alex doe

SCP Group Manager
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  1. Sad
    alex doe got a reaction from Nook in Fricky Hecks' Unban Request   
    -1 different skin color 👎
  2. Sad
    alex doe got a reaction from Oil in Fricky Hecks' Unban Request   
    -1 different skin color 👎
  3. Sad
    alex doe got a reaction from Bill Pill in Fricky Hecks' Unban Request   
    -1 different skin color 👎
  4. Sad
    alex doe got a reaction from Loather Breaker in Fricky Hecks' Unban Request   
    -1 different skin color 👎
  5. Confused
    alex doe reacted to Luke Holding in weldwide scp-096 application   
    didnt take long at all and plus he has little detail on everything plus my opinion with evidence to that above. god I have no life
  6. Like
    alex doe got a reaction from Peter Anderson in weldwide scp-096 application   
    I too haven't touched grass
  7. Confused
    alex doe reacted to Luke Holding in weldwide scp-096 application   
    Ok time to pull a Kelly analysis of this app
    First not even met one of the requirements and provided a Steam ID so that usually would lead to instant deny, but lets read the rest and point out the good and bad points.
    This question is there for you to explain your understanding, you just saying 2 rules isn't doing this. You need to go into more detail into the rules and talk more in depth about the rule. Your response here does not show proper understanding of the rules it just shows you know how to copy and paste rules. It also shows you put no clear effort into making this app. 
    In that section you imply non containment units are to leave the premises of 096-1 but if they are armed units they could so easily be ordered over comms to create a perimeter for only containment units to enter to start containment. In addition to this, there is no rule requirement for non containment units to leave the area its just a conception that in character you see a psychopathic lanky white humanoid kill your friend so you would be scared and want to escape the area in character (Nothing big but wanted to point out wording and if more effort was put in then it could of been fixed).
    Furthermore, you say that they must leave "once" 096 killed its target but in most situations people see the faint running of 096 in the distance but by your wording they cannot leave until the 096-1 instance is dead? Again not a big issue but its just another point showing not much effort put into this. 
    Practically yes.
    This again is true but more detail could of easily of been added. It could of been said that "to be accurate to the lore of 096 I would take the shortest route it would take me to the 096-1 instance and proceed to terminate". Little things like that show that you know the lore of 096 and it also shows that you want the Whitelist.
    Ok, to clarify for you; you can have your own opinion all you want but you need to actually be able to give a good reasoning for it to be seen as a valid own opinion. Simple solutions can easily be justified, you kill the closest one that the targeting system says and you finish with the furthest one. Again, if effort was put into this I am sure you would of thought of that. The targeting system for 096 shows all who seen his face and the distance in M. I understand there is no way for you to know but how else would the system work? From your explanation it suggests that 1 target is fine but if 096 has more than one target it starts to have an existential crisis. 
    Furthermore, if you did really want the WL you would of looked at other accepted WL's for 096 and you could of seen what they wrote about so you would know what to include and what not to. 
    True but again more detail could be added. 
    Overall this is a -1 from me. The questions asked yes are vague but that's the point, if you can add plenty of detail to questions that are vague and could be answered easily with just one sentence then it shows you have the patience and also shows you put alot of effort into the app. I have no issue flaming this as no effort was made in the slightest when making this app, all answers are just vague basic knowledge that you can get if you just heard of 096 for the first time. 
    I highly suggest that you make a new app if you are certain you wish for the WL and work on what I pointed out as this app shows no effort to the management of 096 and if they see no effort for that then they will assume you could abuse the job or you would have no effort when using the 096 WL.
  8. Like
    alex doe reacted to Matthew Wickers in Wickers Unexpected Application   
    Name:  Matthew 

    What country are you from?: Great Empire Bulgaria 

    How well do you speak and understand English?: Good

    SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:57263955

    In-Game name(s):  Matthew Wickers

    Age: 16

    Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): 15W 5D

    Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: PlatVip

    Do you have a microphone?: Yes(Broken will fix soon)

    Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?: Ya

    Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum): I think I  am capable of helping a lot of people in the  server who are new and also I am very serious when I have to. I have done some stupid stuff  but I have accepted the consequences and learned my lesson. I am active and known person in the WG SCP community. I have been playing since V2 end and till now V6 almost V7, I have a lot of experience and know the rules and how to staff. I know every ulx command that is useful on the  server. Since I am European and there is not much  staff in early hours I am here to help and ban/warn rulebreakers on the server. I accept criticism from everyone. I will be fair and unbiased to everyone doesn't matter if someone is my friend or know each other from somewhere. I am also a very respectful person to everyone . I have been staff on other servers and know how to do my job. I am very  mature person and hard-working person when put to do a job and do it the right way. I will treat people with kindness and honesty. I am also playing a really good amount on the server when I have  joined. I will be really serious about this and will do my best. I am also able to handle sits about every kind of  rule and situation because of my knowledge and experience on the server. also very og.

    How long will you be able to play per day?: 3-4 Hours per day.

    Any past experience as staff?: Police rp(Senior Admin) ,  TTT  Mod

    Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.): 3 warns which 2 of them are kinda false and cringe.

    Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No:  Absolutely yes
    !bring(name)- you bring a player
    !goto(name)- you go to a player
    !warn(name)(reason)- you warn a player and its used to punish people
    !xban- you ban a player and it has it's own menu
    !freeze(name)-  you freeze a player
    !slay(name)- you kill a player respawning him to his spawn point.
    !jailtp(name)- you bring a player and put him in a jail instantly.
    !removenlr(name)- you remove the nlr of a person.
    there is more but those are the main and used ones.

    Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions):  the SCP is Foundation Sites that have anomalous entities some are safe and some are extremely dangerous to the outside World, that's why they are contained in chambers so they cannot escape. It's also a secret organization that not much people know about it and only trusted ones. The main genes are horror and research. The Roleplay(RP) is made for the people in  the community to play different kind of jobs aka O5,CI,Gois. Every job has its own purposes based on their  job, AKA  D-class are personnel who are locked in a zone  called (D-Block) and they are mainly used to be researched on to SCP-s so the  researchers know what they can do. There is also a Surface zone where small kind of people know about the SCP and the rest know it as the ''Subway'' 

    Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).:  Yeah  I understand the rules of the server. As I have said previously  that I have a lot of experience and knowledge of the server  that I have read every rule. 

    RDM-  RDM or also known as  random deathmatch is killing a player without a RP reason.

    NLR- New life rule is a rule when you have died you forget your past life and you cannot  return to the place you have died. You also forget every information.

    Propkill- Killing a person with a prop 

    Metagame- Using Information that is OOC and is invalid. Basically an easy example is someone looks at tab menu sees O5-10  and shoots him.

    Consequence RP- A Clearance4+ Has been kidnapped and you cannot shoot him without a proper authorization from  a higher up  as it may put your ally in danger of his life.

    FearRP-  When you are cuffed and have  gun aimed at you u cannot   break out of the cuffs . You also need to listen to the person's orders.

