Rusty - Ketero

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  1. Like
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in Well then. Lando's Unban appeal   
    +1 just let him back on, I need lando so I can make shitty jokes about him being a child even though we are the same age.
  2. Haha
    Rusty - Ketero reacted to Atomic_aidan16 in Whitelisting   
    n-Game Name:David Richardson
    In-Game Time [Proof Required]:00ww 6d 00m 30s
    Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions:i was an LT for sometime
    Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?:cause i wont be minging or be stupid like some plays do on the server.
    What role does the Site Director have on the site?: the site director is a positioned between level 4 and the 05 council 
    What is the O5 Council?:the 05 council is the ruling body of the SCP foundation consisting of 13 individuals
  3. Like
    Rusty - Ketero reacted to Zack Wood in 096 application   
    id like to be 096 cuz i think it would be kinda cool runing around like kinda but like yeah i would like to be tall white person that would be fun and i really enjoy scp rp so plz concider me 2 b 096-1 i rlly want the whitelist scp rp is my favourite game mode and i play it because its fun so i would likea chance to improve my rp experience and me being 096 will iomprove rp experience with everyone ebecause i wil intrtoduce rp to the server im also buy platinum vip and lebvel 50 so i am donate to the community which show i love it and i donate but realise i cant be 096 like wtf i spent money to be scps but i cant be my favourite white supremisist wtf yu guys should remove whitelist i wrlly want to be 096 you all suck remove its whitelist cuz 
  4. Thanks
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Kinqu Kyle in Head of Manufacturing app   
    DENIED - What kinqu said
  5. Like
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from balls in Human anomaly change   
    Cause GOC go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr, and foundation go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, and we see that we could have more RP if we made this change, like you could say, why does it matter if hitler killed himself if we was alive for so long, because it would be better for all of us.
  6. Like
    Rusty - Ketero reacted to Zack Wood in plus one   
    +1 good grammar and knowledge
  7. Confused
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Zack Wood in what is the most fun job that is a WL   
    Staff Assistant before it became WL'ed. Now its a shitshow, bring back Site assistnat WL plz, we need it more than A1 Wl.
  8. Like
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from balls in Human anomaly change   
    Ok so im editing this to what people want:
    1. When you touch orb you dont become cancer patient. Then GOC wont see one person become a cancer patient and be able to KOS em all or FAs cuff them instantly, more RP, they can do things without being suspected and do the thing Xunt so much wants to enforce on this server, ''RP'' if we dont have people KOS'ing anomalies for being whiter than usual we will have anomaly RP.
    2. Allow anomalies to /setjob, and dont force setjob to anomaly when they touch orb. Just like I said before, if it changes job to anomaly people with metagame you and there will be less ''RP'', and it just doesn't make sense that when you touch an orb you get your whole identity and identification card re written to say ''anomaly'' like that wouldnt ever happen, you wouldnt go to the governemnt and change your official job to that, allow them to /setjob, then they can be more creative, like /setjob Kebab owner, and cook things with pyrokinetics SWEP infront of people and you wont have PD screaming ''what is anomaly??!?!?!?!?!11/!?!'' when they ask for your ID.
    Thank you for reading this ''Keter Rant TM''
  9. Sad
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in What is your opinion on commiting genocide on SCP-RP?   
    Like what do you think about us commiting genocide every day?
  10. Sad
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Dimmy in Unban request   
    You've been hit by, you've been struck by ... -1
  11. Like
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in Job Suggestion [Kabushiki Kawaii]   
    +1  so GOC can KOS them and commit genocide
  12. Like
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Walter Alvarez in Job Suggestion [Kabushiki Kawaii]   
    +1  so GOC can KOS them and commit genocide
  13. Sad
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from kenopsia in What is your opinion on commiting genocide on SCP-RP?   
    Like what do you think about us commiting genocide every day?
  14. Like
    Rusty - Ketero reacted to Nathan Dixon in PD update   
    Yes, I did create something like this a while back. I've just come to say it again, and I'm gonna change a few things from last time.
    hey hey people
    With more low level players playing PD recently, it has come to my attention that PD has lost its title as OP and is more of a joke of a faction which metagames the Foundation, raids it and then gets wiped by GOC and Foundation multiple times over. 
    Step 1: Reduce retardation - Make police officer level 20, SWAT level 30 w/ VIP, chief level 40 and Mayor level 50.
