" operations. The Insurgency possesses fewer parathreats, but is known to use them more publicly and less restrictively.

Structure: The Insurgency appears to be bicameral, with one wing devoted to internal and external military operations and the other to research and implementation, unified under the control of unknown authorities.

Resources: No information is available regarding their sources of funding, membership, and resources at this time.

Standing Orders: Minimal engagement. Insurgency Operatives are to be considered UTEs, Response Levels 2-3 by default. Active operations in progress are to be opposed when discovered, with maximum preservation of enemy material for proper analysis and disposal.



Church of the Broken God

Members of the Church of the Broken God claim that Threat Entities are fragmented manifestations of a pantheistic demiurge, whom they seek to reassemble as a means to their own deification. Whether successful or not, such an event would necessarily constitute a massive Threat Entity Emergence via hybridization, and may also initiate an Eschatological Event Sequence, either of which would require immediate execution of Procedure Pizzicato.

Structure: The Church is organized in a hierarchical structure nominally led by a man named Robert Bumaro. Each office communicates only with those directly superior, equal, and subordinate to their own. The basic office is that of the chaplain, who directs the activities of a chapel of no more than twenty individuals. Higher orders are responsible for equipment production and Threat Entity storage.

Resources: Church funding is drawn from the resources of its members and used to fund all internal expenses. Church operatives may be equipped with either conventional or TE-derived armaments from their chapel's armory, and are largely unaffected by cognitive-class Threat Entities.

Standing Orders: Engage as soon as possible. Operatives of the Church are to be considered KTEs, Response Level 3 by default, 4 if actively aggressive



The Foundation

The Foundation is one of the oldest, most enigmatic, and most dangerous organizations involved with the paranormal. The Foundation's mission is the containment and storage of paranormal objects, and they maintain a network of containment sites hidden across the world for this purpose. Although they have similar goals of preserving normalcy (in line with the GOC's Second Mission), their unethical methods and focus on the containment and study of parathreats, even at risk to their own personnel and civilian bystanders, makes them incompatible with Coalition directives.

Although there are no official diplomatic ties between the Foundation and Coalition, the two organizations have carried out several "unofficial" joint operations, as well as having multiple unofficial ties and agreements to help facilitate smoother relations.

Structure: The Foundation consists of a loose conglomerate of researchers and field agents working independently under the direction of an "Overseer Council" of thirteen anonymous individuals. The Foundation's main unit of operation is the "site," or distinct location housing one or more parathreats. Little else is known about the internal organization of this group, except that they make extensive use of condemned criminals as expendable personnel in their experiments and operations.

Resources: Little information is available regarding their sources of funding, membership, and resources at this time, but they are believed to be extensive.

Standing Orders: Do not engage without authorization from High Command. Foundation Operatives are to be considered Potential Threat Entities, Response Levels 0-3 based on level of hostility. Operatives are encouraged to prioritize the destruction of any Threat Entities before they can be captured by the Foundation.


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Assessment Strike & Team's




Strike Team 1300 "Judas Priest's"


A Strike Team based out of Vatican, City. Specializes in First response & Occult's.



Strike Team 9999 "Max Damage"


A Strike Team That Operates and deploys the Coalition's force of Ultra Heavy Engagement Chassis (Orange Suits).

Assessment Team 6666 "Commonwealth's Eye"


 A Two-man Assessment Team based out of London,  Originally founded as "Assessment Team 666 Royal Eye's," was nicknamed "Commonwealth" due to It's reach Within commonwealth countries.


