
Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by Lewis

  1. Accepted These images look amazing and there is no reason to not add them.
  2. Accepted Application has been reconsidered and we feel you fit the staff team, message any SMT to get a mentor sorted.
  3. Accepted Application has been reconsidered and we feel you fit the staff team, message any SMT to get a mentor sorted.
  4. Accepted Application has been reconsidered and we feel you fit the staff team, message any SMT to get a mentor sorted.
  5. Accepted Been put in the staff team as Senior Moderator.
  6. User requested for it to be closed.
  7. Denied Application process has changed, you may reapply once open.
  8. Denied Application process has changed, you may reapply once open.
  9. Denied Application process has changed, you may reapply once open.
  10. Denied Application process has changed, you may reapply once open.
  11. Denied As mentioned from others, file size is quite large and doesn't hold a lot of useful additions compared to the current LAAT.
  12. Accepted A few adjustments will be made when Spades is available.
  13. Player asked for it to be closed
  14. Denied It is one of the main pieces of equipment for a couple of regiments. Deleting it would put them regiments in a worse position as well. It is useful and 99% of the community love it. A lot of the main reasons, have already been stated.
  15. Template Your in game name: The accused staff member's in game name, Steam profile link or Steam ID (https://www.steamidfinder.com/) What they had done (Please give a detailed description as to what happened): Evidence (This is not required, however, if you don't have any evidence you ARE required to come on TeamSpeak and explain what happened on there with the accused staff member present. Evidence can be videos, recordings or screenshots):
  16. Template Your In-Game name: Offender's In-Game name/s: Steam ID of the offender/s: (http://steamidfinder.com) Why should the offender/offenders be banned?: Evidence: (screenshots, videos) Anything else to add:
  17. Template My In-Game name: STEAMID: (http://steamidfinder.com) Steam Name: What is the reason for your ban: How long were you banned for: Name of the staff member who banned you: Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: Evidence:
  18. Lewis


    Denied Incapable to follow the suggestion template.
  19. Denied The same reason as before, you don't need a dropship as you have a grapple hook to flank. As a little extra, make sure to talk to Regimental Hierarchy before making a regiment suggestion.
  20. Accepted This will be fixed as soon as possible.
  21. First of all, it doesn't help that you have come off being permanently banned, told the unban was accident and then told it was your final chance. When the incident happened, another user had been using the command and you are correct saying that Jendo said that they will be warned and I said in admin chat that they will be banned. You failed to explain that I joined your TeamSpeak channel straight after putting this and I heard 2 staff members talking about it. Furthermore, 1 of the staff members started to talk to me about the message. Because of this, it is obvious that you knew about the punishment before you even started righting the command. The final point is that you didn't just /demote 1 person, you did it to 3 different people in 5 different incidences. Them people were Loaf, Zab and Sandy. Loaf was the Event Planner who was hosting the event and you stopped him from doing his EP duty for 2 minutes. Zab was Staff of Duty and you restricted him from doing his staff duty and Sandy who was the leading battalion. Because of your actions, you stalled the event completely for a couple of minutes. To be honest with you, you are lucky that the ban wasn't longer.
  22. Accepted This map is obviously better than the current Geonosis, it will be added as soon as possible.
  23. Denied In the Senior Staff Meeting, this was brought up. At first people were 50:50 about it but we came to the conclusion that sometimes if EPs have 1 or 2 more Event Characters, the extra regen shield doesn't really do much.
  24. Denied The healing speed is based on percentage so whether its a CT or an admiral, it will still take the same time to heal to full HP. After a discussion in Senior Staff Meeting, it has come to the conclusion that the speed is perfectly fine at this current time.