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Everything posted by Ferghh

  1. Neutral You're a good lad You have been multiple high ranks but also demoted from the majority.
  2. -1, if 41st had to use a LAAT there would be no point, would take way too long.
  3. +1 mf practically been at exo since i joined the server good lad shep
  4. Basic Information: Steam Name + Profile link: Ferghh | https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199005172122/ Roleplay Name: DT 2nd LT Ferghh Teamspeak Name: Ferghh Playtime on the Server: N/A SteamID: STEAM_0:0:522453197 Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: EP on CWRP for ~4 months Current Age: 14 Warns/Bans: 0 Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes and yes. Event Plan (Last Stand): Map: Enemies, HP, Amount: Rebel Infiltrators - ~2250 HP x10-12 Injured Jedi - 125 - 150k HP x2 Passive, HP, Amount: Injured Fleet Commodore - 100 HP Imperial Execution: When an injured Fleet Commodore flees to the base, Fleet should take him in and prepare for a Rebel attack. After Rebels finally breach the base, they will need to be countered and the Troopers should attempt to hold them off. When the Rebels eventually overrun the base Fleet should order defcon 1 and retreat ASAP. Sith Execution: The Sith will sense or find Jedi that have been injured and will try to kill them before they can escape, the Jedi will have books and holocrons that they took from their temple while they fled. Event Character Execution: Event Characters will be stationed outside during the beginning of the event, will breach the base and attack pushing in as far as they can. Just for the start, they will take out small groups till they acquire larger numbers. While pushing they will get more heavily armed, with turrets and more, then holding certain points of interest. When ECs rack up due to it being a last stand they will overrun the base and rig the base with explosives, once it is rigged they will blow it up killing and troopers left in the base and resulting in Defcon 1. They will also have a side objective, to find the Commodore. The Commodore would have been leading his troops into battle when they stole Data and vital information from the Rebels. If they find the Commodore they will kill him and then leave the base as damaged as possible. Jedi EC Execution: Will act injured however still fight the Sith, when they get low HP they can try to run or get to their fellow ECs and seek protection. They will also try to keep their items safe and keep them away from the Sith. Story: Event Information: An Injured Fleet Commodore flees from a battle with the Rebels after he and his troops stole Information and data however got very injured and lost many of his men. He then meets up with Fleet on the current base, little do they know they lead an army of Rebels to their base and they will overrun it! The Rebels will start with smaller numbers but slowly gain as the base slowly falls apart. Have you ever Done an Event Before?: Yes. What was your event and was it successfully executed?: A lot, I've done multiple planetaries & base attacks. Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes; they are to host events, take claims when needed and help out anyone in the community while setting a good example. Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes. Anything else?: cheers for reading my app, leave feedback x
  5. +1 asked nicely and politely
  6. Neutral - you're a good lad but what the fuck is this, you're app is in dire need of more detail and thought.
  7. Neutral, I would say pretty much the exact same as Jendo, you're a good lad and been ex batt, committed to 501st however activity is definitely a 'struggle'. Good luck though!
  8. +1 A-280 is wank. ARC is basically a part of RC therefore would and did make sense for the DC-17m. It also has really shit drop off.
  9. Neutral I mean, prop minge is a massive stretch. All they did was press e and hold them, yes they did it in main courtyard but that isn't ban worthy IMO, more of a slap on the wrist.
  10. -1 - RRD's SO currently have Hierarchy tasks due to Ethan's ROA & Jendo's LOA. - To my belief/understanding, CT SO's had power because their hierarchy, previously at least, wasn't exactly active. - In majority of regiment this would be 95% useless as the hierarchy as a whole is active, the only time I would see this necessary is when the hierarchy is inactive. - Also, regiments won't get 'overwhelmed' it just takes slightly more time to do things, e.g. Promotions, trainings etc.
  11. No, reg medic system works fine as it is, RRD are pretty much pointless imo but I don't really care since it doesn't affect me. 74th worked okay at certain points, it was highly inconsistent as realistically you only stay in 74th if you prefer the healing aspect and medical RP. In reg medics, 104th for example, you can be a medic and do medical RP while fighting and having special EQ like the jumppack making it more appealing to join and be a medic rather than constantly being in the backlines.
  12. +1 funny, want to see him as T-mod. TPing cadets is what you're meant to do if no one goes/batt doesn't send someone.
  13. +1 Literally 0 reasons to not be ep; - Has good ideas for literally everything you can think of 90% of the time. - Mature - High IC Rank including past ranks. - Quite a lot of experience. - Very chill guy. And the list goes on
  14. +1 makes very cool stuff!!!!!! loads of high past ranks good play time too
  15. -1 you were a high rank before but every time you've came back on the server you've only got to LCPL max (to my knowledge).
  16. -1 CE flies small ships not venators, the venator is Battalion's so they operate it. If you need to repair something they can just call you up.
  17. +1 Evilgejf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. +1 scammed the first time, give him it!!!!!