Purpose on server














click on the image for the addon ^
During the Seventh Occult war the onset of static, Trench warfare saw the rise in the use of Thaumatology and Kinetic energy shield's and Humanoid anomalies.  for personal defense, and the development and use of  MK-IV 'Wrath Strumen' Gehwer outfited with  explosive .454 Casull rounds, with the steel bullets bearing a core made from the melted silver Christian cross from Manchester Cathedral. They are used in a one round bolt-action to counter this. Both MI666 and Obsurkacorps used high-powered rifles, such as elephant guns from their African colonies, for this purpose. The first use of MK-IV 'Wrath of the Strumen' was by the Obsurkacorps at the Battle of Jacka-Olol in September 1939 and were followed by the British. By June 1940, the Obsurkacorps aced the Mark IV "Wrath Strumen", and found that the standard Anomalous-Piercing  454 Casull rounds. was no longer effective. This prompted the development by the Germans of a heavy-calibre and high-velocity rifle as an anti-Piercing weapon. The Obsurkacorps responded with the 13mm T-gewehr and began mass production at Oberndorf am Neckar in May 1941. The first of these off the production lines were issued to specially raised anti-anomalous detachments.s.




The FN SCAR (Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle)[7] is a gas-operated (short-stroke gas piston)[8] self-loading assault/battle rifle with a rotating bolt. It is constructed to be extremely modular, including barrel change to switch between calibers. The rifle was developed by Belgian manufacturer FN Herstal (FNH) for the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) to satisfy the requirements of the SCAR competition.Family ofrifles consist of two main types. The SCAR-L, for "light", is chambered in 5.56×45mm NATO cartridge and the SCAR-H, for "heavy", is chambered in 7.62×51mm NATO. Both are available in Close Quarters Combat (CQC), Standard (STD), and Long Barrel (LB) variants.

In early 2004, United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) issued a solicitation for a family of Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifles, the so-called SCAR, designed around two different calibers but featuring high commonality of parts and identical ergonomics. The FN SCAR system completed low rate initial production testing in June 2007. After some delays, the first rifles began being issued to operational units in April 2009, and a battalion of the U.S. 75th Ranger Regiment was the first large unit deployed into combat with 600 of the rifles in 2009. The U.S. Special Operations Command later cancelled their purchase of the SCAR-L and planned to remove the rifle from their inventory by 2013. However, they will continue to purchase the SCAR-H version, and also plan to purchase 5.56 mm conversion kits for the SCAR-H, allowing it to substitute for the SCAR-L.




The Serbu Super-Shorty is a compact, stockless, pump-action AOW chambered in 12-gauge (2¾ and 3"). The basic architecture of most of the production models is based on the Mossberg Maverick 88 shotgun, with Mossberg 500 and Remington 870 receivers also available.] The shotgun features a spring-loaded, folding foregrip.[4] A 20-gauge model is available on special order.

In the United States, civilian ownership transfers of the shotgun require a $5 tax stamp and registration as an Any Other Weapon (AOW) to be in compliance with the National Firearms Act. As the weapon is originally manufactured without a shoulder stock, it is considered a smooth-bore handgun, and thus an AOW, rather than a short-barrelled shotgun.




An AR-15 style rifle is a lightweight semi-automatic rifle based on the ArmaLite AR-15 design, which is itself a scaled-down derivative of Eugene Stoner's AR-10 design. ArmaLite sold the patent and trademarks to Colt's Manufacturing Company in 1959. After Colt's patents expired in 1977, Colt retained the trademark and is the exclusive owner of "AR-15" designation. The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act restricted the Colt AR-15 and some derivatives from 1994 to 2004, although it did not affect rifles with fewer features.

After the term modern sporting rifles was coined in 2009 by the US National Shooting Sports Foundation, a firearms industry trade association, it was quickly adopted by the trade association and some manufacturers. An expanded marketplace emerged with many manufacturers producing their own version of the AR-15 design for commercial sale.




The OTs-03 SVU also known as Sniper Rifle Shortened is a bullpup configuration of the SVD sniper rifle. The SVU was developed to meet the needs of the security forces of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, such as OMON. A special muzzle brake was added that could absorb up to 40% of the recoil energy and an elastic butt stock with lamellar spring was non-rigidly attached to the receiver. The acoustics of the rifle were also improved by adding a sound suppressor. The other main improvements made to the SVU over the SVD include replacement of the butt stock, pistol grip, trigger and the mounting for the sight; and shortening the barrel by 100 mm achieved perfect balance for the weapon.




