Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by FLASH

  1. Fat ass +1 Simley would make a great staff member, this is becasue he is incredibly active (always highest event count out of all of RC) has shown a huge ammount of deadication getting RC and is a very mature person. The staff team would 100% benifit from Smiley carrying them on his back like he does on for RC and on any other game.
  2. +1 Huge +!, has been part of the server for a long time and has shown his dedication throughout his time, from my time knowing scales he has proven to be a very serious individual and would prove and exellent addition to the staff team.
  3. +1 -Great playtime -Decent IC rank -Very active -Also a nice guy all round
  4. +1 Decent App with very detailed answers and as ive seen you are very active. Previous staff experiance also always helps. As vengeance meantioned playtime isnt as high as others but when i applied i was similar so i dont see an issue with it.
  5. Neutral i havent ever seen you being serious but i feel like you could have it in you.
  6. +1 Solid app and all round nice guy and from what ive seen i recon youll do ok.
  7. +1 Past Experince with being staff on other servers and i ive heard good things about your events on NRP
  8. +1 Great guy Decent ranks Crazy amount of hours Would be a solid staff member Good App too
  9. +1 Great lad Been EP before Decent playtime Great ranks too Goodluck lad
  10. +1/Neutral Been fairly high ranks and understands the server Decent play time Commitment seems to been a issue
  11. +1 Everything has been said already. Would love to see you in staff Goodluck sir o7
  12. -1 Not sure ready for staff just as i seem to catch you being immature. And i haven't heard great things and what wanted said.
  13. +1 Great guy Played for a long time and has a great playtime and achived decent ranks aswell. Goodluck to you lad
  14. Neutral Similar to what Ron said, you seem like a decent guy just that would be nice to see you at a more trusted rank, App is decent so keep up the activity.
  15. -1 Same as whats been said, get a higher rank and reapply Also im not sure i have even see you recently myself
  16. +1/Neutral -Very mature -Had high ranks and handled them well -EP so undersands ULX -Active and decent playtime -You are a great guy and i even though you would be an exelent member in the staff team, im not sure that being EP and staf is a good thing as you end up resigning from one or the other in the end and it is also hard to put the same effort into both at the same time. Overall i feel that you could and would be a great staff member
  17. +1 -Very Active -0 Warns -Been high Ranls and still keeps consistant activity -From what ive seen you are also very mature
  18. Name:FLASHTS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]:7+m4E4oMLeZarKYoK3ytbEhy9m4=Requested Medal: merit 4th classEvidence:PictureExtra Information:
  19. +1 Gone from being Perma banned to CMDR with ease. And from when i started playing over 2 years ago he has matured massively and i think he would fit the role.
  20. +1 I don't think I have to say much else, he would be a great addition to the staff team.
  21. In-game name(s): FLASH Steam Name: Peep Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:102960344 Age when applying: 19. What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: England, BST. Can you speak and type English fluently: Yes. Current total game-time on the server (type !time): 1 month, 1 day, 9hours. IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on CWRP: 21st ARC Colonel, Jedi Padawan, Platinum VIP. Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: Yes, I have a decent microphone and I speak. When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: I joined back in early July 2019 and I took a bit of a break around mid 2020 but still came on the server from time to time. How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server, CWRP Discord and our forums: I am always on Teamspeak whenever I am in game and if I have my phone with me I am pretty much available on discord almost all the time. State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to http://imgur.com/ or as a steam community screenshot and include the link). Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. (Type !time then open warns menu, and drag the menu so chat is visible with the time): I have 3 warns that were given to me over a year ago (Some from 2019), I also got banned at one point for some kind of minging, this was for a day or so I can not remember as it was so long ago. https://imgur.com/gallery/eC2fEyZ State the role of staff on the server: A staff member is someone who helps when a player needs a hand and is always making sure that no rules are being broken. They shouldn’t abuse their power and/or use it to gain an advantage over anyone else. And if a rule is to be broken then they should hand out the appropriate punishment. Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them? Yes I have read them and I understand them. List of all previous server staff experience: I have none so far. Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes I understand. Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member: 1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other clones: I would listen to the player that made the report on the other clone, I would then check logs (Depending on whether or no he gave a name), After this i will confirm that the clone has broken any rules, If he has broken any rules i would punish him accordingly to what he had done, if he killed more than three clones i would ban him for MRDM resulting in a five day ban. 2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function: I would go to the cadet and tell him I would be getting him a trainer, I would then go to a battalion member or the highest clone on and get them to summon a clone to the cadet area to train him, if know one goes would start bringing NCO’s to train him. 3 ) During a debrief, a CT accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon: It would not be a Staff situation if it was for a short burst and only once, even if it was clearly not an accident I would let CG deal with it as we cannot prove if it was on purpose or not. 4 ) A CT #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT: This is not a staff concern but I would still remind him that he should be saluting clones 2nd LT and above. 5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitly stated within the server rules: It doesn't matter if it is stated in the rules or not, FailRP is still FailRP, this would result in me punishing him accordingly. 6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, however they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing: I would tell him the punishment was appropriate and if he insists it wasn’t then I would let him know about the forums and to apply for an unwarn and/or unban request. If he was still arguing in game I would give another punishment for not listening to staff. Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words): I think that I deserve staff more than the other applicants as I am pretty active, I enjoy helping people when I get the chance to. Obviously I would never abuse my power as a staff member. Also being a part of the server for over two years gives me a good understanding of the rules and ins and outs of the server. Even though I do not have experience being a staff member, I know that I am competent and have the knowledge to pick up things quickly and execute my duties effectively. As I have a pretty relaxed job whenever I am at work I can still be active in discord if I am needed at any time. I also know that listening to both sides of the story is very important as it will almost always help with understanding the situation. Since joining the server at 16 and being slightly childing to now having a full time job I have matured a lot over the time I've played and it has helped me with getting where I am in and out of the server. I know that being dedicated is a very big part of this role and I am willing to take on the responsibility of becoming a staff member and help shape a community that has shaped me in so many positive ways, doing this will give everyone playing the server a better place to enjoy your time as like me sometimes you just want to come on pc and relax after a long day. Thanks for taking the time to read, -FLASH
  22. +1 Absolutely deserves staff as one of the most dedicated ARC and 21st members, even tho i myself have played alot skyman does not judge if i ask for a hand with pretty anything (mainly jedi cos im a melt) and is just a all round fair and nice guy.
  23. Name: FLASHTS Unique ID: 7+m4E4oMLeZarKYoK3ytbEhy9m4=Requested Medal: 2 year medalEvidence: Extra Information: I joined GM the day after would've shown discord loggings but GM chat doesn't go that far back
  24. Name: FLASHTS Unique ID: 7+m4E4oMLeZarKYoK3ytbEhy9m4=Requested Medal: 1 year medalEvidence: Extra Information: I joined GM the day after would've shown discord loggings but GM chat doesn't go that far back