  9. Like
    alex doe reacted to Windows XP in Edward Garretts unban request   
    Server you got banned from: SCP-RP
    Your name in-game: Edward Garrett
    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:124421662
    Admins' name that banned you:  Forgot
    Admin's steamID: Can't get
    Why did you get banned?: Giving money to alts
    Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:  Its been a while and I hope to have another start on the server, I understand that my action in the past were extremely stupid, giving money to accounts that ultimately just go and kill a tonne of people. I regret doing it, and hope to get back on the server doing the roles I used to enjoy.
    Anything else? Sorry for anyone who got intertwined in the whole thing
  10. Haha
    alex doe reacted to Xunt in Karem Hicocks unban request   
    Chill guy
  11. Haha
    alex doe reacted to Xunt in Willrick Unban Appeal   
    I'd heavily recommend against unbanning Willrick.
    Even before Ash had resigned, Willrick had a lot of influence due to his RP Group positions and longevity on the server and would more or less outright bully staff members into either letting him off punishments easily, not punishing him for rulebreaks, or making them side with him in sits. You can see this by accessing the old forums and checking the massive threads he'd make regarding warns/bans where his friends would immediately back him up and insult the staff member who didn't side with him.
    This would eventually lead to staff members simply not ever punishing Willrick in fear of backlash, meaning he had free reign to do what he pleased and be toxic to whoever he wanted. This was further worsened by Willrick managing Beta-1 and (Quite literally) turning it into a group of (Literal) Nazis (Check the google docs he made with literal Nazi symbols on it) who now had the power to pretty much remove whoever they wanted from in RP positions.
    Around this time group Discords were being shut down due to them being toxic drama hubs. Willrick, of course, decided to ignore this and set up his own group Discord in secret despite being told he'd be banned if he did so. He got banned as a result. He then wrote some unban appeal that I didn't read involving him equating being banned from an SCP RP server to Poland being invaded during WW2.
    He then decided to start player pulling for a startup community that failed to have any sort of impact.
    I'd recommend unbanning Puggo over Willrick, as Puggo is going to do something braindead within a week of getting unbanned and get re permad anyway. Willrick will just slowly worm his way back into positions of influence and start undermiming Staff and bullying players he doesn't like off the server again.
  12. Sad
    alex doe reacted to Nathan Kennedy in Willrick Unban Appeal   
    I have been contemplating for quite some time now, thinking what life had become and I figured Garry's Mod is the place I go to fill the lack of knowledge I have on certain matters, sometimes it being roleplay servers that fuel my lust for information and training of skill, helping break the language barrier and allowing me to discover places, people that stay with me for a long time. That is what I have thought about WG SCP after having spent the near 6 years on  the server, going through multiple various, multiples settings under multiple management teams, staff teams and community members. It touched me deeply to find out the server added the MTF Beta-1 Cauterisers and the owner of the job wanted me as the co owner, allowing me to get a better grip and motion myself towards a set focus- which was managing the group, the allowing many people (those from inside and outside) to shape themselves an opinions of me, sometimes it being a bad person for how many times have me or the group members jailed them for doing something that was incomprehensible with the "SCP law Book" I had set to organize the facility into giving people restrictions that would mean something more than just words- these would be situations that farther came in handy and allowed people to interact with each other, often landing in different stages of conflict - sometimes in a court room with a trial organized with instructions, sometimes just agreements. 
    It made me very sad to have it all taken away just like Poland getting ripped into two because of Ribbentrop-Moltov agreement with one side being the people responsible for removal of the roleplay aspects on the server and other suddenly turning on me when IU needed support, acting like nothing ever happened and further scolding me for something respected by the few that enjoyed it and were doing all they could to support the simple the simple means of giving people something, which was experience and simulations of situations and they may find-
    Themselves in. I had all the support from ex-owner of the task force I owned - the documents were a thing since the start of the group's operations on the server, no problem ever occurred, even with his acknowledgment of the situation, the "virtual medals" that appeared on PAC 3s of different players that were allowed by me to have said achievements - it was a way from me to say "thank you for being here, this is a reward from me for doing whatever you can to bring this community the light of hope." While sure, maybe they weren't the brightest ones as some of them were first just Nazi medals, but after a careful realisation and information from the top I changed them. The models that I presented forward with the coming of the anniversary I thought it would be better to give the- then models away to a different group that may have been added and replace them with something that would present the group as- the balance, white and black colors, the Ying Yang combo, not a reference to any Nazi uniform , as it was referred to in a different situation. I was falsely assured by Xunt the models will be added and such situation brought me happiness, knowing I have done a lot and there is yet a lot to be completed, but this one was a big step what was just to come. With the unannounced B1 discord removal everything was lost - any important information was then forcefully to be transferred to the main discord, it was a mistake on my end to reply to Xunt before moving everything important to the main discord, but even if then there would be no time to even think of doing anything as Harland removed the discord straight away after receiving confirmation from Xunt.
    After having been banned by Xunt when it all went down I felt betrayed, knowing that he himself attended the conversation held by me and Syn, in which he warned me to not associate myself with any more drama or face ban, just to find out the next day I got banned. It felt cold. I tuned to different places to find myself time to kill, bringing people who were interested in, allowing them to further get a taste on what roleplay is outside of SCP RP and was accused of pulling. SCP RP is a place special to me, something I cannot just let go because it shaped me from the start of career in Gmod, I want to keep trying to give other notable experience, there are players that would like to have me back and share the same feeling that it was unjust for me to be banned, but regardless of the justification time has passed. I feel like I have spent enough of it without the feeling at home which is the server I spent a lot of time on and introduced new people, ideas and more. I have shittalked you in the impression it was the right thing to do, I hope that even with that happening I may offer my apologies towards you. There are things that may have been fine and were taken in as jokes but there are definitely times I have just been a pure cunt without having extra look into what I was saying. May I please request your time to forwards me a piece of advice? I feel like I have changed and would like to offer my future performance as a way to prove it.
  13. Like
    alex doe reacted to Azazel Keenan in Mike Philips Unban :D   
    Your ban has been lifted and you are free too return too the server. Welcome Back.
  14. Thanks
    alex doe got a reaction from 6 marines in Mike Philips Unban :D   
    +1, the reason (which was never specified) was so retarded
  15. Confused
    alex doe reacted to Howling Rex in Luka Aveyard EP App   
    +1 Everyone be Autistic at times on SCP everyone has their moment's , but even still when it comes to RP you can RP and I don't see why you shouldn't have a chance.