The Desert Eagle is a semi-automatic pistol notable for chambering the largest centerfire cartridge of any magazine-fed, self-loading pistol. It is also (according to most sources) the most powerful magazine-fed semi-automatic commercial handgun, by virtue of the muzzle energy it can generate. Magnum Research Inc. (MRI) designed and developed the Desert Eagle. The design was refined and the pistols were manufactured by Israel Military Industries (IMI) until 1995, when MRI shifted the manufacturing contract to Saco Defense in Saco, Maine. In 1998, MRI moved manufacturing back to IMI, which later commercialized its small arms branch under the name Israel Weapon Industries. Since 2009, the Desert Eagle Pistol has been produced in the United States at MRI's Pillager, Minnesota facility. Kahr Arms acquired Magnum Research in 2010.

Magnum Research has marketed various versions of the short recoil Jericho 941 pistol under the Baby Eagle and Desert Eagle Pistol names; these weapons are not directly related to the Desert Eagle but do share a similar visual.




In the Pacific theatre, The U.S. Army used M-1 & M-2 flamethrowers to clear stubborn Japanese resistance from prepared defenses, caves, and trenches. Starting in New Guinea, through the closing stages on Guadalcanal and during the approach to and reconquest of the Philippines and then through the Okinawa campaign, the Army deployed hand-held, man-portable units.

Often flamethrower teams were made up of combat engineer units, later with troops of the chemical warfare service. The Army fielded more Flamethrower units than the Marine Corps, and The Army's Chemical Warfare Service pioneered tank mounted flamethrowers on Sherman tanks (CWS-POA H-4). All the flamethrower tanks on Okinawa were manned by the 713th provisional tank battalion. It was tasked with supporting all U.S. Army/ Marine infantry. All Pacific mechanized flamethrower units were trained by Seabee specialists with Col. UNMACHT's CWS Flamethrower group in Hawaii.

The U.S. Army used flamethrowers in Europe in much smaller numbers, though they were available for special employments. Flamethrowers were deployed during the Normandy landings in order to clear Axis fortifications.[38][39] Also, most boat teams on Omaha Beach included a two-man flamethrower team.

The Marine Corps used the backpack-type M2A1-7 flamethrower and M2-2 flamethrowers, also finding them useful in clearing Japanese trench and bunker complexes. The first known USMC use of the man portable flamethrower was against the formidable defenses at Tarawa in November 1943. The Marines pioneered the use of Ronson-equipped M-3 Stuart tanks in the Marianas. These were known as SATAN flame tanks. Though effective, they lacked the armor to safely engage fortifications and were phased out in favor of the better-armored M4 Sherman tanks. USMC Flamethrower Shermans were produced at Schofield Barracks by Seabees attached to the Chemical Warfare Serice under Col. Unmacht. CWS designated M4s[disambiguation needed] with "CWS-POA-H" for "Chemical Warfare Service Pacific Ocean Area, Hawaii plus a flamethrower number The Marines had previously deployed large Navy Flamethrowers mounted on LVT-4 AMTRACs at Peleliu. Late in the war, both services operated LVT-4 & -5 amphibious Flametanks in limited numbers. Both the Army and the Marines still used their infantry-portable systems, despite the arrival of adapted Sherman tanks with the Ronson system (cf. flame tank).

In cases where the Japanese were installed in deep caves, the flames often consumed the available oxygen, suffocating the occupants. Many Japanese troops interviewed post war said they were terrified more by flamethrowers than any other American weapon. Flamethrower operators were often the first U.S. troops targeted.




Handcuffs are restraint devices designed to secure an individual's wrists in proximity to each other after being arrested or detained by police.They comprise two parts, linked together by a chain, a hinge, or rigid bar. Each half has a rotating arm which engages with a ratchet that prevents it from being opened once closed around a person's wrist. Without the key, the handcuffs cannot be removed, and the handcuffed person cannot move his or her wrists more than a few centimetres or inches apart, making many tasks difficult or impossible. They are frequently used worldwide to prevent suspected criminals from escaping from police custody.







