
Regimental Pilots | whats your opinion?

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okay, ive seen this suggestion in a few general quaries, but if we have regimental medics, why not regimental Pilots? also, if we get this, we need new models, bodygroups and CE probably needs to be removed

some of you may are gonna say: who is going to repair the shit? well... the Regimental pilots...

whats your opinion? i dont really have a opinion, but it would be cool to be honest

                                                                                    Current CWRP Rank(s)

                                                                                               CG 2nd LT

                                                                                         Past CWP Ranks

                          | Battalion CPT | CE 2nd LT | 104th LT COL CG EXO | 41st MJR | MCC 2nd LT | 74th ADV R |

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No CE is fine and they dont have to be removed and the is enough people on the server who are FT to do CE's job when their not on

Current Ranks:

RC Commander F68

SWRP CWRP Staff Manager

Previous Ranks:

OS Squad Leader F68

21st Best Model
21st/GM Nova Corps Senior Commander

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SWRP CWRP Lead Mentor

Jedi Champion
Jedi Specialist
Jedi Paladin

Plo Koon (Jedi High Council)

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Mixing CTs and closer access to vehicles always is a good idea.

- Old [CWRP] Ranks (Look how OG I am) - 
CT Commander | CT ARC | 212th ARC | CG ARC | 104th ARC | 501st Commander | GM PVT | 41st SGTM | Jedi Mystic | 2x Event Planner | 2x Jed Knight | CWRP Admin | Jedi Teacher | Sith Arcane | Iron Fron 2nd Deputy | Scaletta Kingpin | Scaletta Don | Stellvertreter Direktor der Propaganda | GD Oberschutze


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Really isn't needed, a lot better things that could be added to the server to make it more enjoyable then removing regiments and adding subdivisions cuz at  the end of the day u could make a regiment like 501st have a subdivision for everything which ruins the point.

Current Ranks

Gambling Addict
McDonald's Employee

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Conscientious objector

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The reason why the RMs exist is because healing is quickly needed in battle, and having to look for 74th or RRD for healing was a problem, but CE doesnt need to be with anyone, CE can be on their own and they would take off as fast or faster than "Regimental Pilots"


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Jr Developer
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CF-99 Squad Leader
IRP Executive Administrator
Fleet Commodore
Dark Council
501st ARC Colonel
Master of the Order
RRD Researcher


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Fuck it lets just remove all regiments and make it all regimental. 

Current Ranks

Jedi Knight 501st SOF Captain Lord Inquisitor Engineering Corps SFC Medic


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SWRP Senior-Admin

Deathrun Admin

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501st Captain

501st ARC Colonel

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DU Spec Ops Captain 




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Making a load of systems/roles that are usually what particular regiments are entirely based around into regimental ranks is a pretty cool idea but I don't think it'll serve to make the server better. Regimental medics makes sense as it allows individual regiments to coordinate better with their own medics and allows people to both use medical and combat equipment as opposed to just sticking in the backlines to just heal every event. Sure, it required the complete dissolution of 74th but it really just streamlined the process of getting healed in events as well as kept the existing research system in the form of a new yet smaller and more exclusive regiment that gives more options for people to aim for, alongside becoming a regimental medic of course. In short, Regimental Medics and RRD adds variety and extra quality of life onto the server which makes up for the loss of the 74th.

Removing other regiments and turning their particular niches into seperate regimental roles is a cool idea if you're not a member of one of them but it wouldn't serve to the betterment of the server in my opinion. Regimental pilots, regimental scouts/snipers, regimental police, regimental engineers, regimental flametroopers or any other regimental roles that existing regiments revolve around wouldn't make the server any easier or fun really and would feel like just a change for the sake of it because it's kinda cool.

It's easier for pilots/scouts/police to coordinate in their own regiments as opposed to medics because their individual jobs wouldn't benefit from having to work with other people within the regiment that don't operate in the same regimental role (For example, why would a dogfighting 21st regimental pilot need to have active communications with the rest of the regiment who's focus is ovbiously not on the enemy ships? It would also be more inefficient to have members of multiple regiments moving around to separate channels to coordinate. And even in the rare case that the rest of the regiment may have an interest in what the pilot is doing such as asking for CAS or to target a particular hostile on the ground or in the air for whatever reason, it's more Battalion's job to coordinate that via comms and not the responsibility of the members of the regiment) whilst medics don't really need to communicate in their own niche regiment as they are supposed to be offering a service to others in the form of healing whilst the other roles aren't, with the exception of transport obviously but this is mainly focused around benefiting all regiments as having 13 transports running around carrying every regiment and Jedi would be taxing on the server and also a waste when you can cram the server limit onto 4-5 LAATs anyway. It would just be harder to coordinate these roles between regiments and would result in the unecessary removal of a regiment.