    Though the fact you play League just really needs to change like now
  16. Like
    alex doe got a reaction from Wesker in Luka Aveyard EP App   
    did i ask
  17. Haha
    alex doe got a reaction from Bill Pill in Luka Aveyard EP App   
    did i ask
  18. Like
    alex doe reacted to michael intruder in Mobile Task Force NU-7 Remodel
  19. Like
    alex doe reacted to Matthew Wickers in CSB APP   

    Main Roleplay Name:  Wickers

    Forum Name: Matthew Wickers

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57263955

    Total warns: 3

    Playtime:15W  1D

    In-Game Level:50 Plat Vip
    Are you fluent with the rules of the server?:Yes


    1) What is the role of the Central Security Bureau in the Site?
    CSB Or  Also known as Central Security Bureau is  a  internal security department which is specialized in  dealing with law in  the foundation  and also good at  investigating, and interrogating . They  report  straight  to  their higher ups which are  Foundation Administration. They  could also assist other  MTF if  any   orders were given. They are very  known in the foundation  as  the  law enforcers.
    2) Define the Foundation Legal Codex
    The  SCP Foundation Legal Codex  was mainly made  for any kind of  individuals who have broken the Laws  and  will  be arrested and prosecuted and there is consequences for the kind of  crime they  have done. . If anyone  have broken the   Codex is to be Arrested  As soon  as possible and  brought to EZ  jail cells.
    3) Explain how to utilise the Foundation Legal Codex as a CSB member.
    CSB usually  keeps  track  on  everyone and gets  information  about every foundation personnel. CSB patrols around  the  foundation and makes sure everyone is following the  codex. Every foundation employee, civilians  or group  of interests can  be prosecuted or  punished  by  the Foundation  Legal Codex.  CSB  Ensures  nobody is breaking  the codex.
    4) What is the Foundation Employee Rights Act?
    As from what i know its : All  Foundation Employees have the   right on duty to  both follow and enforce the SCP Foundation  Legal  Codex.
    5) An Alpha-1 is suspected of behaviour massively in violation of the Codex. What do you do?
    I would go to  his  Commander talk to him get the A1 facescanned  and further interrogated and possibly Demoted  and  Removed from  his Job  as he has done massive Violation of  the codex and its unacceptable as he is  a high clearance. 
    6) Explain, in your own words, an ideal investigation into a whitelisted job member if they have broken the Codex.  As His current  Actions done. The  individual will be  arrested  and brought  to jails. He will be punished with  the  crime he  has done. If he thinks that  his arrest  was inappropriate  they   can  request  a trial   to  the  ECM  OR  CSB Higher-ups. They  could also be Demoted to D-CLASS with  proper evidence  and witnesses.
  20. Sad
    alex doe reacted to Howling Rex in O5 Council - Sam Kelly/ Director Light (Attempt 2)   