Battering rams still have a use in modern times. SWAT teams and other police forces often employ small, one-man or two-man metal rams for forcing open locked portals or effecting a door breaching. Modern battering rams sometimes incorporate a cylinder, along the length of which a piston fires automatically upon striking a hard object, thus enhancing the momentum of the impact significantly.



The GOC's action arm, equivalent to the United Nation's Peacekeeping Forces. Tasked with the observation, investigation, and capture/neutralization of Threat Entities (TEs).



PHYSICS Division



79, 144, 255

Entrance Methord



Global Occult Coalition Strike Team [4 slot's]



models/player/suits/male_07_open_waistcoat.mdl  models/player/suits/male_06_open_waistcoat.mdl   models/player/suits/male_04_open_waistcoat.mdl   models/player/suits/male_08_open_waistcoat.mdl  models/player/suits/male_09_open_waistcoat.mdl  models/player/suits/robber_shirt.mdl



              click on the image for the addon ^

Mk. III Ultra-Heavy Engagement Chassis (Orange Suit)

The Ultra-Heavy Engagement Chassis fulfills a niche role in PHYSICS Division operations: namely, engaging massive or heavily armed Threat Entities. In the past, encounters with such entities could be resolved only by evacuating the area and escalating to Response Level 5. Furthermore, in encounters against enemies armed with heavy weaponry or armor, Strike Operatives tended to fall short due to a lack of armored cavalry support. In light of this, a new system was developed to provide both the ability to engage massive KTEs, as well as provide rapid and mobile heavy armor support.

Mk. I and II U-HECs suffered from multiple drawbacks in their design: for instance, the ground pressure caused by a bipedal machine the size of a tank caused severe damage to paved roads, as well as resulting in the machine and operator bogging down or collapsing urban structures. Further problems included operator exhaustion, overheating, and balance issues. As time went on, however, advancements in the fields of nanotechnology and Tangential Technology allowed U-HECs to be built lighter, faster, and much more responsive. The modern U-HEC (the Mark III "Orange Suit") is a much more mobile and agile unit, although still requiring infantry support from Strike assets.

U-HECs are designed for situations in which a Threat Entity possesses extreme destructive potential, such as a large cryptid, Tier 5 or higher energy manipulators, or persons with access to heavy weaponry. As stealth is practically impossible due to the size of the unit and the noise caused by its operation, U-HECs are equipped with "Banshee" audio-visual cognitohazard generators to induce panic in non-inoculated personnel. Believing that the system is more effective if it has the full attention of the target, some U-HEC operators use bright colors or gaudy ornamentation to draw the attention of the enemy.

The exact construction and composition of the Mark III U-HEC is classified, but are known to include:

Buckypaper bilayered with dilatant gelatin in order to absorb shock from bullets and explosives.
Silicon nanofluid cooling system integrated into a bodysuit similar to that worn with the White Suit.
Pseudomyomer exomusculature similar to that used in the White Suit, but augmented with miniaturized high-torque electromechanical servos for greater strength at the cost of some response time.
Ceramic plating to reduce electrical conductivity.
Vaporizing liquid extinguisher for protection against flammable agents.
Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) outer shell.
Full environmental hazard protection, including toxin filters and rebreathers.
OCULUS sensor suite, including VERITAS imaging system.
Ram-Air Parachute system for aerial deployment.
"Firestorm" Antipersonnel Directional Explosive (ADE): scaled up version of the "Roomsweeper" hemispherical claymore mounted on the White Suit. This system was added to early U-HECs after an incident in which a U-HEC operator, cut off from infantry support, was overwhelmed and killed by multiple enemy infantry who climbed onto the suit and prised the operator out of the pilot compartment. The system consists of a series of directional mines mounted on the exterior of the unit which can be set to detonate at the command of the operator.
I've operated with U-HECs six times, and each time, it's been fucking intense. Even if you're inoculated against the cognitos, it's fucking terrifying to see that huge thing smashing through small buildings and shrugging off small arms fire like rain. I can't imagine what it must be like for anyone who has to go up against that thing with the full force of the Banshee shrieking at them: shitting their pants and running screaming for the hills is the kindest thing I've seen happen.

