
CWRP Event Planner
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Everything posted by Ravolta

  1. +1 Good guy Good event plan High rank and lot of experience Very active Good luck!
  2. Huge +1 Good event plan Nice dude Was EP before Lot of experience Good activity and playtime
  3. +1/Neutral A good person Very active Good event plan Poor attitude in the past (Getting blacklisted twice from GM) As MS already said, you are easily influenceable for bad behaviour
  4. +1 Good Event Plan Good Guy Has been on the server ages ago already Lot of experience I don't see you on a lot
  5. +1 Good event plan (As MS said, maybe work on the jedi part) Good guy Very good activity Lots of experience and playtime
  6. +1 Epic Dude Good event plan Good activity, playtime and experience Good luck!
  7. +1 Great Guy Good Activity Good experience Well-made event plan Pebble
  8. -1 No. Just no. Everything stated above.
  9. +1/Neutral I have mixed opinions about this. I think that you deserve a second chance indeed, but all the stuff around Jacko was very bad. You minged quite a lot and yeah, you all got banned for a good reason.
  10. +1 High rank in the past OK playtime Mature Good Guy Not very active (I don't really see you a lot) Not a high rank right now for a long time
  11. +1 Shows dedication for Battalion High Rank Very good playtime Active Still mingy
  12. +1/Neutral Active Decent Application Good guy New to the server Only became SO recently Low playtime
  13. +1 Very Active High Rank Good Guy Your application is a bit short Low Playtime
  14. -1 Hmmmmmmm Killing people even if they ask you for that is still RDM and you know that. It was quite obvious that this will happen and if I would have been unbanned after 2 years of perma ban, and I want to play the server serious, I would've been fucking careful not to fuck anything up. You had your second chance, and you just abused it to do some more dumb shit.
  15. +1 A very great guy Good playtime High rank in the past Good application Still slightly toxic Don't see you on a lot. Good Luck!
  16. Huge +1 High Rank + ARC Great Guy Good Playtime Active
  17. +1 Very Active High Rank Decent Playtime Good Guy Can't meme tag
  18. +1 To be honest, I never really talked to you, I have only seen you a couple of times, and my first time was when you where 212th CPL, but every time I encountered you, you seemed like a nice and reliable person . Your history is quite impressive, 2x Battalion Captain, DU EXO and so on. You are very active and you have a good playtime. You would be a very good fit.
  19. +1/Neutral High rank Decent application Nice person Low playtime Bad activity Good luck!
  20. Ravolta


    -1 Wait for the 2 weeks to pass