    1 at a time. Police officer is probably the main job for idiots. Typically it's level 10-15 with a failRP name who go around and arrest people for no reason or attempt to raid the Foundation. I'm sure everybody has seen them before and has had some 'RP' with them so they know how bad they can be. They normally end up being demoted or warned for RDM/RDA. As with other jobs, my suggestion is to raise the level. This is to take it from being a job which you can go straight from XP machining to. Level 20s typically have played security guard for a while and are now playing engineer in order to progress and notice that if they spend all their time playing SG, they will get nowhere. It is also the threshold for typical minge removal and most minges will be banned before they get to this level due to MRDM as a security guard, so they won't do it as PD.
    SWAT officer is level 30 instead of 25 because most SWAT are braindead, and don't do anything especially when the mayor is kidnapped. Making it slightly higher will make people playing it, on average, slightly better at their jobs and forcing them to playing police officer for longer before becoming SWAT. The reason for VIP is to simply make people play police officer if they are a user and do not have VIP yet. Reduces retardation and makes those who have VIP more likely to play as PD, or PD players more likely to get VIP.
    Chief should be level 40 due to them getting a taser. This isn't a major increase and with the 2 previous jobs is heavily designed to force people to play other jobs and be more experienced on the server. Reasons are explained.
    Mayor should be level 50 to simply put it. Why should a site advisor, a basically useless job, be level 50 but the mayor who controls the entire PD be level 40? PD consists of 8 people with guns and the mayor if he chooses to buy one, which is bigger than E-11 (7 people including the flamer, and the commander which is 8). 
    Step 2: Buff SWAT unit, but not other jobs.
    SWAT unit, as I said before, will become level 30 and VIP. Accordingly, I suggest to give them a G36C. This is a mid-tier assault rifle which isn't too OP, but still better than the current gear. Remove the MP5 from their loadout.
    Swap out the M3 super 90 with an M1014, due to the M3 being way too under powered compared to other shotguns. M1014 is not too OP, it is not pump action unlike the M3 and offers much more damage. 
    The reason for only the SWAT unit being given better gear is due to the MP5 still being decent but not good enough to fight against factions such as MCND or Foundation. It is good in close range situations and can beat an AR15 user in the right hands but in mid range surface combat, it isn't as good. However, an unarmed target can still be easily dispatched if they are running away and resisting arrest making it still a good choice for the weaker units. Another reason is due to PD being 8 slots and all of them having mid tier assault rifles will make them a formidable force in most ways due to their weapons being too balanced and they will be good in every situation (long range, mid range, short range, guerrilla, raiding, CQC) while the MP5 only offers good combat in guerrilla combat, CQC, short range and maybe mid range which forces them to perform surprise attacks and makes them not so suited to full raids on places such as GA. With only having 3 people at max with decent weapons, it makes them more likely to not be too OP.
    Step 3: Stop random Foundation raids from PD
    Most PD raids will have the reasons:
    "This blue door is suspicious."
    "Somebody told me there are prisoners down there."
    "We have a search warrant."
    "Why would a military base be in the subway? Let's investigate."
    Hopefully you can tell that all of these are massive BS and have no meaning behind them. 
    So, it should be added to the rules under raiding rules that
    PD may only raid the Foundation if they have a valid reason and have witnessed a Foundation operative commit a crime and can confirm their location in the city.
    This means:
    A field agent disguises as PD while impersonating an officer is a crime, and the PD find out IC (by watching them disguise etc). If the field agent gives the location of the Foundation and it aligns with what the officers find, then they MAY raid due to the PD knowing that the Foundation (doesn't matter if they know the organisation's name) disguises as PD and is possibly a threat to the city.
    A Nu-7 kidnaps a CI in the city and runs back to the subway with PD following. The PD witness him go back through the blue door, and know that a hostage has been taken inside the building. The PD do not need to know who the Foundation are, but know that a prisoner is inside and must be rescued, giving them a reason to raid.
    A CI works closely with the PD through a deal and slowly manipulates them towards working with them and performing their goals. The CI, after gaining trust of the PD, can lead the PD towards raiding the Foundation. With the Foundation being framed for some minor crimes like murder and kidnappings, and no 'monsters' or slave rings being mentioned, the PD might actually believe them and raid accordingly.
    This doesn't mean:
    A CI comes to the PD and tells them about the Foundation and all the things they do, so they PD raid it. This is due to it being very unrealistic and not producing any sort of RP. The police department would never believe a random stranger come up to them and ramble about aliens and human test subjects in an underground facility. They would probably be shrugged off as an area 51 loony person with psychosis. There is 0 chance the PD would believe somebody like this immediately and raid the Foundation, making it FailRP.