The downside is, it's easy to feel invincible with a giant fucking golem smashing everything in your wake, but that's when things get the most dangerous. Not everyone turns and runs. Some people respond to abject terror by going violently berserk. Plus, even when you're wearing a tank, there's plenty of things out there that kill tanks just fine. Some of them are out of Banshee range, too. So if you ever have the honor and privilege to wear an Orange Suit, remember: you're not invincible, even if everyone else acts like you are. And that thing you're wearing makes you the biggest target on the battlefield.

Agent "Madrigal."
Strike Team "Noble Phantom."



Mk II Combat Garment (White Suit)

Reserved strictly for use by Strike Teams, White Suits represent the epitome of PHYSICS Division's battledress technology. The suit comprises three components:

1. A close-fitting undergarment, derived from the Black Suit, that provides last-ditch protection to the wearer's torso, as well as incorporating waste collection ports and a water-cooling system to prevent buildup of residual heat.
2. A rigid suit of battle armor with pseudomyomer exomusculature and full hazardous environment protection, powered by a micronized fuel cell located in the lower back.
3. An invisibility cloak generator, incorporating Tangential Technology to bend light around the subject, providing full invisibility.

As White Suits employ a large amount of +2 Generation and Tangential Technology, all units are equipped with a self-destruct device to prevent them from being captured or discovered by outside personnel.

Word of advice if you end up in Strike: get as much body hair removed as possible. I don't care how you do it: laser, electrolysis, whatever. Those damn White Suits fit so fucking tightly it's not uncommon for guys to get their pubes or leg hair stuck in the joints and ripped out when they bent their knee or hip the wrong way. Also: check, double check, and triple check that your skinsuit is fitting tightly, without wrinkles or bunching, before you climb into the hardsuit, unless you like blisters all over your chest, hips, shoulders, or groin. It wouldn't hurt to invest in a really good jock strap, either, if you're so endowed.

Agent "Madrigal."
Strike Team "Noble Phantom."


Mk VII Standard Field Dress (Black Suit)

GOC Operatives are often required to operate in a variety of urban environments, in close proximity both to dangerous Threat Entities and the civilian population. In the interests of Second Mission (Concealment) concerns, Quartermaster's Division developed the Standard Field Dress in the early 1970s to act as a low-visibility defensive garment for agents in the field.

Early SFDs suffered from several weaknesses: they tended to be heavy, restricting in movement, uncomfortable in heat or cold, and could not be made in any color aside from their undyed black. This resulted in the early "Black Suits" paradoxically causing their wearers to become more visible than if they had worn normal tactical gear. Since then, advancements in materials technology have allowed for greater comfort and lesser visibility in the garments worn by modern field agents. However, these garments are still informally referred to as "Black Suits" for tradition's sake.

The MkVII SFD is the current iteration of PHYSICS Division's standard duty garment. Modern Black Suits come in a variety of different fashions for various situations (ranging from high-society formalwear to thrift-store discards for blending in with transient populations). In light of changing threat conditions and advances in technology, this garment is constantly being revised and upgraded. The most recent official model incorporated the following characteristics:

A form-fitting ballistic-fiber undergarment worn next to the skin, made of +1 Generation nanofiber, rated to stop handgun rounds with standard powder load at point blank range.
+1 Generation nanofiber threads integrated into key points in outergarments to provide additional protection. Combined with undergarment, must be rated to stop rifle rounds with standard powder load at a distance of twenty meters.
Micronized communications gear located in the collar and cuffs of the garment, or integrated into jewelry.
Augmented Reality system integrated into eyewear or disguised as a cosmetic accessory.
Personal Computing Device (PCD) integrated into a cellular phone, implanted as a cybernetic enhancement, or disguised as footwear, with satellite connection to GOC data network.
Emergency toolkits and weapons, miniaturized and disguised as necessary, are provided by Quartermaster's Division for specific missions upon request.
Black Suits might not be the sexiest combat dress PHYSICS issues, but they've saved more lives than any other piece of tech we've developed. They're heavy, itchy, and smell funny until you break them in, but the first time one of them stops a bullet that should have killed you, you'll come to see them in a whole new light.

