
SWRP Modeler
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Tasker last won the day on May 29

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About Tasker

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  1. I'm extremely sad to hear about the loss of your down syndrome brother and hope you are doing well. Was your autistic diagnosis between the 02/04/2024 and 28/05/2024 because you said you weren't autistic here in the image I've provided so your unban statement doesn't quite add up! I completely believe all of what you've said so I actually think you should stay banned since clearly being in the WG CWRP Discord causes you some mental problems
  2. Please watch your profanity on the forums
  3. Your music taste is awful
  4. +1 One of the greatest event planners I have ever had the honour of playing an event with.
  5. You would do well and it would be nice to have you helping out
  6. +1 Very calm and collected person Competent and a well written application
  7. +1 Good application Nice guy, willing to help
  8. Demotion from EP for APA a little too recent
  9. +1 Good application Some great reasons as to why you would be better suited for staff than other applicants Would be a great choice for staff based on experience, activity and attitude ic/ooc
  10. I believe Zab has put it very nicely
  11. Yeah sorry but I'm not even sure why you've bothered applying. At least make the effort to meet the word count ffs
  12. +1 Naturally a great pick for staff Could write an endless amount of reasons as to why Herold should be picked Hopefully you are chosen again as you were an exceptional member of staff last time around
  13. +1 Was great as staff last time Very easy going and easy to talk to In my eyes, SMT might not pick you for staff this time around based on the fact that you've only come back recently and there is no way of being sure that you are going to stick around again. I know that the reason you resigned last time was because of issues with your job clashing with free time and I do think that you should get staff again but I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't get it because you have only recently come back