    The PD see a Nu-7 kill 2 people, so they go to the blue door with no knowledge of him going there. This is metagame but not FailRP due to the Nu-7 committing crimes but the PD not knowing where he went, so they raid the Foundation. It would not be, however, to AOS Nu-7 on surface or AOS any known relations (such as E-11 if they went to surface together)
    All of these are 'separate' but are on the same theme so they are listed together. Feedback is appreciated greatly, any questions or your feelings on this are all welcomed. Please stop crying about PD being a secondary faction or not important. Some mayors are decent while others are worse, and most of the bad views of PD are from how retarded/mingey they are which this suggestion aims to fix. PD should be given more to do with GOIs as currently the surface is a massive TDM half the time between CI, Foundation, MCND and GOC and should have more RP with other, non-aligned factions such as civilians and PD. More basic criminal jobs should be added in the future. Drug dealer didn't work because the drugs did fuck all and killed you half the time, the only useful one, cocaine, is probably the only one bought. This killed any sort of RP gained from it as they never were able to sell. Drugs should give a sort of boost which is worthwhile. Might suggest adding this in the future if this gets accepted, as 1 slot job.
  15. Sad
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Lando Lovelace in Head of Manufacturing Application   
    Please add your in game name if you want me to accept or deny it
  16. Sad
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Windows XP in If you could join the community again with an absolute fresh start and a clean slate, would you do it? Why?/ Why not?   
    I dont want to lose my dupe maker reputation. Though if I could I wouldve never sold the current chopshop dupe since its dogshit but ppl still buy it.
  17. Haha
    Rusty - Ketero reacted to ScaredToWakeUp in Job Suggestion [Global Occult Coalition]   
    Steam Name: ScaredToWakeUp
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543733322
    In-Game Level & Rank:  Lvl 24/User
    State what Groups you are in (If you`re in any):
    Play Time  (2 days minimum, exceptions can be made):  2d/0h and i am experienced with SCP Roleplay. 
    Warns (Only 20 Warns Maximum, Exceptions can be made): 6
    What can you bring to The Global Occult Coalition:
    I am a very good Teamplayer and I got experience with Groups of Interest  and The Global Occult Coalition is one of my favorite Groups of Interest and I got knowledge of it´s Origin I am good at tactics and I always was been a good shooter and in other games I believe that I got enough knowledge to complete the Missions of the Global Occult Coalition.  I think it is much better than being hostile like The Chaos Insurgency or MC&D for example. Overall I got very good knowledge about this Group of Interest and I would like to be a Part of The Global Occult Coalition, complete the Missions and Tasks that will hopefully await me in The Global Occult Coalition. 
    Why do u want to join the Global Occult Coalition: I dont have interest in other Groups, and I would like to join the Global Occult Coalition: There is a couple of reasons why I would like to join the GOC: 
    I first think that this could be a new type of experience for me. My reasoning behind this is because I normally stick to playing Facility jobs and only play CI, and MCND . I don't really have a wide variety of jobs that I play on the surface and believe I could enjoy this job very much. I have read a lot into the lore of the GOC and this seems like one of the most interesting GOI's next to MCND and this seems like a very good job to play in the server.
    Another point, I RP'd with some GOC earlier and it was very fun and I would like to engage in that RP as the GOC. I also like many other people saw it in V5 and it looked extremely interesting at the time but I decided not to apply as I didn't know much about the lore at the time.
    Do you understand that if you break any of the GOC rules you will be Kicked: Yes, I understand and recognize that I will be Kicked if I don't abide by the rules. 
    Please explain the Seventh Occult War:  At the time of the Second World War there was a group of Nazi's called Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps. The enemies of said group were: The SCP Foundation and The Allied Occult Initiative.The Director of the Nazi group found out about an ancient Occult Ritual that they knew could change them into what they called a "Master Race" using magic. The Ancient Occult Ritual was called "Rite of Solomon". In need to finish the ritual they had to gather 7 keys. Over time within WW2 the Nazi's had found 6 keys but not the final 7th. Over time Weiss thought he could create the 7th key himself, this was found successful. But in 1944 the Foundation captured Weiss and his key and they managed to get information out of him that would help the AOI and Foundation stop the Obsakurakorps completing the ritual, thus ending the war. Although the Obsakurakorps managed to gather many Anomaly's over the 1930's and 40's there plan of "Doomsday-projects" did prove to not turn the war in favor of Germany as they had first thought thus ending it.
    What are the Missions of The Global Occult Coalition: 
    1. Their first mission is to make sure that humanity survives the threat entities that exist within in the world. This entity could take any form, still the main mission of the GOC is to protect humanity. 2. Their Second Mission is to make sure that said entities I just spoke about are not known to exist by the public. Concealing anomalous objects and entities from the public are vital as this would maintain no mass deaths and people won't have to stress.
