
Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by Jack.

  1. +1 has a way with words also was a legend during his short and most recent time in Batt
  2. +1 Was supposed to apply last time around Best candidate
  3. +1 for any A replacement definitely needs to be found, dets are important and fun
  4. potential friendly doesn't exist
  5. I told you in discord that the models for this don't even exist yet, so it's no possible unless you want the most BTEC ass clone force 99 imaginable.
  6. +1 I wish he applied much much earlier like I told him to, then he would have had a great chance. I think you are the best candidate to apply this time around. I believe you deserve it over the people who were currently in-mind before you had applied.
  7. -1 Pretty sure you turned off the GR and accessed blocked off buttons abusing noclip while no staff/EP were online a few nights ago. If you are not trusted to be given noclip then I don't see how you can be trusted for anything. Also that night when I went through logs there was countless evidence of you messing around with drugs on your CG role with another user. Solaire was in TS and game with me after the incidents and can back up those satements.
  8. My RDM warn on there is from 3 days ago, not a year ago. From that same night I was looking at logs and there was lots of evidence of you being a minge. This was when you were "Grand Admiral Roofus" or just "Roofus" while no staff or EP were online. Solaire also went through logs with me and can back up those facts.
  9. Hopefully a staff member would have checked whether you had actually timed out, or left by your own choice (which they can check). If the staff member did his job correctly you are most likely banned within good reason. However, if you do not use the template there is no way you can be unbanned.
  10. Those logs are clearly from a different time. If that was the combat log from the warn, it would show that Hazard was dead, and it would show damage deal to and from both people.
  11. When I go scavenger and get a disguise, I usually just remove mine and my other scav's nametags to avoid metagaming. This is a good short-term solution if needed. It can be done by colouring the player with "transparent - alpha" or something like that I don't remember exactly.
  12. -1 You were a wookie in an event where all the hostiles were wookies. That itself is incredibly dumb, you can't blame anyone for shooting you a few times. But once you two confronted each other you killed Hazard in revenge. Also you didn't use the template.
  13. Yes I banned you, you were playing as both CT Honeybee and 212th Clown at early hours this morning. For starters, if you had joined 212th you should stay as 212th and not play on your CT Job, which you were rotating between then few. I came online and checked the server logs to see if anyone had been doing anything like this, and I had found yourself and a 327th ET (also banned) had racked up a lot of combat logs. You had instigated combat multiple times almost killing the 327th ET in various points around the base, and I think a CT was also victim to a few of your shots. The 327th ET also retalliated by going on a little killing spree of his own while you were at it. As for your prop abuse, I saw in the damage reports there was quite often some damaged inflicted using your props that you had spawned so I could only assume there was some prop abuse going on as well. I did quite a thorough check of the logs and I am quite sure of what I saw. When I spoke to your partner in crime he said "there were so few people online that the rules didn't really matter". So if you are not aware of them then you should read these:
  14. +1 I don't think I've ever repsonded to an EP app before but this one defo deserves a fat +1. For starters, Jared is too active on the server, he needs something else to do and he would be able to put a lot of time and effort into EP. He's certainly trustworthy, and he's been accepted before. If he doesn't get shafted on the interview then he should get it.
  15. This seems like focusing too much on a job with a 4 player limit. There can be some improvements made to scavs withouth needing to add farming, mining and bank robberies. However, new drugs would be fun. I think it is shifting the focus of the server a bit. After all scavenger is just a small side role to play every now and then. With this you would constantly see scavengers on. And where are they expected to farm for drugs without instantly getting done over by CG. And ores/rocks spawning is a bit much, why do they need to mine? They are scavengers not coal miners.
  16. No man, they don't. Personalised signatures automatically go under your own post. Nobody is actually typing that out, otherwise who would do that?
  17. Why do you keep typing your ranks into every message. Also if you want to change then take the 2 weeks.
  18. This is funny but not true. When we need to put our armour on we just use C menu on the spot.
  19. I didn't read the rest of this app, but I did spot this. It doesn't really make sense. For starters only the one GC Supevisor out of all non-Battalion Command members get the sniper. So the rest would be useless for this task. Also setting out specific task for Battalion in an event is a bit unconventional as we usually tag along with our supervised regiment.
  20. This is me telling him the moustache model is approved, after asking Saffrus if I can import it. Quite literally as it says. Not that the entire pac has been approved.
  21. You have been perma-banned twice now, which you failed to mention, within 24 hours of being unbanned. Here is a link to his previous unban request for anyone wondering.