Agent "Madrigal."
Strike Team "Noble Phantom."




Access To 92% Armor within vendor purchase




the Glock 18 is a selective-fire variant of the Glock 17, developed at the request of the Austrian counter-terrorist unit EKO Cobra, and as a way to internally test Glock components under high strain conditions. Originally produced in 1986, this machine pistol–class firearm has a lever-type fire-control selector switch, installed on the serrated portion of the rear left side of the slide. With the selector lever in the bottom position, the pistol fires fully automatically, and with the selector lever in the top position, the pistol fires semi-automatically. The firearm is typically used with an extended 33-round-capacity magazine, although other magazines from the Glock 17 can be used, with available capacities of 10, 17, 19 or 24 rounds. Unlike all its other pistols, Glock is highly secretive about Glock 18 models, not including them on its official websites or its public catalogues, and because of the pistol's nature, it is only offered to military, law enforcement, and government organizations. Early Glock 18 models were ported to reduce muzzle rise during automatic fire. A very early design introduced a longer ported barrel which was soon discarded as it would not fit in a holster. Another compensated variant was produced, known as the Glock 18C. It has a keyhole opening cut into the forward portion of the slide, similar to the opening on the Glock long-slide models, although the Glock 18 has a standard-length slide. The keyhole opening provides an area to allow the four, progressively larger (from back to front) compensator cuts machined into the barrel to vent the propellant gases upwards, affording more control over the rapid-firing machine pistol.
is a semi-automatic carbine with a permanently affixed extension to the standard 5.5-inch barrel, extending it to 16-inch (410 mm), intended for states with short-barrel rifle bans, with an 18.6-inch (470 mm) version produced for the Canadian market. The standard model has a folding stock (fixed in states where state law prohibits). Variants exist for compliance with various state gun laws, including a California-legal "featureless" variant with a Kydex grip-wrap barrier (prohibits gripping the back of the pistol grip), a hand stop replacing the usual vertical foregrip, and a permanently affixed Defiance DS150 stock to give an overall length of 36.5-inch (930 mm).
The AS Val has an effective range of approximately 300 m, as it uses heavy subsonic 9×39mm SP-6 (high-performance armor-piercing) ammunition, as well as the SP-5 ball cartridge used by the VSS Vintorez suppressed sniper rifle. It can also use the same 10- or 20-round magazines of the VSS Vintorez and the 30-round magazine of the SR-3M. Controls are similar to all AK-type rifles with charging handle on the right side, tangent rear sight, magazine release button behind the magazine well, and safety lever above the trigger guard. The fire selector is, however, located within the trigger guard, behind the trigger.

The rifle has two modes of fire, semi-automatic and fully automatic fire, and has a cyclic rate of fire of 900 rounds per minute (RPM). According to its users, the AS Val is reliable, accurate, and well liked.

The rifle has an AK-type side mount for various optical sights, including the 4x PSO-1 scope and night sights such as the 1PN51[1] calibrated for use with the 9×39mm cartridge. The standard open sights are graduated up to 400 m in 25 m increments.

The AS Val shares 70% of its components with its sister-gun, the VSS Vintorez. The differences are a skeletonized steel stock which folds to the left for storage and transportation (gun can operate with stock folded but it cannot be fitted with a scope while the stock is folded).





Handcuffs are restraint devices designed to secure an individual's wrists in proximity to each other after being arrested or detained by police.They comprise two parts, linked together by a chain, a hinge, or rigid bar. Each half has a rotating arm which engages with a ratchet that prevents it from being opened once closed around a person's wrist. Without the key, the handcuffs cannot be removed, and the handcuffed person cannot move his or her wrists more than a few centimetres or inches apart, making many tasks difficult or impossible. They are frequently used worldwide to prevent suspected criminals from escaping from police custody.














