
CWRP Event Manager
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Everything posted by Breatoking

  1. DeniedYou don't meet the requirements, wait 2 weeks before re-applying.
  2. DeniedYou don't meet the requirements, wait 2 weeks before re-applying.
  3. +1 I love the attention to detail in your application. The idea alone is good but with the pictures of what you want to do, it shows to me that you have taken the time to think about your event and how you want it to go which is amazing. Along with this you include extra after the event is done! Perfection, utter perfection. Good luck, -Breatoking/Connor
  4. -1 Too soon my guy. You are a good lad and remind me of me when I first joined, but just like me back then, you arent ready for the responability for EP just yet. I like the event idea and its pretty decent and unlike other EPs opinions, I think 2k for heavys isnt a bad idea but only if they are in an exposed area and not in tight corridors. Good luck, -Breatoking/Connor
  5. +1 / Neutral Event wise I love the idea. Its not to overboard and very simple, but often isnt done by current event planners, so it would be something to be remembed. Along with this Crimson said it that this could easily be fitted into a custom storyline so this is easily able to be expanded upon into a cool story. My issue is that even though you are a large member in CT, I dont know who you are as a character or how you act. Ill go of Geovani and say that you may be a slight concern in this regard but thats it. Good luck, -Breatoking/Connor
  6. +1 / Neutral Firstly I must say that your event idea is good but there is one serious flaw, the map. Lunar base is never used because it is SO FUCKING BAD. Its laggy and causes many clients to crash so the event will suffer for that, however he event IDEA is nice. I like it very much and it is very simple. Not great but not bad. For your ranks, well we cant forget the Admirality issues and what came of that. Yes it was alittle while ago, but we still need to factor that into it all. You have changed and I am impressed and you have aided me with 104th so good shit and you are doing good. Good luck, -Breatoking/Connor
  7. -1 The worst event plan I have ever seen. Lacks detail and also there is no Jedi event. Along with that you got booted from CG because of your own actions which isnt good but also I have had reports that you have harassed EPs to give you equipment in events because you "Just want it." What a joke -Breatoking/Connor
  8. +1 / Neutral Personally I adore the event idea. Its nothing overly complex and it is simple and sweet. Along with that you could easily make it into a storyline if you so wished so it always has that expandability. Only issues are that you may have a false idea of what an EP is like because you were on NRP. Though it helps, I have spoken to past EPs from NRP and it is a completely different thing. Along with that the Jedi event may need some more people and with more health (Nothing to do with you but Jedi ECs get shredded)# Good luck, -Breatoking/Connor
  9. +1 Your last EP app was amazing with its story and this one follows in the same footsteps as that which is good to see. The way you conduct yourself in battalion is amazing and for your age it is even better (I was retarded at your age). If you show this much commitment to EP as you have with battalion and other ranks on IRP then you will fit in and maybe get SEP before many others. Good luck, -Breatoking/Connor
  10. -1 Right lets get straight to this. Your event plan is bland and doesnt include a Jedi event. Ontop of that I would prefer a real event rather then a mini event for your application, seeming as you are meant to be showing us you at your best. Secondly you conduct yourself in such a way which I cant stand. You argue with anyone who doesnt agree with you and it either has to be your way or no way. You have been in so much drama with Jedi, its now like a weekly event for everyone and you seem to do nothing to sort it before it happens. I like you Obi, I do, but for god sake man, please try to focus on finding a regiment and be stable in it before applying for EP again and maybe look in Jedi loggings to ensure you dont cause drama and run your name through the mud -Breatoking/Connor
  11. Neutral Now I am in agreement with Cameron that you are back after such a long time and havent been in your regiment for a good amount of time yet. I want to know you are commited by staying for atleast 4-6 months so I know you wont just go away HOWEVER the event plan is amazing. It takes me back to when I read alot of the SCP wiki and the story is so incapsulating and if you werent so new back it would be an easy +1. Good luck -Breatoking/Connor
  12. DeniedYou don't meet the requirements, wait 2 weeks before re-applying.
  13. Neutral / +1 So to start off, I dont really care about the perma bans. They were awhile ago and look at Jack (Stinky man). However I do like your event. Its cool, could be done completely away from the base itself and isnt the everyday thing I see from EPs. Along with that your Jedi event is.... Okay. Afew issues from me. First off, the Jedi event is alittle lack luster. You might not of known this but Jedi and clone events are now sperated so... Yeah that might need to be fixed. Also I would of liked it if the cave guys mined into TR1 or something and had a completely different way to get it. Along with that you could of suggested a huge dupe outside MB and had it all completely unique and even better!