    Heard a lot about you and most it seems to be decent enough, while also the council has voted that you be given a chance message me when you can
  21. Haha
    alex doe reacted to Oil in O5 Council - Sam Kelly/ Director Light (Attempt 2)   
    can't wait

  22. Like
    alex doe reacted to Bread in Bread's O5 app   
    Your in-Game Name: Hanz Alexkrovich
    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:141559090
    Your Age: Will give if needed.
    Your In-Game Playtime: 13w 3d
    Your Warns: 2 warns
    Rate Your RP Skills:
    Solid 8, more if the person I'm talking to is willing to co-operate and such.
    What O5 Designation would you prefer (1-12) and what character?:
    O5-2. I'll be making a custom character, if needed I'll send a short document describing them. However, I'll take any available slot.
    Have you read and understand the rules of SCP-RP?: 
    Of course I have.
    Why do you believe you should be part of the O5 Council and what can you bring to the role e.g (Pressure in extreme situations, making the tough decisions):
    My previous record as an O5 both in mine and others' eyes was poor, usually showing me making unwise decisions in RP and acting like an idiot whilst on the job. However, I wish to improve myself and play the role of an important individual on this server. 
    My reasoning for wanting to be part of the council is to make decisions, make action against issues and resolve any conflicts that could exist. I have been in situations before where my decision making would make an impact on a situation which I needed to benefit myself or my side. This would include me playing the role of an A-1, Nu-7 or E-11, sometimes even ECM and in the past, HoEA. 
    Besides that, I can bring the necessary skills that a leader would need, such as being able to think straight in a hazardous situation or making a decision which would bring positive benefits.
    Can you explain what an O5 does for the foundation and the site itself and why he himself differs from any other site Adminstration?:
    The O5 council member, as the name suggests, acts as an overseer for the foundation and partakes in important decisions making that will leave a mark on the Foundation as a whole, including how the site operates, GOI relations, etc. Additionaly, he doesn't go in head first into a situation, but watches and intervenes when necessary to aid either the site director or department head, or whoever he deems that needs his assistance.
    - This question was copied from my last app since my answer to this question hasn't changed. - 
    What is the O5 Council?:
    The O5 council is the highest ranking member of the administrative department made out of twelve council members, and sometimes a thirteenth council member who acts as a tie-breaker, who holds the ultimate power in one of the scariest organizations in world history. They are clearance five which means that they are at the top of the food chain and anything said by them will be completed, failure to do so would result in severe punishment. They are protected by their "Red Right Hands" which are the most loyal to them and will follow any order they are given. I can't go into much detail since the O5 council is easily described, but what they do exactly isn't.
    - This question was copied from my last app since my answer to this question hasn't changed. -
    Are you currently head of a department (Job Manager), general staff in Nu-7 or a Site Director?: 
    I currently own MTF E-11, and I am also a CO in MTF Nu-7.
    What Departement would you like to focus on? (Research, Mobile Task Forces, Ethics,...): 
    I would like to focus on the non-existant finance department, however I will implement a few RP rules and whatnot to other jobs such as a budget to a selected department.
  23. Sad
    alex doe reacted to Alexmazy in Alex Mazy server unban   
    Server you got banned from: SCP-RP

    Your name in-game: Alex Mazy

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:228031649

    Admins' name that banned you: I do not know

    Admin's steamID:

    Why did you get banned?: I RDMed for some sneed shit and got permanently banned


    Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I haven't played the server properly in like 2 years. Half of the folk probably reading this won't know who the fuck I am. Before I go further I'd like to apologise for acting braindead, I must have started playing the server when I was around 13 and a half and stopped playing at around the same age when I was 14. We were all braindead at 13 and don't try to deny it, that's just how little kids act and I'm sure everyone will remember their behaviour or will just have repressed it in some way.
    Anyway, I joined the gmod server 2 days ago and like an hour later I was contacted by various members of the community that I used to have good relationships with while on the server. Over discord we talked about old times and shit when I used to play the server and they were telling me about how they were randomly shooting Joe Drakan as a joke. My first mistake was believing that Joe was in on it and now looking back at it I see how totally stupid it was of me to not think about that, I had a lot on my mind to be fair to myself but still I should have somehow questioned it. They tell me to say "sneed it" before I kill him so he gets the joke, I figured the worst that would happen was that I'd get a warning or something.
    So I log onto the server yesterday and decide, why shouldn't I? So I go and find him, say "sneed" and shoot him. I do so and I'm taken into a sit, at this point I realise I've totally fucked up cause I realised he was NOT in on the joke like I had been led to believe. I went into full panic mode and started denying knowing anything about sneed, I didn't want to get off to a bad start on the server, I'd only played an hour and I didn't want my first warning. I know at this point I'm going to get warned (or at least I believe it's a warn cause if I remember it got changed a year ago). And I get permanently banned.
    Now I was sitting there completely fucking dumbfounded, believe me. A perma-ban? Genuinely what the hell? And I decided to look into this a bit more. At this point I'm talking to them even more and I realise it isn't just some slightly mischievous players it's some genuine fucking war with the server. I had no idea what the group did or what the implications of it were.
    I don't want to type too much so I'm gonna cut it off here. I'm sorry for my involvement with this stupid-ass "sneed" shite. I did break a rule in that I RDMed+ I then was subsequently dishonest in the sit. I should be punished in some way but a permaban is overkill and unjustified. Perhaps if my ban could be shortened to a week or a month as I do realise I fucked up. I apologise publicly to Drakan and the admin who took the sit for wasting their time and I hope I have explained this thoroughly enough

    Anything else?: If somebody could send me Joe Drakan's discord name+tag I'd like to apologise through DMs, not as a way to gain sympathy points to get unbanned or anything, just I genuinely feel bad.
  24. Haha
    alex doe reacted to MatteoZoda in I appleid for wrong   

    What country are you from?: sweden

    How well do you speak and understand English?: fleunt

    SteamID: i dont know

    In-Game name(s): something for like matteozoda or simething oäidk

    Age: strainger dainger

    Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): idk

    Are you a VIP/GoldVIP?: what

    Do you have a microphone?: yes

    Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?: yes now

    Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum): 
    because i will  play sometimws. And administor your server with high quality protection. When i go outside i sometimes use my bike and go to mcdonalds and order 4 burgers (no troll) and use my bike so i am still growing and eat alot (that means i am very mature). I also shower. Sometimes. I aslo really like playing on your server and i play on it everyday mister werewolf,(.please dont look when i laststt played pleasse). Ok i hope that I 200 words .
     im going to a rollercoaster place

    How long will you be able to play per day?: like once every week i font play garrys mod

    Any past experience as staff?: yes discord owner

    Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.): mass rdm becausr my cat 视频额 oops wrong keybosrd my cat steeped on my mous

    Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No: No buy im a fats learned

    Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions): yes you kill classd and murder zombies very fun 

    Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).: yes you go and not break rules
  25. Haha
    alex doe reacted to Oswald Bruner in Unban Request   
    Hey Souljaboy, you were permanently banned from this server for Ban Evasion, attempting to crash the server and Racism. You're also a part of sneedcord, as evidenced by the fact Criminal is on your friends list.