The GOC's action arm, equivalent to the United Nation's Peacekeeping Forces. Tasked with the observation, investigation, and capture/neutralization of Threat Entities (TEs).



PHYSICS Division



79, 144, 255

Entrance Methord



Global Occult Coalition Assessment team [2 slot's]



models/player/suits/male_07_open_waistcoat.mdl  models/player/suits/male_06_open_waistcoat.mdl   models/player/suits/male_04_open_waistcoat.mdl   models/player/suits/male_08_open_waistcoat.mdl  models/player/suits/male_09_open_waistcoat.mdl  models/player/suits/robber_shirt.mdl






Mk VII Standard Field Dress (Black Suit)

GOC Operatives are often required to operate in a variety of urban environments, in close proximity both to dangerous Threat Entities and the civilian population. In the interests of Second Mission (Concealment) concerns, Quartermaster's Division developed the Standard Field Dress in the early 1970s to act as a low-visibility defensive garment for agents in the field.

Early SFDs suffered from several weaknesses: they tended to be heavy, restricting in movement, uncomfortable in heat or cold, and could not be made in any color aside from their undyed black. This resulted in the early "Black Suits" paradoxically causing their wearers to become more visible than if they had worn normal tactical gear. Since then, advancements in materials technology have allowed for greater comfort and lesser visibility in the garments worn by modern field agents. However, these garments are still informally referred to as "Black Suits" for tradition's sake.

The MkVII SFD is the current iteration of PHYSICS Division's standard duty garment. Modern Black Suits come in a variety of different fashions for various situations (ranging from high-society formalwear to thrift-store discards for blending in with transient populations). In light of changing threat conditions and advances in technology, this garment is constantly being revised and upgraded. The most recent official model incorporated the following characteristics:

A form-fitting ballistic-fiber undergarment worn next to the skin, made of +1 Generation nanofiber, rated to stop handgun rounds with standard powder load at point blank range.
+1 Generation nanofiber threads integrated into key points in outergarments to provide additional protection. Combined with undergarment, must be rated to stop rifle rounds with standard powder load at a distance of twenty meters.
Micronized communications gear located in the collar and cuffs of the garment, or integrated into jewelry.
Augmented Reality system integrated into eyewear or disguised as a cosmetic accessory.
Personal Computing Device (PCD) integrated into a cellular phone, implanted as a cybernetic enhancement, or disguised as footwear, with satellite connection to GOC data network.
Emergency toolkits and weapons, miniaturized and disguised as necessary, are provided by Quartermaster's Division for specific missions upon request.
Black Suits might not be the sexiest combat dress PHYSICS issues, but they've saved more lives than any other piece of tech we've developed. They're heavy, itchy, and smell funny until you break them in, but the first time one of them stops a bullet that should have killed you, you'll come to see them in a whole new light.

Agent "Madrigal."
Strike Team "Noble Phantom."



a Unique disguise Vendor
It will Include 
GOI Disguises 
Foundation Disguises
Civilian Disguises [Like Cop's and what not]









Edited by MI13.net
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Flushed Face Emoji - Flushed Face Emoji Png - free transparent ...

Neutral as everything isnt ready yet lol


+1, trust my man houston as manager, plus a unique spin on GOC

Edited by Atomik

insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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- Currently the Foundation needs more surface assistance, and with these new updates most GOIs will now be forced to be less centered on the Foundation but rather holding the surface making taking "control" of the surface much harder for Foundation. 

- The Job suggestion isn't complete however initial thoughts are that this is pretty good, to be checked back on later however.  

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+1 what else can I say about it, great thread and very lore based, would join. this server needs a GOC to handle the massive wars between church/sarkics/CI and to actually help PD survive in the mess that they cause

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- houston is quite a good owner
- finally a GOI that tries to help humanity
- anomalies will be gone

Edit: I do have to say that I hope it will have a chance and that SMT doesnt change it

Edited by Jason Ray
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Orange suits in lore are fucking amazing but they will be severly nerfed in the server to prevent them being too OP.

Whitesuits will basically just be harrow but more combat

so yeah, meh

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