  14. Neutral So I like the story and I think its a cool base. Along with that I think you are a cool guy and could be great on the EP team. The event is so dull and samey. Lack of detail with the story and also alot of "accidents" and people turning their backs have to happen for this to work flawlessly. I would of liked a story like "The CIS sent in rocks full of infected" or "The scientists steal the RO and when the republic comes it sets off a containment breach"
  15. -1 No map? No story? Sorry buddy, but I think you need to wait afew years before reapplying!
  16. -1 / Neutral So I am being harsh here but let me tell you some good stuff first! I like the idea of using coruscant seeming as it is an under used map and the idea is cool. I think the Jedi event would work well but there are some issues there (Will get to that) So I have afew issues with this and you. Firstly you got demoted from EP on IRP. Now usually I wouldnt bring this up, but you did it in an RP situation which shows that you could abuse your powers on CWRP and along with that you didnt seem to care to much about it. Its hard to trust you with ULX perms after hearing the stories. Ontop of that the story is... Well underwhelming. Its a good base but this is your chance to show EVERYONE how you can create and develop stories. This just seems so basic to me. Ontop of that coruscant needs a dupe for it to work and flow correctly, unless you want your event to me a mess, please tell us you would make a dupe for it
  17. +1 First off I will say that I am only going based off your event plan and not your battalion job. Let me say one thing. This is, one of, if not the greatest event plan I have ever seen in an application for EP. The main page takes me to something I would see in an SCP journal and then there is a storyline with your plot I LOVE! Along with that the story is fleshed out and amazing and I like how you had some jedi events in there too. I have two issues. Firstly the Jedi side seemed to be lacking slightly in quality. Now I understand completely, the clone side is your focus and I agree it should be, but I would of liked to see alittle more detail in atleast one of the stories. Secondly, make sure to have a dupe for coruscant. Its a hard map for events and needs a good dupe to work.
  18. +1 So Scott I will strictly talk about your event. I like the idea of using the trees to begin with and leading it to the caves. The caves means a more fair fighting enviorment for the ECs which should make it more fun. Along with that the Jedi event is intresting and with a dupe it could be very good. Along with that a commanders breifing is just what we need! I only have 2 issues with this event. Firstly the event does WOW me. Its very simple and yes, that is good for the beginning I just wish there was a huge ass dupe or possible a different view the the standard fomula of the map. Along with that the last stand will not be fun. Good idea but the execution will just be grapple hook regiments reigning supreme in the enviroment.
  19. -1 The video clearly shows you attacking another ship by ramming into it. The dropship has guns and ontop of that the EP most likely expected you to shoot at other ships. If we use your logic then other ECs should do that, fuck it why not have clones do it and everyone ram into everyone. See it doesnt work, and along with that, there isnt a clear rule stating that, but its just basic common sense not to ram into a LAAT I mean Aleks and other staff agree with my choice so...