Plus, CE and all of the other regiments are doing just fine performing their niches. You can argue that 74th was doing alright too but it was always a hassle to spend a load of time combing the backlines for minutes on end trying to find a 74th when you can have a regimental medic fighting nearby you who can sort you out quicker. No more spamming "74th location" in comms. 


TLDR: Regimental medics and RRD make the server easier at the cost of 74th whilst making other niches into regimental roles is unecessary and will just serve to upset people.

Current Ranks:


Previous Ranks:

21st Commander - Jedi Paladin - 74th AMO - Battalion Captain - GM Colonel


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tbf, i think its also not a good idea, but was just wondering what you guys would think


                                                                                    Current CWRP Rank(s)

                                                                                               CG 2nd LT

                                                                                         Past CWP Ranks

                          | Battalion CPT | CE 2nd LT | 104th LT COL CG EXO | 41st MJR | MCC 2nd LT | 74th ADV R |

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Please no

Current Ranks [CWRP]
Admiral | Reserve Medic
CWRP Super Administrator | Lead Mentor
Past Ranks
CE Marshal Commander | 74th ST MD | CT TRP "4625" - CT PVT | CT DCPL
Jedi Sage | Jedi Warlock | Jedi Sentinel | Jedi Shadow Jedi Peacekeeper
 Event Planner Staff Mentor
[WW2 1943RP]
 Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland" Gefreiter - Unteroffizere (13/02/21 - 25/03/21)
ST TRP "4625" | JT Corporal | IE BFT PFC501st PFC
 Rebel Alpha Group Major

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oke first of all it is just not gonna work out because if every regiment has it own pilots it is gonna be an pain in the ass to pick pilots. and it is just unnecessary that every regiment does it’s own transportation. and second there is nothing wrong with ce at the moment we are one of the more active regiments and there is almost at anytime of the day a ce on. if not a commander with FT or a battalion could help us out and RC can repair and the same for our supervisor.

Current Rank's:
CE Marshal Commander
CWRP Executive Administrator
Past Rank's:
CE Senior Commander
CWRP Senior Administrator

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Regimental medics regimental pilots regimental flame troopers regimental snipers regimental Demo men regimental shotgunners regimental battalion regimental jedi  Why not just have regimental everything 



                                                                               Current ranks

                                                                                 41st ARC COL 

                                                                                 Past ranks 

                                             DU ARC COL 74th ADV R  41st Medic Major RRD AST R 212th SGT Jedi Historian

                                            season 4 episode 6 GIF by Star Wars

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regimental medics is the only one i agree with adding the rest no

Current Ranks:

RC Commander F68

SWRP CWRP Staff Manager

Previous Ranks:

OS Squad Leader F68

21st Best Model
21st/GM Nova Corps Senior Commander

SWRP CWRP Super Admin
SWRP CWRP Lead Mentor

Jedi Champion
Jedi Specialist
Jedi Paladin

Plo Koon (Jedi High Council)

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On 8/5/2021 at 11:16 PM, Solaire said:

Regimental Jedi when?

Replace battalion supervisor with Jedi generals to supervise regiments

Past Ranks

501st CPL
327th COL
74th ADV R
Battalion COL

Current Ranks
Battalion Brigadier

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CE is good at our job and increasingly active, don't see why we'd get removed any time soon.

Current Ranks

DS Commando F75 
CWRP Vice Manager

Past Ranks

Flight Show Extraordinaire
CE ARC Colonel
Jedi Ace
104th Temp Executive Officer
CT Temp Vice Commander


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Honestly, I don't think it would take off as much as you would think it would.

StarWarsRP had a long history of not being able to pull off an active pilot regiment that lasted more than 2 months at best.

CE is doing well enough being that regiment while also having other purposes to fulfil their duties. I'm more impressed at the regiment itself for this.

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Dont think its necessary to implement them, since they are a stable regiment and also have a good ammount of members. just doesnt makes sense.

Current Ranks                                                                                                                                             

GM Colonel                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CG DD                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Reserve Medic         

Past Ranks                                                                                                                                                                                                                          212th Commander                                                                                                                                                                                                               212th Medic Colonel                                                                                                                                                                                                               2x 74th Surgeon (LT COL)                                                                                                                                                                                                       CT 2nd LT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DU CPL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Jedi Knight                                                                                                                                     


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interesting. i agree


Current Ranks

442nd Siege Battalion Vice Commander | Jedi Ace | Senior Moderator

Previous Ranks

Clone Guard Vice CommanderBattalion 1st Lieutenant Combat Engineer Captain | 501st Legion Lieutenant Galactic Marines Advanced Recon Commando Colonel 

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