CWRP Senior Event Planner
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    9 last won the day on November 24 2023 had the most liked content!


  • Birthday March 13

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  1. +1 Good Story and Decent plan EC's look alright for equipment B2 droids could be a little weaker in HP. You used to minge a bit after you left the server originally but seem to be properly playng again
  2. -1 Barely any effort put into the app Barely even a story Clone execution is just lazy in my opinion "Battalion tell them there going to umbara" im sorry but an EP app should include a well thought out story with EC's Passive EC's Screenshots and maybe even a dupe take this feedback and next time you could make it better.
  3. +1 Nice Guy has ULX experience Could be a little more active
  4. -1 you only really play your aux job and dont have a proper rank on the server
  5. +1 Nice guy But as stated above you have not much playtime and low rank
  6. +1/Neutral Decent choice for staff
  7. -1 Can be mingy and has been striked in EP twice.
  8. Neutral he has improved from the attitude he used to have he might not be fully there but if he gets good guidance he can become a good staff member
  9. -1 Your a Good Person Amelia and i dont doubt you would be good for staff but you have just re-joined the server and tend to leave quite alot.
  10. Neutral Same thing i said with Pending You can be a Minge at times but with correct guidance could make a good staff