  20. -1 You got 32 kills bro. Some CTs dream of killing that many. Also there is a different between "Testing" and being a complete idiot. Enjoy your A Levels and good luck but we will see you in 1 month
  21. +1 I mean Uber, I have known of your name for some months now, and let me tell you, I enjoy working/leading with you. You may not the the most talkative (Around me at least) but I have heard some great things from you from other battalion members. Along with that, you are great at CE. Knowing what you need to do in seconds and acting swift fully in many situations. I haven't seen you lead, however this shows to me that you are fully able to lead. Also don't worry about some other people, docking you for your grammar or punctuation. Its not needed in battalion and you use your voice then text anyway. Its just a stupid -1 reason honestly. I only have two minor concerns. One was your demotion. I don't know about it to much nor how long ago it was but its still there to keep mind off and secondly, you have been with CE awhile. Like Sandy was when he first joined, I don't want you having the defensive mindset and I would hope that you can utilise the frontlines well. But this comes with experience in this situations so its not major. Anyway good application and I hope you get it! Good luck Uber, -Connor/Breatoking
  22. -1 Okay so Ketamine, lets get into this. So firstly I like you. I consider you a funny and talkative guy who has his head screwed on. In many ways you are an American version of Joker (Take that as a compliment.) Along with that your app was well formed and could of used a little more use of the BOLD feature to differentiate between question and answer but apart from that it was good. I've got two issues though. And those just ruin it for you. One has to do with your attitude in game and one with your app which I always hassle people for. Firstly in game. Come on, every time I see you on the server, you want to set up your lemonade stand. Usually I wouldn't be to fussed but its on your 21st job. Your excuse is that "I don't want people to be bored" or "You are trying to entertain them." How this is a good thing to push towards, a stand wont do it. You are a Colonel. Speak to a battalion and ask to do an open training. Make it interesting and pull people towards you. In that show your leadership skills, Also show how you can organise something and then lastly it will keep people happy and motivated to do more and trust you. My second issue is the question "Why should we pick you for battalion." Your first line is you saying how you made this as a joke. Like I don't care about that, but now you have said it, it makes me doubt your real drive for the role. I then read on and see you mention other servers. I don't care what you did on there. I care what you do on here. Along with that you didn't give me the 3 core things every battalion should have. Leadership, team work and a problem solving mind set. Instead you go on saying you will be less cringe. Battalion isn't a place for you to work up towards when you are in it. We expect you to be at a level where we see potential in you, so we can teach you how to be a good leader and a great battalion. Good luck Ketamine, -Connor/Breatoking
  23. -1 I know this seems harsh but let me start off with the good stuff. Most of the application is well written and laid out in a very easy way to understand and read. Along with that it seem to have respect from some people on the server who are high ranks. Which is a good start However my concerns just overweight everything. Firstly you are a very old player. Fleet Officer Cadet and 397th are old. Old enough were I had to speak to a knowledgeable person to see if it even existed. That just shows to me that you are possibly out of touch with the new style of doing stuff. Along with that I don't believe you have reached Major in months (Possibly years) and I have no clue who you are. Back inn the day maybe you were well known but I wouldn't feel comfortable having a guy who hasn't been here for awhile join battalion. It would mean you would have to learn from scratch and then learn everything a battalion should. Another issue is your "Why should we pick you for battalion" question. I keep going on about this to everyone, you give me a reason but 0 examples. You are a leader? Okay show me. Give me an example of where you lead something. If it didn't go well, how did you improve from it? Not just "Yeah I had a high rank so it shows I am a leader". Along with that it just seems like a 200 word story about how you have been in CG so it shows your discipline. That's great but where is the team work section? Or about your amazing strategic mind? It is just lacking key things I expect. My suggestion to you. Get to Major. Doesn't matter what regiment, but get to Major. Get known from the new people and come back with a better app, giving me examples. Good luck Ginge, -Connor/Breatoking
  24. Neutral / -1 So Benny, we have been friends for at least over a year now. I first got to know you from the beginning of my 501st journey, directly after I got kicked from ARC back in the day. Usually that would warranty me to +1 the app. A good friend and a long time player, but I need to look at the whole picture. In the past few months you have gone from 501st, to CT to 41st. I will grant that you got a high rank but in 501st, when they needed you the most you, didn't step up. Instead you just jumped ship to CT. I don't know what you left CT so I wont comment on that but a few weeks ago you came to myself and Nox asking for a temp period in 501st. I like the thought but it my mind that just makes me wonder if you want to just jump ship again or are you committed to 41st? But there are some good points. As stated before, you have been on the server for awhile, reached some high ranks and have past experience in battalion, however I doubt that would help a lot seeming as things have changed heavily since the last time. Along with that your application is nice and well written. Good Luck, -Connor/Breatoking
  25. Neutral So lets start of with the positives. Firstly amazing application, it is well structured and gives a good amount of detail. Along with that, I know you semi well from Jedi and on there you seem to know how to organise the... well mess that is for leading. However my issues for you do stand. Firstly your leading is only fit for Jedi. Instead of listening you decide to yell and scream so you can get your way. Thats not leading, thats just shouting so people can hear your views. Along with that I dont really know you on the clone side. I know you are in CG... Thats it. Make yourself be more out there. Make friendw with different regiments and take part in their trainings. Good luck Doot, -Connor/Breatoking