    3. Their Third Mission is protection. The GOC always needs to ensure the safety of humanity and their operatives that work missions against said threating entity's.
    4. Their Fourth Mission is Destruction. Unlike the Foundation the GOC see's any anomaly or SCP as a threat and they always make sure that every entity they see is destroyed as this means that the safety of humanity and the GOC Operatives will uphold.
    What is the difference between a KTE and a UTE: A KTE better known as Known Threat Entity are entities that the GOC knows all about and are authorized for destruction, as they are a great threat to humanity. A UTE better known as Unknown Threat Entity are paranormal threats or "Parathreats" that the GOC do not know information but only know that it exists. They have to be extremely careful with the UTEs, as they do not know the combat capabilities of the UTEs or how they are going to act during combat and what their weaknesses are and are not. .40 to 4
    What does the PHYSICS Division specialize in?: The PHYSICS Division is the combat side of the GOC. The PHYSICS Division Specializes in Investigation, Observation and the capture or termination of TE's (TE's are Threat Entities). The PHYSICS Division splits into teams of 2. One team is called the "Strike Team". This is the team of people the deals with capturing or neutralizing Parathreats. Then there's the second team, the "Assesment Team" this team focuses on the tracking, observation and investigation of captured TE's.
    IC Section
    Codename: "Lucifer"
    Serial Number: 691173456234/6666
    Name: Andrew Maynard
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Arabic
    Born in: 4/12/78
    Biographical Information:  Andrew Maynard is an experienced Soldier and was active in Military he was a Commander in his Troop and had many shootouts in his past and is experienced with weapons of any kind. And he was in many Troops and always the best Soldier.
    Career Service Vitae:  Royal Marine Corps for 10 Years, reached the rank of Commander Full service for the Turkish Army 16 Years. 
  18. Like
    Rusty - Ketero reacted to Bobby Hand in ISD - Internal Security Department   
    -OOC Section -
    Steam Name: Yes

    RPname: Bobby Hand

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:447565677

    In game level: 50

    Playtime(At least one week): 4w 6d 23h
    Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: 1 warn

    - IC Section -
    Accessing File...
    Access Denī̸̩͉̤̣͜ê̵͈͐͛d̸̡̲͚͆̈̈
  19. Like
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Bobby Hand in Human anomaly change   
    Ok so im editing this to what people want:
    1. When you touch orb you dont become cancer patient. Then GOC wont see one person become a cancer patient and be able to KOS em all or FAs cuff them instantly, more RP, they can do things without being suspected and do the thing Xunt so much wants to enforce on this server, ''RP'' if we dont have people KOS'ing anomalies for being whiter than usual we will have anomaly RP.
    2. Allow anomalies to /setjob, and dont force setjob to anomaly when they touch orb. Just like I said before, if it changes job to anomaly people with metagame you and there will be less ''RP'', and it just doesn't make sense that when you touch an orb you get your whole identity and identification card re written to say ''anomaly'' like that wouldnt ever happen, you wouldnt go to the governemnt and change your official job to that, allow them to /setjob, then they can be more creative, like /setjob Kebab owner, and cook things with pyrokinetics SWEP infront of people and you wont have PD screaming ''what is anomaly??!?!?!?!?!11/!?!'' when they ask for your ID.
    Thank you for reading this ''Keter Rant TM''
  20. Sad
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Tiny Barry in Tiny Barry's 2nd HoMD Application attempt   
    DENIED- You just named what the HoMD makes in ''what does HoMD do'' section buddy, without that there is like nothing in that question.
  21. Like
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Exiled in HoMD withelist   
    DENIED- Spelling and like underdetailed, look at other people that got accepted apps man.
  22. Like
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Exiled in Head of Manufacturing by Walter Alvarez   
    Fuck it, Accepted- get yer role on discord.
  23. Like
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Exiled in Head of manufacturing department Application   
    DENIED-The fact that you have 125 crafting level does not make you better than others, literaly everyone who applies almost always has that. Also underdetailed.
  24. Haha
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Kinqu Kyle in Head of manufacturing department Application   
    DENIED-The fact that you have 125 crafting level does not make you better than others, literaly everyone who applies almost always has that. Also underdetailed.
  25. Sad
    Rusty - Ketero got a reaction from Windows XP in Head of manufacturing department Application   
    DENIED-The fact that you have 125 crafting level does not make you better than others, literaly everyone who applies almost always has that. Also underdetailed.